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Batgirl Begins (dbspock/WendyTheRed)

Luckily for her she had that eidetic memory to fall back on. She only knew a couple of the names he was mentioning but she had a sneaky suspicion Alfred would know the others. He'd also mentioned this Mary person's contact list and she wouldn't be surprised if some of them were in there as well. She nodded to him with a slight smirk. "And 'Cleo' of course. If she agrees. I suppose I'd be there to organize and stand on the sidelines in case I am needed." She added the last out of curiosity about how he might react. She figured he'd either nod or say she'd be in a bikini too.

Barbara shrugged as Chloe guessed about Sara. In truth, she suspected Sara approved of her desire to learn from her but wasn't sure that was enough for her to get a glowing recommendation from her. Of course, Sara had seen the video as well. And there was always the chance Bruce Wayne had simply made it up, something she wouldn't have been surprised to learn. Perhaps she'd thank Sara tonight and see what her response was. She nodded her agreement when Chloe mentioned Duella. "Indeed. Though I think smart people treat Alfred with respect. Well, smart people and people that are kind." Barbara wasn't quite arrogant enough to say she was both though the thought did cross her mind.

She raised her eyebrows at Chloe's comment then looked over her should when she called out to her dad. She smiled warmly at him. "Captain Gordon, good to see you again." She said in a bit of a playful tone. She nodded quietly to Chloe. "You might just be right Chloe." Though she couldn't help feeling like it was another test for her to see how she'd adapt to not knowing when something was going to happen.
“Of course. “ Bruce nodded. “Anyone you can get to agree to come in a bikini…or less…is welcome. Including you. “ He promised her, and as expected he implied he wanted her in a bikini as well. “And if they ask for some sort of favor in return, let me know and we’ll negotiate. “

Chloe nodded at the Alfred comment. “Yes, though both can be in short supply around here at times. “ she theorized.

Jim looked a bit confused when his daughter called him Captain Gordon. Was she mad at him for something? Then why did she say she was glad to see him? “You as well, Miss Gordon. “ He said as Chloe released Babs, her joke falling a bit flat. Jim frowned as he ran his eyes over Babs. “What happened to your hair?” He asked as he spotted the dampness there.
She blushed slightly when he added the 'or less' and mentally pictured that kind of swim party for a moment before she pushed it aside. "Of course Mister Wayne. Though I can't help noticing you haven't included any male guests." She raised her eyebrows when he mentioned an exchange of favors, wondering for the first time if there was more to this swim party than it seemed on the surface. "Noted Mister Wayne."

She nodded her agreement with Chloe though didn't add to that discussion as her dad showed up not to long afterwards. She saw the look of confusion on his face and sighed. "I was teasing you since Chloe called you Captain Gordon, I thought it'd be fun to do the same." She had hoped he'd miss the damp hair as Chloe apparently had but she'd had little hope of it. Observation, after all, was likely important as a detective. She kept a straight face as she gave an explanation. "I ran some water over my face and hair in the bathroom. After all the dancing and stuff I felt overheated. Dramatic, I know." She sure as hell wouldn't admit to swimming with Bruce Wayne since the obvious next question would be about her lack of a bathing suit.
Bruce smirked at her reaction to his suggestion of a suit less party as it was exactly as he’d hoped. He raised his eyebrow a bit as she mentioned male guests. “If you have a friend you want to invite go ahead. “ he offered. “And Lucius is welcome anytime. Alfred will be here regardless. “

“Oh. Funny. “ Jim said when Babs explained the joke, but his expression said his relationship with Babs was too raw for him to find amusement in the formality.

Chloe frowned and looked at Babs again when Jim mentioned her wet hair, clearly not buying her story, but Jim nodded. “Feeling better now?”he asked as he offered her his arm.
She raised her eyebrows at his reply and then smirked as she pictured Dave at such a party. She was pretty sure he might have a nervous breakdown but now she thought she might have to drag him along regardless. She nodded to Bruce. "Of course. I'll make the arrangements."

She felt a bit guilty about her dad's reaction to her joke and made a mental note not to try such a thing again unless they were in a situation that demanded it like a formal event or something. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Chloe's reaction to her explanation and was glad her friend didn't say anything. She wondered if Chloe would question her later or forget all about it. She nodded to her dad with a smile. "I am." She slid her arm into his. "Shall we head some so I can pack for my night at Chloe's and you can get some rest?"
“Good. “ Jim sighed with relief as Babs took his arm, putting to rest the fear she’d caused at her formality. He grinned down at Chloe as she playfully took his other arm and he escorted the pair to the exit. He knew this part of the building at least well enough not to need a guide.

“I’m glad you two enjoyed yourselves. “ he said with a glance at Chloe who nodded eagerly. The valet brought the car around and opened the door for Babs, so Jim settled Chloe in place before he got in the drivers seat. “I was afraid this all would be too formal for you. “
She smiled back at her dad as he escorted them out. She looked around the manor as they left, her thoughts returning briefly to her playful search for a secret entrance in the library at the start of the night. She felt as if her life had changed quite a lot in just the short time she was here and she had to admit, it had.

She nodded as well when he said he was glad they'd enjoyed themselves though perhaps not as eagerly as Chloe. "Chloe ended up helping Alfred more than enjoying the party." She grinned at her friend as they all settled into the car. "It was nice, really. Though there were a few people I met that I hope never to see again, most of them were fascinating." She looked at her dad then. "You haven't asked how the interview went. Afraid to hear that I didn't get the internship?"

She looked at him and let out a sigh. "I didn't get the internship." She turned her face away and looked out of the window, trying desperately to hide her grin before she looked back at him. "I'm Bruce Wayne's personal assistant. Alfred is picking me up tomorrow to take me to Waynetech to get started on paperwork and stuff."
“Hey, I had fun. “ Chloe protested. “It’s not my fault I got paid to do so. “ and she had enjoyed helping out a lot more than standing around being ignored by all the rich people.

Jim glanced at her sharply before he turned his attention back to the road. “Did someone give you a hard time?” He demanded in his cop voice, but his tone softened a bit when she brought up her interview. “Honestly I wasn’t sure you’d even get an interview. “ he admitted. “And if you did you wouldn’t hear the results for a week at least. But since you brought it up and aren’t upset about it, I’m assuming it went well. “ Jim may have missed a few clues tonight, but he was still a cop at heart.

So he was more than a bit surprised when she admitted she didn’t get the internship, but didn’t act disappointed. The vibe she was giving off didn’t match her words, so her bombshell wasn’t the surprise with him it had been with Chloe. “And what is it a personal assistant does?” He asked suspiciously, not sure why Bruce wouyhire a high school girl for such an important job.
She looked over her shoulder at Chloe and smiled warmly at her. "You got lots of appreciative looks." She looked at her dad and shook her head. "Not really. Just....some that were clearly not the kinds I should spend time with." She paused and smirked. "All my age oddly. Well except for Silver. That man is a menace..."

She pouted playfully when her game didn't work on him like it had on Chloe. "I sort of expected the same actually. But I go in tomorrow to start. And it appears it will be things like scheduling meetings and events. I suspect I'll be working a lot with Alfred. He mentioned I'll be able to use the address book from his prior assistant, a woman named Mary."
“From who?” Chloe demanded. She had seen no such thing, and suspected Babs was making it up to make her feel better, an effort she appreciated.

Jim looked over at Babs suspiciously when she tried to explain her comment, and his hands relaxed on the steering wheel when she revealed they were her own age. “Ah. “ he said, having a very good idea who she was talking about. He frowned a bit when she mentioned Silver though. “He provides a lot of money to charity, and the force. “ Jim revealed, annoyance in his voice at the fact the police department had to rely on charity. “And there’s been no official complaint about him. “

Jim missed his daughter’s playful pout as he headed down the driveway. “Alfred?” Jim questioned with relief on his voice. “I’m sure it will be fine then. “ Jim was confident Alfred wouldn’t let anything happen to Babs. “Never heard of her. “ Jim admitted, and in his mind that was a good thing as it meant she hadn’t filed a complaint against her former boss.

Jim had just pulled through the gate when his eyes widened. “What..,” he began to say as he slammed on the brakes, narrowly avoiding a fancy car that was zooming by without headlights. As the car lurched to a stop, Jim automatically reached over to steady Babs, but the habit had formed when she was younger…and shorter… and rather than her shoulder, his hand landed on her breast.
She looked at Chloe with a shrug. "I hadn't met most of the people there before and didn't meet many of them during the party either. I saw people looking at you but I have no idea who they were. Well, except for the Mayor's son. But he's one of those I'd have intercepted you if he'd asked you to dance."

She looked at her dad and sighed softly when he defended Terry Silver. Her voice had a definite edge to it when she replied. "Yes, because no one who donates to the police department ever has ulterior motives and is always an upstanding citizen. This makes me wonder even more why Sam was hassled by corrupt cops and Cobra Kai are able to get away with things like attacking girls in broad daylight. It's almost like Silver's money was well spent..."

She nodded. "Yes. I get the feeling Alfred is quite important in Bruce Wayne's life. In fact, as I said, he's picking me up tomorrow for my first day. I was a little surprised by that but when I said I'd get an uber Bruce Wayne said Alfred would pick me up." She frowned thoughtfully. "I wonder if I'll be expected to ride in the back of whatever car Alfred is driving. That would feel weird..."

She let out an oof sound when her dad slammed on the brakes. She felt her cheeks warm when she realized where his hand was but she was also watching that fancy car without headlights. She looked at its license plate to give her father later but she also kept an eye on it, a bit paranoid that a car without headlights had cut her Police Captain dad off.
“Oh. They were probably trying to figure out who I was and why I was there. “ Chloe theorized, then giggled. “I probably really confused them when I put on the apron half way through. “ personally Chloe might have been interested in dancing with the Mayors son, even if he was a bit handsy. It would have been an interesting experience and one she likely wouldn’t have another chance at. But she could hardly explain that to herself, much less Babs, so she kept that thought to herself.

There was an edge to Jim’s voice as well when he replied. He knew better than anyone the issues with the force, and he was fighting them as best he could. He didn’t need to be criticized by his daughter for his lack of progress. “Sam was brought in for questioning for her involvement in an assault. That’s regulation, not a sign of corruption. And if she won’t press charges, there isn’t much I can do. If you have evidence Silver has committed a crime, give it to me. I can’t arrest him just because you don’t like him. “

Jim chuckled a bit at her next statement. “I think Alfred runs Bruce’s life. He’s just good enough at it no one notices.” He sighed a bit when she mentioned an Uber. If she had a job now she’d need transportation, and Ubers added up. The bus was out of the question for obvious reasons. “We need to look into getting you a license. “ Jim admitted. A car would be more difficult, but one thing at a time.

If Jim noticed where his hand landed, he gave no sign of it as his hand left her breast and found the radio instead. He didn’t need Babs to supply the license plate as he rattled off all the identifying information about the vehicle. “Hendricks left just a few minutes ago. He should be able to intercept. “ Jim told his passengers as he began to follow the weaving vehicle, just in case.
She heard that edge in his voice and looked at him, her expression softening. "I'm not criticizing you dad. Everyone knows you're the hero cop. Heck, I bet even Batman knows who you are and knows you're one of the good ones." She actually knew this since he'd shown up and called her Jim the other night but she wasn't going to share that information with him. "I don't think Silver has committed outright crimes but I think he's corrupt and he's teaching Cobra Kai to be bullies and eventually, someone's going to get hurt. If I hadn't been there that day they'd have torn Sam's clothes off in that mall food court and who knows what would have happened next."

She smiles a little. "Luckily for her, I take after my dad and can't stand aside when someone is in need."

She debated with herself then shrugged. "Bruce Wayne mentioned Lucius Fox potentially setting up a car for me. I don't know if he was serious or not or if it was just him sort of talking because he doesn't know what it's like for us normal people." She grinned at him. "Dad, I have my license. I just don't have a car to go along with it." She dug into her purse and fished out her Illinois driver's license. "I get we need to get it updated for Gotham though..."

Barbara was still blushing a little but she did her best to push it aside. It's not like he did it on purpose. She watched the weaving vehicle, frowning slightly as she looked around, then back at it. She relaxed back in her seat but she stayed on edge, feeling a bit paranoid for some reason. "Sounds good to me. I guess they're just drunk..." Or pretending to be drunk she thought to herself and she shook her head, smirking at her own paranoia.
“Batman is a criminal. An endorsement by him is not a good thing. “ Jim said automatically. He knew she was right, of course, but being associated with Batman could literally be a death sentence in this town. He raised his eyebrow a bit at the knot she tried to make to ensnare Silver. “If he hasn’t committed a crime, he isn’t corrupt. “ he pointed out. “And it’s innocent until proven guilty, remember? We don’t know for sure what would have happened to Sam, but she’s lucky she didn’t have to find out. “

“Even if a car does come with the job, it’ll probably be for official use only. “ Jim pointed out, but even that would be a big help as it would get her to work and back. He didn’t distract himself by looking at her license, he took her word for it, though he did grin a bit as she mentioned changing her address to Gotham, another sign she intended to stay. “Just make sure to make an appointment online, or you’ll be standing in line all day. “ he advised her.

Jim nodded at her assessment of the vehicle, then grinned in satisfaction as a police cruiser pulled up alongside them and flashed its lights, pulling the vehicle over. “If so, they are about to have a bad night, no matter how rich they are. “ Jim promised as he honked and waved at the officer before heading home.
She nodded, hiding her smile as best she could. "Mmhmm. A public endorsement at least. Though that's not really his style." She shrugged as he talked about Silver. "I'm not trying to make a case against him. That's for the police and DA Harvey Dent to do, if he can make time when he's not letting his wild child Duella get away with things." She shook her head. "But I know a corrupt and evil man when I see one. Especially when he tries to provoke my sensei with threats against his daughter. And when he tries to seduce me away from the same sensei while dancing with me." She sighed softly. "He probably puts on a friendly face around people like you, maintains a facade. He didn't bother with me."

She nodded to what her dad said. "Yes. They'll probably have ways of tracking it to make sure I don't misuse it." Ways she could disable if it was something important, like attending a lesson with Sara. She nodded. "Good idea. I'll do that."

She relaxed when the other cop showed up and pulled the car over. She smiled at her dad as they pulled away. "Doing your duty even when you're leaving a ritzy party. Thank you for getting Chloe and I into the party. It was potentially life changing."
Jim chuckled softly. “Yes, I can’t imagine Batman giving a press conference. “ he admitted, grateful Babs seemed to have dropped the subject of GCPDs relationship with Batman. A complicated subject to say the least. He frowned a bit at her next statement. “We can’t even begin to build a case against him if we don’t even have an inkling of what kind of crime he committed. “ he tried to tell her. His frown deepened when she mentioned threats. “What kinds of threats?” He demanded. That might be something he could act on. His expression then turned angry. “What do you mean he tried to seduce you?” He demanded, images of Silver trying to get his daughter in bed in his mind.

He glanced over at her when she commented on his actions regarding the other vehicle. “Those idiots could have killed somebody. “ he pointed out as he continued their journey home. “I would have reported them even if I wasn’t a cop. “ he smiled a bit at her thanks. “I’m glad it worked out. “ he told her as he pulled the car into his…their…driveway.
She laughed quietly at the idea of Batman giving a press conference then realized that Bruce Wayne had probably given one or two in his time. "Who knows Dad, he might be good at it." She looked at her dad. "I'm not talking about building a case against Terry Silver. But at some point, you'll have to realize that just because he puts on a nice face and donates to the cops, it doesn't mean he's a good person. Because he isn't. Where do you think his students are getting their ideas from?"

She shook her head then glanced at him again. "Not literally though he did look at me while we danced. No, he said he is going to force Daniel to close Miyagi-Do at an upcoming tournament and then when that happens..." She shrugged. "He wanted to make a bet that if it happened I'd train with Cobra Kai. I told him I'd think about it." Her eyes narrowed. "I'll make sure it doesn't happen. I need to talk to Sensei Larusso. I'll be entering that tournament and if I have to single-handedly smack around every student at Cobra Kai to win the tournament I will."

She smiled. "It wasn't a complaint dad. You did the right thing. I was maybe teasing you a bit though about not having an off switch." She nodded to him, knowing it had worked out, even more than he, or even Chloe, knew. She got out of the car. "I'm going to pack and head over to Chloe's dad. Give you a night of peace." She winked playfully and ran inside. When she packed she was careful to include running shoes, her dark pants and her dark top and a dark hoody. She had the feeling blending in tonight would be useful. The dark shirt she included was the one with the Batman logo on it. She did it mostly to be cheeky and see if Sara reacted to it. She also grabbed her nicest skirt and blouse and some nice shoes. She left those on the hangar, figuring she might have to leave from Chloe's house straight to Waynetech.

Once she had grabbed her bathroom items she ran out and gave her dad a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow dad. Don't forget, Alfred will be taking me to Waynetech in the morning so I may not be around until the afternoon." She ran over to Chloe's house then and smiled at Chloe. "Where should I put my stuff?"
Jim had barely ever heard Batman string more than a dozen words together in a row so he couldn’t imagine Batman giving a statement. But he couldn’t let Babs know he had that much contact with the vigilante so he let the comment pass.

“Human nature?” Jim couldn’t help but scoff lightly at Babs insistence every evil was attributable to one man. Arkham was full of truly evil people Jim had dealt with, and he only hoped his daughter would never get that perspective. “Every crime in this city isn’t perpetrated by Cobra Kai. In fact, their name has never come across my desk. “ he raised his eyebrows when she told him about the dance. “There is nothing nefarious about a teacher trying to recruit students. “ he pointed out. He chuckled softly when she mentioned the tournament. “And I’ll be there to cheer you on…provided you play by the rules. “

Jim chuckled softly about his not having an off switch as he knew very well it was true. “Your mother didn’t find it an appealing trait. “ he admitted, recalling more than a few arguments about it.

He nodded when she said she was going to Chloe’s. “We’ll get your room fixed up soon. “ he promised as he gave her a kiss goodnight on the cheek. Then got Chloe to blush as he did the same to her. “Let me know if you need a ride home. “

Chloe had managed to get her dress off and was in her underwear when Babs entered the house. She laughed at Babs question. “You know where your room is. “ she pointed out.
She sighed softly as her dad pushed back. "I'm not saying Terry Silver is some kind of crime kingpin. I'm saying he's a bad man and a bad teacher who is teaching his students to be bullies instead of teaching them to be calm, well adjusted members of society. And he's using his money to make some of the more susceptible cops look the other way if his students go too far. Like trying to strip a girl in public." She narrowed her eyes at his final statement. "Of course I'll play by the rules. I'm a Gordon. Not a Silver." She sounded offended he'd even suggest otherwise.

She shook her head when he mentioned her mother. "I know being married to a cop was probably hard on her. But I can assure you, she doesn't have good taste in men. You must have been an accident as you're the only good man in my mother's life I know of." She shrugged.

She smiled at Chloe, blushing slightly to see her friend in her underwear. "You know, at this rate, by the time we graduate high school we'll be talking about moving in together." She went to hang up her clothes and went ahead and changed out of the dress into what she'd be wearing that night, minus the hoodie and shoes. She walked back out to where Chloe was and took a moment to set an alarm on her phone. "I'm going to set my alarm for one AM. I guess we should try to get some rest before you have to drive me out there. You know, I do have my license, instead of you having to get up I could drive myself if you trust me with your car. Or take an Uber. I don't mind."

She looked at Chloe, wondering if her friend was going to ask about her hair as she'd seen the look on her face when she gave her dad the excuse. Truthfully, she was surprised he hadn't seen through her and she felt bad about lying to him. Still, if her life took the direction she thought it would, she'd need to get used to keeping secrets from him.
“Being a bad teacher is not a crime sadly. And if he is bribing a cop, I’ll come down on both of them hard. Same goes if I have actual evidence that his students committed a crime. “ he promised her, then nodded when she promised to play by the rules. “Glad to hear it. “ He told her. As fixated as she’d been on Silver, he had to admit he had doubts, especially as he’d bent a rule or two in his day for the greater good. He raised his eyebrows when she said her mother had poor taste in men, then chuckled when she made him the exception. “Nice save. “

“Oh…I thought we already did. “ Chloe claimed, laughing as she saw Bab blush. Just for that, she left her sweats laying on the couch and remained in her underwear a bit longer. She laughed again when she saw Babs shirt. “Already a covert, huh?” She claimed, then shook her head. “I’ll give you a ride. “ she promised again. “I trust you, but not the neighborhood you’re going to. I’d like the car back in one piece thank you. And never trust an Uber in this town at one A. M. “

Chloe then picked up her clothes and headed to the bedroom. “Sounds like a plan..,as soon as you tell me what actually happened to your hair. “
She glanced at him. "I already gave you the name of a cop who has been harassing Sam. I'm sure Terry Silver probably had something to do with it. As for his students committing a crime, it sure was convenient that there was no security footage of that incident in the mall." She huffed and shook her head. "I wish we could get some of his students away from them. One of my old senseis told me there is no such thing as a bad student, only bad teachers. I think he's twisting and corrupting them, some of them are hopefully questioning it."

She looked down at the shirt and nodded. "I am. I think people like my dad do their best, but in this city, you need someone like Batman who is able to work outside the system and protect the helpless." She ran her fingers lightly over the logo on her chest and said quietly to herself. "And even if he is too proud to admit it, he is only one man and needs help too."

She looked over at Chloe. "That's fair. I'd hate to have to tell you your car is up on bricks with no tires or got stolen or something." She sighed softly as Chloe mentioned the hair then decided to simply play it casual. "I went for a swim in Bruce Wayne's indoor pool, at his invitation. I didn't want to tell dad because I didn't want him to wonder if there was more to it. Which there wasn't." She moved towards where she was going to sleep and took off her pants, climbing under the covers in only her bra and shirt for now. "See you at 1am Chloe."
“And I looked into it. As far as I could tell, he only interacted with Sam once, and it was a routine booking. “ Jim told her. “And the only tie I could come up with is his son is a student and gets a discount on his membership fees. I don’t like it, it may be unethical, but it’s not a crime. And if they are questioning it and want to get away, great. But this town seems to breed badness. Some people don’t need a teacher. “ Jim didn’t want to imagine who might have trained someone like the Joker. “

Chloe couldn’t help but nod. She knew how hard Captain Gordon fought to do his job, only to be met by obstacles at every turn. She’d seen the good Batman could do as well. If she heard Babs comment about needing help, she thought she was talking about her father.

“A swim?” Chloe’s eyes shot up as she knew damn well Babs didn’t have a suit. Perhaps she had borrowed one ? But Babs didn’t seem to want to discuss it, and she really hadn’t been gone long enough for much else to have happened, so she simply said. “Good night. “ but Chloe mind was racing with questions and possibilities, so she doubted she’d get much sleep before the alarm went off.
She nodded to her dad. "I know you did. And I know you can't act because I said so. I'm not unreasonable dad, I know you have to do things the right way because it's who you are. I also know what the truth is and I think you now know that Sam has a reputation she doesn't deserve." She let it drop though so they didn't get into an argument about it or something though she was pretty sure they mostly agreed on the general idea.

Barbara didn't follow up to Chloe's question though she did grin to herself. She knew if Chloe thought about it she'd have a lot of questions and probably wonder about the lack of a suit. Unlike Chloe Barbara was able to get to sleep relatively easily. She had a lot on her mind but she stood beside her bed and did the kata Daniel Larusso had taught her a few times to center herself then climbed into bed and went right to sleep. Still, it seemed she'd only just closed her eyes when her phone's alarm went off.

She sighed and got out of bed then pulled on her pants, shoes and hoodie. She went to Chloe and gently shook her awake. "Get dressed Chloe, unless you changed your mind and want me to drive." She waited for Chloe to get dressed then went to the car with her, smiling as she thought about what may lay ahead while trying to keep from getting too nervous about it.
Chloe had managed to drift off…barely…and when she felt Babs hand on her shoulder she shot straight up in the bed. “Yeah, not happening. “ Chloe insisted once again as she pulled the covers off. She was dressed in a sweatshirt and sweatpants, and decided that was dressed enough for tonight’s adventure. She rotated a bit in the bed and put a pair of shoes on before grabbing her purse.

“Ready?” She asked before they headed out to the car together. Chloe dashed ahead and playfully opened the passenger door for Babs. “Your ride, madam. “ she said with a giggle before she headed to the driver seat.

“Are you sure about this?” Chloe asked as they began to drive, their route taking them via streets that were either deserted, or occupied by homeless.
She smiled at Chloe's response and didn't blame her. She didn't know her way around Gotham though she had looked at a street map and memorized it, that didn't tell her what parts of the city were places to avoid. Still, she got the idea that being out at night in Gotham wasn't a good idea for a woman. Especially alone. Nor was parking your car in some areas of the city.

She nodded to Chloe and followed her out to the car. She rolled her eyes at Chloe's playful door opening but slid into the passenger seat. "I may be Bruce Wayne's personal assistant, but I'm not him." She settled into her seat as Chloe began driving and looked over at her. "Yes. Sara isn't setting me up to get mugged or something. This is probably a test to see if I am willing to do what it takes to learn. And I am. More than she or you, or anyone knows I think." She glanced at her friend as the drive went on. "Thank you for this Chloe."

Once they got closer to her destination she looked around, trying to get a feel for the area and for a good place to wait for Sara's arrival. "I'll call you when I need a pickup or maybe just get an Uber or Taxi. That'd probably be easier and let you get some more sleep." She impulsively leaned over and hugged Chloe before she opened her door and got out, closing the door behind her as she looked around once more.
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