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Unturned Stone (Rage and Candira)

Roxxi wasn't as familiar as V, but the girls were game for Shinedown. V found more and more that she really liked hearing Chance sing. Maybe she'd ask him to sing for her next time they went out. Or maybe she'd find other ways to occupy his mouth. But now was not the time or place for that kind of thought. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know the basics for that song. I'll have to practice more, but no big."

Roxxi frowned. "I've heard it a few times, but I'm not sure if I've heard it enough to play well...I'll do what I can though." She was in no big rush to admit defeat, but it didn't make sense to deny something like that.
Nodding slightly, Chance just gave the girls both a charming smile, his gaze lingering on V for a moment as she answered, the adoration obvious in his eyes. He then shifted his glance to Roxxi as she spoke up, not forgetting what he and V had seen a couple of nights before, and perhaps offering a hint of it in his gaze, if nothing more than a slightly knowing grin. He quickly cleared the thoughts away, though, bringing his focus back to the here and now, not even having meant to let it wander.

Giving them both a slight nod once more, he turned to the mic again. "Just follow my lead and you'll be fine," he said, striking up the opening chords before he began to sing. The guys both began to play as their queues came, timing thing more or less right, though it wasn't perfect, obviously, being their first time playing it as a group together. Once again, it was something they'd get done with practice, but the song went over pretty well for the most part, Chance's vocals nearly flawless as he sang the lead.
V noticed that Chance was full of emotions and he wasn't afraid to share them when it came to her. She smiled back at him as he gave her that grin of his. She'd gotten used to seeing it, and she wanted to keep it. It was clear as he looked back at her, that he assigned her a special sort of significance, and she was glad to have it. After all, Chance was a catch. Now she just had to decide of he was the right one.

Roxxi wasn't entirely sure what she saw in his sexy little smirk, but he seemed to know something no one else knew as he looked at her and she fought every instinct that told her to blush, her eyebrows a little raised as he looked at her that way though. Wondering what in the world he'd meant by it all, the redhead returned her focus to her instrument.

After the song, she was not impressed with anyone's performance but Chance's, but at least that meant that everyone had to practice. "What about one of your regular covers?" She asked. "One that we mostly know. That way we'd get in a nice warm up..."
The guys all looked to each other, nodding slightly at Roxxi's suggestion before turning back to her. "Good idea," Zeke said with a smile. "Let's go with "Straight Out of Line". I'm kind of feeling a little Godsmack right now. You guys okay with that?" The other two both nodded their agreement, then the guys turned to the girls. V knew the song, of course, since it was one of their normal covers, and Chance...well, he knew every song probably, so would do fine.

The guys all went to swap out the alternate guitars and bass they had on the stands beside them, the song being played with different tuning than the last. It was simply more convenient to keep a spare guitar already tuned as needed handy rather than having to re-tune each time they went from standard to drop d. Once they were all ready, Chance glanced to V to give them a countdown, the guys all picking up when they were supposed to as they began to play the song. This one was one that Ash and Zeke were both very familiar with, and Chance had played it enough that he kept up very nicely at playing, and as usual, sang it to perfection, even managing to get the growl in his voice for it.
V loved transitioning from smoother sound to rough terrain. When he asked if she was down for it, she nodded. Roxxi was ready for this one too. Though there wasn't a lot for her to do with this particular song, when she did play, she played perfectly. V's drumming was solid and the group sounded cohesive. Whenever they found themselves not quite in sync, they adjusted so that they were, and that was the main thing.

As Chance sang with that growl in his voice, V thought she was gonna need a little breather. From smooth to rough. God, she wanted to do things to him. Maybe not tonight, but she'd remember this. When the song was over, V was pleased with their overall sound. "Good. I heard a couple of things in there that need fixing, but I think the more we play together, the less of a problem that will be."

Roxxi agreed. "I thought we were much better this time around. Maybe another one like that?"
Once they finished with the song, the guys all looked around to each other and he girls, nodding their heads with satisfaction at the way it had sounded. Of course it was going to need some tweaking, but all around they had done a great job. Once the compliments were exchanged, another song was suggested from the normal covers list, and a few more throughout the rest of the evening, making for a pretty good practice. They also worked on some of the band's older originals that Chance had taken the time to listen to and learn, and no doubt Roxxi as well, managing to play them to satisfaction, though they still had a way to go for perfection.

Once practice was over and everyone was standing around talking and cutting up, Chance was kneeling, putting his guitars away when he paused to look over some of the lyrics he'd written in his book. Looking back at them for a moment, he turned and put the songs away from the time being. He would present them to people at the right time, and Roxxi had expressed an interest in them. Maybe the two of them could present some of their originals to the band together and see how they liked them when they'd settled in a bit more.
V didn't have to pack up her drums, so she just cleaned them and stashed her sticks away, helping Roxxi to get a cover over her keyboard so she could take it home with her. Once it was finished, they talked about clothes and hair and said good bye, since V had to leave. "Hey Zeke! Help your roomie with her instrument, kay?" She winked at him and then headed back to her locker to change back into her dress and heels. Wearing them, however, she was still shorter than all the guys--maybe only as tall as Roxxi. When the drummer was back in her red dress, she grabbed her stuff and headed back to where everyone else still was.

Roxxi smiled and walked over to Zeke to ask him a little more about the move, wondering if there was anything she could do to help him. She'd have a day off tomorrow if he was looking for assistance. "Hey, would you want a housewarming party?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. "Nothing wild since it's an apartment and we don't wanna get kicked out, but maybe some pizza and a couple drinks and some presents for you. What do you think?" Of course she'd have to run it by Carla, but that was fine by her.

When V came back she gave Ash a little hug and then waved at Roxxi and Zeke before coming to Chance. "Hey, whatcha doin?" She asked leaning over to see a little better.
Zeke nodded to V and moved to help Roxxi finish packing up as the redhead asked him about helping with his things, then about giving him a housewarming party. He actually liked the idea, giving her a smile as he nodded slightly. "I think that would be a lot of fun," he told her as he assisted her with getting her keyboard put away. "Maybe just the band members...and Carla, of course. No need for presents, though. Just having my friends there is plenty. Well, and the pizza and drinks." Giving her a cheeky grin, he moved to finish getting his guitars packed up as well.

Ash hugged V back before he went about finishing with getting his bass packed up, just quiet and thoughtful for the most part. He had been in a good mood throughout the night, and didn't seem any less so at the end of practice. Once he was packed, he waved to the others. "See you guys later. Maybe hang out tomorrow night?" It was Friday, and he assumed everyone would be free for Saturday night and not have to work on Sunday, so they would actually be able to just relax and enjoy themselves a bit.

"I'd be game," Chance told Ash before seeing V approach. He shrugged slightly as she asked about what he was doing and stood with the book, handing it to her. "Just some of the stuff I've written. I was giving it a little glance to pick something out to present to you guys soon...if you'd want to give it a try that is." He actually seemed to become a little nervous, looking down shyly as he shuffled his feet a bit.
"Sure, give me a call," V said with a smile. She liked hanging out with Ash. And Chance had seemed lonely when she was there at his place, so why not encourage time together between bandmates? Maybe they could party over at Chance's place. Maybe she could stay the night again. She watched Chance actually get nervous as he told her about his ideas.

"Oh no! Did Ash scare you about the new material thing?" she smiled and put and arm around him. "Don't worry about him. He'll be nice. We wanna get more practice in, of course, but don't ever be afraid to share ideas!" She smiled and kissed his cheek. "You'll be fine. And I would love to hear them." She patted his back and hoped that she was making him feel better.

Roxxi was glad that Zeke seemed to like the idea of a party for him. She liked the idea that he wanted to keep it small too. "Aww, but presents are fun!" She said with a laugh. "Well, Carla and I can help you get more stuff set up if you want and we can have the party this weekend. The only thing with the party is that Carla won't want anyone hanging out in her room. She's a private person, and she's got a few expensive things in there. Not that she doesn't trust us, it's just that she won't wanna take the chance, you know?"
"Sounds good then. Guess I'm out guys." Ash gave them all a wave, glancing to Roxxi and Zeke and pausing a moment a the two having a conversation between themselves, pursing his lips slightly. He then shrugged and headed for the door, giving everyone another wave before disappearing.

Chance nodded slightly as V gave him a pep talk about his material, offering her a smile as he reached out to take her hand in his. "You're right," he told her, leaning over to kiss her cheek briefly. "I'll bring it up when I think I've got something ready to go." He released her hand to finish packing his things up before standing, slinging the cases over one shoulder and looking over to Zeke and Roxxi for a moment. "Those two certainly seem friendly," he pointed out to V with a slight grin. "Ash didn't look too happy about it either," he also noted, not looking so satisfied with the latter thought.

Zeke nodded as he listened to Roxxi laying out the ground rules concerning Carla's room before giving her an appreciative grin. "Well, I can't think of any reason I'd be needing to go into her room, or anyone else for that matter, so I don't think that'll be hard to do." Slinging his cases over his shoulder, and grabbing hers for her, he began to drift toward the door, glancing to Chance and V for a moment to offer them a cheerful smile on his way out since he couldn't wave with his hands full.
V waved at Ash and smiled at him as he left. She'd noticed the way he'd not been overly pleased with Roxxi talking to Zeke, and she wondered what was happening there. Roxxi and Zeke wouldn't be the only ones gossiping later if V had anything to say about it. The little drummer happily took his kiss to the cheek, glad that she seemed to have helped him. His mention of their remaining bandmates looking chummy and Ash not looking happy had her going into analysis mode.

"Well they are room mates now, so maybe they're just getting to know each other better. Or maybe Ash is jealous of any attention Zeke gets because he really likes Roxxi even though they totally all hooked up," she said quietly, shrugging. "I just hope they're not doing the competitive thing they do sometimes. That'll get old pretty fast."

Roxxi waved at Ash as he left and gave him a smile. "Night!" she called after him. When he slung her cases over his shoulders and agreed to her party scheme she smiled. "You don't have to carry mine you know. Here, let me go first so I can get the door..." She hurried forward and waved at Chance and V. "Bye guys! I'll call you later." She smiled and then disappeared into the night with Zeke. "Hey, so what was with all the suggestive nodding you were doing between Chance and V? Think they're together?"
Chance glanced at V, cocking an eyebrow slightly as she mentioned Ash and Zeke getting competitive with each other. "Oh? Yeah, I can imagine that will get old kind of quick...especially for Roxxi." Looking back to Zeke and the redhead as they left, he gave them a wave and smiled. "Later you two. Be careful." He then looked to Veronica once more as they left, stepping closer to her and putting an arm around her with a smile. "So, when do I get to see you again?"

Zeke looked to Roxxi once they were outside, shrugging his shoulders as he carried her case over to her car for her. "I really don't mind. And thanks for grabbing the door for me." Once at her car, he waited for her to get it open so he could load it up for her, then turned to her with a smile before heading for his own vehicle to put his guitars away. "Well, I don't know if they're together," he said in response to her other question. "But there's definitely something going on between them."
"They did it when I joined, until they figured out I wasn't interested in either one of them." That hadn't been entirely true, but it was the only way to get them to back off. Of course she had a little flame for her band mates, but the attraction was weakened greatly by their competition. With a shrug, she waved to the others as they left. "Bye!"

And then chance had his arm around her and she was smiling back at him. "Well that depends on when you want to see me, my dear." Her schedule was fairly flexible, and she could move some things around if she needed to, but she didn't want to make a habit of it. Still, for someone like Chance, she'd consider it.

Roxxi popped the trunk for him and fastened her instrument down closing it after he helped her. "Oh? What makes you think that?" she asked, following him to his car. Maybe from now on they could car pool to practice. That might be nice.
Chance just grinned playfully at V, leaning over to give her a quick kiss before letting her go. "Well, if I could have my way, I'd get to see you all the time...but since I can' about I just leave an open invitation for you to come crawl into bed with me anytime you want? Or to just stop by when I'm awake and keep me company?" He gave her another sweet smile as he headed for the door, though waiting on her, of course.

Zeke looked to Roxxi and cocked an eyebrow slightly. "You really haven't noticed the way they look at each other? Or how they act? I'd say they're very friendly with one another, if you know what I mean." He smirked and shrugged his shoulders a bit. "I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain to know each other a lot better the last few days."
V's lips curved into a grin at his statements and she kissed him back. That smile of his really did it. Every time she saw it she felt so warm inside. It was difficult to not be happy around Chance, and she hoped that he knew it. Not that she wasn't normally a happy person, but lately she was happier than she had been in quite awhile.

"Flattery will get you everywhere, Chance. I'll have to take you up on that offer sometime. I should be for some of tomorrow and the whole night the day after. I'll give you a call and come visit if you're around. Of course, you could always visit me if you wanted to." She smiled and followed him out the door as he held it for her.

"Well, to be honest, I don't really know V, so I can't say for sure if she's happier than usual. We haven't hung out a lot..." But the man had a point. V was looking at Chance with obvious adoration. "But you're right about the way they looked at each other. I just sort of figured Chance is a friendly guy. He certainly was the first time I met him." She chuckled, remembering how he'd had his arms around both girls, kissing their cheeks during the game of truth or dare they'd played.

"I guess it would make sense that they'd hook up, but I think maybe you might be imagining some of it, little matchmaker man." She smiled and chuckled. Then she watched as V and Chance came out of their practice space/party HQ/second home. Instinctively, she ducked down and took Zeke with her, peeking up at them as the two of them walked out. "Speaking of," she muttered. "Let's watch."
Chance hadn't been aware that Zeke and Roxxi were watching, though their cars in the parking lot should have been a dead giveaway that they were still around. He had figured they might have gone back inside for something through one of the other doors. Walking V to her car, he waited for her to open it up, setting his guitars aside for a moment to pull her closer before she got in, pressing her back against the vehicle as he kissed her goodbye.

Finally breaking the kiss to pull away and look at her, he simply offered that smile she loved so much. "I might have to take you up on that offer too," he told her, raising a hand to brush her hair back a bit. "Mmm, though it's tempting to just not let you go right now," he admitted before stealing another kiss and finally pulling away to recover his equipment as he headed for his bike to get it strapped on. Looking back over his shoulder at her, he raised his free hand to give her a wave. "Drive safe, beautiful," he called out before he began securing his gear to his bike.

Zeke made a surprised sound as Roxxi dragged him out of sight, then watched the scene unfolding before them. As Chance kissed Veronica, he simply smirked a bit, looking to the redhead triumphantly. "I totally should have had you bet me a striptease over that one," he joked, giving her a wink before looking back to the two lovers once more. Once the two had parted and Chance had began moving to his bike again, the guitarist glanced to Roxi again.

"So...did I call it or did I call it?" He waited for her acknowledgment that he was right as his lips curled into a playful grin. "So...judging by that you think know? I'm going to have to go with yes." He tilted his head slightly to study Roxxi's reactions to the sight as he waited for her opinion on whether the two had slept together or not.
V didn't really think much of Zeke and Roxxi's cars still being around. It was quite possible that they were hanging out nearby or Zeke was off somewhere trying to seduce her, though after what she'd seen him doing with her, she sort of doubted he needed to work all that hard. She was mostly focused on the hot front man that had been captivating her as of late. He had a way of making her knees weak, and she felt as though he should know that.

She liked that he was of the chivalrous type. Most guys who did it were a little corny, but he pulled it off nicely. Then again, she'd been with him when he was anything but Chivalrous in that mirrored bedroom of his. And that was exactly what she was reminded of as he set his guitars aside and kissed her, pressing her into her car door. There went the tension in her body. If she wasn't leaning against her car, she might have fallen right over.

Blushing slightly, Veronica just smiled back. His taking her up on her offer of coming to see her was one of the best things she had to look forward to in a long time. And then he brushed her hair away and delivered a line that had her heart skipping a beat. If she didn't have to get up early the next day, she'd be on the back of that bike with him.

She smiled and managed to nip at his lip as he stole another kiss from her. She waved back as he called her beautiful and then climbed into her car, but she didn't drive away until he had his guitars strapped onto that bike. She waved as she drove past and fortunately missed her two interloping band mates.

Roxxi hadn't quite expected the two of them to be so into each other--maybe a little shyness would have helped her to ease it in. But Chance had kissed her like she'd always been his, and that could only lead her to believe that they'd done a hell of a lot more than kiss together. The redhead was kind of shocked that anyone could leave someone as rock solid as V in a daze, but the frontman had done, it, which led her to believe that he was either awesome at kissing, or that kiss had brought the promise of much more.

They didn't seem to be heading the same direction, or to the same place, though. And if they'd wanted to, neither of them seemed to have noticed Zeke and herself hiding behind a car and watching, so there was no need for subterfuge.

She chuckled at Zeke's comments and turned to look at him. "Yeah, you should have. But you didn't," she reminded him, nudging his shoulder a little. "All right you called it. And they totally did it. My guess is that they did it more than once," she said, thinking it over. She wondered so many things about that encounter, or those encounters as it may have been.

"Want me to get her to spill? Girls have a way of pumping other girls for information. We're sneaky like that." She smiled and waited for him to say something.
Chance gave V a wave goodbye in return as she drove past, climbing onto his bike and starting it up. Taking another look around the parking lot, he shrugged gently, putting his headphones in before strapping his helmet on. He throttled the bike a few times before raising the kickstand and pulling away, raising his feet to the pedals as it began to move. Soon he was disappearing into the night, his tail lights fading out of sight within a minute or so.

Zeke looked to Roxxi once they were gone and stood once more, tilting his head slightly as she admitted to him being right. "I knew I should have made a bet with you," he said with a smirk. "And I think you're right. They seem just a little too comfortable and friendly with each other, like they're very used to touching." He raised a hand to scratch his chin for a moment in thought, wondering just how to find out more about it until the crafty redhead presented the perfect solution.

With a grin as Roxxi made her offer, Zeke nodded slightly. "You know, for such a sweet girl, you can be downright devious when you wanna be. It's kinda sexy." He chuckled softly and moved in to put his arms around her neck, leaning over to kiss her cheek. "Okay, you see what you can find out about the two of them and report back. Guys...well...guys like Chance...they're not the type to really talk about it, so I doubt Ash and I would have much luck on that front..."
Roxxi got back up with Zeke and brushed off the knees of her jeans. He agreed with her, of course, and he was obviously curious about it. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you had a thing for V," she teased. But then who wouldn't? Hell, even Roxxi had had a hypothetical "if I were a dude" moment thinking about her. Still, thoughts of Zeke being curious made her chuckle a little, and a little envious.

His comment made her laugh, eyes shining with mischief. "Alright, I'll see if I can't get her to crack. A girl's night is always perfect for this kind of thing. You might have to vacate the premises at some point, but I should be able to drag it out of her."

She smiled and accepted his kiss putting an arm around him and giving him a squeeze. "Well roomie, I do believe we have a party to plan. Let's get home and do that, shall we?"
Zeke shrugged his shoulders a bit, not one to lie about things as Roxxi pointed out that she thought he had a thing for Veronica. "I did a while back. Me and Ash both did. Didn't really go anywhere though. Well, I mean there was a little playing...but didn't go too far." He looked to Roxxi and just smiled a bit. "Someone's not a little jealous is she?"

Giving her a playful wink, he wrapped an arm around her neck and gave her an affectionate squeeze. "Well, just let me know and I'll disappear for the night," he said in response to her girls' night idea. He then gave her another kiss on the cheek before letting her go and starting for his car. "See you at home then?"
So he'd picked up on that, huh? Well okay, she could put up with a little teasing. She just smiled and refused to answer him. She was a little jealous, but she wasn't entirely sure why. She let him kiss her cheek again and then nodded on her way back to her car. "Okay. See ya there." It made her smile to think of the way he said, "See you at home." Then again, she wasn't sure why she was so happy about that either. In any case, she started up her car and headed for their shared apartment.
Zeke got into his car and started the engine, and was soon on his way back to their place. After the short drive, he parked and got out, making sure to lock the car as he looked to Roxxi, who would have been pulling in just before him. Running to meet up with her so they could head up together, he draped an arm over her shoulders and gave her a playful squeeze.

"Well hello, beautiful," he said with a grin. "Fancy meeting you here." With a soft laugh, he let her go and started up with her. "So, tell me, was that a bit of lust I saw you looking at those two with? Because I'll admit, it was pretty hot the way they made out there. And let's face it, our boy Chance is so damn pretty if I were a woman I'd totally want to jump him," he joked, glancing to her to judge her reactions.
Roxxi had pulled in and gotten her keyboard out of her trunk. She was just getting back to the sidewalk when he ran up and put her arm around her. She smiled and bumped his hip with hers. "Hey, buddy. Wanna get the door?" Just for good measure, she kissed his cheek. When he asked his question, she laughed and watched him.

"Really? I'll keep that in mind." She chuckled and waited for him to get the door. "Well, they do look great together," she said, walking in with him. "But yeah, I guess so. It was a little lust-inspiring."
Getting the door and holding it for Roxxi, Zeke just smirked at her and gave a light shrug. "You know, it is okay for you to notice the guy. Others obviously have." He gave her a playful wink and walked in behind her once she was clear, slinging his guitars from his shoulder and setting them off to the side. "So, I was thinking treat. Don't much feel like cooking." He moved to help Roxxi with her keyboard, then offered that same charming smile as he dug his phone out.

Looking through his directory, he pulled up the number for the local pizza delivery place and hit send, placing the phone to his ear. "So, what do you like on yours?" When he got an answer on the other end, he listened to their usual introduction and smirked a bit. "Yeah, give me just a minute so I can get the orders here, please." He then covered the phone and looked to the redhead. "Oh, and you wanna see what Carla likes on hers too?"
She walked with him to their apartment, rolling her eyes as he told her it was okay to notice Chance. As if she needed permission. But he had a little bit of a point. Chance was hot, and she could feel free to say so if she really wanted. "Okay, so he's hot. What do you want me to say?" she laughed and nudged his hip a little as they neared the door to their apartment. "I like roma tomatoes, red onions, green peppers, mushrooms and olives. So something like that. Carla's more of a Supreme pizza kinda gal. She likes her pizza loaded, but she's okay with whatever, usually. She likes more meat." With a shrug, she set her keyboard down at the door and fished around for her keys, panting a little. She wished it wasn't so hard to transport her instrument.
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