Unturned Stone (Rage and Candira)

RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

"Mmm, I think I'm good with present company," Chance said with a smile as he and V continued their stroll along the shoreline. "And you're absolutely right. Lack of a bathing suit doesn't need to stop you at all." Giving her a playful grin, he squeezed her hand gently before turning to face her as he stopped. "Now the question is, how brave are you? We have a pool back at my place, and a whole ocean here."

He glanced around a bit, seeing how many people were out. The beach was mostly deserted, though there was the occasional person or couple to be found scattered about. Looking back to the beautiful drummer, Chance tilted his head slightly, wondering if she would possibly have the courage to jump in the ocean with him.

Ash laughed a bit as Roxxi told him about Zeke's eagerness to move in. Taking a sip of his beer, he shrugged gently as he looked at her. "Well, I suppose he has a nice incentive, hmm?" Smirking playfully, the big guy glanced to the TV for a moment before turning back to the redhead and positioning his body to face her a bit so he could rest his arm on the back of the sofa. He didn't seem bothered by the prospect that Zeke might have had some extra incentive for being so eager to move in, but then again it wasn't as if he didn't get his own private fun with her as well.

Taking the last sip from his bottle, he tossed it into the recycle bin and grabbed another, offering her one as well. Opening his beer, he took a drink and swallowed with a content sigh. "Man that's good after a day at work." The big guy seemed content with her company tonight, not trying to come onto her. Then again, he imagined her body could use some time to recover, so he wasn't going to push things.
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

V smiled as he decided to keep it just between the two of them. the decision was one she definitely appreciated. She stopped with him, looking up into his eyes as he squeezed her hand, basically daring her to take a dip into the big blue without any clothes on. She wondered if it was safe to do so. After all. It was night time, and that's when the scary fish come out to play.

"Hmmmm...were it not for my concerns of being bitten or stung by something I would say ocean. But I think I'm going to opt for the pool this time. Maybe next time we'll go in the ocean," she said with a wink. She squeezed his hand and then pulled him down to her, kissing him softly. "But there's no reason we can't enjoy the beach a little more."
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

Chance laughed softly before V pulled him into her for a soft kiss, wrapping his arms around her and returning the sentiment happily. As he pulled away to look into her eyes, he nodded at her suggestion of enjoying the beach a little more. "I agree wholeheartedly," he told her with a soft smile before turning to walk along the shoreline a bit more, taking her hand in his again.

Glancing out over the water at the moon, he watched it for a moment as they walked along, leading her toward a pier that was just a short walk from his house. As they approached the structure, he paused and glanced at her for a moment. It was vacant and long, heading out about a hundred yards where it stopped. It was mostly used as a fisherman's pier, but they rarely came out to try and catch something at night, so it was theirs if they wanted it. "So, fancy a walk on the pier with me?"
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

V smiled at his question and kissed his cheek. "I'd love to join you for a walk on the pier." She smiled and swung his hand in hers as they walked along. She pointed out various star formations and celestial bodies as they came closer to their destination. The drummer found herself more and more pleased that he returned her affection. It seemed as though things between them were coming along swimmingly.

Roxxi smiled at Ash and took a few more pretzels just relaxing on the couch with him. "So what do you do? I don't think you told me last night."
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

Listening to V as she pointed out constellations, Chance smiled as he held onto her hand and looked up at the celestial bodies she pointed out. He recognized most of them, but there were actually a couple he wasn't so familiar with. As they reached the end of the pier, he helped her to sit and took a seat beside her, letting their legs dangle over the edge. The entire time he simply watched and listened to her, truly enjoying what she had to say. "You know, you really are amazing," he finally had to say with a soft smile as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

Ash gave a light shrug and smirked at Roxxi after taking another sip from his beer. "You didn't ask last night. But then again, I think you may have had your mind on other things." Giving her a sly grin, he leaned forward a bit, resting his elbows on his thighs. "I'm a mechanic. I work at a garage in town. Decent money, and I like doing it. In the process of restoring a '65 Mustang right now. Been working on it a couple of years, but it's almost done. I'll show it to you sometime if you want. What about you?"
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

V let him lead her along, pointing out more celestial wonders. When he helped her sit down she paused and waited for him to join her, her feet just touching the water. She explained the stories behind different constellations and mythology and took a little break after awhile, smiling as he squeezed her hand and paid her a very nice compliment. "Oh yeah? Why's that?" she asked with a little smile. She leaned into him a little, looking up into his eyes.

Roxxi smiled as she gleaned more information from Ash. "Cool. I have always had a thing for mechanics and musicians, you know," she said with a little wink. She took a sip of her beer and smiled as he told her of his project and she smiled. "I would love to see your car sometime. It sounds like a fun trip." She patted his knee and smiled. "Me? I'm just boring little yoga instructor. I also do accompanist work to supplement my income."
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

"For so many reasons," Chance said back with a smile, giving a light shrug as he glanced out over the water, admiring the reflection of the moon and stars on the surface. Letting go of V's hand, he raised his arm to drape it over her shoulder and pull her closer. He couldn't complain about his current company, combined with a stunning view. Finally he simply turned his head toward her and pulled her to him so his lips brushed against hers before pressing more firmly against them into a deeper kiss.

Ash grinned a bit as Roxxi stated her attraction to mechanics and musicians, leaning forward a bit and cocking an eyebrow. "Oh, really? Well, then, I guess I'm sitting pretty good here hmm?" Giving her a playful wink, he reached for his beer and took another sip. He had long ago stopped paying attention to the TV and wasn't even sure what was on anymore. "A yoga instructor is hardly boring," he told her with a smirk, tilting his head a bit. "And I bet it gives you a few benefits."
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

V got the odd feeling that she was in a dream as Chance smoothly delivered another compliment. The man knew how to work charm, and she couldn't ignore that. She smiled at him and kissed him back, leaning into him as she put her arms around him. This time, their being together felt more like a date than a crazy random happenstance. With a grin, she pulled away from the kiss and looked up into his eyes. "You're pretty amazing yourself, Chance. Just for being you." She smiled and kissed him again, slowly deepening the kiss. This, was a fantastic night.

Roxxi chuckled as he winked at her. "I suppose you could say that." She leaned back on the sofa and shrugged a little. "Aside from the paycheck? Free classes when I want them, I guess." She took another sip of her beer and set it down on the table. "What kind of benefits were you thinking it came with?"
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

Chance smiled sweetly at V as she returned the compliment, wrapping his arm around her neck to pull her deeper into the kiss, his tongue dancing playfully against hers once more. It was indeed a fantastic night, and it was still young and had the potential to be even better yet. As he finally pulled away to look into her eyes, he tilted his head slightly, admiring the way the moonlight illuminated her face and the soft, ample curves of her body. "Mmm, you know, you keep kissing me like that and I can't be held responsible for my actions," he told her, giving her a playful wink. It was cheesy, but for him, somehow it worked.

Ash smirked as he took a sip of his beer, finishing it off and tossing the bottle before grabbing another, holding one up for her as well if she wanted. Opening the bottle, he took a drink and shrugged. "I was thinking more along the lines of flexibility, but those seem like some nice benefits too," he told her with a chuckle. "Now I'm tempted to ask you to show me some of those yoga positions." With a sly grin, he took another sip and settled back onto the sofa once more, quite content with his company and the current atmosphere.
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

V kissed him back, very much into this particular moment. Something about when he had her like this was just too much to resist. She grinned and let a dreamy sort of look linger in her eyes as she committed the image in front of her to memory--a hot, sweet, talented guy with just a hint of mysterious highlighted by the soft moonlight. And those eyes just kept drawing her in for more. She smiled at him as he used the line, pulling him into a hug. "Mmm, if I keep it up I want you to be responsible for all of your actions." She smiled and kissed his cheek, pulling away to stand up and stretch. "Hmmm, I think it has been a sufficient amount of time to go swimming. Shall we?"

Roxxi smiled at Ash and chuckled a little at her own mistake. "Some days I swear there's more blonde on my head than red." She finished off her beer but left the new one on the table for now, opting for more pretzels instead. She felt overwhelmingly feminine in her little dress, but she was comfortable just the same. "Stretching helps with the soreness that someone inspired already. But it can only do so much. So I'll have to save that demonstration for another time. But I can give you a private lesson," she said with a little smirk.
Chance couldn't help but smile at V's response, tilting his head to accept her kiss on the cheek before looking at her when she started to stand and stretch. "I do believe you're right," he told her, climbing to his own feet and stretching as well. He then offered an arm to her and turned to walk back toward the beach, leading her back to the house. As they approached the back door, he kicked his boots off, bidding her to do the same so they didn't track sand inside, before leading her through the house and to the pool out in front of it.

He then began to slip off his shirt, tossing it over one of the loungers at poolside, showing off his well toned physique and the beautiful artwork that decorated his skin. Turning to her as he began to try and get his socks off, he hopped on one foot, then the other, getting them off one at a time and tossing them aside as well. Finally he started on his jeans, unfastening them and pushing them down off his hips until he stood only in his boxer-briefs, smiling at V. "So, underwear, or au natural?"

Ash laughed a bit with Roxxi as she joked about herself, shaking his head a bit. "Nah. Easy mistake to make," he comforted, reaching out to give her a pat on the shoulder. He then seemed to perk up a bit when she mentioned a private lesson, tilting his head a bit. "Oh? And what does that consist of?" The mention she had made before that of the previous night's events having left her sore of course made him smile even more, but he kept his mind in the present, waiting for her to explain just what sort of private lesson she was thinking of.
Chance never made her feel uncomfortable. In fact, almost everything he did put her at ease. So when he led her back to his house, she was completely relaxed, never once worried about their little swim. She took off her shoes with him at the back and followed him through his house again. She really could get used to this place, she thought as she followed him to the pool. Grinning once she saw him start to strip down, she couldn't help but indulge herself. She watched his every move, taking in the sight of that fantastic body of his once more.

When he paused, undoing his pants she chuckled and started taking off her shirt. Next, she shimmied out of her skirt and stood there in her matching red bra and panties. "Well, it'd be a shame if all my clothes were wet and I didn't have anything sit around in with you later." She laughed walked over to him. "Unless you wanted me to stay with you tonight. Up to you, hun."

Roxxi was quite pleased with his interest in her private lesson idea. She was simultaneously flattered and curious to know if he would actually do it. "I really could just give you a private class. Teach you some beginner poses and techniques. I could also teach you how to be a little more creative with those poses," she teased. "But we could keep it strictly to yoga if you really wanted to focus on that." The redhead smiled and leaned onto couch, just smiling. She finished off her beer and set the bottle down, just watching him.
Chance paused and thought about it for a moment, though in truth it was for show since there was nothing to think about. Giving V a sly grin, he pushed his boxer-briefs down and turned to jump into the pool. Upon surfacing, he swam to the edge and propped his arms on the concrete, looking up at her with a smile. "Well, I like both ideas. You should keep your clothes dry, and I would love for you to stay the night."

Pushing off the edge, he disappeared under the water once more and surfaced in the middle of the pool, simply treading and watching her as he waited for her to join him in all his naked glory. He let himself fall beneath the surface once more, briefly, coming back up with his head tilted back so the water pushed his hair from his face before his eyes fell on her once more. "Water's great, but not perfect yet. Just one more thing it needs," he teased, giving her a smile to let her know just what he meant was needed to make it just right.

Ash tilted his head slightly, giving Roxxi a broad smile before nodding eagerly. "Okay, sure. I could probably stand to learn to relax a bit more. And I'm all for creativity." He finished his beer and stood, stretching a bit as his large frame rippled from the movement. Finally he looked to her once more, waiting for her to tell him what to do. "Oh, do we need mats? I think we have some here we snatched from an old high school gym a while back. Me and Zeke used to wrestle on them."
She smirked when she saw him strip down completely. He really was a man after her own heart. He swam to the edge, grinning devilishly at her as he told her he wanted her to stay. She chuckled and watched for a few more moments before she slipped out of her bra and panties, tossing them with the rest of her clothes. Rather than do something graceful, as might have been expected from the little drummer, she cannon-balled right into the water, resurfacing soon after. She smiled at him and swam to where he was, treading water nicely.

"Well, wishes granted then. You get me all night and your water is officially perfect. What more could a man ask for?" she teased, pulling him in for a kiss.

Roxxi chuckled at his eagerness to begin and watched as he stood up. "I didn't mean today, but I suppose I could teach you a little something about posture and breathing techniques. She uncurled herself from the couch and sat back down with him, grinning at his reference to the mats. "Oh? Mats would help, but not those. I'll bring you one of mine. You'll need a long one," she said, looking up at him for emphasis. "Just out of curiosity, who won those little matches of yours?"
As V kissed him, their naked bodies pressing against each other in the water, Chance smiled against her lips and moved them into the shallow end, at least where he could touch his feet down, his arms wrapping around her once he was able to hold her up. The water made it easy to support her, not that she was heavy to begin with, as his hands moved beneath her to cup her shapely bottom so she could wrap her legs around his waist.

Finally he pulled away and looked at her, giving her a sly grin. "Well, not all my wishes have come true yet. Care to take a guess at the last one?"

Ash nodded as Roxxi explained, giving a final nod when she offered to teach him some posture and breathing techniques. "Sure, that'd be cool," he said with a grin. "And who do you think won them?" With a laugh, he waited for her to tell him what to do, tilting his head slightly. "So I get some private yoga lessons...who'd have thought?"
She held onto him, smiling into his lips as well as he slowly pulled them to the shallow end. She helped as best she could, though once his feet could touch the ground, hers could not. V let him hold her there, wrapping her legs around him as he cupped her. While Chance was incredibly charming, he was also a little mischievous. He pulled away and she laughed at his question.

"Hmmm, would it involve more kissing? Because if it does, you've got my vote." She laughed and kissed his lips again, pressing against him.

Roxxi laughed and smoothed out her dress as she stood. "Alright. First thing you want to do is spread your legs a little bit. Shoulder-width apart. Plant your feet firmly in the ground. Feel them taking root," she said, taking off her shoes and demonstrating, though she was now a bit shorter than before, already small compared to him. "Now, take a deep breath and slowly let it out." Again she demonstrated and checked the lines of his body and looked at his balance.
"Oh, it definitely involves kissing. Lots and lots of kissing," Chance cooed as he smiled against V's lips, pulling her a bit tighter to him as his hands continued to support her from beneath, letting her feel the excitement that was already building in him as he grew harder against her by the second. The feeling of her body pressing against his was more than enough to get his blood flowing. It had been a perfect night so far, and seemed to only get better with each passing minute. "Mmm...and I might not limit it to just the lips," he added with a wink as he pulled away to look at her again, pressing his forehead against hers to look into her eyes.

Ash did as Roxxi instructed, nodding as she spoke and placing his feet shoulder-width apart before planting them firmly. He took a deep breath as she told him, pulling it in through his nose and letting it out through his mouth, repeating a few times to get himself feeling steady and centered, closing his eyes and simply listening to her voice as it guided him. Finally he opened his eyes to look at her as if checking for her approval, making sure he was doing it right. He was actually quite balanced and composed for a big man, and possessed a sense of grace that most men his size never could.
Veronica chuckled at his cooing and kissed him again as his hands supported her. She could feel him getting hard and her body temperature went up a few degrees. The cool water did not deter her from becoming more aroused by this particular situation. In fact, it added to it. She smiled as he added the fact that kissing might occur in other places as well. As he put his forehead against hers, she grinned. "Well, I might not limit it to just kisses then." She winked and just took in his face. His smile was what did it. Every time, she was simply charmed.

Roxxi circled him, checking his posture and stance while simultaneously checking him out in his work clothes. "Good. Looks good," she said, coming in front of him. Now I want you to watch my hands. When you breath in, breath in slowly through the nose, collecting as much breath as you can. Fill your lungs and belly, and then release with my hand," she said. When he had his breath in, she slowly moved her hand toward him.
"Mmm, well, I might just have to show you my appreciation for that then," Chance said as he still smiled and stared into Veronica's eyes, walking them toward the edge of the pool. The corners were rounded and smooth where they met the deck, making it not uncomfortable to lean against. As he pushed her back against the surface, he pressed his body into her a bit more and captured her lips in a deep kiss. After a few minutes of his tongue dancing with hers sensually, he lifted her a bit, able to do so easily in the water, so she could rest her arms on the deck while he kissed down her neck and collarbone, finding one of her nipples and taking it into his mouth, letting his tongue trace around the soft, fleshy pink bud for a moment before switching sides, his eyes remaining on her to observe her reactions.

Ash did as Roxxi told him, taking in as much breath as he could and exhaling as her hand pushed in on his chest, setting his pace to what she dictated. He watched her hand, letting his eyes travel up her arm to her body and face appreciatively from time to time, but his breathing remained in rhythm with the movement of her hand as he inhaled through his nose and exhaled from his mouth. Now and then he closed his eyes and played it by feeling and instinct before opening them to meet her gaze, giving her a slight smile. "You're right. This is relaxing," he told her finally.
Veronica stared back at him and she smiled as he pressed her against the wall of the pool and put stole her breath with another kiss. Her lips melded to his as he lifted her just a little. Her arms caught the ledge so she could brace herself a bit more easily, her tongue dancing with his. When he pulled away, she was deeply disappointed until he started branding her neck and collarbone with those kisses of his. Her breath caught and her belly tightened with anticipation as he found her nipples, playing with those while he watched her. She moaned softly, pleasure written lightly across her face, lust slowly making an appearance as well. Her heart beat like the very instrument she played and she found herself thanking a number of different deities that she found someone who was willing to pay so much attention to her wants and needs. Chance would be handsomely rewarded tonight. And tomorrow morning.

She smiled. "I wouldn't steer you wrong, big guy. The redhead grinned and let her hands drop to her sides, though it was very nice to feel the hardness of his chest just underneath. "It's a deep breathing exercise that well allow you to relax a bit more. You can hone the control of your breath pretty easily if you practice this technique." She smiled and flipped her hair as some fell into her face. "Well, that's it for today's lesson. Next time I'll wear pants so I can teach you something more," she said with a little laugh. She turned around to grab the other beer and saw the clock. "Aww, I'm sorry, but I have to get going. I have some errands to do before the day is done. Gimme a call later though." She smiled and left the beer where it was, starting to head for the door. "Thanks, Ash. This was nice." And with a bright smile, she left the room for the front door.
Chance smiled as he looked up at V while his lips continued to lavish her breasts with affection. He loved the way she reacted to him, and couldn't help but want more of those reactions. Then he began to kiss his way down her body as he slowly lifted her, letting her remain anchored to the deck with her arms to keep her in place while the water provided the needed assistance to raise her body with no difficulty.

Soon he was resting her legs over his shoulders, looking up at her face with a sly, hungry grin before he pressed his mouth against her, parting the lips of her inviting pussy and letting his tongue delve deep for a moment before he pulled out and slid it up to her clit to lap eagerly at the swollen nub. The sheer adventurous nature of what they were doing and where was extremely arousing, and only seemed to feed the growing lust in his eyes as they remained on her, watching her every reaction and expression with delight as his tongue worked on her without mercy.

Ash returned Roxxi's smile as she started to leave, raising a hand to give her a slight wave. "Bye Red. Be careful." As she slipped from the lounge and started down to the door, he pursed his lips a bit, noticing she had left her shoes, grabbing them and running out after her. "Hey, Red," he called out behind her as he made a dash down the stairs and toward her. "You might want to take these," he said with a smirk, handing her shoes to her as he caught up.

"Hey," he said thoughtfully, tilting his head a bit. "Do you need some company on your errands? I don't really have much else to do, and I'm not really ready to go home yet." Giving a gentle shrug, he looked down for a moment. "I understand if you don't, just thought I'd ask." Looking back up at her once more, he offered a smile that told her he truly understood if she didn't really want someone coming along with her.
V wasn't sure how far he was going to go with this, but she appreciated his daring as he kept kissing and playing with her breasts. She let him put her legs over his shoulders, blushing as he grinned up at her. And then his lips were pressing against her entrance, his tongue teasing her clit. She shivered and moaned softly, feeling him delve deeper inside of her. The fact that they could get caught at any moment only made it better. She arched her back and twisted a bit. "Chance," she moaned, nearly whispering it. Clearly, she was enjoying herself.

Roxxi turned when she heard her name again. She laughed when she saw her shoes in his hand. "Oh yeah...Probably gonna need those," she laughed. "I forgot that the guys that carry me around everywhere are on vacation this month," she joked. She took them from her, enjoying his judicious use of her new nickname. She smiled and put them on as she reached for her purse and gym bag. Blinking as he looked down at her, she thought about it for a moment and decided that it couldn't hurt.

"Well, sure. I gotta run to the bank and pick up some stuff for groceries and pay my utility bill, but if you want to sit through the monotony with me, why not?" She grabbed her keys and leaned against the door. "I'll wait for you while you get ready." The tv was probably still on and a beer was getting warmer as they spoke.
Chance's eyes remained on Veronica as she moaned and writhed against the edge of the pool while his tongue worked on her eagerly, reflecting the smile he couldn't show her at the moment as he met her gaze. Pushing deeper into her, he growled softly, letting her feel the vibrations the sound sent through her while his tongue acted as the conduit, before withdrawing enough to start lapping at her swollen clit once more. His arms held her up easily given the buoyancy of her body provided by the water, allowing him to focus more on giving her all the pleasure he could.

Ash nodded and turned to run back up to the lounge, turning off the TV and finishing his beer before tossing the rest into the cooler. Hitting the light switch on his way out, he ran back down the steps and was soon in front of Roxxi once more. Offering a large arm for her to lace hers with, he led her out, hitting the switches by the door to kill the warehouse lights. Turning as they exited, he locked the door then let her lead the way to her car, deciding to just leave his truck here for now. "Are you okay with swinging me back by here after we're done? Or you can just take me home with you," he joked, giving her a smirk.
V felt like a very lucky woman. After all, she had chance focusing on her pleasure as he held her up in the pool. She closed her eyes and let him do what he wanted, squirming just a little as he pushed deeper into her tight, wet sex, pleasuring her so very well. "Mmmm..." She closed her eyes and moaned softly, still holding himself up. "Chance," she whispered, her body quivering with delight. When it was her turn, she would make sure he got these feelings back in spades.

Roxxi smiled at him when he came back and took the offered arm. Her shoes on and bags in place, she walked with him to her car. It was a bit ironic that they were walking like this--she much shorter and in a dress, he much taller and in his work clothes. Masculine and feminine in the traditional sense. She chuckled at the thought and led him to her little car. "Sure, we can do that." Though which option she was referring to was a mystery. She stashed her bag in the trunk, her purse in the back seat.

"So, aside from beer and pretzels, have you eaten anything today?"
Chance let his eyes relay the smile he had formed as he met V's gaze occasionally, his hands still holding her firmly up as his tongue continued to lap at her hungrily. She knew how this was going to go, that he wasn't going to stop until she was writhing in the throes of ecstasy. He was planning to make sure she enjoyed a night of pure pleasure, as into the morning as well. She would definitely be walking into practice tomorrow with a smile on her face if he had anything to do with it.

"Not since lunch," Ash replied to the question of whether he'd eaten, getting Roxxi's door for her and letting her climb into the driver's side before he walked around to the passenger door and got in. He looked a bit out of place in the smaller car, but managed to settle himself in comfortably enough. The sight of the big man hunched into the small seat was still somewhat comical, though, but he didn't seem to mind at all. Reaching beneath him, he slid the seat back to make more room for his legs, seeming to be in a bit more comfort after that as he glanced over at her. "So I'd be up for grabbing a bite if you want. My treat."
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