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Unturned Stone (Rage and Candira)

She could feel how excited she was making Chance, and she loved hearing it in his voice. She moaned for him sucking him, keeping him in her throat for a bit. Music filled her ears as Chance called her name. He said it over and over, and she loved it. The little drummer continued to work him as best she could--she wanted to draw out his pleasure. There was no point in doing something if you didn't do it right, after all. Her lips and tongue and throat all worked in harmony to give him what he needed to climax.

Though the two of them seemed friendly again, Roxxi couldn't shake the feeling that something was going on between them. For a moment, a thought crossed her mind that she might be the cause of such tension--but why would she be? She shrugged it off and opted for just watching the movie with her bandmates, her arms around them as they leaned into her. Absently, she ran her fingers through Zeke's hair and rubbed Ash's shoulder. Whatever they'd been fighting about, she hoped it wasn't anything important. She hated when her friends got into fights with each other.
It didn't take V long to get what she was working so hard, and so delightfully for. Soon Chance was squirming even more, realizing she didn't seem to plan on removing those wonderful lips from his throbbing cock any time soon. "Oh...God Veron...ica! I'm...cumming!" He had given her ample warning if she had decided not to take it in her mouth, and a few seconds later he began to erupt, his hard member exploding forth with the hot release he'd been fighting back until he just couldn't do it anymore. His body quivered in delight with each wave that flowed through him as he gasped and moaned her name repeatedly, indeed in a place of pleasure similar to where he had taken her earlier.

The guys didn't offer much more of an explanation beyond telling Roxxi not to worry about it, and all seemed well between them for the time being. Perhaps they were just very passionate about their movies, or were just being typical guys and flowing with testosterone over anything they disagreed on. Whatever it was, it seemed to have passed, both of them cuddling up to her affectionately now as their hands resumed the earlier positions and toyed with her thighs a bit, though never moving beyond that. They seemed perfectly content in her company, enjoying the movie and laughing along with her through it all, even looking like they might be choking back a few tears at some of the more emotional scenes.
V drank his cum, deciding that she didn't want to be messy just yet. If it happened later on, so be it, but for now, she wanted to be able to cuddle up with him and not worry about getting stuck to him. Her lips stayed wrapped around him until his shivers and moaning seemed to die down. She pulled away and cleaned him off, looking up at him with a satisfied smirk. She could definitely give as good as she got. When he finally seemed to have calmed down, she smiled and crawled up to his level again. "Mmmm, I'm glad you enjoyed that," she said. With that, she sat up again, just watching him, playing with his hair.

Roxxi was glad that things calmed down once the movie started again. She continued to absently show them affection, already very comfortable with the two of them. She enjoyed the movie, though she'd never seen it before. She laughed and teared up a little, and glanced at her bandies now and then. When she saw that they were tearing up too, she had to smile. Rather than crack any jokes, she just appreciated that they were both sensitive and enjoyed the way the showed her affection as well. When the movie was over it was starting to get late. "Hmmm...I dunno...I think maybe I should get going. I have some laundry to do. My roommate is supposed to be gone--stuff included by now, so I'm thinking I'm safe." She shrugged. "We could always watch the last one tomorrow?" she suggested before slowly starting to get up.
"Oh...God...enjoyed is an understatement," Chance panted as V crawled up to be with him again, playing with his hair, causing him to smile softly as he leaned into her hands a bit. "Mmm...give me some time to recover and I promise to make that one up to you," he said softly, pulling her into a kiss before resting his head against her. His hands roamed her body a bit, simply exploring her sensually, wanting to get to know her every curve in the most intimate fashion. Taking a deep breath, he managed to steady himself a bit, glancing toward the stairs before looking back to Veronica with a smile. "So, I haven't shown you my room yet, have I?"

As Roxxi got up to leave, both guys stood with her, helping her up as they took her hands. "It's been great having you here tonight," Ash said as he leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. "Here, here," Zeke agreed, doing the same before grinning a bit. "Hey, think I can go ahead and bring some of my stuff over? I have most of it packed and in my car already." He gave Ash a triumphant grin, which drew a bit of a frown out of the big man when Roxxi wasn't looking before Zeke looked to her once more. "Plus you have someone to follow you home, make sure it's okay and such."
Veronica laughed at his comment and happily fell into his kiss, though stopping so there was no painful and awkward impact. She stayed cuddled into him, her head resting on his as his hands explored her this time. She did love the way his fingers felt on her skin. As they traveled up her sides from her hips, she giggled a little, the curious hands having found something of a ticklish spot. Otherwise, she was silky smooth and soft to the touch. When he mentioned showing her his room she had to grin. "No, you haven't. Do I get to see it? Is there a super big bed?" She was teasing him a little, but only a little. She really was curious, and a little excited to be invited to such a place.

It was like something out of a movie. Two gentlemen (though that term was used loosely here) helping a pretty girl to her feet. She chuckled and accepted their help, smoothing out her dress as she looked around. "I guess I'll leave the movies here then. She was given a kiss on each cheek and smiled at their comments about her being with them. "Awww, such sweet guys." She had to give them both a hug as Zeke started talking about taking some stuff over to the apartment, naming off perks like having an escort. "Like a puppy!" she said cutely, obviously teasing him about following her. She apologized and mussed up his hair a little. "Hmmmm.... well I guess that would be okay. She said she'd be gone, so I doubt she left anything behind. Oh, and Carla should be home, so you can meet her too," she said with a grin. Carla was her other room mate. A sweet girl...mostly.
"You'll just have to see it when we get there," Chance said to V as he moved to stand, urging her up so he could get up as well. He then took her hand and began to lead her up the stairs and to the end of the hall to his room, opening the door and stepping aside for her to enter. The inside of the of the room was decorated very much like the rest of the house, with very modern furniture, black being the main color of most of the pieces with gold trim. On the walls hung several guitars, as well as a bass or two, and a rather large and elaborate keyboard set-up sat in one corner, as well as a complete drum set in another that included a double kick bass set-up. The door to the master bath was closed, and in the center of the room was a large, round bed, complete with feather pillows and velvet comforters. Looking to V, Chance just smiled. "Well, here you are. Nothing's off limits to you here."

Once everyone said their goodbyes, the guys were escorting Roxxi out of the warehouse, Ash locking everything up after getting all the lights. Giving Roxxi one last hug and kiss on the cheek after seeing her to her car, he was soon in his truck and heading out, Zeke making his way to his own car and preparing to follow her back to the apartment. Once they were on their way, it was a pretty uneventful trip for Zeke, who simply followed along and parked when they reached the place. He had brought an air mattress in case the roommate had taken the bed that was in there, unsure whether it was hers or belonged to the others. He'd be getting his own bed moved over soon enough anyway. Getting out of his car, he grabbed the air mattress, then walked to meet Roxxi with a smile. "Shall we?"
Chance had a nice place...a nice place that was completed by a large and wonderfully unique master bedroom. She'd been hesitant to leave her comfy spot on the couch at first, but the trip had proven to be worth knowing what her frontman's room looked like. She looked around in awe to find that his room was full of every instrument in the band, and his drum set was beautiful. V walked around slowly enjoying the way the room was set up. Grinning, she strolled over to the drum set, running her fingers over some of it to get a feel for it. Top quality---without even having to play it. "So you could do everything yourself, if you really wanted, huh?" She chuckled and came back to his side, putting her arms around him. She kissed his cheek sweetly and held him close. "Nothing's off limits, huh?" She teased him a little and then pulled away, walking backward until she came to the bed. She sat there and leaned back a bit, offering herself to him.

The redhead listened to some music on her way home and she enjoyed the time alone, knowing that Zeke was behind her now. He'd said he had things to bring up, but it didn't look like it from where she was sitting. Then again, he could have little things. When they finally arrived at the apartment building, she met him at the door and smiled back. "Sure. So, is that all you wanted to bring?" she asked, gesturing to the mattress under his arm. She unlocked the door for the two of them and then slipped into the building, holding the door for him.
As Chance watched V explore the room, he couldn't help but smile a bit at how excited she seemed by it all. Finally she settled onto the bed and leaned back, her body practically beckoning him toward her as he felt his feet starting to move him in that direction. The sight of her laying there, inviting him with a mere look was just too sensual to deny. Within moments he was crawling onto the bed over her, looking down at her with a smile before he lowered his lips to kiss hers tenderly, but hungrily at the same time. "That's right," he told her with a playful smile. "Nothing here is off limits to you..." From her position, if she looked past him to the ceiling, she might have noticed the mirrors above them, giving her quite a nice view of him from the back as he loomed over her.

Zeke paused and shrugged gently. "There's more in my car I'll get out tomorrow. Right now I just need my mattress. Most of my small stuff is packed and in the car, but I need to rent a moving truck to get the bigger stuff, which most of the small stuff sits on," he explained with a smirk, thanking her for getting the door and letting him in as he headed for the room they had enjoyed a bit of play time in that morning. He had to wonder just what the roommate who had walked on was thinking when she saw them. She definitely got an interesting parting shot, that was for sure. He couldn't help but chuckle softly to himself as he headed into the room and spread the air mattress out, setting the pump down and hooking it up before plugging it in to start inflating the bed.
V loved watching him as he came toward her. She was underneath him in no time, pinned beneath the one of the best kisses she'd ever gotten. She smiled softly as he gave voice to his teasing expression. God he was so damn sexy. She couldn't seem to help herself around him anymore. Whatever he did drew her in and she loved it. She caught some movement out of the corner of her eye and looked up at the mirror to see the interesting picture they made together. A tall, dark, and handsome front man, and a small, beautiful Asian drummer. They actually looked good together. And he still looked great from behind. She chuckled at the cheesiness of the mirrors and then returned her attention to him, a little turned on in spite of things. "Well, I might have to put that to the test," she teased. "You should kiss me again."

Roxxi stretched and took off her shoes as she entered the shared apartment and smiled at his information. "Fair enough. I'm gonna take a shower, so entertain yourself for a little bit, okay?" That said, the redhead ventured off into her room to get her pajamas and some panties for tonight and then walked into the bathroom.
Looking down at V as she suggested he kiss her again, Chance couldn't have agreed more, smiling and lowering his lips to hers to brush them sensually before pressing harder for a full on kiss, his tongue just dancing at her lips and teasing the tip of her tongue, one hand supporting him, the other slowly trailing up her body to trace all of her generous curves. Holding her in that kiss for what seemed like an eternity, he finally pulled away to look into those eyes once more and offer her a sweet smile. "Mmm...not I could get used to this kind of testing," he joked, leaning down to nip at her neck playfully for a moment, then kissing at it, biting her skin gently here and there before blowing on it to let her feel his breath cooling the moist spots left by his mouth.

Zeke left the pump to fill the mattress up, a process that would at least take a few minutes, turning to walk out of the room so he could wander the apartment a bit, taking the time to get to know his way around. It was pretty nice, but what it offered more than anything was the kind of freedom he'd really needed. Slowly shuffling down the hall, he continued to explore, heading out for the kitchen and living room area just to start getting a feel for where things were and how to move about the place. The fact that he knew at least one roommate was totally hot and kind of into him only made the deal even sweeter.
God, she loved it when he kissed her. That was the thing about her being around Chance--it just always felt good. No matter if they were touching or not--though she much preferred touching him to not doing so at this point. She kissed him back, her tongue peeking out at him when he wanted it. His hand traveled over her curves, bringing with it little shocks of pleasure that left her tingling everywhere he touched.

For a while, it seemed like time had stopped, and she would be content there for a long time. When he pulled away, she was back to reality and very happy. She grinned back at his joke and chuckled, shivering and moaning as he ran his lips over her neck, playing with her again. She gasped softly and held him tightly to her, not wanting him to stop. "Mmmm, I think you would pass them all with flying colors, Chance." She shivered and felt herself becoming aroused again. Not that it really took much after all she'd been doing tonight. "Anything else you want to test?" she asked, sighing.

Roxxi took her time getting the water the right temperature. She had her hair the way she liked it, so it was just a quick shower. Pinning up the red locks and covering them with a shower cap, she got in and out, and spent time on her after shower routine, giving Zeke ample time to explore the apartment.

While the redhead was in the shower, taking care of herself, the door on the other side of Zeke opened to reveal a cute blonde in very short shorts and a tank top--pajamas one might assume. Her hair was pulled back in a golden braid that came to about the middle of her back--just a little longer than Roxxi's. Green eyes popped from behind rectangular reading glasses that somehow made her look both adorably bookish and smoking hot. She had long legs and nice curves, and she had not been expecting to see him standing there so she was a bit surprised.

"Oh! Hi there. Ummm, I guess you're Roxxi's friend. Are you the one who's moving in with us?"
"Well," Chance mused as he kept watching Veronica from his position above her, giving her a sweet, yet seductive smile. "I can think of a few more things we could test." He started to move a bit, positioning his body so his hips now rested more against hers, allowing her to wrap her legs around him as he moved to place his hands in hers, pinning her to the bed, but in a playful manner. Between them, his cock had already grown quite hard again, the underside of the shaft rubbing against her pussy lips gently.

He then pulled back enough for his length to fall into place, the head pressing into her, teasing a bit as he watched her reactions. After giving her a moment to adjust herself in whatever way she needed to be more comfortable, he began to push forward, the head of his cock parting her and sinking in slowly, his hands still grasping hers, fingers laced with hers, as he held her there. When he was once again filling her, he leaned down to kiss her briefly, but passionately, before pulling his head up once more and moving his hips, starting slow as he began to pump her, growing into a rhythm as he moaned softly and watched her for her response.

Zeke had been enjoying his exploration of the place when he became aware of the presence of someone approaching from behind. Turning around, he was expecting Roxxi, and had prepared some remark to flirt playfully, but was surprised to see an absolute knockout blonde instead. Whatever he was going to say was lost as he blinked a few times, barely even comprehending the gir;ls words. It was hard not to notice those curves, especially in that outfit that did so little to hide them, and then those eyes.

Swallowing softly, her words finally did register in his mind, and Zeke nodded quickly, trying to recover from probably having made himself look a bit of a fool. "Um...yeah. I'm Zeke," he managed to sputter, offering a hand to the girl, unable to take his eyes off of her. She was every bit as gorgeous as Roxxi and V, and like them, in her own unique way. He did manage to pull his gaze up to meet those green eyes, though, so he didn't come off as a total horndog he had hoped.
Veronica was pretty much all his if he wanted her. That smile could seduce a girl into just about anything. She tossed a sexy little grin back his way and wrapped her legs around him just as he seemed to hope he would. She looked up at him from where he had her pinned down to that round bed of his. Grinning, she pressed up against him, shivering as he brushed against her. Hot with need, she moaned softly. "Chance..."

She shivered as he slowly slipped his head into her. How many times had they had sex now? And she wasn't tired of it in the least bit. He might just be a keeper after all. She arched up into him a bit more, moaning softly. Squeezing his hands, V kissed him back when she good and groaned as he buried himself and then started moving those hips of his. "God...keep it up and I'll never leave," she teased.

The blonde blushed just a little as she realized he was getting quite an eyeful, but it served him right for walking in...or eyeful of her wasn't a bad thing. Whatever, she was fine with it. She took a moment to check him out as well. He was cute and she had a thing for guys with dark hair, but she wasn't one to give anything away at the first meeting. When he offered her his hand, she shook it pleasantly enough, careful not to jiggle much since she wasn't really wearing a bra--yet another thing she'd have to get used to.

"My name's Carla. Nice to meet you." She smiled and then took her hand back. "Well, welcome home, I guess. I'm just grabbing some water, so I'll be out of your hair in a sec. I'm pretty mellow though, so if you need something later and Roxxi's out, just knock." Shrugging, she finished her stroll to the kitchen and found a bottle of water left on the shelf. She took it and smiled at him again from behind her glasses. "See ya round, Zeke." A little wink and saunter down the haul and she was safely behind her door again. Moments later, Roxxi came out, freshly showered and moisturized.

"Hey. Having fun exploring?"
"Then my plan is working...perfectly," Chance moaned softly, giving Veronica a seductive smile as he continued to push deep inside her, slowly building momentum, grinding his hips against her from time to time to expand her sensations. There was no way he was getting tired of her. The need in his eyes told her as much. "Mmm, God, Veronica," he whispered into her ear as he lowered his lips to it, grabbing the lobe with his teeth and pulling it gently before letting go, his hands still holding onto hers firmly.

After a few minutes, he began to adjust his position, pulling his legs up as he sat a bit more upright, bringing her hands up with his as their fingers remained laced together. The new position had her hips raised a bit as their hands were locked above her and to the sides a bit now, arms extended as he began to buck and rock against her in an erotic dance. As the moments passed, his movements became a bit rougher, and soon the rhythm had grown a bit heavier as he looked down at her, biting his lip while their bodies moved together erotically.

Zeke watched the stunning blonde as she walked away, nodding a bit in response to her. "Yeah...see ya," he murmured, making sure to observe every sway of her hips as she sauntered back into her room. As Roxxi exited moments later, he met her with a smile, nodding slightly at her question. "Lots of fun," he replied. He then blinked a few times as if remembering something, holding a hand up as if to tell her to wait a moment as he bolted toward his room, having forgotten about the pump he had left running to blow up the air mattress.

Getting to it just in time, he pulled the nozzle free and released some of the excess air, breathing a sigh of relief at how he had almost lost his bed had he left it just a few more seconds. Once the mattress was back down to a comfortable point, he put the stopper in and unplugged the pump, setting it aside before he walked back out to where Roxxi was. "Almost blew up my bed," he said with a smirk. "And not in the way I was intending to."
Of course she had to have a thing for the romantic guy in the band. It made it impossible for her to think of this as a short term thing. Not that that was bad, but if he wanted things to be casual between them, it would take a bit more effort on her part. His little quip about his plan working was totally something she would have said, and she had to laugh. She really had met her match. The only thing that bugged her was that it meant Zeke was right, and she really hated when he was right.

But Chance was making it really difficult to think of anything but the rhythm of his hips and the touch of his skin. She gasped softly, still moving with him as he smiled at her and ground into her hips. Everything he did to her felt amazing. Her hands squeezed at his as he moaned her name and played with her ear. She tightened around him, her body bouncing beneath him as he thrust into her. Shivering, the little Asian woman gazed up at him in a sexual daze as he continued to draw sighs and gasps and moans out of her like it was what he was made to do.

When he changed their position a bit, her legs wrapped a bit more tightly around him as he moved her hands so they were over her head but still a bit spread out. She arched her back as their bodies danced together, thrilling in the way he got rough with her. The way he changed rhythms on her just made her want him more. She panted softly as things heated up, her pussy squeezing him tightly as this new position got her heart beat going. She glanced up at the ceiling and saw exactly how it looked from above. It made her blush as she saw them twined together. "Chance...I'm getting closer," she moaned softly.

Roxxi smiled as he ran off to turn off the pump that was still going. While he did that, she went to the fridge for a little water herself. Briefly, she wondered if he'd met Carla. When he came back, the pretty girl smiled at him and chuckled at his joke. "I would have offered to let you sleep with me, but I'm not sure I can trust you to keep your hands to yourself," she said. Her pajamas were quite similar to Carla's, though her shirt was a bit more loose--she preferred feeling a little less restricted. Also like her roommate she was not wearing a bra--but that was a little more difficult to tell.

"Oh, I wonder if you met Carla yet. I bet she's still up..."
Chance released Veronica's hands for a moment, pulling her legs up and over his shoulders before he moved to lace his fingers with hers once more, sitting mostly upright now so she could sling her legs over the bridge formed by their arms or leave them over his shoulders. He then began bucking and rocking his hips against her a bit rougher, jaw clenching slightly as he growled softly, sensually, eyes meeting hers while the rhythm continued to build between their bodies. It hadn't been that long ago that she'd given him the best blowjob ever, so he knew he was good to go for a while, and wanted to make her enjoy every second of it.

"Oh...Veronica," he moaned, wanting to push her over the edge, since she had told him she was getting closer. He wanted to do everything with her on this bed, or at least as much as they could manage before they were both collapsing from sheer sexual exhaustion, and so he pushed, nudging her closer as his cock sank deep into her tight pussy, his hips and thighs colliding with her shapely ass each time his hips shot forward, his grunts, groans, and growls mixing with her moans, whimpers, and cries of ecstasy to form an ambiance within the room. "Come for me," he cooed as his eyes met hers, letting her see his desire for her alone, and how much he wanted to hear her cry out, feel her body quiver when she hit that edge.

Zeke had to take a moment to look Roxxi over appreciatively as well. Even though she wasn't wearing a top as tight as the blonde that had been in here moments before, he could still see her generously curved figure well enough, and knew she wasn't wearing a bra. "Hey, I could behave," he replied to her remark with a smirk. "Not like you'd complain too much anyway, now is it?" Giving her a playful wink, he walked toward the living room to get a good look at it.

Hearing Roxxi call out to ask if he'd bet the roommate yet, he turned to face her with a nod. "I met her. She was...nice." The look on his face told that he meant that in more ways than one, but the look he gave Roxxi told her as well that he still thought she was just as easy on the eyes. With a warm smile, he walked back to her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a hug and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks again."
V gasped as he adjusted their position again, nearly bending her in half as he moved her legs over his shoulders. She left them as they were, gasping and moaning as he took her hands again and growled. His thrusts and bucking hips got wild and rough and she thought she would die in pleasure as she took him all in. Her hips were pretty stationary as he plunged into her again and again. "Oh God..." She panted as he worked hard to push her over the edge. Their bodies felt so good together. She arched her back a bit, twisting in pleasure. She whimpered as he hit just the right spot and moaned loudly, their music filling the air as he took her again and again.

He was calling her name again and it was beautiful whenever he said it. Finally, she couldn't take anymore. Just moments after he'd cooed for her, she had an orgasm. "Oh God, Chance!" She trembled beneath him, her body riding wave after wave of pleasure as her pussy clenched down on him, her body absolutely exploding with ecstasy. She came and arched her back, moaning and panting, gasping and sighing as she did. He was amazing.

Roxxi blushed a little at his quip and wink. She really couldn't say much to that, but it wasn't really a fair remark either. She just gave him a little look and followed him to the spacious living room. There was an entertainment system against one wall surrounded by book cases which were packed with all kinds of books--text books from college courses, sheet music, trashy romance novels, comic books, graphic novels, historical fiction, and books on several different topics that didn't quite count as textbooks.

Several comfy pieces of furniture, including a very nice futon made up another section of the living room, though there were large empty spaces where furniture used to be, and little indents in the carpet they had yet to clean up. There was also a door leading to a little balcony where they had some folding furniture set up and a few flowers growing. Little paper lanterns hung around to light it up in the evening. It was a nice place overall.

"Oh, so you did see her. Good. You'll like living with us--we're pretty awesome." She smiled and caught his meaning about her being pretty as well, but she just let it go. After all, Carla was a knockout. "We're pretty easy to live with, but we do have a couple rules for living here. Feel free to tell us about that kind of thing too. It's what keeps us good roomies." And then he came back to her and hugged her. Confused, but happy to accept the affection, she hugged him back and smiled as he kissed her cheek. "Thanks for what? You're doing us the favor," she said, kissing his cheek in return.
Chance reveled in that feeling, Veronica's body quaking as she exploded with an orgasm, her wonderfully tight pussy quivering and clenching around him as the waves of ecstasy rolled through her. He lived for that moment every time it happened, and it made him want more with each shudder, each moan, each whimper. He couldn't help but want her more. It was almost like they were truly a matched set that was finally brought together, as if their bodies were made for each other. They fit together so perfectly. He didn't relent, pushing her through the orgasm to try and draw it out as long as possible before finally slowing as he felt her shivers subsiding. Slowly he pulled free of her, letting her legs down as he moved back, looking her over with a lust-filled grin.

"Mmm...I think it's time for a little change of position," he cooed, crawling over her to lower his lips, kissing her teasingly for a moment before he began to help her sit up and roll over on her hands and knees, letting her get a look at some of the mirrors lining the walls between other decorations as well. Pretty much any direction she looked she could catch their reflection, the erotic sight of their naked bodies covered in a sheen of sweat from their delightful activities. Moving behind V, Chance took his hard cock in one hand, resting the other on her beautifully curved ass, and pressed the head of his length into her, sinking it in as he parted her pussy lips, inch by inch filling her until she was once again fully impaled by him.

Taking hold of her hips, he began to rock against her slowly, then he started to withdraw before thrusting forward, repeating the motions as he started to build the momentum once more, falling into their heavy, erotic rhythm again. His hands slid up to cup her shapely ass, using it to push her forward and pull her back each time he withdrew and hammered forward into her, getting a bit harder and rougher, biting his lip gently as he fucked her from behind. "Mmm...Veronica," he moaned, loving the way her name rolled from his lips so naturally.

Accepting Roxxi's peck on the cheek with a smile, Zeke just shrugged his shoulders a bit as he backed up a step. "Yeah, well, seems like it worked out for all of us, so glad to help," he told her. Looking to the entertainment center, he tilted his head for a moment, then looked back to Roxxi. "Think Carla would wanna join us for a movie? I'm not really ready to sleep yet, to be honest, and it'd be nice to get to know my roommates a little better." Not that he didn't already know Roxxi quite intimately, and had gotten to know her a bit on a more friendly level as well. It was always good to get to know the ones you would be living with a bit more though.

Moving toward the entertainment center, he began looking through the movie library, then turned to Roxxi. "I understand if you two don't feel up to it tonight. I'll probably sit up and watch some TV for a bit before I go crash. Oh, hey, you brought the movies, didn't you? We could watch that last one if you two want." He gave his shoulders a light shrug. "If you do feel like hanging out a bit that is."
V panted as she slowly came down from her orgasm. She hadn't felt so good in a very long time. Her whole body felt too good to move for just a moment. She lay beneath him, her chest rising and falling for a moment as he let her legs go. With each passing second she became more convinced that he was perfect for her--at least sexually. And she very much wanted him to be more than just a sex buddy. That would come in time, however. For now, she was all for the mind-blowing sex.

When he mentioned changing positions she almost wondered how he had this much stamina left. Then again, the little drummer was not one to complain about such a gift. Grateful for his help, she sat up and stole a kiss from him before she got up on her hands and knees before him. She blushed as she saw herself in the mirror, her ample chest dangling, skin flushed from activity, a thin layer of sweat shining in the light, her hair a mess. He looked amazing behind her with much the same appearance. And she shivered as she watched him slowly push into her. Moaning as he impaled her on his cock, she found herself turned on by the aspect of watching as she felt each thrust.

Her pussy squeezed him tightly as ever as he rocked his hips in that perfect heavy rhythm from before. His hands on her ass served as leverage while he got rough with her. She absolutely loved the way it felt as he called her name and worked her. "Chance!" she gasped. It all felt so good, so right that she couldn't deny she'd probably lose it again soon--she was getting to be sensitive from all this sex.

Roxxi smiled at Zeke as he invited Carla to join them for a movie. "Yeah, the movies are in my purse if you wanna grab them. I'll go ask Carla if she wants to watch one with us. I don't think I've got much more than another movie in me for tonight, but you're welcome to stay out here and watch tv if you want. Hang on."

With that, the redhead made her way to her roomy's door and knocked. "Carly? Wanna watch a movie with us? It's a romantic comedy," She said, luring her out with the promise of a fluffy movie. The blonde opened her door and stood in the door way. "Which movie? And seriously? He wants to watch a chick flick?"

"I know, right? I'm not entirely sure which one at the moment, but come hang out for a little while if you're not tired."

She seemed to think it over, remembering various errands and jobs she had to do the next day. "Well, okay. But I require popcorn. Want any?" she asked, stepping out of the room and closing her door behind her. With that, she strolled over to the kitchen to reach up into a tall cabinet for the popcorn--a shared expense between all of the roommates.

"Yeah, I'll take some," the redhead said, coming to sit down on the sofa by Zeke. "Want some popcorn, hun? Carla's making."
Chance continued to pound Veronica hard and heavy from behind, soft grunts and growls forced from him due to the effort he was putting forth. His hands continued to cup her shapely ass, his cock feeling the tightening of her pussy each time she flexed her muscles around him. He knew he could at least get another one out of her before he couldn't hold back any longer, and very much wanted to take her over that edge again, but this time he also changed something up.

Rather than just fucking her harder and trying to get her to cum, when he sensed she was getting closer, he backed off, slowing down his rhythmic thrusts and taking a more gentle approach. When it seemed like she had calmed down a bit, he would start getting heavier again, only to back off once more when she seemed to be getting close once more. He was keeping her balanced on the edge, but not quite letting her tumble over it yet, wanting to draw it out as long as he could, perhaps to time it so they could cum together. "Mmm...Veronica," he moaned softly, watching her body move against him, using his hands to keep her pace matching his so when he slowed down she couldn't speed it back up. He was going to make this a pleasurable sort of torment, making her stay right there at the edge, and only giving her that final push when he was ready to go with her.

As the girls talked about popcorn, Zeke went through the movies, looking to Roxxi with a smile as he took out the third one she'd chosen and went to put it in the DVD player. "Popcorn sounds great," he said, moving to sit in the middle seat of the sofa, propping his arm over Roxxi's shoulder to give her a friendly sqeeze.

"Thank you, Carla," he called out over his shoulder to the blonde, offering her a smile before turning back to Roxxi as he relaxed a bit. He was waiting for Carla to join them before starting the movie, always the considerate one, so he passed the time by simply sitting there and enjoying the company of his favorite redheaded keyboardist.
Of all the things Chance was, he was not predictable. Certainly not in the traditional sense of the word anyway. So it was that when she thought she would burst from all the pleasure in her body, he slowed it down, and brought her back. Then he brought her close again with a rougher kind of thrusting. Her back arched and bowed in pleasure as he took her slowly, quickly, hard, and gently. It was torture, but the best kind. She wasn't sure how much more she could take of it, however. Every time she looked up she saw their bodies in these positions and moaned softly, watching her own body and his working together to bring each other pleasure.

"Fuck...Chance..." She closed her eyes and panted heavily as he brought her so much closer. "So good!"

Roxxi smiled as he put his arm around her, squeezing her affectionately. Well, he wasn't shy, that was for sure. She leaned on him for a little bit and asked if Carla needed any help.

The blonde answered that she did not and went about making a lot of popcorn. "Anyone want chopsticks?" she called.

"Oh, me! I do! Pick me Carla!" Roxxi said excitedly, bouncing next to Zeke. Carla laughed and got her a pair from the drawer, sticking it in Roxxi's bowl. She made three bags knowing that she and Roxxi could easily polish off one each. Once they were all finished and she had enough chopsticks, she brought out the popcorn, handing each person their bowl. Not really having any other place to go but a chair that was off to the side, Carla sat next to Zeke, not leaning against him, just sitting near him.

Roxxi practically snuggled into her bandmate and ate her popcorn efficiently with chopsticks, just like her roommate.
Chance could feel himself starting to build up to that wonderful point of no return after several minutes of keeping Veronica teetering on the edge, finally falling back into a heavy, steady rhythm once more and maintaining it. "Oh...tell me...about," he replied to her observation about how good it was, raising a hand and giving her a light smack on that perfectly rounded ass, chuckling softly to let her know that it wasn't normal behavior for him, but that he was feeling playful.

As he felt the surge running through his loins, he became a bit more erratic in his thrusts, working them both closer to their grand finale. "Oh...fuck Veronica," he moaned. "Getting...close." The sounds of his hips colliding with her echoed through the room to mix with their moans and gasps of pleasure, his long, thick cock starting to throb desperately as her wet, wonderfully tight pussy clamped around him lovingly with each deep thrust.

Zeke offered Carla a smile as she handed him the bowl of popcorn and the chopsticks, giving her an appreciative nod. "Thank you," he said as he grabbed a piece with the chopsticks and popped it into his mouth just as skillfully as the girls had done. He then looked to Roxxi to start the movie, since it was her TV and remote. Settling in with the sweet little keyboardist, he snuggled close to her in response, offering an arm to Carla as well, not wanting anyone to feel left out of the loop. And it wasn't like she was a girl that someone didn't want to be near.

"Come on. Plenty of room for everyone to cuddle up here, right?" He laughed softly, looking to the blonde for a moment to give her a sweet smile. "Besides, I figure we're gonna have lots of movie nights, so might as well make it all fun and comfy." It might have seemed like some corny, clumsy come-on, but the fact was, Zeke was just that friendly and easy to get along with, which was why it was hard for people not to like him.
V moaned and arched her back deeply as he found just the right spot for her in this position. She gasped and moaned as he kept it up, smacking her ass as he got a little playful. She smiled and moaned as he kept at her. It was torture, but she put up with it because it felt too good to stop. Finally, he seemed to get serious about getting the both of them off. He thrust hard and fast and erratically into her. Her pussy squeezed him tightly and she moaned loudly. "Chance....hurry," she begged. "I need it so bad..."

As Carla settled in, Roxxi got the movie When in Rome going. She leaned into Zeke and easily slipped kernel after kernel into her mouth, enjoying the salty, buttery treat. She glanced up as Zeke snuggled her and offered an arm to Carla. Roxxi chuckled and watched curiously.

Carla stopped just as she got a kernel into her mouth. Blinking, the blonde glanced at her roomie who gave a not of reassurance. Zeke wouldn't feel her up. Not if he wanted to live to grope again. She hesitated and then said, "But then you wouldn't be able to eat your popcorn. I'll just lean against you a little." She smiled and continued to munch on her popcorn watching the movie.
Veronica's begging was all it took to get to him, and Chance knew he wasn't lasting much longer. "Oh...God Veronica," he growled softly as he continued to pound her relentlessly now, wanting nothing more than to give her what she was asking for. " want it?" He would cum for her however, and wherever she wanted, though he was bound and determined to make sure she was hitting that wonderful edge first as his hips kept slamming into her shapely ass, sinking his length so delightfully deep into her graciously accepting depths. He was definitely driven to make this night one for both of them to remember.

Zeke looked to Carly, unable to keep from laughing softly as she pointed out he wouldn't be able to eat his popcorn, giving her a slight nod. "You make a very valid point," he told her with a smirk before pulling his arm from around Roxxi, though obviously not pushing her away, happy to let her lean against him, so he could hold his bowl steady as he used the chopsticks to pop one piece after another into his mouth.

"Maybe when the popcorn's gone we can have the snugglefest," he joked, looking to each of them with a playful smile before turning his eyes to the TV once the previews were over and the movie was starting. "Heard this movie is pretty good too. Haven't seen it yet," he commented, probably not making himself look any more masculine, but hey, he liked what he liked.
V was having a hard time concentrating on anything--lost in the moment. Arching her back, she panted, trying to hang on. "Anywhere," she breathed. "Wherever you want...just not inside..." She closed her eyes and closed her eyes. "Fuck...Chance, I'm...gonna..." She held off just a moment longer and came hard around his cock, her body writhing in pleasure, her pussy clamping down like a vice.

Roxxi chuckled as Carla threw some logic at Zeke. Still the two of them seemed friendly enough. She let him move his arm before leaning back against him a little and eating her popcorn again. The pretty redhead liked that she'd made a guy friend who wasn't overly masculine. But masculine enough to make her wet. Now that was a winning combination. "I've seen bits and pieces of it--it looks really cute."

Carla chuckled at Zeke's comment about snuggling and just smiled as she watched the movie, her fingers manipulating the chopsticks perfectly. "I haven't seen it yet either, but it looks like a fun time," she said with a smile. Movie nights were always a fun time...but the addition of Zeke made her a little more cautious.
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