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『Kodoku no Saibou』(1×1 w/ Jikkah)

"Oh, don't worry about it, I remember where I found these." He said before turning to leave, "Good night, Amaya..."

He nodded in agreement, "It is." He said before looking out at his garden, "Do you have a favorite? The chrysanthemums are beautiful this season."
“Goodnight, Sasuke.” Amaya bid him farewell before returning to her own room, changing into clean clothes once again.

“Camellias.” She answered softly. “The pinks they come in are rather lovely.”
Kojurou nodded once again, "They are." He agreed before becoming flustered, "Ah, please, don't let me keep you rooted! I'm just doing some light weeding, please feel free to walk around!"
“Of course, thank you.” She said with a nod. “I’ll have to bring refreshments next time and we cane share them.”
“Shall I bring any instruments to play for you?” Jin offered. “Or perhaps you would rather have me recite poetry?”
She laughed softly behind her hand, watching him work with soft copper eyes. “It would be my pleasure, I’ll pick a few of my favorites.” She bowed her head and turned to leave. “I look forward to seeing you.”
She stopped and raised a brow, turning back toward him. “I suppose I can stay for a while longer.” She agreed, moving to sit in the shade of the porch just off to the side of where Kojurou was working.
"I don't mean to impose," he said gently, "I just thought I would have you for a bit longer... conversation with you is always fleeting.."
She watched him with soft eyes, making herself comfortable, shaking her head before bowing it. “Please allow me to occupy some of your time then, Kojurou-dono.”

Megohime tuned the strings of her shamisen, looking over the grand manor before Masamune and her. “I sure am surprised, I figured this demon-child wouldn’t be unlike you in manners of finances. I see I was wrong.”
Kojurou sniled softly and bowed in return, "Thank you very much for your kindness and presence, Jin-dono."

"Like I said, people like Aki." Masamune replied, "The emperor is always giving her stuff for her good deeds. I think it's because mainly she trained with his own onmyoji growing up."
“It’s my pleasure.” She said. “Tell me, how long have you been tending this garden now?”

“Hmm.” She looked to Masamune, running her fingers gently along the neck of the instrument before grasping it gently. “So she has the favor of the emperor then?”
He made a noise as he pulled and dropped weeds into the basket beside him, "I believe since I joined the court. The garden was in a sorry state when I arrived, so I asked if I could maintain it. With some prayers and a bit of help from a friend of mine, the garden has thrived every since."

"You could say that." Masamune replied before nudging his head, "Why don't you go ahead and knock~?"
“You must’ve put countless hours into this garden- it shows.” She said with a soft smile. “It’s a magnificent garden.•

“It would be my pleasure.” Megohime said, plucking at a single string with her bachi, the sturdy gate doors before them exploding open with extreme force. Planks of wood littered down from the force of the blast, Megohime moving to walk through the now very open gates. “It seems it’s already open.”

Amaya had been resting in her chambers when she heard and felt the explosion, seconds later her spiders confirming intruders to her. She burst from her room toward the front gate, morphing quickly into her full arachnid state, moving faster with her spider body. “Alert Lady Akihime right away!” She ordered her spiders, fangs bared.
"Thank you so much for your kind praise. I've been teased, often called old for having such a hobby. But what type of scholar wouldn't find the wonders of a life cylce enriching?" He ssaid with a smile.

"What a coincidence." Masamune smirked as he stepped beside her. He held out a talisman in front of him, a barrier forming to swallow up the massive wave of blue fire that rushed at them.
"You don't have an invitation to walk these grounds, Date." Sasuke stated behind his fan, eyes sharp and glowing as his tails curled gently at his feet.
"You mean to tell me Aki won't entertain an old friend?" Masamune asked.
"Go fuck yourself." Sasuke said venomously.

Akihime sat at Yukimura's side still, pressing a cold cloth gently to his forehead to help combat his fever. She frowned softly at the explosion, but could not pull herself away while she was needed.
“I agree. Being in tune with the earth is also good for the mind, body, and soul. A fulfilling hobby, despite the naysayers.

“Having such a young kitsune for protection seems irresponsible.” Megohime tutted, not seeming bothered by the fire, but delighted Masamune put in the effort to shield her. “And one with such a nasty temper no less.” She strummed another cord, her own flames rushing toward Sasuke, but Amaya’s webs stopped them, burning up in the process.
“Date, once again you’ve proven a bothersome brute.” She hissed lowly, slender legs carrying her closer, all eight eyes on Masamune.

Yukimura’s breathing was labored, still sweating heavily, face twisted in pain, stirring at the sound of the explosion. “Lady… Akihime..?” He groaned, opening his eyes.
"I couldn't agree more." Kojurou replied, glad to have a kindred spirit in Jin.

"Seems they deem me more the threat than you, Megohime." Masamune said amusedly, "A sorry mistake to be sure."
"You won't get anywhere near dana so long as we have anything to say about it." Sasuke stated.
"I just wanna test my power against hers, that's all, fox." Masamune stated.
"Then make an appointment. Get lost." Sasuke stated.

"Hush. Everything is well. Amaya and Sasuke are tending to it." She told him gently, listening to the soft whispers of one of Amaya's spiders in her ear.
“I find studying poetry and music good for the soul, and board games good for the mind. I’ve heard you also wield the blade, you’re well studied.” Jin said, enjoying the conversation.

“I’m trying not to take offense to it, but it is rather rude, is it not?” She turned on Sasuke and Amaya, playing her instrument fully now as the ground cracked and split apart, separating the two as fire ignited in the air. Megohime’s slit pupils glowed white as the flames chased after the two Shikigami, pushing Amaya and Sasuke further away from one another.
“Don’t act rashly!” Amaya warned Sasuke, avoiding Megohime’s fires the best she could.

The spider relayed the confrontation to Akihime, giving her live updates about the situation.
Yukimura didn’t seem to like this answer, wheezing softly and stirring in his bed despite the deep aching that ravaged his body. “I should be protecting you..” He argued weakly.
"Yes, a strong scholar has a strong mind, body, and soul." He replied, standing to scan for any more weeds, "Though, as compared to most, my sword skills are lacking." He said sheepishly.

"Speak for yourself!" Sasuke hissed before spinning his fan shut, having it change into a katana. He rushed at Masamune, who threw talismans at him to keep him at bay, but Sasuke merely cut them in half. The last, however, exploded in Sasuke's face, sending him tumbling backwards.

Akihime pushed him back down firmly, "You are in no condition to do anything but rest."
“There’s nothing wrong with having a gentle nature- they do seem rare somedays.” She mused, the admittedly, she had seen Kojurou’s sword skills with her own eyes, and lacking was not one of the words she would use to describe his swordsmanship.

Amaya followed up Sasuke’s attacks on Masamune despite Sasuke being blown away- literally. Megohime stopped Amaya from getting closer to Masamune with her own fire, forcing the Jorogumo onto the defensive. “Still alive?” She called to Sasuke.

It wasn’t hard to push him back down, defeat washing over his face, too woozy to try again. “Yes, Lady Akihime..”
He wiped the dirt from his hands, satisfied with his work, before moving toward Jin, "You think so?" He asked.

Sasuke pushed himself up with a cough.
"I'm fine." He answered, grabbing his katana again. He spun it and it ignited in blue flame before he rushed at Masamune again.
"With urgent haste." Masamune gave a haughty smirk as Sasuke's blade smacked against the barrier, only to scowl when the fire changed color - darker and more ominous. Sasuke swung again and the barrier cracked, but still held.
"I see. Stealing from your master, are you?" He asked.
"More like borrowing." Sasuke replied angrily.

Akihime goanced briefly at the spider before looking to Yukimura.
"All is well, Yukimura." She assured.
Jin reached into her sleeve and produced a handkerchief, reaching out to gently wipe Kojurou’s face where he had missed some dirt. “I do.” She nodded.

Amaya lunged at Masamune from the side, using her sharp legs to try and piercing the barrier to add more stress to it and try to break it. Megohime interrupted both Sasuke and Amaya, engulfing the two in a massive wall of flames, playing her shamisen with a dissatisfied look on her face. “Masamune, you’re hogging all the fun.” She chided.
Kojurou blushed softly at the tenderness of the gesture. "Oh, thank you.."

"Ah, sorry, sorry." Masamune said, "Didn't mean to." He looked at the wall of flame, seeing the ominous flame combating Megohime's poorly, trying to keep Sasuke and Amaya from roasting alive. Sasuke's features were sharper, more fox like, as he struggled to level out the overpowering flame around them.
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