Take Me Back to Eden (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She didn't know why she found that attractive, but she did; her eyes followed his hands easily, imagining them working her like she was one of his mixed dr- she shook her head gently and rested her head in her hand. Knock it off, Sybil.
She had a wonderful time, even when he was pulled away to care for the other patrons. She was going to miss being this close.
She smiled brightly and sipped her drink, "Do behave, will you? I don't want you going behind my back." She said with a wink.
She giggled softly and had a couple more drinks with him before walking out to lock up with him. She moved and kissed his cheek gently, "Until next time.."
It was calm that night, not many people out and about - even though it was rather late. He was almost home when he felt eyes on him, someone close but out of sight.
He passed an alley and felt massive and strong hands grab him, yanking him into the darkness and throwing him to the ground. Before he could pick himself up or defend himself, something heavy fell on him, firm and burly like a wall. Sharp points like multiple little daggers dug into his shoulders before sharp teeth dug into his throat, like a massive dog. But it didn't feel like a dog, it felt like a human was pinning him down.
He gasped out, unable to yell for help. No, no this wasn’t fair at all. How would he tell Sybil? He struggled, feeling his life drain from him.
The teeth dug deeper and Simon chuckled lowly, "She can spend another two hundred years searchin. Tha's fine by me. Th' longer I keep her, th' better."
"Simon." He turned, seeing Rodrich at the entrance of the alley, "Really? To sink so low?"
"I warned him."
"Get the wolf off of him. Now." Rodrich commanded. Simon growled and clicked his tongue, the werewolf pulling from Fenris and scurrying away.
"Leave." Rodrich said and Simon slunk away. Rodrich moved to stop Fenris' bleeding, frowning softly.
"I cannot halt your curse, but I can stop you from bleeding out." He said gently.
Fen reached out, clawing at the man. “S..Syb..” he gasped, choking on the blood he coughed up.
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