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Unturned Stone (Rage and Candira)

As they made their way into the house, Chance pulled the door shut. If they had been noticed by anyone outside, nobody had ever stepped forth to let them know, so it was likely they were in the clear. Turning to her, he picked V up, hands moving beneath her to support her so she could wrap her legs around him again as he made his way toward the sofa, setting her on the edge as he knelt in front of her to steal a deep, passionate kiss. Smiling against her lips, he opened his eyes to look into hers. "Mmm...I could definitely get used to having you around," he mused before pressing his lips to hers more firmly once more, his tongue finding hers to form that erotic dance they had become so familiar with.

As Ash got his large frame folded into the small car again, he glanced over to Roxxi and nodded at her suggestion of stopping by the video store. "Sounds good to me," he said with a smile as he managed to somehow get comfortable in the seat. Resting a hand on his full, satisfied stomach, he gave a content sigh. He had a good meal, was in good company, it was a good night in his book. He just hoped that when they got back to the warehouse that Zeke could keep things civil. Taking out his phone, he sent a text to the guitarist to let him know they would be there soon before putting it away once more, then settled into the seat again to get comfortable.
V was glad to be back in the house, but she was just a little cool from being damp after their pool session. She laughed as he picked her up again and wrapped her arms and legs around him, happy that he seemed to want her so badly. It was an ego boost like none other to have a guy like chance want her: sexy, smart, talented, generally happy, and wealthy (though that didn't matter so much). He had a lot going for him, so he probably could have gone for anyone, but he wanted to get to know her. Pressing against him like this again only reminded her of how much she'd enjoyed before, though she was still a bit sensitive. He set her down and kissed him back. She smiled back at him as he broke the kiss and told her what she wanted to hear. She could get used to being around him. Then he was kissing her again before she had much of a chance to respond. She didn't mind though. Her tongue danced with his, and pulled him closer to him. A few moments later, she broke the kiss and kept her forehead pressed to his. "Mmm, keep kissing me like that and I'll stay around," she said, only partly teasing.

Roxxi chuckled at Ash trying to get comfy. "You know, you can move the seat back. There's nothing in the back seat." She grinned and headed to a small video store that she had a membership with. She wondered who he was texting, but didn't ask about it. Instead she pulled up to the store and got out. "All right, let's go find some things to watch," she said, heading for the door, the wind whipping at her dress a little. She held it down with one hand and walked in, starting to look for something funny.
"You'll never hear a complaint out of me," Chance replied before kissing Veronica once more, briefly, then climbing onto the couch with her, leaning back and putting his arm around her to simply relax and enjoy her presence a bit, helping her to get further up onto it as he swung his legs up so they could lay down together, letting her rest partially on top of him. Running his fingers through her hair, he smiled sweetly and gave a content sigh. He was happy to just lay there with her for a bit. They had all night to get to know each other in more intimate ways, after all. Playing with her hair a bit, he didn't say much, but simply laid there holding her close, giving her a kiss now and then or some other sign of affection, but letting her decide when she was ready to move on to other ways of showing that affection this time rather than initiating it himself.

As they entered the video store, Ash took note of how the wind blew Roxxi's skirt and smirked a bit, biting back any cute jokes he might have had about it, trying to be a gentleman. They had already seen the less proper side of each other, and he had liked hers very much, but he wanted to get to know her in a more friendly fashion as well. "So what are we looking for? Something specific? Any particular genre?" As they began looking around the shelves, the big man surprisingly started in the romantic comedies. It seemed that Big Bad Ash had a soft spot for chick flicks. Looking over at Roxxi, he shrugged a bit. "They're funny...and I like funny." It was a reasonable enough explanation in his mind.
She was enjoying herself very much as he kissed her again and helped her lay out on the couch. She snuggled up to his side, letting him play with her hair. It was a secret weakness of hers--she loved when guys played with her hair. V smiled and kissed his lips softly now and then, just enjoying as he held her. It was very nice to just be held like this. Veronica looked up at him and rubbed his chest now and then, gaining some of her stamina back. "So tell me more about you, Chance." She smiled and played with his hair. "I'll tell you more if you tell me." She wanted to be the person who knew him best.

Roxxi was a little surprised she didn't get any guff about her skirt. Then again, he might not have seen it. She didn't bring it up. Who was she to turn down charity? She walked with him and did a little bit of browsing, having to do a double take as she caught him looking at the romantic comedies. "No way!" She laughed and nudged him a little. "I never would have thought you'd like them. Well, let's pick a few, shall we?" She smiled and put an arm around him, looking around for a good one.
Chance pursed his lips a bit, though it was when V wasn't looking. He knew that question would come up sooner or later. "To tell the truth there isn't that much to me. You already know most of the basics. Afraid I don't come from a broken home or anything interesting like that. Not that I haven't had some...hardships." He frowned gently at the last work, looking away somewhat before giving a gentle shrug of his shoulders. "You know about my brother already. He and I aren't exactly what you'd call close. I had a sister too." The use of the word 'had' made it quite obvious that she wasn't around anymore. "So, what about you? As long as we're playing 'show me yours I'll show you mine' then what's your story? How did you end up with the guys?" He had to smirk a bit and the 'show me yours' remark, since they had obviously already passed that phase in a more literal sense.

Ash looked through the movies on the shelves in front of him, giving a slight sideways glance to Roxxi now and then to see if maybe she had spotted something she wanted to watch. From time to time he would grab one off the shelf to get her opinion, placing it back but keeping the location filed in his head so if they decided on it they could come back to it. After a short while of browsing, he finally turned to her with a smile. "So, figured out one you wanna see yet? I have a few in mind, and chances are a couple will be the same as some of your choices, so that'll help us narrow it down a bit."
She got the feeling that something was bothering him, but he seemed keen on changing the subject. Since she'd known him for all of 48 hours, she thought it best to just play along. She nodded at the mention of his family and wondered what his hardships were. But she wasn't one to press for knowledge. "Well, nobody's perfect, right?" She made a funny face and then kissed him softly as he finished his joke and asked about her. "Hm? Well, actually I just sort of walked in on them when I was making a delivery. I was a good girl and worked at the restaurant part time while I was between high school and college. I saw that these hot guys were holding auditions for a band. I'd come in at the end of someone's audition and saw that none of them seemed to like the guy--but they all seemed to like me." She joked a little, but she remembered pretty clearly the way they all stared at her. "I like to think it's because of my rockin' bod, not just because I had a ton of food in my arms. They all took it from me and I got paid, but I kept looking at the drum set. Drums were my thing in band, and my parents encouraged us all to learn an instrument--mine just happened to be loud." She chuckled and kissed his neck softly, looking up into his eyes. "So they asked me if I wanted to play--I think they were just flirting--and before I knew it, I was in. A bunch of loveable miscreants wanted me, and with some begging, pleading, and a pledge to get a college degree in something useful, I was in." She rubbed his shoulders gently and looked up at him, wondering if there was something safe she could ask...."When did you start riding your bike? Not the bells and horn kind, but the vroom vroom kind."

Roxxi looked over the shelves, enjoying some of his selections. She pointed to Elizabethtown and grabbed Miss Congeniality, and When in Rome for good measure. The redhead resisted the urge to grab Moulin Rouge, one of her favorites, and took Ash's hand. "Come on, tough guy," she teased, dragging him with her to check them out. Once she had the due date, she took them up and pulled him along with her, back to her car, leaning against him a little this time to block some of the wind.
Listening to V's story, Chance smiled a bit at her meeting with the guys. "Well, I'm sure glad you were the one making the delivery that day so you could be here when I came along." With a wink, he kissed her back before settling in once more as she asked about when he started riding. "Well, I never got into the bells and horn kind...I've been riding since I was little. Got my first dirtbike when I was eight, and it just sort of evolved from there. When I turned fifteen I got my Class M. Only kid in school that rode a Harley." Giving a slight chuckle, he stroked her hair affectionately. "I got a Class C too, but I've rarely ever bothered with cars. I do have one, just never drive it." He didn't go into detail about what sort of car he had parked in the garage, as she didn't seem like a girl who would be very impressed by that sort of thing. "Also in the process of restoring an old Indian motorcycle that I rescued from the crusher a while back."

As they left the store and Roxxi leaned against him, Ash had to admit he rather liked it. Putting a large arm around her shoulders, he gave her a gentle squeeze before getting the car door for her, then moving around to his side and climbing in. Sliding the seat back, he found he fit a little better, but it was still rather tight. He managed, though, without complaint as they were on their way. "Zeke's there now. Figure the three of us can just relax and enjoy a quiet night in."
She found the aspect of a slightly dirty, hands-on Chance appealing in a cheap, romance novel sort of way. But she was a sucker for the cheap romance novels. Smiling, V was glad he'd enjoyed her little story, and he seemed much more willing to talk about his bike than his family. "Am I the only girl who gets to ride on your bike," she teased, knowing that she probably wasn't. She kissed his neck softly and hugged him. "I can't really see you in a car--but I can't really see you in a nice suit, either, and I'm sure you have one of those," she teased. She shrugged and kissed him again, lingering for a long moment before she sat up. "I think I need some water. Wanna come with me?" she asked, running her hands down his chest and stomach. "Say, you're not ticklish are you?"

Roxxi enjoyed his arm around her, not missing the squeeze. She got the feeling that he liked her, though she wouldn't have known after first meeting him. Actually, she might have thought he was a little creepy last night. Staring and silent and brooding. She was glad that he wasn't always like that. It was one of the reasons she was glad she was getting to know him better. He mentioned that Zeke was waiting and she wondered if they should bring something back for him...but there were still plenty of snacks at the warehouse where they practiced. She was sure he was far from starving. Well, for food anyway. Attention was another story.
Chance smiled a bit, his stomach tightening just a little at V's touch before he sat up with her. "Not ticklish I'm afraid. Be glad to come with you." Standing and offering a hand, he pulled her to her feet and into another kiss before stepping back to let her past him. "Kitchen's that way. Of course plenty of other drinks in there if you want something else. There's some bottled water in the fridge too." He was talking a bit more than he normally did, but she just had a way of making him feel nervous and excited, which had a way of making him ramble sometimes.

As they made their way to the warehouse, Ash didn't say much, but did cast Roxxi the occasional glance, smiling to let her know all was well. He was just a quiet person normally, not one who made a lot of small talk. It made him a great listener, though, since he didn't feel the need to interject a lot of opinions when someone was talking to him, or just felt the need to vent a bit to someone and he was the chosen ear to be lent out. The truth was, he just enjoyed her company, he was learning, and was happy having her near. After a while, as they neared the warehouse, he finally spoke up. "So, staying tonight or heading home after the movies?"
V pouted a little at his lack of vulnerability, but just smiled as he got up with her. She was tricked though--pulled into a kiss as well. Not that she minded at all, but she would have to start paying more attention. She moved past him and went to the kitchen, having been in it briefly before. Opening the fridge, she found the bottled water and grabbed one, coming back to him. She took a sip and offered him one as well. "Thanks for sharing. But water's plenty for me." She could tell he was nervous so she figured after a little more water, she'd find out a little more...if she could keep her hands to herself. It was difficult to resist him when he stood there like that. "So, favorite movie genre?"

Roxxi smiled back when she caught him, wondering if something was on his mind or if he was just in a good mood. It was probably both. She shrugged and pulled into a space at the warehouse as she answered his question. "I think I'll go home tonight. I really only have my yoga stuff with me, and I'd like to wash that." She shrugged and got out of the car. "Do you stay the night here often?"
Accepting the water and taking a sip, Chance sat by V once more and leaned back on the sofa to get comfortable again, smiling a bit at her question. "Hard to say. I'm a fan of them all. Love a good action flick, always in the mood for a good comedy, and a total sucker for one of those emotional gut-wrenching dramas from time to time. Even enjoy the occasional sci-fi or fantasy flick." With a shrug, he looked to her and tilted his head slightly. "What about you?"

"Sometimes," Ash said as he got out of the car as well, moving to get the door to the warehouse as they stepped inside. "I love this place. Feels more like home than...well, home...sometimes." With a slight shrug, he glanced toward the lounge upstairs to see Zeke sitting in there playing a video game judging by the way he moved from side to side and was most certainly cursing at the TV. With a smirk, he looked to Roxxi. "Well, looks like he managed to stay entertained...careful, he gets a bit cranky over the games sometimes."
V chuckled and took the bottle back, another drink hitting the spot. She put it down not far from the couch, lid on, and crawled over him as he got comfy. "I love a good comedy, action flicks are okay, but I'm a sucker for the super cheesy romances, and the classic musicals like Singing in the Rain...I have a soft spot for sci fi stuff like FireFly, and I'm good with dramas. I don't like horror or thrillers," she said, leaning down to his his neck. "I just don't see the appeal of being scared out of my wits or grossed out." Her lips brushed against his neck as she spoke, and she focused in on that point, deciding that she really couldn't keep her hands off of him anymore. After a moment of exploring his soft skin, she found his pulse and gently sucked at it--not enough to leave a mark, but enough to get him going. Her hands gently ran over his shoulders and she smiled softly.

Roxxi saw the appeal of staying in a place like this...but it was just so big. It seemed like you could get lonely pretty quickly in a place this big. The redhead thought about it for a moment and wondered if that was why he wanted her to stay...nah. He was just being nice. After all, it was her home away from home now too. She could see Zeke playing his game too, chuckling. He was cute when he was trying hard. Then she remembered one of his fantasies and chuckled. "I could be mean to him, and work out a plan to torture the poor guy, but I don't think I will. I like the guy too much." She shrugged and looked at Ash. "I'm pretty sure I can handle the cranky," she said, running her fingers through her hair as she walked with Ash, movies in hand.
"Totally love Firefly," Chance stated as V went over her list, nodding his agreement as she stated her dislike of horror movies, gladly letting her crawl over him as she spoke. "Yeah, not really a fan either. Not that I don't enjoy a good scare now and then, but honestly the plots of most horror movies are just weak and downright stupid. It's all about gross-out factor more than scary." She then began to run her hands over him once more, which caused him to take a deep breath, gasping softly as she as she teased his neck with her lips. As her hands explored him a bit more, he started to grow more excited, and it was becoming obvious beneath her. As she suckled at his pulse, he closed his eyes and moaned softly, his hands moving to her hips and tracing the soft, ample curves before sliding up her sides slowly, fingertips just teasing and tickling her skin as they danced over it.

Zeke almost didn't notice the two as they entered, too caught up in his game, though he did glance up briefly and spot them, his irritated expression quickly replaced by a smile as his attention was pulled from the frustrating game to his friends. Dropping the controller, he raised a hand to wave to them, signalling for them to come up. As Roxxi mused to herself about torturing the guitarist, Ash glanced at her, cocking a brow slightly, though he didn't ask just what she was thinking, figuring she would have went into more detail if she wanted him to know. With a shrug, he let her go in front of him and fell into place behind her after motioning her toward the lounge up the steps. Zeke greeted them as they entered, tilting his head slightly. "Oooh, movies! Good. Damn game was getting on my nerves anyway." He turned off the game console and gave them a grin, patting the sofa for them to join him.
She enjoyed watching chance go from movie critic mode to gasping arousal. She had agreed with his finer points, but that wasn't the name of the game now. Now, it was all about finding his weak points and exploiting them for her pleasure--and hopefully his. She found one at his pulse and nibbled at it gently, suckling it as her hands gently ran up and down his chest and sides. She shivered at the light touch of his fingertips and found herself getting even more excited. This time around she was going to give him a little of his own medicine and make him enjoy himself. "I much prefer watching you though," she murmured, a sly little smirk on her face as she continued to seek out his weaknesses. If she wasn't the only girl he saw after tonight, she wanted to be the only one he really wanted to see.

Roxxi smiled and scooted along with Ash, finding that she was a little less sore now, but only in a few of her muscles. She smiled when they reached the lounge and found Zeke there, playing his games. She waved back at him as they entered the room and chuckled at how he was almost hyper as he abandoned the game he was playing. She wasn't really sure what it was, but since he was a gamer, she assumed that it must have been something difficult if he was that frustrated. At his mention of the movies she walked over to the player and held them behind her back. "I got to pick them," she said with a little grin. "Choose either 1, 2, or 3." She said holding the stack behind her.
As V continued to tease him, seeking out his weak spots, she did indeed find a few. His ears were particularly sensitive to kissing and nibbling, like with most normal people, his chest and sides responded well to her touch as well. The truth was, it seemed her touch, no matter where, brought him much pleasure. As she explored, he returned the sentiment the best he could, though she was definitely in control this time. It was sort of new to him, but he found he liked it. He had always had to take charge with girls before, but V wasn't afraid to step up and set the pace for a change. "Mmm...well, that's a good thing, because you're obviously going to be seeing a lot of me...and have already seen more than most people do," he said with a soft chuckle, followed by a deep moan as she found yet another spot. "I rather like watching you too."

As Roxxi placed the movies behind her back and told Zeke to chose a number, he thought about it for a moment before giving a light shrug. "Lets go with number two," he said before taking a seat and letting the redhead put the movie in. Grabbing the remote, he put the TV on the proper video input channel for the DVD player and patted the seat between Ash and himself on the couch. Hey, there were a lot worse ways to spend a night for a girl than having two cute guys to cuddle up with for a movie. The two were offering her sweet smiles as they relaxed and waited for her to join them, obviously happy for the company. They had enjoyed movie nights like this with V often, and now that Roxxi was part of the band, they were happy to do the same with her. "Wonder where Chance and V are," Zeke mused briefly before giving a shrug. "Probably each one out doing their own thing, though V would usually be around here by now."
V grinned as he tried his best to reciprocate. Well, she could go for that. Nothing like doing all the work and not getting appreciation. She smiled and kissed up toward his ears gently kissing and licking at the delicate flesh there. She grinned and ran her hands over his chest, slowly running her hands down to his cock, playing with him. "Mmmm... good. I think you'll be seeing a lot more of me just like this." She grinned and winked, just getting him into the mood for more. Besides, after what he'd pulled in the pool, she wanted to tease him a little.

Roxxi pulled the movie in the middle out from behind her back and slipped Miss Congeniality into the player. "If I sit between you two, do you promise not to team up on me again?" she teased, taking a seat and putting her arms around them both. The sweet smiles only seemed to suggest they were going to do something less than sweet, but she trusted them for now. She crossed her legs and leaned back, waiting for the move to start. She looked over at Zeke as he brought up the drummer and the singer. She shrugged in response. "I don't know. It seemed like they hit it off yesterday though." With that, she enjoyed her place between the two of them, about to enjoy a funny romantic movie.
As V continued to work on him, Chance found himself giving in more and more to her every machination, and doing so happily. Feeling her hands on his cock after running them down his chest and stomach caused him to shiver lightly and gasp softly. He was already getting harder before she'd even touched it, and now it grew rapidly at her touch. She had him where she wanted him, that was for certain, and he was happy to let her continue to work him up, though he wasn't sure how much more he would be able to take before he had her bent over that couch...but he was willing to try holding out as long as he could. "Mmm...I truly hope so," he cooed in response to her statement, his voice both sultry and sincere.

The guys didn't seem to have anything in mind, each one resting a hand on the leg closest to them as she put her arms around them, but that was about the extent of it. Apparently they needed to recover a bit as well, or at least knew she could probably use the time to do so. Instead, they watched the movie with her. As the credits came on, Zeke grinned. "Cool. Sandra Bullock is totally hot." Ash chuckled a bit and shrugged, nodding his silent agreement. "Of course, we have one just as hot if not more watching with us," he added, getting a quick nod from Zeke. "True that."
Veronica was glad to tease him like this and gave his sweet ears a little more attention before kissing down his chest, licking and nipping at his nipples on her way down. She smiled up at him as she kissed down his stomach and down. She licked up and down the meeting of his torso and thighs, looking up at him as she took her time before coming to his cock. "It's only fair I get a turn," she said, kissing his tip gently, her hand still stroking it gently. She looked up at him and then started to swirl her tongue around the head. "Mmmm....just relax..."

Roxxi grinned and nudged them both a little at their compliment. "Awww, thanks you guys. I wish I was more like her though. I'm not nearly as funny, or rich," she smiled and squeezed them both a little bit closer to her and just watched a good movie. "I love movies like this." She leaned her head against Zeke's and kept watching.
Chance was lost in a wave of ecstasy as Veronica continued to work his body, giving his ears more affection before moving down. As she licked and nipped at his nipples, he shivered lightly and moaned her name, then felt her moving lower, down his abdomen, and eventually settled herself in front of him, stroking his cock gently as she kissed the tip and spoke to him. He was fairly certain she had gotten a taste outside, but he wasn't about to complain about her wanting more. As he felt her swirl her talented tongue around the head, he took a deep breath, releasing it in a soft groan of pleasure as she told him to relax. He did just as she ordered, letting her have her way and enjoy being in charge a bit, his hand moving to rest in her hair, gripping it gently, following the movements of her head while the other gripped the edge of the sofa. "Mmm...Veronica," he moaned, letting her know just how much he was enjoying her mouth on him.

"Psh! You're perfect like you are," Zeke responded as he gave Roxxi's leg an affectionate pat when she leaned her head against him and they watched the movie, Ash sitting on the other side doing much the same after nodding his agreement with Zeke's observation. Their fingertips would dance idly at her skin from time to time, but they made no move to touch in more personal spots or to really do anything beyond the little shows of affection. It wasn't like they would complain if she decided to play a bit, but they left that completely up to her, knowing that only she knew when her body was ready for anything else. They would play a little game of tug-of-war from time to time, one pulling her to lean more against him, then the other a while later doing the same. They each liked having her close, and each seemed determined to get his fair share of contact with her.
Veronica smiled at him and let him enjoy himself. She wanted to give him the pleasure he'd given her earlier that night. She could hardly believe she was lucky enough to get him all to herself tonight. She certainly hoped he felt as lucky as she did. Maybe that's why he was "chance." Pushing the cheesy thought aside, she focused on pleasing him, her tongue running up and down his length, tasting him as she had before. But now, she had the pleasure of doing it all. After a few moments of her licking him like that, she took his tip into her mouth and sucked it before slowly taking more of him in and then teasingly pulling away so her tongue was just swirling around his tip again. She repeated the process, each time taking more and more of him into her mouth. One of her hands stroked what she didn't have of him in her mouth, the other gently massaged his thigh.

Zeke's comment made Roxxi smile and she rewarded him with a kiss to the cheek. When Ash did the same and gave a nod she gave him a little squeeze and kissed what she could reach--his shoulder. She went back to leaning against Zeke for the time being, since that's how she was situated for the time being. "Thanks you guys. You're sweet." And then the movie started. She laughed at all of the jokes, still noticing how they were playfully skimming the skin on her legs, glad that that was all they'd done, though it sent shivers down her spine as she remembered how things had started last night. Still, she watched, only chuckling and reminding them she wasn't a yo-yo when they tugged at her now and then. After the third time she just smiled and pulled them both so they were leaning on her. "Just lean on me. That way you both have my attention," she said with a chuckle.
As V continued to work Chance's cock with her mouth, sucking it in a bit, then pulling back to tease with her tongue before pushing more of his length in, he was in heaven without a doubt. His head fell onto the cushion behind him as his eyes rolled back then closed, several deep moans pouring from him, relaying his pleasure to her. Feeling her hand stroking what wasn't in her mouth was only adding to his bliss, his body starting to squirm beneath her as his hand continued to grip her hair, though he didn't try to lead her anywhere, but simply let it follow her motions. "Oh, God Veronica," he growled softly, breathlessly as her lips and tongue continued to bring him to ecstasy. There was no doubt in his mind that he wanted to spend as much time with this girl as he could, and not just for this, though it was a definite bonus, but because she was absolutely worth getting to know.

The guys continued their tug-of-war for a bit until Roxxi commented, the two of them looking to each other with a shrug before they each laid their heads against her, both having to slide down into the seat a bit, Ash a bit more than Zeke. Their hands remained on her thighs, rubbing affectionately, though keeping it innocent enough still, though their fingers did dance a bit on her inner thighs now. They were behaving themselves for the most part, but did enjoy doing things that caused her to tingle a bit it seemed. They would laugh at the jokes and comment on the movie from time to time, obviously enjoying it as much as she did. It seemed like chick-flick night might become a regular thing between them.
V kept it up, wanting him to feel just the way she had earlier--overwhelmed. The way he was moaning for her and his hand seemed to play in her hair seemed to indicate that she was well on her way. The hand on his thigh began to roam over his skin, massaging and gently exploring as her other hand tightened it's grip a bit as she stroked him. Her mouth took more and more of his shaft in and she sucked heartily. Slowly she was working her way up to being able to fit his entire cock into her mouth. Her tongue worked him as she bobbed her head up and down his manhood. She loved the way he tasted, and it was definitely worth her time and effort to get him off. She loved the sounds he made when he was being pleasured, and the way his body moved, and she liked pretty much every way that he reacted to her. Her eyes went up to his face as he held her hair, some of it escaping from his hand. Veronica wasn't a girl who always needed to be pleasuring someone, but it was nice to know that when she did, she was very good at it.

Pleased that her solution seemed to have worked, Roxxi smiled and continued to enjoy the movie, laughing at all the jokes and gags, sharing her comments as well. It was fun watching movies with them and getting to know them better, even if they didn't seem to agree on who should have more attention. She blushed just a tiny bit when their fingers came close to her inner thighs and shivered a little. She reminded them to be good, glad that they didn't try anything more than this. Her body just was not ready for more sex--especially after having both of them at once. She was sore just thinking about it. No, a full day of respite was in order before she did anything more with anyone. Having fantasy sex with Zeke this morning probably hadn't been the wisest decision in regard to soothing her pains, but she hadn't been able to help herself, and if they started in on her now, she doubted she'd be able to stop them. So she did her best to keep things from going any further.

Still, the movie passed with very little worry for her. If they watched another, she was certain things would be just fine. "Well, this is fun," she said with a chuckle. "Why don't you guys pick the next one? I have to visit the ladies' room," she said, gently lifting them off of her so she could get up. "I'll be right back." And with that, she was gone--headed for the bathroom.
Chance wasn't going to last long like this, and he knew it, his body writhing more desperately beneath Veronica's very skilled mouth, his hand clenching and opening in her hair as one shiver after another ran down his spine. As she took more of his length in with each round, working her way toward getting his whole cock in her mouth, she had him right where she wanted, and he gladly let her know it. Feeling his mouth going a bit dry, he swallowed softly to get some moisture in his throat, then released another deep moan of pleasure for her ears to pick up. The girl was giving him pleasure he could hardly believe, and seemed to be more than prepared to give even more. He didn't expect her to do this all the time, of course, but was more than willing to let her whenever she wanted, and she made it clear she very much wanted it at the moment. "Ver...onica," he panted in a breathless tone, letting her know she was pulling him closer and closer to where she wanted him to be.

As Roxxi got up and left for the bathroom, Zeke and Ash got up to look at the other movies and try to decide what to watch next. For a few minutes they argued over it playfully, then it got a bit more serious when the subject got totally off the movies. "Oh, yeah, because you just have to have everything your way, like trying to steal all the attention," Zeke spat. "Right, because you weren't determined to insert yourself there at all," Ash retorted. After a few moments, the little spat calmed down and they decided on Elizabethtown, but it probably wasn't too hard to hear them when it had gotten heated. The two would be sitting on the sofa once more, looking quite irritated at each other by the time Roxxi returned from the restroom, though it didn't stop either of them from offering her a smile in greeting.
The sound of Chance moaning filled her ears as she continued to bob up and down his cock. She sucked at his shaft, using her tongue when she could. V loved the way he sounded as she gave him his blow job. She wasn't in the habit of doing this for just anyone, and she didn't do it super often, but when she did it, she did it right. Her eyes locked onto his face as he let her hair fall in her face and then pulled it back again. Her eyes smiled, since her mouth was full, and she took every last inch into her mouth, deep-throating him as she sucked. She moaned softly when he called her name like that and let the vibration carry to his cock, giving him an extra dose of pleasure. She wanted him to say her name like that again. It sent shivers down her spine and she was glad that she could give him the experience he'd given her...for the most part.

When she came back, Roxxi heard what sounded like the end of an argument. Frowning, the redhead sped up a little, slowing down just before the door to make it seem like she hadn't heard anything, just in case she'd misunderstood. Though they both smiled at her, Roxxi got the distinct impression that there was serious tension between Ash and Zeke. She smiled back and then asked, " everything okay? I thought I heard some yelling..." she said, coming back to her spot between them. She looked from one to the other and wondered just what was going on.
As V took him completely into her mouth, her eyes showing him the smile her lips couldn't currently convey, he was on the verge of losing it. She got what she wanted, as he did indeed moan her name again, though even more breathlessly. The moans that she gave, sending vibrations through him, were all it took to help push just a bit further, and soon enough she had him writhing desperately beneath her. "Oh...Veron...ica...fffuck...gonna...cum!" He had already passed the point of no return, feeling the tightening of his balls, the rush running through his loins, and the weakness setting into his limbs as if she were sucking the strength right out of him, quite literally. It was a wonderful sensation, and his deep moans of pure bliss told her as much. "Oh...fuck...V!" He continued to moan and pant her name in desperation, his voice laced with pure ecstasy.

As Roxxi came back and settled in, asking the guys if everything was okay, they each looked to her, offering sweet smiles and nodding. "Everything's great," Zeke said. "Just guys being guys. You know how we can be sometimes." Ash nodded slightly in agreement, though the two shot each other some pretty nasty glares over her shoulders before turning back to the movie. Maybe it was just a little spat, and wouldn't get a repeat. Perhaps it was just a short phase and would pass quickly. One could only hope that it didn't stay like that, or get worse. For the moment there was peace, however, so they could enjoy the movie, the two of them leaning in close again. There seemed to be a bit of tension in the air this time, but for the most part it was calm and well.
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