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Unturned Stone (Rage and Candira)

Zeke nodded as he began to give the orders. "Yeah, three small pizzas. One with roma tomatoes, red onions, green peppers, mushrooms, and olives. The second is a supreme, heavy on the meat. The third, give me double layer pepperoni and Italian herbs. Yeah, a drink would be great too. Let's go with a two-liter Pepsi. Breadsticks? Sure. Large order. Yep, that'll do it. Okay..." He continued, giving the address then hanging up the phone with a nod. "Be here in about a half hour, give or take." He then walked to the sofa, vaulting over the back of it to land in the seat as he grabbed the remote and began channel surfing.

"So, tell me, if you had yourself a crack at him would you take it?" He seemed more like he was just teasing her now, and strangely none of that competitive nature he had toward Ash seemed to even remotely show toward Chance. "I'll admit freely if I had a shot at V I'd totally go for it, but then again, that's kind of been some time building." Of course, there was no need to go into detail about the fact they had come close a time or two.
Roxxi grinned and set her keyboard aside. She chuckled and followed after him to the couch, leaning over the back. "Thanks for dinner, Zeke." She listened to his going on about Chance and V and chuckled. "Well, it's not every day a girl gets a chance with that kind of guy. I guess if V didn't mind, I'd take it." She smiled. "So you and V, huh? I guess I could see that."
Zeke glanced up at Roxxi over his shoulder and grinned. "Yeah, me and V. Almost happened once...but kind of fell short." He shrugged, reaching up to wrap an arm around her neck so he could play with her hair a bit. "And I dunno...V has never been the possessive kind, and honestly I think she might be kind of into girls too, so chances are she'd be game. Just speculation though." Chuckling a bit, he twirled some of her red locks around one of his fingers. "But I have to say, I'm rather happy to be in the company of a certain fiery little redhead...and the blonde is easy on the eyes too."
She smiled at him and listened to his stories of almost and his conjecture that V wouldn't mind sharing if she got to be in on the play. It was quite a mental image, but she banished it for the time being. After all, there was a very cute boy pulling her face closer to him so that she was leaning quite a bit over the couch. She smiled as he twirled her hair and flattered her. "Ha ha," she said with a grin. "Gee it's nice to see I'm a great consolation," she teased, tickling him a little. "But I'm glad you're happy to be around me." She leaned down and gave him a peck on the lips.
"Oh, trust me," Zeke responded, returning her quick kiss with a grin. "You are nobody's consolation prize. You're a grand prize." He pulled her down for a deeper kiss this time, closing his eyes and letting his tongue tease at her lips, inviting hers to come and dance with it sensually. His hand gripped her hair as he held her in place, keeping her locked into the increasingly steamy kiss. He didn't even know if Carla was home, and didn't much care in the heat of the moment.

Finally he let her pull away, biting his lip gently as he looked up at her with his own version of that charming smile that Chance could give that almost made panties drop without a second thought. "But if you need to be reminded of that, I'd be happy to do so." He winked at her playfully, hand still in her hair as he toyed with her crimson locks.
She blushed a little at his compliment and nearly fell over as he pulled her back down to him for a deeper kiss. Her heart skipped a beat as she kissed him back, closing her eyes as well. She let her tongue play with his for awhile, charmed by memories of the last steamy kisses they'd shared. When she pulled away she was panting softly.

And there was a flashy smile of his own that made her want more. He seemed to like playing with her hair, and she found that quality in a guy to be endearing. Why were all the guys she was meeting so damn charming? Before she really did start taking off her clothes she pulled away and stood up, tossing the hair that had slid over her shoulders back over them.

"Alright, I'll remember that next time I need a reminder." She smiled at him and then slipped out of her jacket. "I'm gonna see if Carla's home," she said, walking over to the door of her roommate. It was closed, but she often closed it in the evening anyway. After a quick knock, she found that the blonde was, indeed, at home. "We got you a pizza. It'll be here soonish. Supreme with extra meat. You should go thank Zeke."

"Oh yeah? I'll have to do that. How did practice go?" Carla asked, heading out to the living room while Roxxi went for her bathroom. In the evenings, Carla wore glasses, but she normally wore contacts. She was still wearing them as she walked into the living room--that and a nice pair of yoga pants and a comfy looking t-shirt.

Roxxi shrugged. "It was pretty good. I gotta use the lady's room, but I'll be back shortly." And with that she was in the bathroom and Carla was in the living room, looking at Zeke.

"Well hi, stranger. I hear you bought me dinner."
Zeke reluctantly let Roxxi stand up once more, giving her a smile and nodding his understanding before she went to see if Carla was home. He then turned to look at the TV once more, flipping through the channels to see if there was anything worth watching on. So far he was having no luck in his search, but he wasn't really very concerned with it. It was simply an activity to pass the time. Soon enough, he heard the voice of his other roommate speaking to him, sounding rather pleasant and a bit more comfortable with his presence this time around.

Turning to look back at Carla, Zeke offered a slight smile and shrugged gently. "Yeah, figured you might be hungry and I didn't much feel like cooking after work and practice today." He set the remote down, giving up on his channel surfing since he hadn't really found anything interesting or that he hadn't already seen. "Thought we could have a decent meal and share in a little tube time if you wanted. Maybe there's something good on-demand."
"Well, thanks for dinner. I appreciate you including me in your gesture," she said with a chuckle. "We got you pizza from lunch, actually, but I bet Roxxi forgot about that." She sat down at the end of the couch his feet were on. Carla hugged her knee to her chest and tilted her head. "Did moving in go alright for you? I moved the empty boxes so they were out of the way, but I made sure they were empty first. How was practice?"

Why was she suddenly rambling?
"It's nothing," Zeke responded with a smile. "And yeah, I think she forgot, but hey, fresh pizza for everyone now, right?" He winked playfully and shifted a bit to face her more. "Moving went fine. Got Ash and Chance to help me out with it, so it went fairly quickly. Took us about half a day to get it all, then we went to grab some Chinese for lunch. Practice went well too." He tilted his head slightly, wondering a bit about when she became so interested in things beyond her room, but let the thought go.

"Oh, Roxxi also suggested something, if you're okay with it. Kind of a housewarming party now that I'm officially moved in. Just us and the three other band members...and you of course. I just wanted to see if you'd be okay with that. Maybe order some take-out, have a few drinks, play a few games...nothing too big or wild."
She smiled and nodded. "Listen, I know I spend a lot of time in my room, but I don't want you to think I'm a recluse or anything. I do a lot of online coursework, so I spend a lot of time in there, but I do like to know who I'm living with. I'm glad it went well moving in."

His idea about the party made her smile as well. "Sure, we can do that. Roxxi's always thinking of stuff like that. It sounds like fun. I just ask you don't have sex in my room like you did to Lisa," she said with a wicked grin.
Zeke blinked a few times, caught off guard by Carla's statement. He hadn't realized she had known about that, and it caused him to blush a little bit now. "About was just kind of...I mean she was just leaving you two we thought it was kind of fitting..." He was stumbling over his words a bit, and paused to take a breath, then he just gave Carla a sheepish grin and shrugged.

"I promise not to do that to you. I wouldn't have sex with anyone in your room." He then pursed his lips a bit, realizing how that might have sounded. "I mean with anyone but you. I mean...not that I think you're going to have sex with me. Just saying...know what? I'm shutting up now before I stuff my foot further into my mouth." He bit his lip a bit and glanced toward the TV again, pulling up the menu to check the time. "Pizza should be here soon..."
She chuckled as he stumbled through an explanation that was nothing short of adorable. Carla had to admit there was a quirky charm, and she did love to tease the people who didn't think she was capable of such a thing. "Relax. I'm not mad or anything," she said with a laugh. "I'm curious to know just what you imagine happening in my room, though." She smiled and glanced at the tv. "I'm not worried. I just ask you stay out of my room unless invited. I like being around people, but I'm strangely territorial." She shrugged and got up. "Gotta say though, I kinda wish I'd thought of it." She winked and then left him alone in the living room while she went to check on something.

Roxxi chose this moment to return. "Hey. What's up? Wanna watch a movie?"
Roxxi's timing couldn't have been more perfect, as Zeke was quickly finding himself on a sinking ship, completely tongue-tied as he tried to offer up his explanations to Carla. Looking to Roxxi, he nodded slightly. "Movie! Good idea!" Anything that kept him from further making an ass of himself was a blessing. He turned the TV to On-Demand to start looking for something they could watch, and then the doorbell rang.

Getting up as he dropped the remote on the sofa, he vaulted over the back to get the door, opening it and smiling as he saw the delivery guy. "Hi. Good timing. Okay, so here you go...and there's a tip in there for you." Zeke handed the guy a few bills with a more than fair tip as the guy handed him the pizzas with the drink, and tried to peek around the guitarist to get a look at the two beautiful women in the background. Zeke just smiled at the guy. "I know, right? Lucky me. Bye now." He then closed the door, figuring the girls would appreciate him cutting off a kid with raging hormones ogling them with his eyes, taking the pizza to the counter and setting the boxes out for them to each take their own. He then set the drink on the counter and looked to Carla. "Grab some glasses and plates hon?"
Roxxi laughed, getting the feeling that Carla had ribbed him a bit. Carla was already in the kitchen when the food came. She'd caught the delivery guy ogling the two of them--poor Zeke left to defend them. The two women just exchanged a knowing glance and a laugh. "Welcome to our apartment life," Carla said with a laugh. "You should have seen what it was like when Lisa still lived here. It was all we could do to keep them from trying to get in." Roxxi broke out into laughter. It was quite true.

As Zeke asked Carla about plates, she smiled. "Sure thing, sweetheart."

Roxxi rolled her eyes and grabbed the remote, finding a movie for all of them to watch. She settled on a comedy. "Okay, movie time in 2 minutes. Sit down and grab your pizza and pop."

With that, the redhead and the blonde started to gather up the needed materials.
Zeke grabbed a plate and a glass as Carla set them out, giving her a smile and nodding slightly. "Thank you ma'am." He went about pouring his drink, offering to fill her glass and Roxxi's as well, then grabbed a few slices for his plate. Soon he was making his way to the sofa to join the redhead who had announced movie time was starting in two minutes, with about thirty seconds to spare as he handed her drink to her. "Didn't realize we were on a schedule," he joked, sticking his tongue out at Roxxi as he settled in.

He then took a bite from one of his slices, closing his eyes and savoring it a moment. "Mmm...good stuff," he moaned, almost as if having an orgasm, before setting the plate in his lap and waiting for Carla to join them for the start of the movie.
Carla thanked him for his pouring for her glass and then loaded up her plate and took it over with a napkin or two. She set it on the coffee table and went back for Roxxi's plate just as Zeke headed back over. She smiled and took a seat next to him, leaning in just a little. Roxxi gratefully took her plate and kissed Zeke's cheek. "Thanks for dinner, hun. And movie starts in two minutes to allow everyone time to get the food first."

Carla smiled and nudged his shoulder a little. "Thanks for the food, Zeke." She flashed him a pretty smile and then took a bite of her pizza, enjoying the taste without the orgasmic sound effects, but his pleasure was certainly not lost on her either. She watched the beginning of the movie as Roxxi let it play and the two girls sat around the cute guitarist, eating pizza, being the stuff of fantasies for pizza guys everywhere.
"It's nothing," Zeke said to both girls, smiling a bit as he settled in to watch the movie with them, eating his dinner contently and sipping his soda from time to time. It was a kind of perfect evening, sitting there with two absolutely gorgeous women and just enjoying their company while watching a decent flick. There was only one thing he thought could make the night better, but he wasn't exactly pushing his hopes too high on that thought, though it did cause him to grin a bit to himself. No, this was plenty enough for him.

As the movie played on and the plates emptied, he had set his on the table, as well as his glass, and propped his arms up on the back of the couch, though he made sure to keep from touching the girls, respecting their personal space, his arms just behind each of them by a few inches. If they wanted to cuddle or anything, they'd let him know. There was definitely no need to push for contact. Their company was plenty enough for him, and he was more than happy with that.

(Woot! One year anniversary for this story today! Yay us!)
The two women devoured their pizza and pop and at some point went back for seconds before combining their leftovers into one box and putting it in the fridge. When they came back with their food they perched on either side of him and went through their plates with ease. When he set his things down, they stacked their plates and grouped the glasses before each leaning against Zeke, though Carla was putting significantly less pressure on him.

Roxxi was glad to have a guy to snuggle up to and watch movies with. Even if they were just more-or-less friends with benefits. She liked him well enough to be happy to snuggle with him whenever he wanted--possibly more.

Zeke was growing on Carla. She doubted they'd ever have sex in the apartment--at least not like he and Roxxi had--in the near future. But she could see being good friends with him.
As the girls settled against him, Zeke couldn't help but smile, wrapping an arm around Roxxi and giving her a light squeeze, still unsure how comfortable Carla would be with such contact. He decided to let her have her personal space, enjoying the feeling of her leaning into him lightly, his arm just resting against her a bit but not intruding too much. He didn't want to appear presumptuous, nor did he want to make her uncomfortable by taking more than she was comfortable with giving.

It wasn't long before the movie was ending, and he was quite content in his spot. It was getting late, though, and even though it was going on to the weekend, he was quite tired. Removing his arms from around them, he sat up and stifled a yawn with his hand, stretching a bit. "Well, ladies," he told them, looking from one to the other with a smile as he began to gather the dishes to take them to the dishwasher. "Thank you very much for the company, but I think I'm about ready to turn in."

After placing the dishes in the racks and closing the dishwasher, he turned to exit the kitchen, pausing at the hallways. "G'night girls," he told his roommates before giving them a slight smile and turning to head back to his room. Within minutes he was in his pajama bottoms, laying on his bed with the door open while he held a book of guitar tabs in one hand, the other practicing fret placement to the side, a normal nightly exercise for him to keep his fingers limber for playing.
Roxxi was very comfortable snuggled against Zeke. So comfortable that she felt a little sleepy herself. Despite the peaceful feeling she had around him, she decided against sleeping and watched the movie, content to be there. She was kind of disappointed when he said he was tired and took his leave. She was glad he took the dishes with him though. She smiled back at him and waved. "Good night. Sleep well." With that she got up and put the tv stuff back to normal. "Well, I think I'm going too," she said, heading off to her room.

Carla smiled back at Zeke and was glad he took the dishes. she couldn't say that she had quite as much of an attachment for Zeke yet. He was still new to her, but he was growing on her quickly. He was, at the very least, a very good roommate thus far. Now the defining moment would be when it came time to pay rent. Waving to both of her roomies as they went to bed, she straightened a few things up and then turned off the light and headed toward the bathroom she shared with Roxxi to brush her teeth. She walked by Zeke's room and noticed the door was open.

Waving on her way past, she smiled and then went to brush. The night passed uneventfully for the girls...until Carla woke up in the middle of the night to an asthma attack. Panicking, like she always did during one of these, she reached over to her night stand and knocked over her clock to get to the inhaler. When she found it and used it, the medication went straight to work and she finally got herself under control.

Well now she wouldn't be able to sleep for awhile. She got up and put her clock back before pacing around a little bit and walking out onto the balcony, not wanting to wake her roommates or scare anyone with her walking.
Zeke had seen Carla as she passed by and gave her wave, though he hadn't seen Roxxi's disappointed expression when he had opted on going to bed. He had simply felt that she might need a bit more of a break from too much intimacy after her intense night a few days back, so he didn't stay where the temptation would be for too long. He was fairly certain that the two of them would probably cost Carla a bit of sleep in the near future with their sounds, though, the thought making him grin a bit. He didn't particularly want to be the reason the blonde fell short on her rest, but the thought of Roxxi was enough to make any man just grin like an idiot.

Sleep had come to him quickly enough, and soon he was breathing rather easily as his chest rose and fell steadily. It wasn't long, though, before he heard a crash across the hall and sat up, looking around. He wasn't really what one would call a light sleeper, but perhaps there had been a bit more tension than he had initially thought that had kept him from sleeping too soundly that night. Whatever the case was, he realized the sound had come from Carla's room. Moments later she emerged, though likely hadn't seen him sitting up since his room was dark at that point, and moved to step outside.

He couldn't tell what she was dressed in, but assumed it would be her normal night clothes, and that it would be safe to go out and check on her. Crawling out of his bed, he stood and stretched a bit before he made his way through the apartment slowly. He was a bit concerned, always somewhat of a care taker when it came to people, and so his conscience wouldn't let him just go back to sleep like everything was alright. Not until he was certain she would be okay.

Sliding the balcony door open, he stepped out, tilting his head a bit to study her, for one, making sure she was clothed in something so he could avert his eyes if needed just in case. The other reason was simply to study her demeanor to see if she seemed distressed. "Hey, everything okay? Want some company?"
Roxxi was sleeping pretty soundly. Carla, however, was wide awake and on the balcony sitting in one of the fold-out chairs, trying to calm down. She had her eyes closed in the starry night and her knees hugged to her chest. she was wearing the same night clothes she had been when she'd first met Zeke. When she heard the door slide open she jumped a little and looked back on him, her hand over her chest. "Oh, Zeke."

She hadn't been expecting him, but now that he was here, his question was expected. "I'm okay...I had an attack, and I kind of panicked. Did I wake you up?" she asked with a frown. She hated being a burden.
Figuring that Carla didn't need anything else to worry about, Zeke happily lied to her as he closed the door and took a seat nearby. "Nah. I was already awake. Was just laying there thinking when I heard the commotion and saw you step out, so thought I'd come check on you." He was normally a very truthful person, but given the circumstances, he didn't see the harm in a little white lie to keep her from feeling bad. He rested an elbow on the arm of his chair then settled his chin into the palm of his hand to study her a moment.

She was quite beautiful, even in her current disheveled state, and he couldn't help but take notice. He quickly caught himself before his eyes wandered too far, though, and simply smiled to offer her a bit of comfort. "I can hang out for a while, keep you company if you like until you calm down. I know it can suck being alone when something scares you like that." It felt really nice outside, so he didn't mind spending a little time on the balcony so she didn't have to be there on her own. That was Zeke. Always the nice guy, and always ready to be there for someone, even if he barely knew the person.
The blonde in question got the feeling that he wasn't being entirely truthful with her, but she appreciated his attempt at playing it cool. And his company, she was surprised to find out. She did always feel foolish after an attack. Sometimes it made her cry a little to think that she couldn't do a normal little thing like breathe without having a fit. But She knew it was stupid to think like that. IT just made her feel more foolish and depressed. But maybe he could distract her. She smiled in a sad and lonely sort of way and watched him.

He was even cuter at night. And he had a cute smile. And since she'd never seen Chance, she had no one cuter to compare it with. The kindness that seemed to emanate from his smile reminded her of a warm fuzzy a dog. But in a good way. The way that dogs reminded her that someone would always care about her.

"Okay. That might be good." She took a deep, slow breath, steadying herself and then looked up at the sky. "Try to not let me think about anything but right now, okay? I don't like to remember attacks..."
"Well, that's easy enough," Zeke responded, offering another smile as he stood up and walked to stand behind her, resting his hands on the back of her chair. "I can point out some constellations. I kind of like astronomy." He then raised an arm, leaning over a bit so she could see where he pointed to as he began talking about different constellations and even got into the legends behind some of them. It was apparent that it was indeed a subject of interest for him. He even seemed to get a bit lost in the topic, prattling on a bit as he proved his passion for the subject.

After a few minutes, he actually realized he hadn't given her much chance to speak with his rambling on about stars and their patterns and the legends they inspired. Looking down at Carla, he offered a slightly sheepish grin. "Sorry, I can get a little carried away sometimes. You know what they say about musicians. Passionate about everything they enjoy." Giving her a wink, he stood up a bit straighter, then started to move his hands to her shoulders, though pausing before actually touching her.

"Um, I can give you a shoulder rub, if that helps. Maybe get you nice and relaxed again so you can sleep?"
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