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『Kodoku no Saibou』(1×1 w/ Jikkah)

Yukimura didn’t move or flinch, watching the two the whole time.
Megohime bowed to Akihime before turning to follow Masamune, looking rather pleased.
As soon as they got out of the gate, Akihime turned toward Yukimura sharply, "Back to bed this instant."
"Dana, I think he's the least of your worries..." Sasuke said, holding his steadily closing wound.
Yukimura nodded, using his spear for support again, having little strength left in his body. “Yes, Akihime-sama..” He nodded.
Amaya’s own wound was closing quickly, but the energy expended would leave her rather tired. “He didn’t have to blow the gates off the hinges..” She muttered.
"I'll send him the bill for it." She replied, moving to check on Sasuke, "Are you alright?"
"Well, I'm not dying." He replied sheepishly, "I'll be ok by morning.."
"Good. Amaya?" Akihime turned to her Jorogumo, "And you?"
“I will be fine.” Amaya bowed her head to Akihime, moving over and crouching down to check her master over as well. “Were you injured at all, my lady?”
“And here I thought we’d have a peaceful break after all this chaos..” Amaya sighed softly, glancing back to Yukimura. “I’ll help him back to bed, please find yourself some new clothing, my lady. I’ll send word out for workers to come replace the gate and perhaps even contact Katakura to come render aid to the garden..”
Akihime's expression dropped into genuine sorrow at the news of her semi destroyed garden, "Invite him over for a meal, as well...I'm sure he'll need it." She replied before moving closer, "Make sure he stays in bed, would you? Even if you have to tie him down." She whispered.
“Of course, my lady.” She nodded her head and moved over to help Yukimura back to his bed, making sure he was settled in before going to change both her clothes and her form.
"Come, Sasuke," Akihime helped him to hos feet and walked inside with him, "I think I will allow us to sleep in for once."
"Ah," Sasuke gave a delighted sigh, "that sounds nice."
Not too far from the capitol, inside a sizable estate encircled by towering stone walls, a slender woman with long pink hair entered into the work chamber of her master, bowing her head lowly to a bandaged man. “Otani-sama, I have word of the devil child, a change at her estate. It seems an Okami this time.”
Yoshitsugu's hand stopped mid-divination, his oddly colored eyes moving toward the woman.
"An Okami?" He repeated before turning back to his work, "How did she come to find one of those?"
“The Okami was imprisoned in a city she was called to. She freed it from its original master and seems to be nursing it back to health.” She explained. “Date has also resurfaced again..” she started carefully. “He seems to have made a dragon god his Shiki.”
She bowed her head, clasping her hands together gently. “Of course, although..” She hesitated for a moment. “When Date showed up he destroyed the trees in the garden. I can no longer see her comings and goings.”
Him using her full name made her uneasy, nodding with downcast eyes. “Yes of course, please excuse me then.” She bowed to him before turning, wanting nothing more than to hide back in her tree in the garden.
He made a small noise before reaching to grab a new divination paper, painting over it and using it to garner a small vision of Akihime's goings on.

Akihime sat beside Yukimura the whole time, close to breaking his fever and helping him take medicine when he needed. She only left every few hours to check on Amaya and Sasuke to make sure they were healing properly.
"Dana, we're fine, really..." Sasuke muttered, eating some fried tofu, "I've almost healed fully."
Amaya was enjoying some hot tea, back in her humanoid form and fully healed up as well. “I wouldn’t mind some good meat.” She said before blowing gently on her tea.
"I can get some for you." Akihime said gently with a smile. Sasuke rolled his eyes playfully.
"How's the dog?"
"Yukimura is doing better. The fever is almost gone but he's still resting." She said.
Amaya’s face flushed a bit and she glanced coyly from Akihime to Sasuke. “I’m sure if Sasuke can’t procure me something, I can do so myself, but thank you my lady.”
Yukimura’s fever showed clear signs of breaking soon, recovering quickly from his seals being broken.
"It's no trouble, Amaya." Akihime said gently, "When I've had the opportunity, I've sent word to Katakura regarding the garden. I should receive word soon enough."
"He's gonna be so mad." Sasuke muttered.
"To think, a lower God would join up with the likes of him." Akihime muttered. Sasuke made a noise.
"I'm not really surprised. She's just Date with breasts."
"Sasuke." Akihime scolded but he shrugged.
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