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Batgirl Begins (dbspock/WendyTheRed)

She imagined the idea of being his personal assistant. Truthfully, she wanted access to the computers and tech at Waynetech but on the other hand, she knew being his personal assistant would potentially give her excuses to be more flexible and if he was who she was pretty sure he was, that would be to her advantage. She considered that might very well be why he had mentioned it. "Well, if you think I might fit in best there I would be happy to discuss it later." She smiled at his pretty teenager comment. "Don't worry Mister Wayne, you're pretty in your own unique way." She teased.

She raised her eyebrows but smiled warmly as Chloe told her about Alfred hiring her. "Well, no wonder you're taking it so seriously." She had no illusions that two hundred was beyond her dad's budget, at least over such a short period of time but she saw no reason to comment on it. Barbara listened to her friend and absently glanced at Bruce Wayne as he let his hands roam. She knew Daisy Johnson would remove his hands if he went to far. But she was much more focused on something else Chloe had said. The security room and all the cameras.

She seriously doubted the cameras would reveal anything tying Bruce Wayne to Batman but she thought about how the Batmobile cloaking worked. Obviously it wasn't a cloaking device like on a sci-fi spaceship. No, a computer program embedded in the GCPD servers simply over wrote part of the image in real time to hide the Batmobile. Perhaps Bruce Wayne had something like that to get into hidden rooms undetected by his own security systems. Though it was also possibly he simply had intentional blind spots.

She forced her mind away from these thoughts, since she wouldn't be getting access to the security room regardless. Instead she thought about the 45 minute deadline she had to meet Mister Wayne and how either Alfred or Sara would lead her to the pool. She knew where they both were, she just needed to choose which one she felt like interrupting in what they were doing. She checked the time on her phone and decided that for the moment, the easiest solution would be to cut into a dance with Sara when the time came.
"Discuss it?" Bruce said, and his smile turned into a frown. "Do you think the job would be beneath your dignity?" That was not the reaction he expected, but it seemed the teenager was full of surprises. His grin returned as she called him pretty. "Well, so the papers keep insisting, at any rate."

"Maybe if I do a good enough job, he'll hire me again for the next one." Chloe said hopefully. The extra money would sure help out. "So with that in mind..." Chloe smiled as she took the tray of food over to what she hoped was a likely looking group of takers, unaware of what her idle comment about the security system had triggered in her friend.

"Bored?" Sam chuckled as she snuck up behind Babs and playfully grabbed hold of her arm as she looked at her phone. "I guess after getting a dance with Bruce Wayne, the rest of the night just goes downhill."
She blinked as she realized she hadn't made herself clear and had upset him. "No, of course not Mister Wayne. I'm sorry, I wasn't clear, I just meant that if you decided to hire me, we'd probably talk about where you wanted me to work. I wasn't assuming you definitely wanted me as your personal assistant, that's all." She sighed softly. "I'm trying to..." she searched for the words. "not be presumptuous about my potential future at your company, but it seems all I'm doing is proving I'm flexible enough to put my foot into my mouth."

She smiled at Chloe. "That would be amazing. We'd just have to arrange transportation for you to get here but I bet we could. Of course, if my dad is doing security you could get a ride with him." She watched her go with a smile and jumped slightly as Sam came up to her sneakily. She looked at her and smiled. "No, I'm not bored. I have a meeting with Mister Wayne in a bit over half an hour to finally talk to him about maybe getting a job here so I was just keeping track of the time, I don't want to be late."

She looked back out at the dance floor. "I was also enjoying watching Dave have what I suspect might be the time of his life. I'm pretty sure we'll be just a couple of girls in his eyes after getting to dance with women like Sara and Miss Johnson." She didn't call her agent in front of Sam in case she didn't want that spread around.
"Well, if you aren't up for the job, we should find out sooner rather than later, wouldn't you say?" Bruce replied, still trying to rattle her. "And if you can truly put your foot in your mouth, well, that's an impressive display of flexibility that I'd like to see." Her knew she wasn't speaking literally, of course, but he couldn't resist the urge to challenge her again.

"Oh, I talked to Mr. Larusso...or is that Sensei Larusso?" Chloe paused a bit in confusion, then shrugged. "Anyway, he offered to let me test drive some vehicles on his lot, so transportation here shouldn't be an issue. And if you ever need a ride..." Chloe trailed off and winked, well aware her friend had plans for later.

Sam chuckled softly as she squeezed Babs briefly in a hug, then came to stand next to her. "Your first week in Gotham, and you're already scoring a meeting with the rich and powerful. Not bad, Gordon." She said, then chuckled. "And yeah, being late would not be the impression you wanted to make. Though it wouldn't surprise me if Mr. Wayne was." Sam said as she watched Bruce's hand settle on his dance partners ass, who didn't seem to mind. Sam then transferred her gaze over to Dave, whose hand was nowhere near Sara's ass, but he was actually touching her back...finally. "And yeah, I doubt he'll notice any of us after tonight." Sam agreed, though she didn't seem upset at the possibility. She'd had it with boys for now.

Sam's grin turned into a frown when she saw her father having a somewhat...heated discussion with an older gentleman. "Oh crap...I was afraid he'd be here."
She wasn't rattled by his words about the job, if anything, she took it as a challenge and the sudden determined look on her face made that clear. "If you decide you want me to be your personal assistant I'll be up for the job once I learn the ropes. My goal would be to insure you never regretted hiring me." She paused before continuing. "Please try to remember that if I seem arrogant or too casual during our talk right now, I'm just trying to feel my way through how to talk to you. I don't want to seem like I have no confidence in myself but I also don't want to go too far the other direction and come across as arrogant. I'm doing my best to be honest with you while also..." She shrugs. "I guess trying to talk in a professional manner. While dancing." His follow up did, however, cause a flush on her neck and ears. "I am flexible Mister Wayne, I have taken martial arts and gymnastics besides also being in track and field." She awkwardly trailed off and laughed a little nervously.

She looked at Chloe as she spoke and then her eyes widened slowly. "You think you can 'test drive' a car, oh, say, tonight then?"

Barbara hugged Sam back and shrugged slightly. "I guess I have to balance the scales after getting in trouble with two groups of trouble makers. Though, seriously, it's just pure luck and we both know it. My dad just happens to work for Mister Wayne and I just happened to meet you. Still, I won't miss this opportunity." She nodded at Sam's next words, smiling slightly. "If I'm honest, I wonder if he'll even show. I have the feeling he will unless something important comes up."

She too watched Bruce Wayne pawing Agent Johnson and she thought back to their flirting on the dance floor and the offer about the pool. She was smart enough to wonder how much of anything he did was real and how much was a facade. She was a little surprised Agent Johnson didn't have him in an armlock or something by now however.

She looked at Sam, noticing that tone in her voice and bit her lip thoughtfully. "I know we are still getting to know each other, but if you ever want to talk, I'm around." She looked back at Dave, smiling, truly happy for him then looked back at Sam. She was about to say something else when she saw the frown on Sam's face. She followed her eyes to see Mister Larusso arguing with an older man. She sighed and put her glass down then moved in that direction, thinking she might have to remind both of them that this was a charity gala. Besides, being Barbara Gordon, she was curious about the discussion so it didn't take her long to get to Daniel's side.
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"Ropes?" Bruce looked at her blankly. "We work with technology. I don't think I've ever seen a rope at Waynetech, so I don't think you need to worry about learning them. As for regrets...I don't have them. If you get the job and don't work out, Lucius has to deal with it, not me." He paused for a moment to process what she was saying, though he never missed a step of the dance. "I didn't realize talking to me was so intimidating. I do it all the time, so I guess I'm used to it." Bruce chuckled, then nodded. "Arrogance is something I've seen a great deal of, and been accused of myself. Don't worry, I don't think that of you, though your claim of putting your foot in your mouth comes close. Sara has trained extensively, and I don't think even she could pull it off. I'd ask her, but she might put her foot in my mouth. So why don't you ask her for me?" Bruce challenged her.

Chloe grinned, well aware of why Babs was asking, which was exactly why she mentioned it. "Well, cars need to be test driven at night, right?" She chuckled.

Sam sighed softly. "I don't think anyone can blame you for getting in trouble with either group, since they go around looking for trouble." She declared, then shook her head. "I've read the news reports about the hero cop, and I'm sure Mr. Wayne did too. Luck has nothing to do with Mr. Wayne requesting he be assigned the security detail. And I was the lucky one when we met." Sam blushed a bit at being reminded of being partially stripped, then grinned as she watched Bruce with his dancing partner. "I'd be prepared to wait a bit if I were you." She chuckled, then turned serious at Bab's offer. "Thanks. My friends group pretty much dried up during this Cobra Kai thing." She admitted.

"Stay away from her." Babs heard Daniel growl as he went into a fighting stance. It was subtle, but the older gentleman shifted his weight slightly, clearly prepared to take the hit he had provoked, but unless one knew what they were looking for, make it seem he was taken by surprise. But Sara, of course, wasn't an ordinary bystander. Dave hadn't even noticed how she'd guided them to the source of the conflict, then spun him around until he all but stumbled into Babs arms.

"Change partners." Sara said with a bright smile, then she grabbed hold of Daniel's arms as she interposed herself between the two combatants and began to dance with Daniel, who was moving along with her almost before he knew it.
She laughed quietly at his rope commentary. Even if she didn't believe he was Batman she'd never believe he was dumb enough to take that common phrase literally. She smiled widely at him to make it clear she was laughing with him and not at him. She grinned at his commentary about arrogance though she didn't lose her flush. "Perhaps I will. I doubt she'd kick me in the face for it."

She nodded then looked seriously at Chloe. "I don't know what tonight holds but I suspect it'll test me to my limits. You might want to drop me off and come back when I call."

She nodded to Sam when she replied about her dad. "Oh my dad earned his job here. I'm just lucky to be related to him and grateful he gave me this chance. He'd be within his rights to tell me not to come since this is his job." She nodded to Sam. "Well you have three new friends now. I think that none of us are fair weather friends either. You're not alone anymore Sam."

She frowned as she heard Daniel. She assumed the man was threatening either Sam or Mrs Larusso. Either way she understood why Daniel was reacting as he was. She was impressed by how smoothly Sara pulled off her distraction and she grinned at Dave.

"Would you go keep Sam company please?" She asked him as she playfully spun him in that direction and then stepped up to the older gentleman. "Hello, would you honor me with a dance? My name is Barbara Gordon. And you are?" She was going to get her curiosity satisfied one way or the other.
"I'll be there." Chloe promised, and hastened to add. "When you call." She didn't consider herself a coward, but she'd seen how easily Sara had defeated both of them without even trying, and she could only imagine what sort of training Babs might be in for. She'd support her friend, but she didn't want to experience the training first hand.

Sam nodded in response. "Good point. I guess that's why I'm here to, riding on the coat tails of my dad's invitation." Sam couldn't help but smile when Babs mentioned three new friends, and she impulsively hugged the red head again. "I know." She said softly. None of them had backed away from their fight earlier, and Sam didn't think they would now. "And it goes both ways." She promised Babs, suddenly aware she was the only one who hadn't proven she would stick up for the others.

"What?" Sara's handoff had gone so smoothly Dave was hardly aware he was all but in Babs arms, before he was handed off once more and suddenly found himself in Sam's arms. Sam didn't give him a chance to respond before she led him onto the dance floor once again.

"The honor would be mine." The older gentleman said, bowing enough that his ponytail dropped a bit before he arose and took Babs into his arms. "I know who you are, Miss Gordon. I had a brief discussion with your father earlier this evening regarding you, and an unfortunate encounter with the Ghost Dragons. I understand you are looking for a dojo to join, and I would be honored to have you as a member. And no need to worry about entry fees...we offer a law enforcement discount. So you may call me Sensei Silver."
Barbara smiled at Chloe then looked a little troubled. "Are you sure you want to be up that late? I can take a cab or something, I don't want to put you out or anything."

She smiled at Sam's reply and couldn't help her surprise. "Would it shock you to know I had assumed you got an invite without your dad? I didn't even know he'd be here tonight." She laughed. "Then again, why would a teenager be invited to this gala? I'm silly sometimes." She hugged Sam back and she saw the thoughts passing behind her eyes and a determination there but she didn't pry. She didn't really have time as events with Mister Larusso occurred soon after the exchange.

She stepped into his arms and smiled at the man, looking surprised when he said he knew who she was. "Well, the Ghost Dragons aren't the only group I had an unfortunate encounter with Mister Silver." She smiled warmly at him as they began to dance. "I'm surprised my father didn't tell you I was already in a Dojo. In fact, you seem to know my Sensei. I am in the Miyagi-Do dojo. I met them when some Cobra Kai students were attacking Samantha Larusso five to one and I helped her out." She cocked her head, keeping that smile on her face. "I'm surprised your students didn't tell you about that encounter Mister Silver. Perhaps they were embarrassed." She smiled sweetly at him as her eyes flashed. "I must apologize, I cannot call you Sensei as that title is reserved for Daniel Larusso."
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"You want to take a cab? In Gotham? At that time of night?" Chloe shook her head. "Girlfriend, you really are new in town. I'd say ask your dad for the stats on what happens to pretty girls in cabs at night, but it'd probably give you nightmares. I'll give you a ride." Chloe said firmly.

Sam's eyes widened as Bab's admitted her assumption, then she burst out laughing. "Yeah...I don't think the ability to break a board with your bare hands is the sort of thing that gets you an invite to these sorts of things." She agreed.

Silver also managed to maintain the smile on his face when Babs rejected his kind offer, but his movements became a bit more stiff as his mind raced in search of ways around this unexpected complication. He doubted he could change her mind...she sounded pretty determined...but he figured if he could plant some seeds of doubt, perhaps they'd take root and fester. "I'd hardly call a man teaching his daughter a few moves a 'dojo'." Silver finally replied. "Perhaps your father didn't think so either, which is why he isn't taking it seriously. But after Cobra Kai wins the tournament and Danny shutters his dojo, you'll be open for some real training."
Barbara smiled at Chloe and impulsively gave her a hug. "Thank you. You have no idea how much your friendship has meant to me since coming to town Chloe. I think if I hadn't met you I'd be sitting lonely at dad's house waiting for him to come home most days." She smiled warmly at Chloe before they both moved on to other events.

She noticed the change in him after she told him she was part of Miyagi-Do. Barbara could at times be naive but Gotham was quickly changing that and she was always a fast learner. So when he spoke she quickly suspected what he was trying to do. She also suspected he'd been trying to provoke Daniel into making a scene. Her only surprise really was that Daniel had lost his cool. "He's not just teaching his daughter. His students have grown by four hundred percent Mister Silver and I'd be surprised if they don't keep growing once the school year starts."

She smiled brightly at him. The only part of his words that had any effect was him mentioning her father. She realized she needed to make it clear with the Elder Gordon exactly what kinds of people Cobra Kai were but that wasn't important at the moment. His final statement about real training actually made her genuinely laugh so hard she nearly lost her step in the dance. She was pretty sure even if Miyagi-Do wasn't 'real' training then whatever she was going to learn from Sara would be. "Mmm...well, the problem is, Miyagi-Do will be winning that tournament Mister Silver. " She spoke with conviction and once more, she smiled at him. "I'm curious, how much of your training is about sexual assault on young girls? Sam was outnumbered five to one and they were trying to take her clothes off." She shook her head. "No, I'm afraid that is not the kind of training I need."
Chloe blushed furiously at Babs comment, but that didn’t stop her from returning the hug. “Most days?” Chloe couldn’t help but tease her new friend. “I don’t think you’ve been in town long enough to have a most days. “

It seemed clear he was not dancing with a potential student and he wasn’t going to change her mind, and his polite facade dropped a bit in response. “Four times nothing is still nothing. “ he claimed.

Her sudden laughter startled him, and he almost missed a step in their dance, but his training compensated enough the casual observer wouldn’t have noticed. He scoffed lightly at her claim Miagyo-do would win. Right now they couldn’t even field a proper team, if his plan to alter the rules of the tournament paid off. “Would you care to make a small wager off that?” He challenged her.

Her comment about sexual assault didn’t phase him at all. Even if he hadn’t heard the specifics of this incident, it didn’t seem to be an isolated case. “If that were true, this is a discussion you should be having with your father rather than me. “ he pointed out. “And defending yourself from multiple attackers who don’t play by the rules is the kind of training everyone needs. “
She smirked at his attempt to use math against her. "Surely you know he at least had his own daughter as a student. Bare minimum he is up to four students now. Possibly more if he had students you didn't know about." She arched an eyebrow at his comment about a wager, curious what he had in mind. "And what wager would that be?"

She shrugged at his comment. "We did defend ourselves. I personally put one of your students on his knees." She smiled sweetly at him again and then glanced around to get a feel for where Daniel and Sara were as well as Sam. She hoped that the others knew she was simply getting a feel for the man and weren't worried about her loyalties.

She turned her gaze back to Silver then, thinking about his reaction to her laughter earlier. He hadn't expected it and she realized the odds of him expecting her to be trained by Sara as well as Daniel and Sam were low.

She simply needed to keep that on the downlow and also make sure Chloe did as well. She had little doubt Sara wasn't interested in sharing those details so she wasn't worried about her.
Silver smirked right back at her. "Family members hardly count as students. She has little choice but to listen to him." The prospect of Danial having other students, though, was cause for concern, at least slightly, and he resolved to start making plans to deal with that as well. "And nothing important." He claimed when she asked about the wager. "Just that when your so-called dojo come and train at mine."

Daniel, by design of course, was now clear across the room and in the arms of his wife. Sara was nowhere to be seen, she had probably disappeared to wherever Bruce had gone once he thought his host duties had been fulfilled. Indeed the party seemed to be winding down. Chloe had traded her tray for a broom and was sweeping up the corners of the ballroom. Sam appeared to be the only one paying attention to Sam, and she couldn't help but remember how Silver had gotten her own father under his thumb, and was concerned Babs might be falling into the same trap. She actually stumbled during her dance, and Dave caught hold of her, preventing her from hitting the floor.
She shrugged at his reply about Sam learning from Daniel. He wasn't wrong, Sam probably felt an obligation but she wasn't going to cede the point either. She noticed a look cross his face and realized this man might be more dangerous than a lot of people knew. Even Daniel seemed to lose control around him. She cocked her head curiously at the wager. "You don't even know if I'm a good student or not. I'll consider your offer." She glanced around and saw that things were winding down then looked at a clock on the wall before looking back at him. "But for now, if you'll excuse me, I have a prior engagement."

She stepped back from the dance with a smile then hurried over to Chloe. "Is Alfred still in the kitchen? I need him or Sara it seems and she has disappeared." Assuming Chloe points Barbara in the right direction Barbara thanks her and hurries off to find Alfred. Once she does she waits until he has a moment, trying not to be rude and interrupt his work, though it will be obvious she wants to speak to him.

"Mister...I don't believe you ever game me your last name. Alfred, Mister Wayne wanted to meet me at the indoor pool in..." she checks her phone. "A few minutes. I was hoping you could give me directions or even escort me there though I know you are probably quite busy so I understand if you don't have time to escort me."
“I can make you a good student. “ Silver claimed, but the truth was he didn’t really care. She was Daniel’s student, and he didn’t like that, so he was going to do something about it. Even if she didn’t agree to his offer, she’d soon discover it was his dojo or nothing.

Chloe glanced up from her task and smiled at Babs as she came rushing up. Her smile faded a bit as she realized Babs didn’t really want to talk to her, but just wanted to use her as a conduit to someone Babs did think could help, but that realization didn’t stop her from saying Alfred was indeed in the kitchen.

Alfred, of course, noticed her as soon as she entered his domain, and she had to wait less than a minute to get his full attention. “Pennyworth, Miss Barbara, but please call me Alfred. “ He said, and if he found anything unusual about Bruce meeting a teenager at the pool he gave no sign of it.

“This way.” He replied, and he turned and headed back down the hall, making a few twists and turns showing why he thought it would be easier escorting her than telling her. He soon opened a door that at first looked like it led outside, but it was just the glass ceiling over the indoor pool. Bruce, of course, wasn’t around, unless he was hiding behind one of the plants that added to the outdoor feel.
“Will there be anything else?”
Barbara smirked at Silver's reply. "I am already a good student with a good Sensei."

She saw the look of disappointment on Chloe's face and gave her a quick hug. "Sorry I have to get an escort for my interview." It was more or less the truth, right?

She smiled at Alfred and playfully replied. "Mister Alfred perhaps?" She was of course referring to how he called her Miss Barbara. She smiled gratefully as he led her down the various halls to the indoor pool room. She tried not to gawk at the glass ceiling and looked at Alfred with a smile. "No thank you, I really appreciate you taking the time to escort me here."

Once he left she explored a little around the pool room then found somewhere to sit and wait while she looked up at the stars through the glass ceiling.
“You would be the first. “ Alfred admitted with a slight smile when she called him Mr. Alfred. When she assured him that she needed nothing else, he inclined his head in acknowledgment then disappeared back into the Manor.

The time of her appointment came and went with no sign of Mr. Wayne. Ten minutes later she heard the distinctive sound of the alarm she had set on his watch going off.

“I hope you are here, Barbara. Someone has to turn this infernal thing off. “ If Babs sought out the sound of the voice, she would discover that Bruce at least had taken the time to change and was now wearing a robe that revealed his calves and bare feet, as well as a slice of his chest. Whether he was wearing anything under the robe was anyone’s guess.
She saw the slight smile and decided she might try it out. If he approved she'd continue calling him Mister Alfred but if he showed a hint of dislike she'd stop. For some reason she liked the idea she had a name for him no one else used. She nodded back and watched him go. She wasn't surprised Bruce Wayne was running late. He was busy, of course, but she also suspected he might be late simply to make her wait and see how she'd react. She amused herself by looking up at the night sky and trying to find constellations which wasn't easy with Gotham's light corruption masking the stars.

She smiled when she heard the sound of his alarm and refrained from checking the time. She knew he was late, how late didn't matter, it wasn't like she was going to lecture him about it. She slowly stood when he entered and smoothed down her gown. "I am indeed Mister Wayne. It'd have been quite foolish of me to leave, we had business to discuss and a potential swim to indulge in." She made her way to the voice and noticed the robe. She did wonder briefly if he was wearing anything under it but she told herself odds were he was wearing trunks. She wouldn't have been surprised if Alfred appeared with a bathing suit that would fit her perfectly any moment now. She didn't have any expectations but she also wouldn't have been surprised.

She moved to him and gently lifted his arm, looking at the alarm flashing 'Don't disappoint Barbara Gordon.' She grinned and turned it off for him, her eyes looking to his, she thought about pointing out he didn't have to maintain the charade here but knew he wouldn't drop the act unless he trusted her so she simply gave him a knowing smile, hinting that she knew he could have turned the watch off himself. She decided to test him a little and looked back at the watch, flipping through the various apps on it. "Your watch really does have some interesting apps on it Mister Wayne. Some of them have names I've never seen before. Those aftermarket additions I mentioned." She left unsaid that a man who couldn't even set his own alarm wouldn't need all these extra apps and she released his arm before he got antsy about her exploring his watch.
"Yes, we did have an appointment, or so my watch keeps reminding me." He said with a slight hint of annoyance in his tone, and he smiled gratefully when she took his wrist and finally shut off the infernal beeping. His smile widened when he noticed hers, but if he took any further meaning from her smile he kept it to himself. "I didn't even know it had any apps on it." He claimed. "You know more about that than I do. I thought Lucuis just gave me the watch so I'd be on time to the next board meeting. Not that it seems to work for that. I guess if you do get hired on as my personal assistant, that will be one of your responsibilities."

His hand dropped back to his side when she released his wrist, and Bruce gestured towards the water. "I've always found a quick swim is a good way to unwind after a long day, and these fundraisers tend to be the longest of all. So did you want to take a quick dip while we discuss your qualifications? And you said you had something to show me?" His smile broadened at the implication he was making, and there was a hint of a challenge in his eyes. Despite her fantasy, Alfred was nowhere to be seen with a suit, and Bruce knew damn well he was challenging her to drop the dress in front of him, and he waited curiously to see her response. It wasn't often Bruce Wayne had no idea what was going to come next, but in this case, Babs had surprised him before, and he had little doubt she would do so again.
She knew the watch thing was a game and probably a test of some kind but she wasn't sure what it was about. If nothing else, he might be seeing how gullible she was or how willing she was to play along with his persona. She knew there was no way he didn't know how to use his watch and even if he did, she had little doubt Alfred knew how to use it. He seemed like the type who would take it upon himself to learn how to do stuff like that if needed to help Bruce Wayne. She smiled at him as he made his claims and then tied it into her potential employment. "Well, I would certainly attempt to get you to them though I'm sure sometimes you have conflicts that just cannot be helped."

She glanced at the pool and then back to him. Being able to go for a swim after a long day would be wonderful. Perhaps if she was his personal assistant she'd get access to stuff like the pool and whatever personal gym he had. She blushed slightly at his question and the implication of it. "Well, what I have to show you is on my phone, I'd prefer not to risk it in the water Mister Wayne. I can show you afterwards if you'd like." She saw that look of challenge in his eyes and hesitated, thinking quickly.

She debated internally, her cheeks and even her cleavage turning red but finally she turned her back on him, facing the pool. She reached behind herself and unzipped the dress, shrugging it off of her shoulders, exposing her upper back and pale shoulders to him. She caught it before it could fall and lowered it. Stepping out of it, she laid it gently over one of the nearby chairs, smoothing it out carefully to make sure it wasn't wrinkled.

"A friend of a friend loaned me this dress, I want to treat it with respect and not drop it on the floor." She explained, something she didn't really have to explain but she did anyway, perhaps because she was nervous. The next part she had to debate briefly about before she quickly lowered her panties as well and stepped out of them. Ironically, she removed them purely for practicality. She didn't want to have to wear wet panties under her dress and the cut of the dress meant she didn't have a bra on anyway due to its low back. Regardless of her reasons, he'd now have an unobstructed view of her nude back, her wide hips and her toned thighs and back likely drawing the most attention.

She walked quickly to the water and dived in, her form pretty good as she did. She wasn't on the diving team at school or anything, but she knew how to dive. She slowly surfaced and treaded water, glancing back over her shoulder at him. "I must admit, I had hoped if we swam I'd be able to make use of a loaner bikini or something." Her voice trembled slightly with her nerves at being nude before him but she reminded herself she already had been once before. She almost asked if he wanted to discuss her employment now but it felt crass to do so so she held off.
"Part of your job would be avoiding said conflicts." Bruce pointed out with a chuckle. "Though when it comes to my date with Daisy, my meetings get rescheduled rather than that."

She blushed. Clearly his implication, admittedly not that subtle, had hit home. but would she accept his dare? At first it seemed she would not, as she clung to the real 'thing' she wanted to show him, namely the video clip of the Batmobile, rather than what was under he3r dress, but she turned even redder as she seemed to be contemplating his challenge. When she turned her back to him, at first he thought she was going to storm off, but instead she worked the zipper of her dress, revealing the entirety of her bare backside to him, with the exception of a portion of her ass covered by her panties. She took extreme care with the dress, perhaps delaying the final moments of her nudity, unaware she flashed him a bit of side boob as she turned, or perhaps she genuinely didn't want the borrowed dress to get dirty.

"I could have Alfred get it cleaned, if you like." Bruce offered, but her next actions, removing the last piece of her clothing and revealing her birthday suit in its entirety, quickly distracted him. She didn't give him long to admire the view, though, as she performed an above average dive into his pool. He raised his eyebrow a bit at her comment. "Did you ask Alfred for a suit?" He asked, knowing very well she hadn't as they had discussed that very thing a few minutes ago, While he awaited her reply, he dropped the robe, revealing that he did indeed have a pair of swim trunks on, though they of course did nothing to hide his very muscular yet scarred body. He then performed his own dive into the pool, though his was more in between a belly flop and a dive. He did stay underwater a bit longer as he swam past her, choosing to surface in front of her so they were face to face, ignoring the fact she was clearly trying to hide her boobs from him. He, of course, had no compunctions about discussing the job interview with her. "And I must say, you are the top candidate for the position at the moment."
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She was a little surprised when he mentioned a date with Daisy. Not because she was surprised he'd ask her out but she was surprised Daisy accepted. Daisy didn't seem the type to go for the shallow playboy type and while she was pretty sure it was an act she didn't know if Daisy had the same knowledge or not. Regardless, she didn't comment about his date with Daisy other than that brief look of surprise.

She looked up at him as she continued to tread water and smiled at the offer. "If Alfred doesn't object I'd be fine with that, though I don't want to impose. I suspect he is quite a busy man. Though..." She paused, nibbling her lip. "The obvious problem is what do I wear while he is getting it cleaned? Or do you mean I'd drop it off later?" She flushed slightly as she realized she was making a few assumptions but her mind was also the type to approach the situation partially as a puzzle to be solved. "I suppose if you meant while I was here I could borrow a robe or something."

She shook her head at his question about asking Alfred for a suit. "It seemed presumptuous of me to do that. I really don't want to be making assumptions and putting extra work on Alfred. I don't want to be someone like Duella Dent who takes 'the help' " the air quotes around the help were quite obvious in her tone. "for granted."

She watched as he dropped the robe and wasn't surprised at all by the scars, it only reaffirmed what she already believed. She did find herself wondering how he explained them when other people who didn't know about his nocturnal activities saw them. She watched as he swam past and then surfaced in front of her. She was a little surprised he brought up the job interview, she figured he'd want to relax and swim then talk about it later but perhaps she shouldn't have been surprised, he probably wanted to see how she handled talking about business in her current state.

Her face and neck were still quite warm but she focused on the matter at hand regardless, in a way, it helped her forget her embarrassment to be talking about the interview. Of course, the cold water had made her pink nipples pucker and she tried not to think about how he would be able to easily notice this as they treaded water. "I'm pleased to hear that Mister Wayne. I must admit, it is an opportunity I didn't expect, I thought I might get an entry level IT job or something. So..." She shrugged as well as she could while treading water. "Do you have questions or something to see if I am the one you want to hire?"
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