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『Kodoku no Saibou』(1×1 w/ Jikkah)

"Okami-san," Akihime glanced to Yukimura, "when I ask, I would like for you to make a barrier around the ritual sight." She gestured around them gently, "Would you do that for me?"

He smirked up at her, "What's life without some risk, huh?" He asked, setting the brush aside.
Yukimura nodded firmly, holding his hand out and summoning a spear into his hand. “I’m at the ready.” He answered, Amaya producing four of her spider legs from her back in preparation to fight.

Megohime liked his answer. “Truly~” She grinned, flashing her sharp teeth. If Masamune survived this, his power would skyrocket.
Akihime nodded and Kongiku waves her lantern, summoning dozens upon dozens of soul orbs to surround them. Soon, the air became thick and heavy with ill intent; evil miasma filling the air as various demons trekked toward them.
"Now, Okami-san," Akihime nodded to Yukimura as the youkai moved into the center, "trap them here."

He lifted his head and drank from the cup, taking every last drop of her blood as he did.
“Right!” Yukimura swung his hand and immediately a barrier was erected around them, shimmering with white light and trapping the monsters as ordered. “On your order, my lady!” Amaya kept herself positioned at Akihime’s back, making sure she wasn’t attacked from behind.

It was like fire had been ignited down his throat, burning all the way down into his stomach and heating his body. Right away he was dizzy and overwhelmed with heat, feeling as though he were dying from fever.
Akihime waited, looking over all the youkai as they quickly became agitated.
"Dana...!" Sasuke called warningly and Akihime made a noise.
"Now." Akihime nodded, and Sasuke snapped his fan shut as it ignited with blue fire.

He gasped raggedly, trying hard to maintain consciousness once he finished the cup, eyes distant and hazy with pain.
Yukimura took off like an arrow, slicing easily through anything in his path, careful to not harm a single spirit summoned by Kongiku.
Amaya used both her silk and her legs to slice and slow enemies, staying at Akihime’s back.

Megohime reached out and gently took the cup from his hands setting it aside and cupping his cheeks to help keep his head up. “I have high hopes for you, do make sure to come back to me.” She said softly, watching him with a soft expression.
Akihime waved her hands slowly and a group of youkai were swallowed in flames, keeping her eyes on Kongiku and the souls.

He smiled weakly, "I'd crawl any chance I got..." He replied.
It didn’t take long before the yokai were not trying to flee away from the town center, but no one would be escaping. The barrier Yukimura had put up didn’t budge an inch, and quickly the demons were dispatched, leaving not a single monster alive.

Her dragon features disappeared and she smiled amusedly before calling for the guards, who arrived quickly. “Please help Lord Date to his chambers, I’m afraid he’s taken ill.”
“Of course! Right away!”
“Should we send for the doctor?”
“No need, I will tend to him myself.” Megohime said, standing as two men helped Masamune to his feet.
“Of course, Lady Megohime.”
Sasuke moved over and stared it down before lighting it on fire. Akihime watched for a moment before turning her gaze to Yukimura, "Do you have a name, Okami-san...?"

Masamune was nothing more than a noodle as they helped him, his eyes on Megohime the whole time. There was no hate or malice in his gaze, but an odd infatuation.
Yukimura turned to face Akihime, his expression growing soft. “Yukimura, I’ve gone by that name for some time now.” He said.
Amaya dusted off her clothes, glancing at the embers of the youkai Sasuke had slain before turning her gaze to him.

Masamune was taken to his room where he was placed into bed by the guards before being left with Megohime. She got to work right away, gathering what she would need to help him fight the fever, first laying out a cool wet rag on his forehead, then moving to the desk to make him something for the pain and fever, mixing different herbs and powders.
"Yukimura..." Akihime repeated and smiled, "I like that, it's rather fitting."
Sasuke looked to Amaya and looked her over, "You good? Any wounds?" He asked.

"Can't be powerful and attractive...~" Masamune joked weakly.
“Thank you, it was bestowed upon me by a master I have great respect for, he was lord of this castle many years ago. He was a great man- strong and righteous.” He said, a fond look in his eyes.
Amaya had a few scrapes and bumps, but nothing worth worrying over. “Nothing a meal won’t fix. Your flames were rather expressive.” She praised.

“Hush and swallow this.” Megohime helped lift his head so she could feed him the medicine, pupils glowing white as she looked over his body. Already her blood was coursing though his veins, the piece of his soul carved away now replaced with spot of deep black where her fragment had taken root. “Unless you want to be dead and handsome.”
"Takeda Shingen?" Akihime asked, "I researched the area some time ago. The Takeda ruled the area before the Otomo took control. I read that Shingen was kind."
Sasuke hid his smile behind his fan.
"Thanks. Your webs were rather pretty." He said.

"Well, no...unless you like me that way...~" He teased weakly.
Yukimura felt his heart grow heavy and he nodded, having to swallow the lump in his throat. “He was.” He said softly.
Amaya brought her sleeve up to her mouth, pleased by his compliment. “Thank you. I’m surprised, I don’t think I’ve seen you fight at this level before, you’ve been holding back some impressive moves.”

“I don’t~” She teased back, covering him more with the blanket.
"He would be proud of the steps you're taking now, I think.." Akihime told him before looking to Kongiku, bowing gently, "Payment will be rendered, as always, for your help."
"Anytime, Onmyoji-sama~ ja~" Kongiku flicked her tail playfully before leading the souls away.
"Well, I don't mean to brag~" Sasuke said, eyes crinkling with his prideful smirk.

He exhaled with fake disappointment, "That's fair...~"
He could only nod, needing a moment to collect himself, refusing to allow himself to cry.
“I think I did kill more than you though, so don’t get a big head over it or anything.” She said with a smirk, turning her head away.

“Can’t have you absconding with my piece of soul..~” She teased.
Sasuke was about to retort just as playfully when Akihime cleared her throat.
"We're done here. Let's go home."
"What about him?" Sasuke's sharp eyes were on Yukimura and Akihime made a small noise.
"He's coming with us." She replied, "He's one of us now."

"I'm sure you'd find me...~" Man, when did he get so tired? Granted, he was tired from the pain already, but this was borderline unconsciousness.
Amaya bowed her head to Akihime, not arguing a bit. “Of course, Lady Akihime.”
Yukimura let go of his spear and it vanished before it hit the ground, bowing his head to Akihime once again. “Thank you, Lady Akihime. Your kindness won’t go unrewarded.”

Her hand caressed his face as she smirked amusedly. “Of course~”
"Of that, I am certain." Akihime smiled softly at him before continuing on her way. Saauke glared a bit longer before following her, giving a soft huff.

"I guess I'll just take a little nap..." He said, "You wore me out...~"
Amaya couldn’t help but stifle a laugh, watching Sasuke try to burn a hole through Yukimura with his eyes alone. “Feeling replaced~?”

“Surely that little bit of fun couldn’t have worn you out that much~” She laughed, knowing that her words were empty. Even she tired from the ritual, but she had done this countless times before, and could manage much easier.
"Hardly." Sasuke replied haughtily, "No mangy mutt could ever take my place."
"Of course not, Sasuke. No one is being replaced, we just have a new companion." Akihime told him.

"With practice...I'll get better...~" He teased before his eye rolled back and he fell unconscious.
Amaya smiled coyly behind her hand again, enjoying getting a reaction out of Sasuke. “Well how can you be so sure? We’ve hardly even seen what his fur looks like yet- there is still a chance it’s better than yours.” She pointed out.
Yukimura looked back and forth between Sasuke and Amaya a bit nervously. “I haven’t caused a disturbance, have I?”

Megohime chuckled softly, staying by his side all throughout the night, making sure he was getting his dose of medicine and his rag cleaned and replaced.
"Not at all, that's just how they are together. You get used to it." Akihime smiled, "Don't let them bother you."

All things considered, Masamune seemed to be taking to her soul fragment well. Anyone else probably would have died by now.
“As you say.” He nodded, giving the two one last glance before turning his gaze ahead. The trek home seemed to drag on forever, and soon they finally reached Akihime’s estate, Amaya wanting desperately for a meal and a bath.

Megohime spent every waking moment monitoring him- the graft didn’t seem to be rejecting or show signs of any instabilities. It was all very promising, now she only waited for him to regain consciousness.
"Come, Yukimura, I'll show you to your room." Akihime offered. Sasuke scowled gently before moving to grab Akihime's arm, hugging it to his chest despite being a couple inches taller than her.
"Actually, dana, why don't we head to the veranda and relax together instead?" He offered, "Get some food? Amaya might be hungry from all that fighting we did." Akihime's brows crinkled gently at his antics before looking to Yukimura.
"Are you hungry at all?"

When he did, he gasped like a fish for water, his mouth and throat bone dry.
"H...How long...was I out...?" He wheezed.
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