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『Kodoku no Saibou』(1×1 w/ Jikkah)

She smiled warmly, finishing wiping his face. “I couldn’t knowingly let you walk around with a dirty face.” She teased lightly.

“Alright, I suppose I can forgive you~” Megohime smirked, playing her instrument faster, the flames growing larger, threatening to swallow up Sasuke and Amaya. The heat was intense enough to make her exoskeleton ache and her skin and clothes smoke and threaten to catch fire. There was nothing her silk could do against such heat, and she could not attack unless she got in close and personal.
"D-Dammit, what kind of bullshit power is this?" Sasuke hissed out, borrowing more of Akihime's power to give himself and Amaya more breathing room. Masamune pulled a talisman from his robes and it glittered before turning into a bow. He notched an arrow made of Megohime's power and aimed at Sasuke.
Amaya saw the weapon aimed at Sasuke and scowled, moving closer quickly to shield his body with her own. Megohime didn’t let up, pressing her fire force against Sasuke’s with increasing strength. “You’re much stronger than I initially thought, fox, I commend your efforts!” Megohime praised.
"Yeah, well, it isn't wholly me!" He hissed out through his teeth. He glanced at Amaya and then Masamune, "Don't be stupid, Amaya...!" But Masamune didn't allow any time to argue; letting the arrow fly, it pierced straight through Amaya and Sasuke both, knocking the wind clear out of them and sending them skidding across the ground.
Megohime’s flames dissipated, revealing Amaya collapsed on the ground, clutching the wound that gushed a deep red-purple liquid on her stomach. She gnashed her teeth and brought her glare to Masamune, struggling to try and get to her feet again.
“My, that is one tough bug, perhaps a larger weapon is needed to dispose of it?” She joked with Masamune, now resting her playing hand on her hip.
"Perhaps so." Masamune replied with a smirk.
"Masamune," Akihime stepped out onto the deck, a disapproving scowl on her face, "I wasn't expecting you. Ever."
"That's no way to greet a guest, Aki. The welcome committee you have hired is severely lacking." He said. Akihime scowled more as she looked over her two shiki.
"What have you done." Her voice was low, angry.
“Pl-Please forgive me… My Lady..” She could only manage to get partially up to her feet. “Date is as… troublesome as always..” She was bleeding into the garden stones, her breathing labored from pain.
Megohime observed Akihime, smiling softly as she observed her soul- such a lovely and unusual color.
Akihime stepped from the deck and moved toward her two shiki, Sasuke rasping for breath as he tried to look at her.
"D...Dana..." He wheeze, "I'm sorry...I took too much...this time..."
"Hush..." Akihime soothed them both, cupping Amaya's cheek gently and laying her hand on Sasuke's head, "you two did well...please rest while I deal with them. You both performed your duty to the letter."
Amaya turned her head away out of shame, but she could no longer continue fighting. Though her wounds were not fatal, they were serious injuries. “Thank you, My Lady..” She said softly.
“So you’re her. The Lady Onmyoji. The Demon Child. Half-Bakeneko.” Megohime was certainly intrigued- Masamune was right, she was something extraordinary.
"So some claim me to be. I am but a normal human woman who can read the stars." Akihime replied, standing to face them. Masamune chortled.
"Don't be so modest now, Aki! Everyone knows what you are." He said. Akihime passed her gaze over him briefly before looking to Megohime.
"And how is it a man as him has claimed a god? Albeit, a small one, but a god is a god."
She smirked and tilted her head down slightly. “You honor me- not many a mortal can distinguish this form from a humans, but you are no mere mortal after all. Your soul is a lovely color, much more vibrant than that of a normal humans. As for how I agreed to a role of servitude to a human well.” She glanced at Masamune. “Let’s just say he managed to charm me with his audacity alone, but the rest doesn’t hurt.”
"Audacity is something Masamune has in abundance." Akihime replied, "Shall we get this over with?"
"By all means." Masamune notched another arrow and fired it, straight for Akihime's chest, but she merely backhanded it into the ground. She rubbed the back of her hand, the skin singed slightly, but she looked more annoyed than anything.
“Will you be needing my help, or are you going to handle this all on your own?” Megohime asked Masamune, making no move to attack yet.

Amaya had moved Sasuke and herself away from the fighting, using her silk over his wounds to slow the bleeding until he healed himself.
"Have as much fun as you like, don't let me hold you back." Masamune said before throwing a talisman. It started to glitter and Akihime raised two fingers in a sort of hand seal, a barrier shimmering into view as it blocked the explosive talisman.

Sasuke wheezed softly and looked up at her.
" doing ok...?"
She grinned and resumed playing, dozens of orbs made of fire appearing behind her along with several spears made out of ice. The tempo of her playing quickened and dark clouds filled the skies quickly, the rumble of thunder signaling lightening. The fire orbs launched at Akihime, the ice spears aimed for her feet, and the air tasting of ozone.

“I’ll manage, it pierced my lower stomach, nothing vital was hit though.” She shook her head. “What of your wounds?”
Akihime moved out of the way as best as she could, the spears catching her hakama and tearing it and the fires burning her sleeves. She pulled a scroll from her sleeve pocket and unfurled it, the characters lighting up purple before a thick miasma shot toward the two. Masamune erected a barrier but the miasma began to melt it.
"Forgot she could do that." Masamune said with a grin.

"Just a couple scorch marks, I'll be ok." He replied.
“That sure is troublesome.” Megohime agreed, but an equally devious grin crossed her face. She made a motion like she was holding up a talisman, yet nothing was in her hand, speaking a chant softly as she walked forward. She reached a hand up, and motioned toward Akihime, the miasma shifting direction and crawling quickly back toward Akihime. “You may have that back, we have no use of it.”

“You were also shot, and youkai or not, you’ve been injured.” She said, frowning in worry.
Akihime gave a dissatisfied scowl, holding up the scroll and swallowing the miasma back into the paper and ink.
"Thank you, I appreciate it." She said.
"Alright, Aki, let's see the real stuff." Masamune said before he rose his hand, an orb shimmering in his palm before a blast of flame shot toward her. Akihime rose a talisman quickly, turning it into a large uchiwa fan and smacking it away. She watched it soar across the yard and crash into her garden, and her eyes widened slightly.
"My iris'..." She muttered.

"Shit..." Sasuke watched Akihime's garden burn and he pushed himself up, "I'll live. Help me put this out...!"
Megohime brandished a blade made of her own energy, allowing her little time to mourn her burnt flowers as she closed the distance between the two, swinging her blade like she had done it all her life.
Amaya nodded and got to her feet with some effort, following Sasuke to smother the fires before they spread to the house itself, but in the next moment all the fires were extinguished, even the fire in Masamune’s hand and the blade in Megohime’s.
Yukimura held into the pillar of the porch to keep himself upright, hand extended to cast a barrier over the entirety of the manor, breathing heavily with effort. He was exhausted, and his body ached from the fever, but he wasn’t going to lay around while his master protected her home herself.
Akihime looked back and frowned, "Yukimura, I told you to stay in bed."
"An Okami?" Masamune asked, "When did you get an Okami?"
"That's none of your business." Akihime shot at Masamune pointedly.
“Forgive me… Lady Akihime..” He focused his eyes on Akihime, ignoring Masamune while he addresssd his master. “I couldn’t rightfully lay about while you cleaned up..”
“You seem to collect some rather strange familiars.” Megohime noted.
"Strange attracts strange, it seems." Akihime replied before turning to move to Yukimura, "It is my duty to defend my home, your duty is to recover..."
"We're in the middle of something, don't turn away from me." Masamune huffed before conjuring one of Megohime's ice spears and throwing it at Akihime with all his might. Akihime turned, breaking the spear with one similar to Yukimura's, scowling darkly.
"You were not invited to begin with."
“Akihime-sama..!” Yukimura staggered away from the porch, summoning a spear to support himself briefly before brandishing his weapon. “I won’t let this intruder remain here any longer..!”
Amaya had finished putting out the fire that were starting, returning to Akihime’s side despite her injuries. “Our newest addition has the right attitude, please allow for us to fight for you,Lady Akihime.”
Masamune scowled gently and took a step back, "Nah. Not worth it." He said, "Besides, you got a new pet, I want to see his full potential."
"He will give you a run for your money." Akihime replied.
"What little there is." Sasuke muttered.
Megohime returned to Masamune’s side, though he gaze did linger on Akihime briefly.
Yukimura glared at Masamune, blade pointed at him. “Please leave.” He said, brows furrowed.
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