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Unturned Stone (Rage and Candira)

RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

"Nah, we don't have anything planned for tonight," V said, still chuckling at his assessment of her outfit. "I'd really like to see your place, or we could go somewhere else. I wanna ride with you, though. We can always come back here later." She smiled at him and gave him another little hug to put him at ease. She was cheerful, as usual. Happy to see him for a number of reasons. Tonight, she decided, would be mostly about getting to know him better.
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

With a light shrug, Chance offered an arm to V, walking her to his bike. "We'll just go to my place and hang out a bit. I can even make us some dinner and we can just spend some time getting to know each other." With a smile, he reached for the saddle bag on the side and produced the spare helmet for her, helping her put it on as he secured the chin strap. Stepping back to look her over, he smirked and nodded. "Now you look like a proper biker girl," he said with a wink as he reached for his own helmet.

After getting his helmet on and secured, he helped her onto the back of the bike before climbing on himself, starting it up as he raised the kickstand with his foot and straightened the bike up. "Hold on to me. I don't live far." Once she had a good grip on his body, he put the bike in gear and throttled it gently as he let off the clutch, taking off easy and heading for the road. Within minutes they were driving down the street that ran alongside the beach toward his place.
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

V smiled as he offered his arm, walking with him as he laid out plans for the evening. "Sounds good to me," she said, putting her helmet on with his help.She chuckled as he told her she looked the part. Somehow, she kind of doubted it. And there was that wink again. It was getting a little less cheesy every time he did it.

She got onto the bike with his help, wrapping her arms around him just tight enough, leaning into him as he started off on their little trip. She was impressed that he lived near the beach. Must have had a pretty awesome job to afford the rent where he was. In any case, the view was fantastic. A little "Wow," escaped her as they sped on by, but he probably wouldn't have heard her say it.
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

As they pulled into his place, he drove the bike around back to the guest house, which was situated behind the pool. The main house was, for lack of a better word, huge. It wasn't where he lived, though. Parking the bike, he stepped off and helped her off before moving to assist with her helmet. "Well," he said, motioning to the guest house, which was two stories itself and large enough for five bedrooms. "This is it. My folks let me rent this from them. They always sort of supported the idea of me and music, put me through music school, and pretty much always looked out for me. That place," he motioned toward the main house, which dwarfed the guest house. "That's what I get in the will. Remember I told you guys I come from...well...let's just say my family has done well."

He hadn't told them his father was one of the biggest musical producers and promoters in the country, deciding to wait on that until he was sure the band would work or not. He was pretty sure that they would, however, and they would get their big break through him. After having played with them and getting to know them, Chance had already decided that even if he didn't find himself with them on a permanent basis, he would still promote them to his father. "My older brother will likely take over the family business. I just wanna make music." Giving V his arm, he led her to the door of his place, opening it for her so she could step inside and closing it behind them. The living room was nice and open, with leather furniture and a big flat screen TV hanging on the wall. The place was nice overall, even if not the mansion that his parents lived in.
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

V hadn't known that he was well off, but she'd assumed he was doing alright when they headed toward the beach. This? This was fucking ridiculous though. " live here?" she asked, looking around at the mansion and various grounds as they pulled in and he parked. She stood next to him and let him take off the helmet, her eyes still taking it all in. "Holy crap, who are your parents?" she asked with a chuckle. When he told her they were well-to-do, she took it as well enough and left it alone. "I think I know where the next sleepover party will be," she teased, nudging him a little.

She fixed her hair a bit and then took his arm when he offered it to her. "I think it's cool your parents are supportive. Not everyone's parents are like that." She said nothing about her parents and presented it like a common fact--and that's what it was. But it left room to wonder why she might bring it up.

The drummer walked with him to the door and stepped inside to be further awed. " have done very well for yourself. Or at least your parents really love you." She smiled and gave him another little hug because that's what V did and looked around, taking in his surroundings. "It's an awfully big place for just you though...Does it ever get lonely?" she asked, a little concern on her face.
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

"Well, it's a little of both. I work for my dad's company, and make pretty good money at it. I don't live here for free. I pay them to stay here. I mean I could really go live anywhere, but I love this place. I grew up in that house there, and I kind of like being close. My dad isn't in the best health these days." He frowned a bit at the mention of his father's illness, then shrugged gently. "So I decided to move into the guest house so I could be close if they need me."

He didn't push the issue about her parents, figuring she was probably being a little more specific in her statement, even though it was vague and very true for most people. She would tell him of such things if she wanted to, but he wouldn't pry anything from her. In time she would share what she wanted him to know and keep what she didn't want to share. As he led her to the couch, he sat her down and took a seat beside her, glancing to her with a smile.

"It does get a little lonely," he admitted, looking around the place. "I mean my folks are always nearby, but still, I'm usually here when not at work or practice, and it's a lot of space for one person. I've thought about taking on some roommates just for the company, but you know, it's hard to find the right people." With another shrug, he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV for some background noise before setting the remote down once more and looking to V again. "So, I was thinking of cooking, but now I think I'm feeling Chinese. Shall we order something?"
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

His fathers illness made her heart sink a little. Poor guy. Both he and his dad. Still, at least he was staying close. It earned him another little hug. She didn't say anything more about unsupportive parents, but the thought lingered a bit longer in her brain. Chance really was a lucky guy. She wondered if he'd always been lucky like that--maybe that was where he got his name from. That was just a silly little thought, but she considered it.

It wasn't that Chance didn't have her trust. It was just that it was sort of a heavy topic for a first date. And she could always tell him later about her family. His comment on being lonely sometimes brought her back to the present. She laughed a little.

"Zeke would kill to live here with you. Then again...I think he has a little something for Roxxi. Maybe it would be hard to choose between sweet digs and living with a girl like her." She shrugged and leaned against him a little, looking up at him as he mentioned Chinese. "Ordering is fun. And I haven't had Chinese in a few weeks. Sure, why not?" she smiled and crossed her legs wondering what he liked to order.
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

Putting an arm around V as she leaned into him, Chance smiled a bit and leaned back into the soft leather behind them. "Well, he and Roxxi could both move in here if they wanted. So could you." Giving her a cheeky grin, he bit his lip as he began to think of just what he wanted. "Hmm...I could go for some sesame chicken. Always been my favorite. I'd eat it every day if I could, but you know, the whole balanced diet thing kind of puts a damper on that."

With a smirk, he took out his phone and looked to her while he scrolled his contacts for the Chinese place down the street. Apparently he did order from them a bit if he kept the number in his phone. "What about you? Feeling like anything specific?" Tilting his head a bit, he offered her a smile as he found the number and waited to hear what she wanted before calling. "And you know, I was thinking about what you said earlier. We should have a little sleepover here. Maybe even regularly. Make the place a lot less lonely."
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

V laughed at his cheeky remark and kissed his cheek softly. "Keep praying. Although, I am a little jealous. It's a pretty sweet set up." She smiled and leaned on him. "Hey, that's one of my favorites too. Cream cheese wontons and fried rice are also a must. And lo mein, if you want noodles. Actually I know how to make pretty much all of that stuff. My parents used to own a Chinese restaurant." They did not anymore, although, they still made the food from time to time. It wasn't a failed business venture--they'd done quite well, for being Korean, but her father had decided to sell since he was getting older, and his children didn't seem to want to take over the business. Besides, he had enough to retire comfortably.

"But ordering is so much more fun," she said with a smile. And it was because she didn't have to make it. She leaned against him as he mentioned the sleepover again. "Yeah? I was just kidding, but I feel like we'd have a blast here. And if you were really really nice to me, I might just sleepover when everyone else wants to sleep in their own beds." She was teasing, but only a little.
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

Chance gave V a smile before he hit the send button, and within a minute or so he was giving their order to the restaurant. Once he was finished, he hung up the phone and looked to her once more. "Should be here in about a half hour." Leaning back into the couch a bit, he tilted his head slightly. "So your folks owned a Chinese place? See, now to me that would have been awesome. I could have totally lived on Chinese food." Giving her another smile, he kept looking at her intently.

"I know you were kidding, but seriously, I think it'd be kinda fun to have everyone over for a little party. And you'd never hear me complain about you staying over," he told her with a charming grin as he gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze. "So," he continued, letting her go to turn sideways on the couch so he was facing her, resting his leg in the seat while the other foot remained on the floor. "What other fun facts are there about you?"
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

She chuckled at his praise. "Well, we did for awhile. Whenever there were left overs that we couldn't give out to people, for whatever reason, we ate them. Which is kind of odd. We snuck a few Korean items in as well, but they didn't do quite as well as the Chinese stuff, so it was kind of rare..." She stopped there as he looked at her as if she were the only person alive. There was something to add to the list of things she liked about Chance. He made you feel important when he was talking to you.

"Sleepovers are always fun. But I don't know if you'd ever get Zeke and Ash to leave," she teased, smiling at the fact that he liked the idea of her staying. "Fun facts? Well, I'm mostly Korean, but there is a tiny bit of Chinese blood in me. And a few other Asian countries can claim me. I think mom was the first white person in our family. I can figure skate, but oddly I can't roller blade very well. I have some sexy reading glasses....ummm...yeah. What else do you wanna know?"
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

"Wait, wait," Chance said as V told him a bit about herself. "How can you figure skate, but not be able to rollerblade?" Giving her a slight grin, he tilted his head a bit. "I'd figure standing and getting momentum on a pair of thin blades on ice would be a lot harder than on a pair of inline skates." Chuckling softly, he raised a hand to brush some of her hair back a bit so he could get a better look at her face. "So, I could go for a beer. Want one?"

He stood and walked to the fridge to grab himself a beer, getting another one for her, just in case, before returning to the couch and sitting by her once more. Grabbing his keys from his pocket, he used the bottle opener on the chain to pop the tops of both bottles, handing hers to her, a Corona Extra. He had also brought a small bottle of lime juice over with him, squeezing a bit into his drink before offering it to her. "And I wanna know anything you feel like sharing. If it's about you, it has my interest."
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

V chuckled. "I know right? It's like being able to do really complex math, but having to use a calculator for addition." She leaned against him a little and let him brush her hair out of her face. Chance really was a sweetheart--at least where she was concerned. "Actually beer makes me sick on an empty stomach. Always has. But you go ahead though."

"Anything huh? Well you're a smooth talker." She smiled and leaned back into the very comfy sofa. "Hmmm... I have a thing for musicians and motorcycles," she teased, smirking. "Ummm... I'm pretty awesome at rpgs, I'm a pretty decent singer. I can't really read music. I know how to read percussion notes and that's about it. I love cats, but have never lived in a place that allowed them so occasionally I volunteer at the animal shelter. Selfish, yes, but the animals don't seem to mind it when I take care of them...ummmm....ask me something," she said with a laugh.
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

Chance simply listened to V as she continued to tell him about herself, showing full interest in her every word. He seemed to understand her not wanting the beer until she got some food in her, so he simply set hers aside for the moment and let her talk. As she mentioned liking musicians and motorcycles, he had to grin a bit. "I'll have to make sure to take you for plenty of rides then," he commented with a smile and a wink.

As she carried on about her other interests, he simply listened intently, happy to hear anything about her that gave him a better idea of her character. The mention of loving cats and working at the animal shelter caused him to smile warmly at her. "I can totally understand that," he told her. He then thought of something else to ask her, and seemed about ready to give her another question when a his phone began to ring. "Hello," he said as he answered. "Sure thing. It's the guest house in the back. I'll open the gate for you." He then put the phone down and smiled. "Food's here."

Standing and walking to the door, he raised his hand to the small control panel that had a few different buttons on it and pressed one. It was a minute or so later that there was a knock at the door as he opened it and began to accept the food from the delivery driver, walking it to the table to set it down before paying the man with a generous tip. "Thanks. Be careful out there. Lotta idiots on the road," he told the young man as he left before turning and walking to sit with V once more. "Okay, so let's get a little something in our systems, shall we?" He then stood, grabbing her beer and taking what was left of his to the fridge and placing them inside to keep them cool, returning instead with soft drinks for each of them. "I don't really care for alcohol when I eat. Sorry, afraid Pepsi is all I have." Handing her one of the drinks, he sat by her with the other and began to set their food out for them with a smile.
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

His responses were amusing, but there always seemed to be some kind of truth underlying them, even when he flirted. There was a little bit of promise there that she appreciated. He listened to her intently, making her wonder exactly what it was that interested him so much about her character. The fact that he smiled about her animal shelter work also made her smile. He was definitely her type. The fact that he had comfortable surroundings and a motorcycle were really only bonuses at this point. He looked like he was ready to ask something when the food came.

V found that she enjoyed Chance's company, but she wished that she didn't felt quite so silly just sitting and doing nothing while he took care of it all. "Oh, you didn't have to pay for all of the food." She frowned a little, feeling a little guilty. "I'll get it next time, okay?" With that, the little drummer girl came closer, the smell of the food enticing her. She smiled at his Pepsi comment and chuckled. "To each their own. I was never picky about Coke or Pepsi. They're really about the same to me." She took the drink from him, opening it and, after a little pause, she shrugged and asked, "Is there anything I can do?"
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

"You can enjoy the meal," Chance said with a cheeky grin as he finished setting it out for them. "I'm the host, you're the guest, so it's my job to take care of things. All I need you to do is enjoy yourself." Taking a sip of his soft drink, he glanced to the TV for a moment, grabbing the remote and turning it up just a bit before flipping through the channels to find something for a bit of background noise that wasn't too boring. Finally he settled on a wrestling show, setting the remote down once more. It wasn't that he was a big fan, but it was entertaining enough.

Looking back to V, he smiled as he took his plastic fork from the packaging and used it to get a piece of sesame chicken, raising it to her lips to offer her the first taste. It was an intimate gesture, but nothing too intruding. He was simply enjoying her company, and wanted to make her feel relaxed and stop worrying about things so much. "And don't worry about catching the bill. A little Chinese food isn't going to break me, I promise," he said with that playful smile once more.
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

She blinked and tilted her head to the side as he properly put her into her place--that of the guest. Well, if he insisted. She chuckled. "Okay, if you say so." V took the time to open her Pepsi and sipped it as he flipped through the channels. She was never much for wrestling, but she supposed that it was better than nothing. Her attention came back to him as he opened the plastic cutlery and attempted to feed her.

Needless to say she was a little surprised but she chuckled and took the food that was offered with a grin, shaking her head a little. "I'm pretty sure you don't have to be that good of a host," she teased gently. "But I guess I shouldn't shun generosity." She leaned past the plastic and kissed his cheek before taking the fork from him and returning the favor. It was pretty good food. Hers was better in her incredibly biased opinion, but she said nothing.

"It's only fair," she said with a little wink.
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

Chance smiled as he accepted the bite that V offered him, taking a sip of his soda to wash it down before getting a piece on his fork and offering her another bite. "No complaints here," he told her with a wink. Setting the fork down once she got her bite, he propped his arm against the back of the couch as he faced her with a slight grin. "Besides, I kind of like spoiling you," he told her, tilting his head a little to observe her for a minute. "I could get used to having you around."

"Maybe one night if you feel like it you could cook some for us so I can compare," he said, propping his cheek against his hand as his elbow still rested on the back of the couch. "So, anything you want to do once we're done with dinner? Watch a movie, take a swim...well, have to wait an hour for that, but still. Whatever you like." He was quite the gracious host, making a point of ensuring that she felt welcome, at home even, in his place.

Back at the warehouse, Ash pulled up and turned off his truck, getting out and walking to the door. Nobody else was there, as Zeke and Roxxi were likely still at work, and Chance and V were likely doing their own thing. He didn't mind, though. He often enjoyed coming to the warehouse and just spending some time alone, getting in a little solo practice, and just relaxing. They had a long road ahead of them, and a short time to be ready for it, after all.

As he stepped inside and hit the lights, he let the familiar sight soothe him before he walked upstairs to the office/lounge and plopped onto the sofa, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV. As he tuned it to wrestling, he sat back and watched the show, finding himself at ease in this place. He always preferred to be here rather than at home with his sister and her husband. It wasn't that they were hard to get along with. They could just be annoying with their constant newlywed behavior. With a content sigh, the large bassist turned the volume up and simply watched his show in peace.
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

V smiled as she watched him eat and chuckled as he offered another piece to her. She felt a little silly, but took it from him, since she felt like it was what he wanted to do. Her eyes followed him as he leaned back, winking at her again. He made her laugh pretty easily, but she was a cheerful person to begin with. "You really are spoiling me you know. There's no need for it." She smiled and watched as he looked her over. "I'll stick around even if I have to eat my own food," she teased, leaning toward him and kissing his cheek.

At his suggestion for her to cook she smiled and nodded. "I could do that. You might get a lot of food out of it though. Most of the recipes I have can make food for dozens of people at a time," she said with a little laugh, "but it's not hard to make adjustments." She smiled and took a sip of her pop, setting the can down as she took some lo mein for herself and then offered a forkful to him.

His question sort of threw her off guard. "Hm? I didn't have anything in particular in mind. What sounds fun?"

It took most of the day, but Roxxi was finally finished with her classes. She smiled and showered in the locker room, briefly reminded of her steamy scene with Zeke this morning...and the one with Ash she'd had the night before. Despite her flexibility, she was still pretty sore from both encounters, though she hadn't been quite this satisfied sexually in a long time. She laughed a little at the thought and dried off when she was through. She looked very pretty as she put on a light dress to wear home. It was a nice purple color that suited her well. It hugged her in the right places and fanned out at her hips, her figure far more feminine than when she'd arrived. She smiled and put on her sandals before walking out of the building.

She wondered if anyone was at the warehouse tonight. Most definitely, she would rather spend some time there than go back and deal with her roommate. So rather than drive home, she decided to stop by the place her band practiced and see if she wanted to bring anything more. When she got there, she was surprised to see a truck. She didn't remember seeing one yesterday...then again, she'd been late. So who was it?

Roxxi frowned and walked into the building, calling out, "Hello?"
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

Taking a bite of the lo mein when V offered it, Chance smiled and raised his soda to take another drink himself. He hadn't even noticed how quickly the time passed as they'd talked and eaten, and soon the food was nearly gone and he was feeling quite full and happy. Resting into the couch a bit, he laid his hands on his stomach and patted it with a smirk. "Yeah, I'm so going to have to swim a few laps later for this one," he joked, apparently being one to make a bit of a fuss about staying in shape. "But it was so worth it."

Looking to her with a warm smile, he tilted his head a bit, considering what they could possibly do. "You know, I'm not sure really. If you want, there's the pool, like I said. Or we could play a game, watch a movie, go for a walk. There's miles of beach out there if that's your thing. I've got great company, so I'm game for anything." Offering her a cheeky grin, he sat up once more, giving her a moment to think of what she might like.

The sound of the TV echoed through the warehouse as Ash had cranked the volume a bit. It was a nice advantage to the place. No neighbors to complain about noise. The acoustics made it hard to hear Roxxi as she called out, but thankfully he didn't have to. The security cameras and monitor had been left behind by the previous tenant and he noticed the movement on the small screen to the side.

Turning around to look out the window, he saw the redhead at the door, smiling a bit and raising a hand to bang on the window a few times to get her attention. He then motioned for her to come up and join him if she wanted, raising what was left of the six-pack he had started drinking as if to entice her. With another quick motion of his head for her to come to the office, he set the six-pack down and grabbed his already opened beer to take a drink, giving her a playful smirk.
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

V chuckled and went through most of the food with him, enjoying his company as they talked about little things and got to know each other a little bit better. When they were finished she smiled as he patted his belly and made a little comment about burning it off. Nothing wrong with staying in shape. Nothing at all, she thought as she looked him over again. "I'd go swimming, but we'd have to wait. Plus, I didn't bring anything to swim in. We could go for a walk. Work off some of this tasty tasty food. Later maybe we can play a game," she said with a little wink.

Roxxi looked up at the sound of the glass and saw Ash higher up with a six pack and a smirk. Well, who was she to turn down a free drink? She waved and smiled, holding up a finger to say she was coming. She set down her stuff by the door and left her keys there as well before dashing up to where he was waiting for her. She smiled at him as she opened the door and came in, the tv loud in the background. "Hey. How are you?" she asked, coming closer and sitting down next to him, smoothing out her dress.
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

"A walk sounds good," Chance replied as he began to clean up, giving V a smile. Placing the containers in the bags they had come in, he grabbed the bags and took them to the trash, stepping on the lever to open the lid and dropping them in before turning to her. Walking back to the couch, he offered a hand, helping her up and leading her through the house to the back door. Opening the door, he held it for her to step outside before following, giving her a smile as he let her take in the view, since they had just stepped out onto the beach for the most part. Taking her hand in his, he began to head out onto the sand, toward the ocean, simply enjoying her company as they strolled along casually under the stars to the sound of waves crashing a few yards away.

As Roxxi entered the office, Ash had a beer opened and waiting for her, holding it up to her as soon as she stepped through the door. "Better now," he told her with a smirk. "Was just watching some wrestling. You said you liked wrestling, right?" He did seem to recall her mentioning she was a fan of it. He then reached to the table beside him and grabbed a bowl of pretzels, offering it up to her as well. "Beer, pretzels, and violence on TV. And now a hot redhead to watch with. Perfect night to me," he joked, giving her a cheeky grin as he took a sip of his drink.
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

As he went about cleaning up their little mess, V got the notion into her head that he really didn't have to try much to be as charming as he was. The more ridiculous thought that he could probably charm Zeke out of his pants popped into her head next, making her smile. When it was offered, she took his hand and walked with him to the back door, smiling as he held it there for her.

At the sight of the beach, she was pretty much stunned for a good second. "Wow...this is your back yard, huh? When can I move in again?" She was only joking, but living in here would not be bad at all. The little drummer held his hand as he walked with her, taking it slow. She leaned against him a little as they walked toward the ocean. It really was a beautiful night. An excellent night for a walk.

Roxxi smiled and took the beverage offered to her. She took a sip as he grinned, telling her about how his day was much better now that she was here. She chuckled and leaned against him a little. "It is, huh? Well, maybe I'll have to stop by here more often." She chuckled and took a few pretzels. "As for wrestling, I can take it or leave it. But if it's between this and something like football, I think I'd go for this. Except for the Super Bowl. Everyone should watch that. If for no other reason than the commercials."

She turned her head to the screen to see what was going on and then turned to him. "Have a good day?"
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

As they walked along down the shoreline, Chance would glance out thoughtfully toward the water from time to time before looking back to V and giving her a bright smile. He made conversation, though nothing heavy. Mostly he commented on the things they saw, other people out enjoying the beach at night and such. The atmosphere was peaceful and calm, and he found the company quite enjoyable. "So still thinking that a swim later might be nice. Or we could call the others up, see what they're doing and if they wanna come over since you had mentioned it earlier."

Ash had to laugh at Roxxi's comparison, nodding in agreement about the Super Bowl. "Here here," he said, raising his bottle in toast and taking a drink. Looking to her as she asked about his day, he shrugged a bit. "I was definitely in a good mood today. Think I scared the guys at work." Giving her a smirk, he took another pull from his bottle and relaxed into the couch with a content sigh. "Just came here to get away from my sister and her husband. We share a place, and they're still in that newlywed phase that you kind of get sick of after watching it for a while. What about yours? Good day? Show Zeke your place? Think he'll move in?"
RE: Unturned Stone (rage0976 and Candira)

V swung his hand with hers a little as they walked together. It truly was a lovely night for a walk. She chatted with him about little things but nothing really big. Keeping it a little lighter for now was good. "Ah, I would love to go for a swim, Chance, but I didn't bring anything to swim in," she said with a chuckle. "Though I suppose that doesn't have to stop me."

She nudged him a little and looked up at him. "Or if you're really lonely and need more than me to keep you company, we could call everybody else, too," she said with a little chuckle.

Roxxi smiled at his being in a good mood, wondering if it had anything to do with her at all. "Good." She laughed when he said he thought he was scaring his co-workers. It only made it feel even better that she might have been a cause for that good mood of his.

"I had a pretty good day at work. I was in a good mood too." When he asked if Zeke had checked out her place, she had a flash of their earlier activities. "Yeah, Zeke came by," she said, managing to stay completely calm about it. "He's definitely thinking of moving in. I think he mentioned something about having the check ready." She laughed a little.
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