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Unturned Stone (Rage and Candira)

That was what he'd been wanting, that feeling as her pussy clamped around his cock, the shudders that rocked her body violently, her voice calling out as she hit her climax. That was what Chance had been needing, and as Veronica rode out her orgasm, he felt his building to the boiling point. After giving her a few good thrusts while she was still in the throes of her own ecstasy, he managed to pull free and turn her over, straddling her abdomen as he began to erupt, firing the hot white release onto her stomach, neck, and naturally those ample breasts, not to mention wherever else the occasional stray shot might have landed.

As he emptied himself onto her body, he let out one long, sensual growl until he was finally to the point of simply trickling the remaining cum from the tip of his cock down onto her stomach. It had been one of their hottest sessions to date, and something about the sight of her laying there covered in his cum just made it even hotter. "Oh, God Veronica," he panted as he collapsed with her, not even seeming to care if he got any on himself as he pulled her close. "So...fucking amazing..."

Zeke deftly scooped the popcorn into his mouth steadily with the chopsticks as they watched the movie, not eating too fast, but managing to grab himself a bite every twenty seconds or so. It was fun to just it there with them, laughing at all the funny parts, looking from one to the other now and then, admiring both. He seemed somewhat aware that Carla was probably still a little uneasy with him there, but she would warm up to him soon enough.

Making commentary on a scene from time to time, he remained a perfect gentleman, even after he finished his popcorn and set the bowl aside. He kept his hands to himself, unless of course Roxxi worked her way under his arm at some points. Otherwise, he made no moves that would be considered any sort of come-on, simply happy to have the company of the two girls.
She panted heavily, gasping as he pulled out of her and turned her around so quickly, her body instinctively doing what he needed her to do. Blushing, she shivered as she came down from her own orgasm, still high from it as he came on her torso--some of his cum impressively reaching her lips. When he was finished, she was covered in it, her body hyper sensitive from their session. It felt so good, and if she looked at the ceiling, she'd see it was pretty hot too. She licked her bottom lip and snuggled into him as he collapsed and pulled her close. "No words..." she groaned, closing her eyes to rest for a moment.

"I think I'm going to need a break after that. I'm not sure I'll be able to walk tomorrow," she teased.

Roxxi finished her popcorn first, snuggling into Zeke when she got the chance. Despite the fact that he lacked Ash's build, he made an excellent pillow, and she was all for enjoying movies when it involved snuggling. She didn't know Zeke that well, but she knew him well enough to know he wouldn't mind her cuddling, and that he wouldn't try anything. He was a nice guy.

Carla didn't know him at all, but she did notice his manners. So she had to give him props--he wasn't a pig when it came to girls. When he finished his popcorn, she leaned against him just a tiny bit, still munching on hers--she paced herself with popcorn, enjoying the flavor and atmosphere it created. Toward the end of the movie she was starting to get tired, so she leaned against him a little more. She talked to him when he made comments, laughed with him at the funny bits, and occasionally glanced at Zeke and Roxxi.
Laying there with V for a few minutes, Chance just smiled and simply held onto her. Finally, after taking some time for the two of them to recover, he started to sit up, taking her hands and helping her up as well. Crawling out of the bed backwards, he began to lead her toward the bathroom. "I do believe we might need a shower," he teased with a sly grin, hitting the light as he backed through the door. He then let her hands go and turned to slide the shower door open. The bathroom was nice, fairly large, with a shower that had plenty of room for two as well as a spacious garden tub.

Turning back to Veronica, Chance reached for her once more as he turned the shower on, keeping a hand under the water so he could test it and adjust the temperature as needed before finally pulling her in with him and sliding the door closed. Inside, he kissed her briefly and reached for the body wash to begin lathering her down, stepping behind her to reach around front, letting the water wash the cum from her breasts and stomach before he began to apply the soap to them.

Once the movie was over, Zeke stretched and turned to Roxxi, giving her a kiss on the cheek, then to Carla, simply taking her hand and kissing it in thanks for her company. "Thank you ladies for sitting up with me and giving me some very pleasant company. And now, I do believe I have an air mattress waiting for me to make use of it."

Chuckling softly, he stood and offered to help them up if needed, gathering their dishes and taking them to the kitchen afterward. He then headed down the hall and into his room after pausing to look at them from the doorway. "Good night, and sweet dreams," he told them before stepping in, leaving the door open as he sat on his air mattress and began to remove his shoes, and any accessories that might pop the mattress. Soon he was laid back, one foot crossed over the other, hands laced behind his head as he relaxed and closed his eyes with a smile.
V was glad he'd decided not to move for a few minutes. She wasn't entirely sure that she could have even if he wanted to. She smiled and stole a kiss from him before he sat up and took him with her...all the way to the bathroom. And not just any bathroom. A very big bathroom, with a very nice tub and a spacious shower. Before he pulled her in with him, she had the presence of mind to ask where the towels were. She pulled two out and set them near by before being tugged inafter him.

Greeted with a kiss, V found the water temperature to be just right--not too hot or cold. The drummer watched Chance head straight for the body wash. She blinked when he stepped behind her. The warm water washed over her body pleasantly, soothing muscles that weren't sore yet, but would be in the near future. She blushed and let him start lathering her up once most of the cum had been washed away.

Roxxi was almost asleep when the movie was over, but she smiled at Zeke and happily moved when he needed her too. She returned his kiss to the cheek and stood up, watching curiously as he kissed Carla's hand. There was something you didn't see every day. Much less out of a man that dressed like Zeke. She liked his look, but it didn't really scream "I've got manners." With a shrug she bent to pick up her bowl and chopsticks when he beat her to the punch. "You didn't have to do that Zeke. I could have gotten it...but thanks. I think I'll make use of this extra time by going to bed. It was nice to hang out."

If Roxxi was surprised, Carla was stunned. She just watched, blinking in awe and wonder as he kissed her hand and then took her dishes off to the kitchen. She nodded as he wished them sweet dreams and then stood up as Roxxi and Zeke left her there. She turned off the tv and put everything away before turning in. Hesitating at her door, she looked over at his and wondered if he'd thought to bring anything but an air mattress. Out of kindness and a feeling of obligation, Carla went to his door and gently knocked on the frame.

"Sorry to bother you, but do you need a blanket or something?" she asked, letting her eyes adjust to the dark.
Chance didn't really try anything sexual with Veronica in the shower, actually just cleaning her off. It was still a very sweet and sensual moment as he pressed himself against her from behind, and even kissed at her neck a few times with a smile. Even though his hands did move over her breasts to lather them, all he did was clean them. Soon, after soaping her front and rinsing it, he turned her to face him as he began to get her back in a similar manner. He enjoyed this way much more, though, as it allowed him to steal a kiss from her lips now and then with a smile.

Once he had cleaned her thoroughly, he raised a hand to stroke her hair gently, which he would allow her to clean on her own. For several moments, though, he simply stood there under the steady stream of water that rolled over them, looking into her eyes as he smiled sweetly at her. Leaning forward, he stole another kiss before he backed up and began to pour some body wash into his hands to begin cleaning himself off.

Zeke sat up as Carla came to the door, giving her a bit of a smile, even though she likely couldn't see it in the dark. "Actually, I brought one in with me. Just a little warm in here, so not using it right now. Thank you, though, for asking." He laid back down, still looking at her silhouette in the doorway. "Seems like you're not quite sleepy either," he observed. "I was considering stepping out for a smoke. Wanna come sit with and talk?" He figured she probably wasn't a smoker, but he was always happy to have company.
V was a little surprised that he didn't try anything--like a true gentleman. Aside from, of course, being in the shower with her in the first place. She let his gentle hands take care of her, enjoying the way they felt as they ran over her. Nothing terribly sexual about it. When he finished the front of her, he moved again so that he was in front of her, his arms wrapped around her to wash her back. Now and then as he stole kisses from her, she returned them, smiling at him as he took such good care of her. She was practically sparkling when he finished with her and she had to smile as he took a final kiss from her and just watched her.

It was nice to be with someone who really seemed to appreciate all of her--not just her body. He'd earned himself some major points by doing this for her. She wanted to get to know him even better now. She knew the type of person he was, but she wanted to know why he was that way, and who taught him to be so good. She wanted to know all about him, and she could only hope he would agree to tell her some day.

As he started to clean himself up she watched for a moment and then said, "If you hold on a second so I can wash my hair, I'll take care of you. It only seems fair, after all."

Carla didn't see the smile--she heard it. It was so strange to think that she could actually hear an emotion in someone's voice. Still, it was nice that he seemed to be a light-hearted person. "All right. If you need anything, wake Roxxi up. She'll get it for you," she teased a little. And then he asked if she wanted to talk for a bit. She wasn't really sure she wanted to spend so much time with him so late and wearing so little. She was not a smoker, and actually had a very good excuse for not going with him.

"Actually, despite my perky and energetic appearance, I'm pretty tired. I just thought I'd check up on you. Unfortunately I have a slight case of asthma--it's triggered by me being around smoke and very strong perfumes or colognes. I should probably let you know now. I'm okay if I'm just around someone who's been smoking, but I can't be there when you are." She shrugged and leaned against he doorway. "Maybe some other time, kay? Anyway, sleep well, Zeke." With that, she turned to leave him.
Looking to V and tilting his head slightly, Chance smirked playfully and nodded as he set the body wash aside, reaching for the shampoo. "I knew you couldn't wait to get your hands on me again," he joked, stepping in to give her a quick kiss before he pushed his head beneath the water, deciding to go ahead and get his hair while she washed hers. "Mmm...not that I'd ever complain," he added with a wink before stepping back and pouring some shampoo in his hand to begin lathering his long hair.

He was still amazed at the way they fit together. He had only known her a couple of days now, yet everything between them came so naturally, as if they'd known each other their entire lives. And every time she smiled at him, he could swear he felt his heart skip. It was a feeling he'd rarely ever felt, and even he had to admit it had never happened so quickly and so naturally with someone. The thought of it all made him simply smile to himself as he finished lathering his hair and massaging his scalp, stepping into the water to rinse off once she had cleared out.

Once they had both washed and rinsed their hair, he stepped out of the stream of water and placed his hands on his head with a playful grin. "I'm all yours," he told her, looking at her with absolute adoration.

Nodding slightly to Carla as she explained her condition, Zeke stood up and headed for the door. "Totally understandable...and glad you let me know that so I don't ever make the mistake of smoking around you. To tell the truth I've been trying to quit...I just had a little...setback...not too long ago." He pursed his lips a bit as he mentioned the setback, not really elaborating on it, but it was obvious something had happened to him recently that had troubled him a bit and had triggered him smoking once more.

Giving Carla one last smile, he slipped down the hallway to the living room so he could step out to the balcony, though he turned at the end of the hall to face her once more first. "Sweet dreams," he told her again before he disappeared around the corner and walked to the sliding glass door to step out, closing it behind him. Taking a seat on one of the chairs, he took out his pack and lit up, taking a drag and breathing deep before exhaling the smoke through his nose as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, simply enjoying the night air a bit while he had his cigarette.
V quickly washed her hair and then rinsed it. "Of course. Who'd complain about this?" she asked, gesturing to herself with some bravado. She chuckled at his teasing and just let it go. The drummer seemed to be unable to look away from him. Chance was adorable in so many ways, which he demonstrated as he waited for her to clean him off. His eyes were bright and full of affection. With his hands on his head like that, she couldn't resist. She delivered a sweet kiss to him before she took the body wash and lathered him up, gently washing him as he had done for her.

When she was finished, she stepped away and let him under the spray of the shower. "There. All better."

Carla was glad that Zeke understood her situation. Some people she'd known in the past had been pretty dumb about it. She she smiled at him as he headed for the door. She frowned a little though as he mentioned his setback. Was it something that still bothered him? He didn't seem to mind right this very second though.

The blonde just watched curiously as he left to take care of his needs and smiled when he wished her sweet dreams again. "You too, Zeke." And with that, she was sealed back up in her bedroom again, tucked under the covers with her glasses in their case. She fell asleep in no time, but she couldn't help but think of her new room mate as she lay there.
Once V was finished cleaning him off, Chance stepped into the water flowing from the nozzle and rinsed the lather from his body, finally turning to shut it off before sliding the door open and grabbing their towels that she had been thoughtful enough to place on the rack for them. Handing one to her, he began to dry himself with the other before wrapping it around his waist and helping her out of the shower with that same sweet smile he always seemed to give her.

Leading her to the mirror, he opened a drawer and took out a packet with a few brushes, one of which had been removed, but the others still remaining unopened. Taking one out, he put the package back and pulled her in front of the mirror, where he began to brush her hair out for her to make sure she didn't get any tangles, smiling at her over her shoulder as he looked at their reflection.

Sitting on the balcony for several minutes after finishing his cigarette, Zeke simply thought about things. He would need to rent a truck tomorrow to start moving the rest of his things over. He hoped Ash would help out. If not, he was sure Chance likely would. Their new front man seemed the type o help people out when he could. He liked the guy, and was certain that between him and Roxxi, they now had the perfect band, finally.

After a short while, he stood and walked back inside, shuffling into his room once more where he laid on the air mattress and simply relaxed. Eventually, sleep did begin to take over, and he soon found himself breathing steadily as he drifted off into a world of peace. Things seemed to be taking a turn for the better. Now if they could just avoid too many setbacks...
Veronica get out of the shower with him, drying off before she used the towel to dry some of her hair. When she came to the sink it was still wet, but it wasn't dripping anymore. That's when Chance did the most surprising thing yet--he started combing her hair. It was sweet, in a...strange kind of way. Still he was very cute so she said nothing.

Though she wasn't entirely sure why one man needed so many brushes, she let him take care of her hair. Looking in the mirror at his face, he seemed so happy to be doing it. She smiled back at him, wondering if he did this for other girls or just her. She also wondered why he was doing it. Then again, she wasn't much for judging people. When he was finished getting all the snarls out, she parted it the way she liked and looked up at him. "Okay, you know the drill. Now I get to play," she said with a grin. Though she was a full head shorter than him, she intended to make him play along.
Looking back at V as she insisted she would get to do his hair as well, Chance let out a soft chuckle, shrugging his shoulders and grabbing his shower stool nearby to pull to the counter, sitting down for her. "I know you're probably wondering about all the brushes. They came in a pack. I got the new one out, because, well, I figured you would probably rather have one of your own over one that's been dragged through somebody else's hair a hundred times." He then glanced up at her over his shoulder to give her that same sweet smile.

"And I read somewhere that the hair brushing thing is intimate...that some girls seem to like it when a guy is willing to do that, so I thought I'd give it a try. Never really had the urge to please someone so much before, so...sorry if I'm kind of stumbling around through this." He rested his hands on his thighs as he turned to look into the mirror, handing her the brush over his shoulder as he watched their reflection in the mirror with a slightly nervous smile.
She chuckled and adjusted the towel around her a little before she took the brush he offered and kissed the back of his head. "I appreciate all the thought you put into this," she said, not missing the fact that he thought she was special enough to please. "It's kind of nice to know you'll do it for me if I ask you to..or in this case, if I don't." She hummed a little as she brushed his hair, working out the knots at the bottom first.

"I would have been happy if you just had a brush you'd let me borrow, but it was nice to get more for a change." She kissed his shoulder sweetly and continued to brush his hair. "And I promise you can stop being nervous. It would take a pretty big train wreck to knock tonight off course for you." She put her arms around him when she was finished and leaned her cheek against his.

"All better. Got a hair dryer? Do you dry your hair?" She asked curiously, wondering if he did.
"I have a dryer you can use. I normally towel dry it, brush it out, and let it air dry. Hair dryers damage your hair." He raised an arm to wrap around her neck in a show of affection, smiling at her in the mirror before he stood to get out of her way, though not before he put his arms around her to pull her into another kiss. Raising a hand to stroke her hair briefly, he backed away from her and opened the drawer to reveal some hair care items, including the dryer she had requested.

"I'll get the bed all set for us," he told her after giving her another quick kiss. Turning to step out so she could dry her hair more if she wanted, he began to gather the sheets, pulling them off the bed before grabbing a fresh set from the closet to put on it. Once he had the bed all made up for them, he hopped onto it, still wearing only his towel, and propped himself up on one arm to watch her through the bathroom door with a smile. It seemed like he spent a lot of time just watching her, and loved every second of it.
She chuckled at his assessment. "I used to be a cosmetologist," she said with a laugh. "I'm well aware it does that. But I know how to fix it," she said with a grin. She kissed him when he came down from the situation in front of the mirror. Veronica enjoyed the way he touched her so much. For some reason, it seemed like no matter what he did was aimed at pleasing her--though she was quite certain that a lot of times he was pleasing himself too. It just felt good to know he cared.

So she took the hair dryer and thanked him before he set off to deal with the bed. Of course he stole a kiss from her and she chuckled again. He was quite the interesting one. She was unaware of the way he was watching her dry and style her hair. When she was finished, V was just as much of a knockout as ever. Running her fingers through her hair, she unplugged the dryer and let it cool for now. One of them would put it back later. She did catch him staring as she returned, however, and chuckled.

"See something you like?" she teased.
Looking Veronica over with a grin as she exited the bathroom, Chance just nodded at her question. "Oh, I've been seeing something I like all night," he responded with a playful grin, patting the bed for her to join him. "Ever slept naked on satin?" Giving her a wink, he sat up to grab a remote before setting some pillows against the headboard for them, which, thankfully, was not round and actually gave them a straight surface to lean against. He turned the large plasma TV on and began surfing channels, not really looking for something to watch as much as just finding some background noise for them.

Settling on a music channel, he turned the volume down a bit as he welcomed Veronica into the bed with him, always watching the way she moved and always ready with a smile for her. Once they were settled in, towels removed, and under the sheets, he slid an arm under her to pull her close. Now was simply the time for them to enjoy the pleasant company of each other in the afterglow of a wonderful evening. Turning to kiss her lips softly, he smiled against them. "I do hope you've had a good night...and that it won't be the last one you spend here..."
There was that smile again. She loved to see it on his face, and she loved to be the reason for it. His comment made her roll her eyes, but she loved it, and he was probably aware of that. "Why no, I have not slept naked on satin before. But there's a first time for everything." With that, she removed her towel and left it folded on the floor. Smiling, V climbed into his bed and under the sheets, enjoying the feel of them against her, though not as much as she enjoyed the feel of him. Pleased that he'd settled on music, V snuggled into him and just enjoyed being so close to him.

She kissed him back, enjoying the way he felt even more. Her eyes closed for a moment and she opened them as he pulled away. She could still feel his lips against hers as he said it, and if she wasn't already exhausted, she'd tease him back. "Mmm, good isn't the word for it, Chance." She put her arms around him and smiled softly. "Somewhere in the realm of wonderful, amazing, wow...that would be about right." She kissed him again. "And you can count on me coming back. I can think of a few reasons. But if you ever want me, just ask."
Just smiling at Veronica's words, Chance raised a hand to stroke her hair a few times before settling back onto the bed, holding her close before reaching above them to grab another remote from the headboard. This one he used to turn the lights down, darkening the room a bit for them to sleep, placing it back on the headboard once more before settling in and pulling her a bit closer, wanting to feel her wrapped around him as they lay there.

It was highly likely that after this night, the two of them would be pretty sore the next morning, but he was still already making his breakfast plans in his head as he began to drift off. Giving her one last kiss, he murmured softly to her as he smiled at her again. "Sweet dreams, Veronica," he told her, and was soon closing his eyes as the wonderful exhaustion set in and sleep began to take over.
When V woke up the next morning, a great deal of her body was sore. She was still tired when she naturally woke up, but she felt amazing just the same. She closed here eyes to sneak a little more sleep and snuggled into Chance a bit more, smiling as she remembered the cause for each end every stiff muscle she had. The music from his tv was still playing and she had to smile.

Of course that had been this morning. It was time for practice now. And despite a very pleasant night and morning, something had once again managed to way-lay her plans of arriving on time. She was running a little late, but if her luck kept up then she would arrive with a few seconds to spare. She'd had to go to work after her wonderful morning with Chance. Unfortunately she hadn't had much time to change after work, so she'd have to go to her locker if she wanted pants--and she did.

She'd worn a pretty red dress to work. It showed her off perfectly, but managed to be just modest enough to get away with. It always helped to be super presentable in her line of work, and wearing this particular dress meant that she didn't have to walk too quickly, which was a bonus for her still aching muscles. She actually worked as a hairdresser and makeup artist most days, but today she was working as a real estate agent. Both paid nicely and came in handy now.

When she finally arrived at the place, she parked and walked with a purpose to the door, entering just barely on time. "Hey guys. Work ran a little late, so I'm gonna go change," she said, walking by with a wave.

Roxxi had had a nice day at work. Carla had come in for a class after her job today, and the two ended up going out for pizza after. Zeke would still be busy moving in, so they boxed up some of their pizza to bring to him. Having showered at the Yoga place, they both returned to find the apartment littered with boxes. They didn't see anyone at the moment, however, so they left a note on the table and Zeke's pizza in the fridge. Carla went into her room to do some coursework online and Roxxi got changed for practice. She managed to show up a little early for practice that day, wearing tight jeans and a nice green shirt. She waited for the others to show up, surprised when V came in last looking like a model. "Wow."
The guys all looked to be a little tired, and it was no surprise. After serving Veronica breakfast in bed before she had to go off to work unexpectedly, Chance got a call from Zeke, asking if he could help with moving him into the apartment. Naturally Chance agreed to help, despite his sore muscles from his very active previous evening with V. The three of them, after renting a truck to get it all in one trip, had managed to get the lead guitarist moved in and set up in a fairly decent amount of time. After the move, the three of them had gone to grab a bite to eat before heading for the warehouse.

They had been setting up when V arrived, all of them offering her a wave back, nodding as she told them she was going to get changed. Chance offered her a small smile, giving her that look she'd seen several times already as he acknowledged their shared secret. Of course, it didn't go quite unnoticed. Zeke leaned over toward Chance and smirked a bit. "You two are kind of sweet on each other," he observed before backing away with a knowing grin. He didn't know exactly what had happened, but he could see the obvious attraction between the two.

Ash just cocked an eyebrow slightly, giving Zeke a light punch on the shoulder. "Leave the guy alone," he grunted before going about tuning his bass. "It's their business what they do." The big guy did have to grin a bit, though, as he took note as well. He was happy that V seemed to find someone that she liked again, which gave Chance a few more brownie points in his book. He had to admit, he was liking the guy more each day. It was hard not to, really. Soon the three of them were giving their instruments a few test strums as they finished tuning up while waiting for V to change. Zeke glanced over to Roxxi to see how she was coming along in her set-up before testing his guitar out one more time.
V smiled back at Chance on her way back to her locker. She felt a bit rushed, but she knew they would wait for her. Her drums hadn't moved, so she didn't really need to do a sound check, but she would if they wanted. The drummer managed to slip out of her sexy dress quickly, removing her heels as well. She slipped into a pair of jeans that looked just as good as Roxxi's and pulled on a black shirt, pulling her hair back so it wouldn't get in the way. After she hung up her dress in her locker, stowing her sweet heels, she pulled on a pair of flip flops and ran back to the practice room.

"Sorry guys. The showing lasted a longer time than I thought."

Roxxi did a sound check, smiling at the idea of Chance and V dating. They did look cute together. It made her smile that Ash was sticking up for Chance a little. Just the other day, he was looking at the guy like he was an enemy. Now they seemed to be friends. It was good to know they were coming together.

"So, I saw a lot of boxes at home. How'd moving in go?" she asked, the question aimed at Zeke, but she got the feeling that the others had helped him.
The guys continued tuning up and going through the sound check while they waited for V, turning to her as she entered, all offering smiles and nobody complaining. As Roxxi asked Zeke about the boxes, he turned to her and nodded. "Ash and Chance helped me get everything moved today, so it went pretty well. I'll have everything unpacked in a couple of days and get those boxes out of the way." He gave her a slight grin and played a few notes on his guitar, nodding slightly, satisfied with the sound.

Chance got his guitar tuned, then went for the mic check as he leaned close. "Testing, testing..." He then sang a few lines from one of his songs, giving a slight nod of satisfaction himself. Ash had gotten his bass tuned and played a little bit, and all three guys seemed to be set up. Once V was settled in, Chance turned to everyone and gave them a slight grin. "Okay, so, open with a few covers, then maybe start trying to put together some of the originals?"
Roxxi smiled, glad to hear that the move had gone smoothly. "I'm glad it all worked out. Carla was wondering about it too. We left you some pizza in the fridge," she said with a smile. "I'm glad you all got to spend time with each other. It's good to see everyone getting along." She played a few notes as Chance sang his own song. "Hey, those were pretty lyrics. What are they from?" she asked, watching him.

V settled in, and after a quick sound check, she was ready to go, adrenaline pumping at the thought playing again. "Just as a proposition, before we go tonight, do you think we could work on 'Remembering Sunday'? I know it's kind of a self interest thing when it comes to me, but I think we'd sound really good with it." She hadn't heard Chance's lyrics, just his voice, which was still fantastic. "I like the plan though," she said.
Looking to Roxxi as she asked about the song, Chance seemed to blush a bit as he shrugged his shoulders slightly. "Just something I've been writing," he said somewhat sheepishly. He then turned to V as she made her request, giving a slight nod. "It's no problem. I'd be happy to work on it for you." There was no doubt that he'd be happy to work on anything for her with the look he gave her. Zeke, of course, just grinned, looking to Roxxi and nodding his head toward each of them a bit to indicate their little looks toward each other.

Turning back toward the mic, Chance spoke as he cleared his throat. "V...give us a countdown?" Waiting for her countdown, they started playing, each one coming in at the proper moment, perhaps now and then the guys were a little off, but that was what practice was for. Chance sang with Veronica, who was flawless on her part, and some of his parts might have sounded a bit unsure, as he wasn't completely familiar with the song yet, but he still sounded amazing all the same. They would definitely have to work on it a little, but it wouldn't take them long to reach perfection.
Roxxi smiled at his blush. She'd have to talk more about those lyrics with him later. They were really good and she had some songs of her own she could share. "It sounded nice." She heard V's request and her eyes lit up. "I love that song! I learned my part for fun." She smiled and got ready to play it. Over all it was sort of a tame song for them, but it meant V got to sing, and she hoped that it sounded great. It was a pretty vocal-centric song.

V grinned when Chance told her he'd work it in for her. She knew Ash wouldn't mind because he liked her singing, and Zeke just wanted to play. Roxxi caught the looks Zeke was giving her and she raised her eyebrows. Oh there would be gossip later at home, she could just tell. She smiled and paid attention to her keyboard as Chance turned around.

They were a little off, but V's drumming was spot on as was Roxxi's playing. The trick was trying to play together. And they would get that down before long. When it was time for V's solo, the woman just knew how to work her voice. She sounded even better than the original singer in Roxxi's opinion.
Once the song was finished, the guys all looked to each other, and to the girls, nodding a bit. It sounded good, though it would take a bit or practice to get the timing a bit better. All in all, though, it had been a satisfactory try. They would naturally get better the more they played it, and would have it down to perfection in no time. Stretching a bit, Chance turned to the others and smiled. "Okay, so, anything else you guys would like to try out?"

They thought about it for a moment, then Ash spoke up, looking to the new front man. "I'd like to hear you try some Shinedown out. Your voice would be perfect for it." The bassist had indeed started warming up to Chance, but then, there was no denying the guy's ability. Nodding slightly, Chance turned toward the mic once more. "Alright. You guys know 'Beyond the Sun'?" Looking back to the others, Ash and Zeke both nodded. Chance then looked to the girls to see if they were familiar with the title.
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