Unturned Stone (Rage and Candira)

Carla was totally into stars and loved hearing him talk about them He had a lovely speaking voice as well. She watched the stars and his hands, taking in the wonderful stories and legends behind them all. She leaned forward a bit, some of her hair falling over her shoulder. A few minutes passed and she felt much better about the night. She looked up at him once he started apologizing and chuckled. "No, that's just what I asked you to do for me. Don't apologize. I like your passion," she said with a much happier smile than the one before.

His offer to rub her shoulders was taken with just a minor bit of trepidation. After all, it wasn't often that she interacted this way with men. Girls, sure, but that was different. "Sure. Thank you. Do you want me to stand?" she asked looking up at him. After he was so willing to help her, she couldn't help but trust him.
"Nah, you're fine right there," Zeke responded, placing his hands on her shoulders and beginning to squeeze them a bit. He was firm, but not too firm, still being somewhat gentle. "I'm just gonna work the kinks out of your neck and shoulders, so I'm in the perfect position for that." His hands kept squeezing at her shoulders as he spoke, his fingertips kneading her skin with just a slight amount of pressure to make her muscles relax a bit. "I mean if you want something more thorough I can do that, but you'd need to lay down for it."

It was in no way a push for more, but simply a statement that he didn't mind if that was what she wanted, or needed, in the case that other parts of her body might be tense and in need of relaxation. He was pretty good with backs and legs as well, so didn't mind going for a more full massage if it helped her to relax and allowed her some decent rest. "Just speak up if you want more or less pressure so I can adjust it for you. Different people have different preferences."
She closed her eyes and relaxed a bit under his hands. The more he rubbed and squeezed, the better. She took a deep breath and listened to his soothing voice. Well, if he was offering to come out with her like this whenever she had an attack, she'd certainly take advantage of his company. "This is enough," she said quietly, letting him work. When he told her to let him know if she needed more or less, she smiled. "This is good. I'll let you know if it hurts," she said yawning a little.

"Would you tell me your favorite star story?" she asked, wanting to hear more. If he kept this up, she'd be good as new before long.
Zeke had to smile as the beautiful blonde asked for a story, nodding slightly, even though she couldn't see it. "Sure thing," he told her, still rubbing her neck and shoulders gently, but firmly, as he thought for a moment about some of the stories he knew. Finally he decided to go with one of the most famous of the constellations. "Okay, have you heard any of the stories of Orion? There are several variations. A lot of stories have him as the son of Poseidon, given the ability to walk on water and he grew into the perfect hunter. It's been thought that he fought both the lion, Leo, and the bull, Taurus, and defeated both."

He continued while his hands seemed to work of their own will, relaxing her shoulders still. "His death is really the most widely varied story. Some say he tried to ravage Artemis, and so she called forth Scorpio, and they killed each other. Another tale has him protecting Leto from the scorpion. Then there's the tale that Artemis loved Orion and was going to give up her vow of chastity to marry him, but Apollo disapproved of the union. When Orion was swimming one day, Apollo challenged his sister to an archery challenge, betting her she couldn't hit a small black object bobbing in the water. She took the shot, and hit the mark perfectly, only to be horrified when she learned it was Orion's head she had aimed at, and so she gave him a place in the stars to honor him."

He looked down at Carla and smiled a bit, studying her for a moment to see if she seemed more relaxed. "All of the stories are pretty sad, but that's the typical Greek myth for you. All about tragedy."
Carla listened with curiosity as he told her about the Orion constellation. She found it in the sky as he worked the tension out of her neck and shoulders. The pretty girl found the stories to be sad, but not in a terrible way. She wondered why he chose that particular myth to tell her about. Was it really his favorite? She yawned a little and smiled, glad that she was feeling tired again. Carla was definitely more relaxed. She smiled and thanked him.

"Well, not all of the Greek myths are sad ones. But I guess most of them are." She smiled and put a hand on one of his. "I think I'm all better now. Thank you for staying with me." She sighed and then moved to stand up, drowsy again.
Helping Carla to stand, Zeke turned his hand into hers to give it a squeeze in response. "It was nothing. Anytime you need it, even if I'm asleep, just ask." He turned to get the door for her, letting her step in first, then stepping in behind her before closing it and stretching a bit. Raising a hand to stifle a yawn, he smiled at her slightly. "I think I might be good for sleep now myself." Chuckling softly, he let her make her way back, falling into step behind her until they arrived at their respective doors.

Turning to face her, he leaned against his door frame, folding his arms over his chest. "I meant what I said, by the way. Any time." He offered another smile, letting her step into her room at her own convenience, but waiting for her to do so in case she felt like talking another few moments, and not wanting to be rude. Plus, she was pleasant company, so it wasn't exactly much of an effort.
When he opened the door for her she nodded her thanks and stepped inside, glad that he'd woken up, even if he said he'd already been awake. She smiled at him as he told her he was tired too. She turned to face him and he did the same, watching him as he looked so cool against the door. She hadn't thought like that since high school. His offer to help her any time was endearing. Carla considered him for a moment and smiled softly, leaning up to kiss his cheek.

"I'll keep it in mind. Thanks again." She grinned and then walked back to her bedroom to sleep for the night.
Zeke accepted the kiss on the cheek with a soft smile, watching as Carla disappeared behind her door once more. He glanced to Roxxi's door for a moment, tilting his head slightly, wondering if she'd been awakened by the noises earlier. Finally, he turned to enter his room, leaving the door open in case he was needed for anything. Falling onto his bed, he found himself being pulled back into a state of slumber soon enough, his chest starting to rise and fall steadily as his breathing leveled out. Before long, he was in a deep sleep, resting far better than he had been before Carla's attack.

It seemed he was growing on the new roommate, and she was growing on him as well, though that didn't mean he was any less fond of the one he had already gotten to know quite a bit either.
The rest of the night passed without incident. In the morning, Roxxi was first to rise, and consequently, first to the shower. Since Carla showered at night, she wasn't imposed upon by her roommate's schedule. She put on clothes before she left her room, dressed in a nice pair of grey dress pants and a deep blue shirt that rested just off the shoulder, she looked lovely. Her hair was combed out in a nice orderly way, but she still needed to style it. For now, she tied it back and went out to get breakfast. She ate some cold pizza and coffee. She needed to do her make up too, but she had in her contacts and looked nice enough without any make up at all.

She was sitting at the counter eating as Roxxi stepped out of the bathroom and waved, wondering if Zeke needed to be anywhere.
Zeke obviously didn't need to be anywhere at that time, still sleeping soundly in his room, though he did roll over to try and block out some of the noise. It was Saturday, so he was sleeping in as late as he could, or at least until he had a good reason to wake up. He heard the sounds of Carla walking down the hall and rambling in the kitchen before she settled in with her breakfast, and the sounds of Roxxi's shower. None of it really bothered him. He was partially awake, but in that halfway state where he was still mostly asleep as well. He often enjoyed remaining that way for a few hours on weekends, even if he wasn't fully asleep, just because he considered a principle that people were supposed to sleep in on weekends if they wanted to.
Roxxi had a class later that afternoon, but she didn't have anything to do until then. She put on another cute dress and then went for some cold pizza for breakfast, just as Carla went off to do her hair and make up. The blonde had a presentation to make today. She smiled and curled her hair so that she looked pretty and professional at the same time. She felt very confident after last night and her good sleep. A few moments later, she was out the door and off to her presentation.

Roxxi was just finishing up her dishes and brushing her teeth when she thought of coming in to visit Zeke again. So she did just that. She knocked gently on his door frame and let herself in, leaning over his bed. "Want some company?"
Rolling over and blinking a few times after he opened his eyes, his visioning focusing to reveal a beautiful, curvy redhead standing at his door, Zeke couldn't resist giving a sleepy smile as he sat up a bit. "Mmm...you know your company is always welcome," he told her, pulling his legs up so he could rest his arms on them. She was quite a lovely sight in the mornings, and he would never have a complaint about her waking him up. Patting the side of the bed, he motioned for her to sit down, jumping up and heading for the bathroom. "Just let me grab a shower real fast," he told her, glancing back and giving her a playful grin. "Unless you wanna come sit and talk to me in here. Or join me..."

He figured she'd already had a shower, so didn't expect her to accept the invitation to take another, but thought she wouldn't mind having a seat while he got clean so they could talk a bit. "Carla still around or she have things to do today?" The question was more idle curiosity than anything, as he was simply wondering if the two of hem were there alone or if they needed to be a bit less intimate in their mannerisms toward each other, such as sitting in on showers to chat.
She laughed and watched as he sat up and she sat next to him. She was going to lean over and kiss him when he sprang up to get a shower. Chuckling, the redhead smiled. "I'll keep you company if you want. Carla's out doing her job--making speeches and presentations and the like. She's really good."

The redhead stood up and gestured for him to lead the way. "Hey why don't we plan this party of yours? Well, ours, I guess."
Zeke chuckled softly as he stepped into the bathroom and began to undress, obviously not really worried about Roxxi seeing him naked. "Sorry for missing the kiss," he told her with a smile. "I didn't want you to taste my nasty morning breath, though, so can I collect that after I brush?" He gave her a playful wink before he stepped in front of the mirror to go about brushing his teeth after turning the shower on and setting the water temperature where he wanted it so it would warm up while he brushed.

Once he was finished, and had rinsed, he turned and stepped up to the redhead, in all his naked glory, putting his arms around her neck and pressing into her as he leaned forward to collect his kiss. Pressing his lips into hers, he smiled a bit, his tongue just teasing at her lips and teeth a bit before brushing hers a few times, then he pulled back to look at her. "Mmm...much better."
"Oh no, don't mind me and my affection," she teased. "Hygiene is very important." She grinned and leaned against the door as he stripped down and brushed his teeth, getting the water temperature set the way he liked. A few times, she let her gaze wander and linger in places. Who was she to ignore a body that he obviously wanted her to see. Especially when he wrapped his arms around her and made the world go away while he kissed her. She relaxed into his body and kissed him back, letting his tongue tease her a little. Smiling as he pulled away, she nodded. "Very."

With a sigh of contentedness, she stole another and then leaned against him. "You should get that shower you wanted."
"You know," Zeke said with a sly grin as he enjoyed he feeling of Roxxi leaning into him. "I'm starting to want something more than that shower." He was already growing rigid at the feeling of her body pressed against his, and was fairly certain she had noticed it. His hands moved behind her, cupping her shapely ass and giving it a playful squeeze before moving up her sides slowly, pushing her top up just a bit before his fingers slipped underneath it to caress her soft skin.

Slowly he began to pull his fingers down her sides, just touching her lightly to try and make her shiver a bit. "Then again...the offer to join me is still open. One can never be too clean, after all. Or wet." He knew she'd already showered, so figured she might turn him down on that, but it was worth a try anyway.
Roxxi smiled and let him feel her up, rather enjoying the experience. She could definitely feel how rigid he was, and as much as she wanted to fool around--and it was a lot--she wasn't sure how she felt about a sky-rocketing utility bill. So she'd wait for awhile. Not to mention the fact that she wasn't sure how much stamina she'd have after a session with him. She smiled as his hand brushed against her skin. She smiled and kissed him again as he tried to charm her into the shower again.

"As tempting as you are, I think I'll sit out on the shower for the time being and fool around with you when you're all clean." She smiled and kissed his neck softly, running her hands up and down his sides as well. "But I might give you a little something now if you're really nice to me."
Zeke tilted his head slightly as Roxxi offered to give him a little something, curious about just what she might have had in mind. His fingertips still teased her skin gently as he looked into her eyes and gave her a sweet smile, leaning in to kiss her lips softly and whispering against them. "Mmm...am I not always nice to you?" He pressed his lips to hers a bit more firmly before pulling away and watching her curiously.

"And what would that little something be?" He cocked an eyebrow slightly, though he wasn't expecting her to do anything too outrageous, nor did he mind if she didn't. He was just enjoying her company at the moment.
She smiled as he asked if he was always nice to her and leaned into him as he kissed her firmly. She let him be the one to pull away and chuckled at his expression. "You're cute when you're curious. I was going to offer you a little blow job, but if you'd rather I didn't, I can take a hint." That said, she chuckled and kissed his cheek. "Just let me know."
Zeke didn't even have to think about the answer. "Hell yes," he responded with a chuckle. He wasn't about to turn down such a generous offer, after all. "Um, lemme kill the water." He backed up, letting his arms fall free from her as he opened the shower door and reached in to kill the water before stepping toward her once more and reaching out to pull her close for another kiss. Smiling as he pulled away, he winked playfully.

"So, would you prefer to sit on the bed for your oh so generous gift? I'd hate to think of you being uncomfortable in any way."
Roxxi laughed as he turned off the water and offered to move back to the bedroom. "Well, I'm very flexible. I think you'll find I can work in many locations," she teased. "But I would think that it would be easier for me to do this in the bedroom. You could lie down and I could take care of you." She winked and moved backwards toward his room, her dress' skirt swaying just a little with her. He was always thinking of others. Maybe it was time she took care of him as a thanks. After all, he was right when he said he was always nice to her.
As Roxxi moved into the bedroom, watching her hips swaying and causing her skirt to swish around her thighs, licking his lips a bit. He loved the way she moved, the way she looked, the shape of her body, everything about her. Stepping into the room, he grinned at her as he started to approach her, getting her back to the bed and sitting her down on the edge.

"If you prefer me on my back, I'm happy to oblige. I'm also just as happy to stand up and let you sit if that's easier on you." He didn't care how he had her, only that he did. Looking down at her as he stood in front of her, he noticed the anticipation already had his length at half-mast, now almost pointing at her face as he waited to hear her preference.
She smiled as he sat down, looking up at him. Roxxi smiled at his eagerness and saw that he wasn't quite eager enough. "Get on your back Zeke. I'll give you something special." She grinned and kissed his tip as reassurance. And with that, she took his hands and tugged him toward the bed.
Zeke had to chuckle softly as Roxxi kind of took charge. It was a bit of a different attitude for her, but he found he liked it a bit. He wasn't used to her being the aggressor, and so he complied happily, crawling onto the bed as she tugged him, and laying on his back, hands resting behind his head as he watched her, wondering just what she had in mind.

"Mmm...anything you give me is something special," he cooed, his length already having grown a bit more erect from her little kiss on the tip. Licking his lips with anticipation, he watched and waited for her to have her way with him.
She chuckled and let him lay down. Roxxi leaned over him and took his cock into her hand, stroking him. She kissed his tip and looked up at him as though her were the only person in the world. And at the moment, he was the only person that really mattered. So she took great care to get him fully hard and ready to go, licking up and down his length. "Well it's good to know you appreciate my talent," she teased, smirking as she stroked him. "Tell me another one of your fantasies. I want to hear it."
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