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『Kodoku no Saibou』(1×1 w/ Jikkah)

Yukimura blinked at the scene before him. “If you’d rather eat, then I will join you.”
Amaya blinked in surprise at Sasuke’s actions, gaze flicking between the three. “I actually figured I would bathe before eating, if that is alright with you, my lady?”

She perked up when Masamune sputtered awake, shocked to see him conscious. “Three days.” She said, getting him a water pitcher and pouring a cup for him. “How do you feel?”
"Your comfort is foremost, Amaya. We'll be waiting for you on the veranda, I suppose." Akihime said and Sasuke gave a victorious smile.
"You really are kind, dana~"
"So some say." Akihime replied.

"Like Hell." He replied, trying not to chug the whole cup.
Amaya bowed her head before leaving toward the bath house, leaving Yukimura in the care of Akihime and Sasuke.
Yukimura looked around the estate in awe as he was led to the veranda, the nicest place he knew of for the last two hundred years was Lord Sorin’s castle.

“I can only imagine; how is your appetite? You should regain your strength as soon as possible.” She said, watching him closely.
"Do you like it?" Akihime asked him, and Sasuke scowled gently, "The property was a sort of gift from the emperor for all the good I had done in my time."

"I could eat a whole cow, I feel like.." He half joked, "Three days is a long time."
He nodded, unable to tear his eyes away from the immaculately kept garden. “Lord Sorin had a garden, but nothing like this. Do you tend to it yourself?”

She made a soft noise as she stood. “I’ve seen longer, but you were starting to worry me.” She moved to the door and opened it, poking her head outside and waving down an attendant that was passing by. “Prepare a meal for my master, he’s woken and is hungry.”
“Of course, right away, Lady Megohime.”
She closed the door and moved back to Masamune.
"I do. I have a friend in the palace who gives me tips on how to tend it properly. All of these plants are recommended by him." She replied, and Sasuke scowled more at the infatuation in her tone.
"Dana, have saie with me. We haven't had a drink together in a long time." He said. Akihime looked at him with a faint frown but nodded.
"You know where it's kept."
"Hai, hai~" Sasuke sauntered away and Akihime rolled her eyes gently.
"Would you care for sake as well, Yukimura? It's only fair to offer."

Masamune sat up carefully and rubbed his chest tenderly.
"You? Worried? Absconding with a piece on an onmyoji's soul and you were worried~"
Yukimura stood a few paces away, clammy and looking on the verge of passing out. “Ah no thank you..” He was dripping sweat, but remained on his feet.

“Not even strong men can escape the clutches of death~” She teased back, kneeling beside him again.
She frowned with worry and moved over, "How silly of me. I forgot, with your previous contract broken, you're displaced. We haven't bound together yet." She took his hand gently, not at all bothered by how clammy it was, and pulled him gently to sit.
"We'll have to be a bit informal with how Sasuke is behaving, so please forgive me." She said and pulled a paper doll from her robes. She reached for one of the ornate kanzashi she had in her hair and pricked her finger, wiping the blood over the doll before holding her hand out to Yukimura again.
"I, Onmyoji Akihime, beseech you, Okami Yukimura, to aid me in the service of others. To protect the people and country from the evil men and spirits that plague it. Will you stand by my side until one of us perish?"

He hummed and nodded, drinking more water, "So, what now? That's it~? You're with me forever~? Pretty romantic~"
He sat down in front of her, putting his hand in hers when she offered it. “I will.” He nodded. “I promise to abide by your commands, and die on my feet protecting you. May you rest your head easy knowing I will stand guard over you and your domain.”

“What now?” She echoed. “We do anything we wish~ the power I’ve granted you doesn’t need to build- it can be used now.” She said with a pleased grin. “And as for romantic, well I don’t know about that~ perhaps you’ll grow sick of me~”
She pricked his finger and pressed the droplet of blood over hers, the doll shivering and shimmering before it burned with purple fire. The ahes separated, some swirling into Akihime's skin while the others did similar to Yukimura. Unceremoniously, there was silence, and Akihime smiled.
"Welcome home."

"Doubtful~" He replied, before looking up when a servant brought food in, "Thank the Gods.." He muttered.
The pain slowly ebbed away, Yukimura already starting to feel better. He flexed his hand and made a fist, looking at the spot where the ashes had disappeared into his flesh. He looked up at Akihime with a lopsided smile, feeling like a thousand pounds had been lifted from his shoulders. “It’s good to be home.”

Megohime wrinkled her nose at the smell of fish, not caring much for human food outside of sake. “So will you see her now? That Onmyoji woman you’ve been avoiding?” She asked, resting her chin in her palm as Masamune ate.
There was a loud noise of someone clearing their throat and Akihime looked back, seeing Sasuke standing some feet away with the sake jug and two cups.
"Is Yukimura not allowed to have any?" She asked, like speaking to a child. Sasuke huffed.
"If he wants some, I'll get another one." He mumbled.

Masamune looked up, stopping from taking his first bite of food, before he grinned and started shoveling.
"You bet. Maybe now I can beat her~"
Yukimura put his hands up, looking a little sheepish and awkward. “It’s really alright, I can abstain for now- please, enjoy your drinks.” He urged.

“I am truly interest in meeting this Onmyoji, what you’ve told me only leaves me with more questions than answers.” She mused, excited to see some action.
Sasuke smiled and took his seat beside Akihime, pouring her cup first before his own. Akihime barely drank, where as Sasuke tossed his cups back like water.
"Slow down." She told him, his face already flushed, and he gave a loud scoff.
"I'm fine, dana!" He slurred.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" He asked, finishing his rice before moving on to the fish.
Yukimura looked pleased to just be there, sitting across from the two, desperately scrounging for a topic of conversation. “Sasuke-dono, should I prepare any food or water to help you sober up some, perhaps?” It was a genuine question, no ill intent behind it at all, offered with a smile.

“If she truly is only half human. Youkai-human hybrids aren’t impossible, but they are rare and even more so rarely does the child make it to adulthood.” Megohime blew at some of the dust floating through the air. “And that child becoming someone so revered and raised up by the city folk? It has never happened before.”
A dark pointed glare came from Sasuke and he moved closer to Akihime.
"No, I don't want anything you make me." He said. Akihime rolled her eyes and exhaled.
"Some water will do fine, Yukimura. His tofu would take too long." She said.

He chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, Aki really is one in a million. She's always done what she can to help people, even when they put her down. First time I met her, she was kicked into the dirt for exorcising a spirit from a home. They said it was her fault it was even there. But she just smiled anyway, happy to help." He grinned a bit, "Weird girl, really."
“Ah, of course.” He nodded and stood, a bit of anxiety making him sweat, he hadn’t meant to upset Sasuke. “I’ll return shortly then.” He bowed his head once more before heading off down the hallway, following the scent of the ovens all the way to the kitchen.

“How curious.” She hummed. “I am curious to see her work.”
"Be nice to him, Sasuke." Akihime scolded. But the kitsune only pouted.
"But, dana..."
"No. I'm serious." She said sternly. Sasuke pouted more and leaned against her, drinking from the jug now.

"I think you'll find her fun. I sure do." He replied.
Amaya was first to return to Akihime, approaching in clean clothes, freshly bathed. She scowled softly when she saw Sasuke clinging to Akihime, eye twitching a bit as she flicked her finger, taking a seat across from Akihime. “Forgive me for making you wait, my lady.” She apologized, and slowly several spiders started crawling across Sasuke’s clothing, one crawling onto his hand.
Sasuke looked and nearly shrieked, standing and shaking them off vigorously.
"It's no trouble, Amaya, we weren't waiting too long."
"Amaya, get them off me!" Sasuke yelled.
“Oh, wonderful.” Amaya said, smoothing out her yukata, then reaching for Sasuke’s empty sake cup, pouring herself a cup and drinking it carefully. “You act like I’m the one that put them there, just put them back in the garden where they belong.” She said calmly.
Yukimura hadn’t taken long, returning with a pitcher of water and four cups, but he wasn’t within but twenty steps of the group before he collapsed to the floor, the pitcher and cups shattering on the floor beside him.
Amaya set her cup down and moved over, quickly kneeling down beside them, pressing her ear to Yukimura’s chest. “He’s still breathing.” Amaya said with a relieved sigh. “And his heart beats as well.”
Yukimura was completely unconscious and was burning up, face twisted in pain.
"If it isn't one insult, it's another. Trying to take his shiki with him." Akihime muttered before pulling Yukimura's arm over her shoulder, "I'm going to take him to his room to help fight this. Please, behave." She told Amaya.
Yukimura’s body pressed against Akihime, his shallow breaths showing he was still alive.
Amaya stood, looking worried. “All on your own? Let me help, my lady.” She offered.
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