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Unturned Stone (Rage and Candira)

Veronica saw stars. More than just the natural kind. His smile came across clearly for exactly what it was. It probably should have concerned her that after only a short time he was learning exactly what to do to make her see sparks. Chance would get his own time with her later on, but she was very, very glad that she had him now. "You're amazing," she murmured, her body writhing a bit. It wouldn't be long before his tongue had her against the ropes, right where he wanted her.

Roxxi chuckled and waited for him to settle in before she moved the car. Seeing such a big, strong guy in her car was, indeed quite funny, in a cute sort of way. "Okay over there?" she teased once he got comfortable. She was impressed at the way he handled himself, however. Pulling out to head to her bank's ATM, since the actual windows would be closed by now, she smiled over at him while he offered to buy her something to eat. "Maybe I should wear a dress more often." She grinned and drove them to the bank. "Where would you like to go?"
Chance didn't relent, simply responding to Veronica's statement by increasing his efforts. His tongue lapped her clit with growing excitement, probing into her from time to time before returning to its normal target. His eyes remained locked on her, watching her breasts shake and bounce as she squirmed and writhed in his grasp, enjoying the expressions of pleasure on her face. She was getting closer, and soon would be crying out in ecstasy, at his mercy, and this was only the beginning of what he hoped to be a long night of them enjoying the company of each other.

Ash laughed a bit, nodding as Roxxi asked if he was okay. "Much better now," he told her, looking to her as they pulled out to head to the bank. When she asked where he wanted to go, he shrugged a bit. "Anything's good with me, really. I'll let you choose. I'm just paying." Giving her a smirk, he settled into his seat and fell silent to let her go through her interactions with the ATM. "Wonder what the others are up to tonight," he mused.
V clenched her fingers and closed her eyes, arching and writhing in ecstasy as he tortured her with his tongue. The way that he was focused on her and only her really touched her...and it turned her on. She couldn't help it. The way he pleasured her was so good. It was a wonder she'd been able to hold on this long. After a few more dazzling moments, she cried out, calling his name as she came, hitting her climax with a twist and squirm.

Roxxi smiled at his answers, pleased. Still, she didn't want him to pay a lot of money for her. Especially when she'd be dragging him around to do some errands. "Hold that thought," She said, pulling into the bank a few minutes later. She parked next to the ATM and leaned out her window for her transaction. When she had her cash and receipt, she put it all away and sighed. "I'm hungry. Let's go eat. There's a good Mexican place not too far from here. Up for it?"
Chance could feel the release of Veronica's body as she hit her climax, and his tongue worked eagerly to lap as much of her flowing juices as it could in response. His arms held her strong, though gave her room to twist and write in their grasp as he pressed his mouth fully against her to catch all he could of her release. He had achieved his desired result, and made sure she was good and ready for what he had planned. As her body finally reached a point where it was coming down, the last of her aftershocks starting to wane, he pulled away, licking the remnants of her from his lips as he began to lower her so she could slide into the water with him once more.

He then lifted her, grabbing her thighs from beneath to carry her into the shallow end until the deck was about waist high to them, grinning as he sat her on the edge and pushed himself against her for another kiss, letting her feel how hard his erection had grown while he had feasted on her. "Mmm," he cooed as he pulled away from her lips with a grin, looking into her eyes. "Hope you didn't have any plans for tomorrow...because I think we'll be sleeping in..."

Ash stayed silent to let Roxxi deal with the ATM before they were on their way out of the bank. As she mentioned the Mexican restaurant, he grinned a bit and gave a slight nod. "Sounds delicious to me. Almost as good as you," he offered with a playful wink as he settled into the car seat a bit. He glanced at her from time to time, though said nothing, simply enjoying the view as they drove along, headed for the place where they would enjoy a decent meal together.

When they reached the restaurant, he got out and walked around to her door to get it for her, reminding her to lock the car before he offered her an arm to walk in with her. They looked like quite a pair, her in her dress and him in his jeans and work shirt with a tank top underneath. But it wasn't a fancy place, though it was nice. They wouldn't be out of place among the other patrons who ate there, not that he really cared if they were.
V panted softly as he slowly lowered her, his eagerness, still a turn on. When she was back on his level, she wrapped herself around him as he carried her to the more shallow end of the pool. Once he set her down she smiled at him and kissed him back, enjoying the feel of his erection pressing against her. His teasing made her smile. "I'm all for sleeping in. Lucky for me, I don't have an early start tomorrow." She grinned and pulled him close again, kissing his lips softly. "Lucky for you, I love to sleep in."

Roxxi smiled as they drove along, enjoying the ride. They didn't need to talk, but they easily could have if they wanted. The redhead was a little surprised that he was being such a gentleman, but who was she to complain? When he came to her door she made sure to lock her car and then took his offered arm. She liked that he was comfortable just as he was. With a soft kiss to his cheek, she strolled into the restaurant with him. "So, is this your favorite kind of food?" she asked, tilting her head as they waited to be seated.
Smiling against Veronica's lips as she kissed him, he pressed his body into hers even more, his hard shaft rubbing against her slit, parting the lips a bit as it ran between them to brush the sensitive spots inside, his arms around her still. "Well," he said in response to her remark about loving to sleep in. "I can't really promise there will be a lot of sleeping going on...but the bed will definitely get plenty of use I think." Pulling his hips back a bit to allow his erection to fall to a more level position, he pressed it forward once more, the head pushing against her, parting the lips of her sex gently once more, the tip just dipping into her as he kissed her more firmly. After a few minutes, he broke the kiss, though his lips still touched hers as he smiled again and spoke. "And maybe anything between here and there you'd like to make use of as well," he added to his earlier comment as he pressed into her, sinking his length a bit more, his hands pulling her closer to him at the same time.

Reaching between them, he finally took hold of his hard member and began to press it into her even more, slowly parting her folds as he sank deeper, until she found herself impaled on his length, his hips grinding against her just a bit to help her settle around him, his hands returning to her body, sliding down to cup her shapely rear and pull her onto him even more as he bit his lip gently. Within a few minutes, he was starting to move, withdrawing and pushing forward again as he started with a slow pace that picked up momentum with each thrust.

As he and Roxxi sat down in the Mexican restaurant, Ash looked up as she asked if it was his favorite kind of food. With a slight smirk, he shrugged his shoulders gently. "I like it well enough. Can't really say I have a favorite kind of food. I like all sorts of stuff, and most of it fairly equally. What about you?" As the server approached them, he looked to the girl and offered a polite nod after she greeted them and asked for their orders. "I'm thinking beef quesadillas, a Corona Extra with a slice of lime to drink, and maybe some beef and cheese nachos for an appetizer." He then looked to Roxxi with a smile. "What about you?"
V could barely control herself as he pressed against her, moaning softly as he parted her lips with his head. She kissed him back and shivered as he broke it. She didn't have a chance for any witty comebacks to his comment about the bed getting a lot of use, but she didn't really need to make one. She kissed him back, enjoying the way he seemed to be working them up to something. She kept her arms around him as he broke the kiss and added a little something. She gasped softly as he slid in just a little and moaned as he finally took control and slipped all the way into her. She was tight, and her body squeezed him as he impaled her. Worked up, the drummer let him grind against her as he cupped her and brought her to him. She finally got enough of a hold on herself to focus on him once more. She leaned into him a bit as he moved his hips, trying to move her hips a little with his. But he picked up the pace little by little and she had a feeling they wouldn't be making it up to his bed any time soon. "Chance..." she moaned. He felt so good...


Roxxi enjoyed learning more about her friends. Ash was definitely friendly... and it was nice to just have a meal like this with him. She was aware that it probably seemed like they were on a date. And maybe they were, but she didn't put a label on it just yet. As he answered her question, she noted the smirk and wondered if she amused him somehow. "Well, with me, it sort of comes and goes. One week Chinese is my Favorite, the next week it's steak, and then we're onto Italian, and so on. This week, I'm feeling the chips and salsa vibe," she said with a grin. As was customary with almost every Mexican place she'd ever been to, complimentary chips and dip were offered, and she was good with that. "I think I'll share your appetizer, if that's okay. I want a chimi fundido, please." It was plenty of food for the keyboardist. "And I'll do Pepsi and grenadine for a drink." She smiled as the server took their order and then returned her attention to Ash. "Come here often? Or do you just always know what you want?" she teased.
As V got into the rhythm with him, Chance began to pick up his pace, thrusting and grinding with her as he entered her, filling her time and again, loving how tightly she fit around him. Hearing her moan his name only excited him further, causing him to pick his rhythm up even more. The water was beginning to slosh around his legs from the movement, giving a certain ambiance to their erotic dance as he held her on the poolside and pulled her into his thrusts. Capturing her lips for another kiss, this one was a bit rough, hungry one might say, as his tongue met with hers for a sensual duel as their bodies moved in tandem, moaning against her lips as the pleasure continued to swell within him. Finally breaking the kiss, he rested his head next to hers, his voice breathy as he panted into her ear, moaning her name as she had done his. "Mmm...Veronica," he cooed as her body rocked against his.

"When it comes to food, I always know what I want," Ash replied with a cheeky grin, accepting his beer as the waitress brought their drinks to them and informed them the appetizer would just be a few minutes. With a nod, he thanked the girl and turned to Roxxi once more, raising the bottle to his lips to take a sip after pushing the slice of lime down into it. "Haven't really eaten here much to be honest. Food's been really good the few times I have though." He started to say something else when his phone began to vibrate. Reaching for it, he pulled it up and smirked. "Text from Zeke...wanting to know where everyone's at." He punched in a reply and set the phone down, looking to Roxxi once more. "Guess that means Chance and V aren't at the warehouse. Question is, are they together wherever they are? Pretty sure I saw some chemistry between those two last night..."
She shivered as he used her full name. Well, if he had it, why not? The way it slipped off his tongue sent shivers down her spine, and since she was already dealing with so much pleasure, it was hard to ignore. Her hands rubbed up and down his back, but mostly she just hung onto him for the ride. She wrapped her legs around him and moaned loudly, moving her body with his as much as she could. She just hoped no one found them like this. Not that she would be ashamed or embarrassed because they were having sex, but because she really hadn't intended for this to be a show. She shivered at the feel of water splashing against her now and then. It only made the situation hotter as he kissed her hungrily. She gave him all he needed, and tried to keep him there as he broke the kiss, only to say her name again. She did love the way it felt to have him say that. her body seemed to tighten around him in all ways and she arched into him a bit. If he kept this up, she doubted she would last much longer.

Roxxi chuckled at Ash's grin and the answer to his question. She took a chip and got some salsa, enjoying the way it was just spicy enough. She took her drink as well, though she wasn't going to have any just yet. She was very careful about drinking when she knew she had to drive somewhere. "I've been here a lot. It's one of my favorite places. Their fundido sauce is the best." When he checked his phone, she wondered who it was. But she didn't have to guess because he told her it was Zeke. "Oh, I wonder if I should have given everyone my cell number," she wondered aloud. "I think I'll do that next time. Were we supposed to be meeting up today? I don't remember that..." She wondered if Zeke was wondering where she was in particular after this morning. Well, he could just go on wondering a little while longer. After all, she was free to hang out with whomever she pleased. She smiled and ate another chip, just enjoying the company she had now.
Almost as if sensing that V was drawing closer, Chance changed up his rhythm, slowing it down and driving deeper and harder, keeping her on the edge for as long as he could. Pulling her off the edge of the pool, he backed into the deeper water a bit so it helped him to support her, not that she was any trouble for him to hold up to begin with. Letting her get her legs wrapped around him, he held his hands firmly beneath her as he helped guide the movement of her hips, rolling them against him as he continued to thrust and grind with her, the water now sloshing somewhat wildly around them, the cool liquid licking at their skin as their erotic dance continued. He clearly wanted to bring her as much pleasure as possible, and was trying to make it last as long as he could. Of course he also realized that he didn't have to stop when she climaxed either, and would likely get another out of her before all was said and done, given she was probably still sensitive from the one she had just had at the tip of his tongue.

Giving Roxxi a reassuring smile, Ash shook his head at her question as he grabbed a chip and dipped it in the salsa to take a bit. "Nah. We weren't supposed to meet tonight...not that I know of. He probably just stopped by to see if anyone was at the warehouse because we hang out there a lot of the time, even on our off nights. More than likely just wanting to know where you are though." With a smirk, he shrugged lightly. "Told him we were grabbing some dinner." The phone began to vibrate again, the big man picking it up and checking the text, cocking an eyebrow slightly. "Right. Wants to know where we're eating so he can join us..." Pursing his lips gently, it was somewhat clear that Ash was perhaps not in a mood to share Roxxi's company at the moment, but he waited for her opinion before replying, deciding it wasn't a good idea to just make decisions for her.
V panted softly, pressed against him as he changed up his rhythm on her. The drummer in her appreciated it all that much more. "You are too good," she groaned, gasping at how deep and hard he took her now. She kissed him this time, hungry for more as he ground into her and then rolled her hips for her. It was hard to do much from her angle, but she gave as much as she could. He was relieved as he took her off the ledge and then waded into deeper water. She kissed him deeply, holding his head to hers as she rolled her hips with him, finding that he was a very generous lover, but she couldn't imagine that he wasn't enjoying himself as her tight, hot pussy squeezed him. She wanted him to get as much as he gave too, but she was the one against the wall this time around, so she took all he gave her and enjoyed it so much her toes were curling up. She was still pretty sensitive, and it wouldn't take him long to get her off. "I-I' getting closer..." She closed her eyes and arched into him as she took him again.

Roxxi was pleased to know that she hadn't made some kind of mistake with the days. "Okay, good." She opened her beer now and rose an eyebrow at his suggestion that Zeke wanted to know where she was. Why would he say that? She took a sip and watched the guy smirk. It was kind of cute that he thought being out with her was a point of pride. She could see that it might not be for the best to get into the middle of something like that though. She was about to say something to clarify what this particular outing was when Zeke texted again. It was clear that Ash was put out at the idea of having to share his time with her, and that was kind of sweet too. She was pretty sure things would only be awkward if Zeke came now and she didn't want to put him in a position like that. Of course, Ash was waiting for her to say something so she said, "Well, he'll be my roommate soon enough. He can see more of me later. I asked you to come with, so it's up to you if you want him to or not." She shrugged and took another sip of her drink. Really, she was okay with Zeke coming if he really wanted to, but she didn't want to make Ash feel weird, and it looked like he would.
Chance continued to rock his hips against V as she rolled hers in response, the combination of their movements causing his long, thick cock to find all the right spots within her as the cool water around their waists added to the sensations they were already feeling. Her announcement that she was getting closer only inspired him to keep pushing her toward that delightful finish that was approaching. "Mmm...good...cum...for me...again," he panted as he gave a few harder, deeper thrusts before returning to the steady, rhythmic rocking motion. They were without protection, so when the time came, he'd have to withdraw from her...but he still had a few good minutes left in him, and hoped that maybe he could get one more out of her after this next one before he couldn't hold back anymore. Clenching his jaw lightly, a soft growl escaped him as his pace increased a little, the rocking becoming a bit rougher, driving him deeper and making his length hit those sweet spots more frequently.

Ash punched in a response text and set the phone down again with a shrug. "Like you said, he'll get to see plenty of you later. If it's something important he'll let me know." He smiled a bit and relaxed in his seat, taking another sip of beer as the appetizer arrived. Sitting up straight once more, he put the bottle down and motioned for her to eat as much as she wanted. "If we run out I'll just get another order," he told her with a grin. With that, he grabbed a beef and cheese covered tortilla and brought it to his mouth for a bite, closing his eyes and smiling. "Okay, now that is some good stuff..." Taking another bite, he watched the redhead for a moment, understanding that she might have started to feel a little uncomfortable. The truth was, she was only just getting into the rollercoaster ride that was Ash and Zeke when they wanted to make an impression on a pretty girl, but she would learn soon enough.
V couldn't help herself once she heard him growl like that. He had her right where he wanted. If this kept up, she'd never want to leave. She panted softly as she took the rougher thrusts and the deeper ones, moaning loudly as he hit just the right spots. His urging her on only confirmed that he was trying to make her lose it. Well, she was all right with that. She'd get him back in bed. But at the moment, she couldn't hold back anymore and so she came hard for him, her pussy milking him for all he was worth. "God, Chance!" Her toes curled, her nails dug into his back, and her legs pulled him closer.

Roxxi was okay now that the situation was solved. She was sure that Zeke wouldn't take it personally. And if he did, she could make it up to him later. For now, she was enjoying a nice time out with Ash. She took a little bit of his nachos, but stuck mostly to her dip, having had a craving for that in the first place. She had no idea what was to come so she just assumed it was something they could work out later. "Hmmmm, what were we talking about before?"
Chance felt V clench around him, her tight pussy now hugging and massaging his hard cock as she came. This, of course, only encouraged him even more as he kept moving, wanting to milk this orgasm for all it was worth. When it seemed she had finally gotten through it, and was quaking with the aftershocks, he slowed and started to walk toward the steps with her, leaving the pool and carrying her toward one of the loungers. Taking care in how he moved, he managed to sit in the chair with her still impaled on his length, grinding a bit beneath her and grinning up at her. "Mmm...thought you might like to have a little control here too. Don't want to seem like I'm too bossy now, do I?" With a playful smirk, he leaned forward to nip at one of her nipples, then the other, before laying back on the lounger and resting his hands behind his head. "So now you have your way...what will you do with me?"

Ash gave a light shrug as he took another bite of his beef and cheese tortillas. "I'm not sure we were really talking about anything in particular. Just chatting it up more or less, which is just fine with me. Not a fan of too much serious discussion. Has a way of ruining a good mood sometimes." With a playful grin, he offered her a bite of the nachos, holding one out to her for her to take it directly from his fingertips as he leaned over the table a bit. "So Zeke decided to move in, huh? That's good. I was getting kind of worried about that neighborhood he was living in...and tired of him bitching about it all the time." It was obvious that the two weren't jealous of each other, since Ash seemed to have no problem with Zeke and Roxxi sharing a place, which was, of course, probably a relief. At least she wouldn't end up with two jealous lovers fighting over her. There still seemed to be a little something going on, though, but it was hard to place at the moment.
V panted softly, holding onto him as she tried to catch her breath from it all. He'd tried his damnedest to make her orgasm last, and she found it a little surprising that he had such stamina. Then again, hers was pretty much shot after his little tongue attack. It was pretty clear that their sex had been mostly about pleasing her up until this point. She smiled as he moved them to a lounger and kissed him as he sat down with her still wrapped around him--in more ways than one. She chuckled at his teasing and shivered as he nipped at her breasts. "Mmm, I'll have to think about it," she said, grinning. With mischief in her eyes, she leaned down to him and kissed him deeply, keeping the contact a bit less urgent than before though. She moved her hips slowly, going up and down his cock and grinding against him a bit more. For now, she just wanted him to feel pleasure.

"Yeah. It's a real relief that he's moving in with us, actually. Our last roomie didn't really give us much notice, so he's kind of saving the day. Was his last neighborhood a bad one?" she asked. Wait, hadn't he said he was living with his parents? Roxxi chuckled at the tail end of his comment and decided to play a little game with Ash's mind. She was in no way ready to have sex again, but she thought she would see if she had an effect on him. She took the whole chip into her mouth, crunching into it a little before she sucked at his finger tips and leaned back, acting like nothing had happened. She munched it happily until it was gone and smiled. "These are good," she said with a smile. She took a little more of the salsa on the table with her next nacho though.
As V began to set the pace this time, Chance happily leaned back and let her have that measure of control, having returned her kisses with a smile as she began to slide up and down his length, grinding against him when they made contact, causing him to moan softly against her lips. She knew how to use her body, that was for sure. Of course she didn't have to try very hard to please him. She did just fine at that. The only thing that had probably kept him holding out as long as he had in the pool was the cool water, which had a way of making orgasms quite difficult for a man. Now, though, it wouldn't take much of this kind of treatment before he was ready to explode, but he was determined to hold out long enough for her to please herself once more on his hard member. "Mmm," he moaned softly against her lips again, shivering slightly with delight as he felt her working his long, thick cock with her tight pussy, almost with expert precision it seemed. She was definitely going to get what she sought, and soon at this rate.

"Oh, he does," Ash remarked as Roxxi pointed out that she thought Zeke lived with his parents. "In the suburbs. What a freaking nightmare. Really cramps a rocker's style you know." With a smirk, he soon found his expression changing as she let her lips wrap around his fingertips when she took the offered bite from him, swallowing softly and sitting back in his seat to try and keep his thoughts from wandering too much. She had her answer. She could definitely have an effect on him with little effort. Clearing his throat a bit, he took another bite for himself. "I'm glad he to help when you needed it." Swallowing again, he finally managed to recover some of his calm, though his pants now sported a bit more of a swell in the front than they did a minute earlier.
She ground against him, moving her hips in tiny circles as she moved up and down his cock ever so slowly. He felt so good inside her she was beginning to think she'd hate to be without him. Good thing she was staying the night then. She moaned softly, grinning as she heard him harmonize with her even now. She'd have to use that somehow. With a grin, she kept working his long, hard cock, wanting him to lose it and do it soon. Kissing him deeply, the beautiful drummer slid her hands up and down his chest, gently reminding him that she liked to explore him too. Her hips continued to work with his, getting a little rougher and taking him deeper now. "Mmm, Chance..." She knew he would need to pull out of her before he got too excited, but she wanted to be the one to get him there.

She laughed at his comments about the suburbs and watched as his face changed after he had unwittingly taken part in her experiment. Would he be thinking about it for the rest of the time? She wondered about it as she took another of his nachos, enjoying the snack. "It was really nice of him." She shrugged and looked at him. "So, any plans for you after this?"
As V worked those magic hips against him, Chance knew there wasn't going to be any resistance for much longer. His hands began to explore her body in the same fashion that hers did with him, his own hips matching her pace and rhythm as they moved and ground against her. Hearing her moan his name only pushed him a bit closer to an already quickly approaching climax as he bit his lip hard between their kisses to try and hold out just a bit longer. It was likely that she would get him off before she got off again, but he would have all night to make that up to her if need be. "," he panted finally, feeling the rush through his loins that signaled the delightful end was near. He wasn't sure how she would take him at the finish, but he was certain that no matter how she did, he would love every second of it just as he loved every second of this.

Taking another bite of his appetizer, Ash shrugged a bit, seeming a bit more thoughtful now. He was definitely thinking about it, so her little experiment in teasing had worked. She had confirmed she could basically get him worked up and likely have him whenever she wanted if she chose to do so. "I dunno," he answered finally. "Hadn't really thought much about it. What about you?" The waitress brought out their meals, just in time it seemed since the appetizer was nearly gone, drawing a thankful smile from the bass player. Looking across the table at the redhead, he waited for her answer as he took a bite from his food and a sip from his beer.
V closed her eyes, enjoying herself as she rode him. She was getting closer herself in fact, just a few seconds later, she came, unable to help herself. Her pussy squeezed him tightly, massaging his cock as she leaned into him. "Chance!" She closed her eyes and kissed him deeply. She only hoped that she hadn't set him off just yet. She had another plan for that.

Roxxie shook her head. "I'll probably just go home and relax. I'm sure I'll find something to do there," she said with a shrug. She happily dug into her chimi, enjoying the spicy, but delicious fundido sauce. "Mmmmm. My favorite." She grinned and looked at him. "Maybe I'll watch a movie or something." She could tell, though, that he was thinking about before. Her little experiment might have been a little bit much for their current arrangement, but it was good to know that it would be pretty easy to turn him on if she wanted to.
Luckily for Chance, V actually managed to climax again before he was completely over the edge. Kissing her back just as passionately as she continued riding her orgasm out on him, though the way she clenched and milked his swollen member had been enough to start him on the path toward his own big finish. As their lips parted, he managed to give her a warning, allowing her plenty of time to get off of him and finish him however she wanted. "Oh...Veronica...gonna...cum!" He would be able to hold off long enough for her to get clear, and probably for her to enact whatever plan she had for him, if there was one, his breath now shallow and quick, his muscles tightening as his body began to lock up from the rush that ran through his loins.

Ash continued to dig into his own meal as he watched and listened to Roxxi, grinning a bit between bites. "I'm sure if you put your mind to it you have no trouble at all finding something to do," he said with a smirk before returning to focusing on his food, which had thankfully managed to help distract him from the other thoughts that had been running through his head. It was a good thing he had been really hungry, though, otherwise he'd still be trying to figure out how to hide that bulge when he stood up, as if it didn't stand out enough naturally. As he finished eating, he leaned back, patting his stomach with a content grin. "That...totally hit the spot."
She was so wrapped up in pleasure it almost didn't faze her that he was so close. She managed to catch it, however, and gently slip off of him. Panting softly she moved herself down his body so that her lips were right next to his cock. She kissed his tip and then took it into her mouth, taking more of him into her as she bobbed her head up and down his cock. She closed her eyes and picked up the pace, sucking him as she went. Her eyes locked onto his and she hoped that she would be able to take care of him, wanting to return the favor he'd given her at the beginning of their little tryst.

He was making another little joke, and she was glad to laugh. Roxxi ate fairly quickly, but she was neater than Ash. She ate a little slower, so she was still finishing when he was all done. She smiled, glad to see that he was satisfied. "Well. I'm glad I asked you to come with then." She finished up her meal just as the waitress came with the check. Roxxi got out her card to take care of it and then finished off her beer. Sitting back and relaxing.
Chance was in heaven as V moved off of him and took him into her mouth to finish him off, and it didn't take long for her talented lips to draw out what she sought. As her eyes met his, she could see the pure bliss she had brought him as his cock began to throb desperately in her mouth before it erupted, filling her mouth with the warmth of his release as he froze, quivering with delight, holding his breath for several seconds before letting it out in a deep groan. "Oh...fffffuck...V!" She had achieved her goal of bringing him pleasure, there was no doubt to be had given his reaction. He came for what seemed like minutes, even if it had actually been only seconds, giving her all he had as her hungry mouth seemed to demand it of him.

As Roxxi went for her card, Ash cocked an eyebrow slightly. "I'll get it," he told her, setting his own card out and handing hers back to her. "Least I can do for you giving me pleasant company." With a smile, he finished off his beer as well and rested his arms on the table as the waitress came to get the card and the check to go ring them up. Tilting his head slightly, he offered a sly grin. "So, just what kind of movie are you thinking of watching?"
V was surprised at how much he was enjoying himself. It made her happy to know that she could have such power over him. Not that he hadn't shown her that he had her number before. She grinned and drank all that he offered to her, determined to give him as much pleasure as she could. When she was sure he was finished, she licked him clean and crawled up his body to press against him. "Mmmmm, I hope it was worth it." She grinned and kissed his lips softly. "Enjoy yourself, Chance?"

Roxxi chuckled and took her card back. "Well it was worth a shot." She grinned and leaned back, letting him pay instead. Who was she to scoff at a free meal? "Thanks, Ash." She smiled and chuckled at the suggestive way he seemed to ask that question. "I'm not sure yet. Whatever I'm in the mood for."
Chance kissed V back before letting his head fall onto the lounger as he drew a deep breath. "Oh, it was so worth it...enjoyed doesn't even scratch the surface of what you do to me." As he took another deep breath, he raised a hand to run through her hair briefly, offering her a sweet smile before pulling her close to just hold her to him for a few minutes. Finally he sat up after a little while, helping her up once he felt the strength returning to his body. "Mmm...shall we see how close we can get to the bedroom before we just can't resist the urge for a repeat performance?" The truth was, after having some time to recover, he wasn't sure he would even get through the door to the house with her, but the fun was in trying.

Ash stood once the card was returned, signing off on the check and including the tip in the bill before moving to help Roxxi out of her seat. "Sounds fun," he said with a smirk. Getting the door for her as they left the restaurant, he fell into step behind her until they reached the car, moving to get her door again once she unlocked it before walking to the passenger side to climb in himself. Looking over at her, he offered a sincere smile. "Well, you could always hang out with us...and I mean just hang out. Not planning anything...pretty sure you could use a break from that," he said with a soft chuckle. He might have been right or wrong there, but he would leave that up to her to decide.
Veronica laughed and kissed him softly, staying close to him as he helped her up. She just hoped that they hadn't attracted too much attention with their little scene before. She nodded at his question. "Sure. Let's see if we can make it inside and go from there," she teased, starting to walk with him, wondering if either one of them would last very long.

Roxxi was impressed by his manners and smiled back at him. "Well, If you promise you guys won't try anything, I don't see how I can say no. Why don't we run by the movie store first? See what's there?"
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