『Kodoku no Saibou』(1×1 w/ Jikkah)

Motochika exhaled and reached for a sake jug, "What a weird woman..." He muttered to himself before shrugging it off.

Kojurou stood in disbelief, staring at the once proud garden he had helped Akihime build.
"Th...The iris'...the camellias..."
"Yes, I know. It breaks my heart also." Akihime said, standing beside him.
Amaya stood with her umbrella beside Akihime and Kojurou, staring at the burned garden with the rest. “Whatever materials you may require, simply make a list and I will see to procuring them.” Amaya was in charge of the funds, overseen by Akihime, Amaya would be the one to buy from the market- a ruthless bargainer.
“I can assist with gardening, though I have little experience in the craft.” Yukimura offered, glancing to Kojurou.
Kojurou turned to him and blinked before looking to Akihime. The onmyoji made a noise and rose her hand.
"Forgive me; Kojurou, this is Yukimura, an okami I freed from the Otomo." She introduced, "Yukimura, this is Katakura Kojurou, a scholar in the Emperor's court."
"A pleasure to meet you, Yukimura." Kojurou bowed softly to him.
"Oh, I've hardly done anything note worthy." Kojurou said humbly. Akihime smiled softly.
"And I can't read the stars. Don't be silly, Katakura. You do plenty good." She said. Kojurou smiled softly and turned to the garden with a sigh.
"I suppose we will need to have new bulbs and seeds requested." He muttered before turning to Amaya, "I will make you a list of what will need to be ordered, if you don't mind, Amaya-san?"
She bowed her head to Kojurou. “Of course, please leave it to me. Should you need additional hands in the garden, we can always drag Sasuke out here.”
"I heard that." Sasuke remarked from the veranda. Akihime smiled softly.
"Yukimura will be more than enough, I feel," she said, "he is a dog, digging comes naturally." There was teasing in her tone, glancing at him playfully.
“Please, a little manual labor won’t hurt.” Amaya said.
Yukimura cheeks flushed and he looked to Akihime flustered. “I’m a wolf, Lady Akihime..” He corrected gently.
Akihime giggled softly, giving a nod, "Yes, yes, forgive me, Yukimura~"
Sasuke huffed, glancing to the side.
"I don't do menial labor." He muttered. Kojurou chuckled and placed his hands on his hips.
"Shall we get to work then?"
Amaya took Kojurou to the study to make a list of all of the needed supplies for the garden- shrubs, manure, seeds, and bulbs.
Yukimura started out in the garden, working from one end to the other pulled out burnt trees and shrubs, tilling the scorched soil to prepare for planting.
“Sasuke, do you mind scrubbing the boulders that got scorched? The soot needs to be cleaned off.” He said, looking to the Kitsune.
“I can show you how to if you need the assistance?” He offered, purely out of genuine kindness, even if it came off a bit back-handed.
“Sasuke.” Amaya was doing the math on the rough estimate of cost, glancing up at the ginger. “Why don’t you bring some drinks out for those who are working?” Her tone was kind despite being firm.
Yukimura’s ears turned red at Sasuke’s words, blinking before returning to his work, unsure of how to respond to Sasuke’s provocation.
"What am I, the maid?" Sasuke scowled but pushed himself up regardless, "Fine." He huffed and walked inside. Akihime looked to Yukimura and frowned gently.
"Don't mind him so much. He was brought up spoiled and lazy, it's all he knows...he doesn't enjoy being told what to do." She said, "I promise, you're alright."
“Ah! It’s alright, I’ve heard worse before, but I never really know what to say to it.” He said, letting out a soft laugh, wiping some sweat from his brow.
“I should be able to get what we need just about out total allowed budget. I’ll head to the market and secure them for transport here.” Amaya stood and bowed to both Kojurou and Akihime. “Please enjoy refreshments while I’m gone, I shouldn’t be too long.” And with that she was off for the market, umbrella over her shoulder.
Akihime pet Yukimura's arm gently as she watched Amaya go.
"Be safe, Amaya!" She called. Kojurou made a noise as he examined the soil.
"Date sure did a number on it..." He frowned.
"Hard to believe it was an accident." Akihime muttered.
He looked down at her hand on his arm and his face flushed, but he didn’t pull away, only turning his head away out of embarrassment.
Sasuke came out with some tea and snacks, looking put out by the whole thing, "Here, please enjoy." He said flatly. Akihime looked up with an amused smile.
"Don't be so joyless, Sasuke." She said in good humor.
“Thank you, Sasuke.” Yukimura thanked him before helping himself to some tea to wet his throat, seemingly not noticing his sour mood.
“You won’t join us, Sasuke?” Yukimura watched him, tilting his head slightly. “It’s a shame you won’t have any tea even though you went through the trouble of preparing it.”
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