Batgirl Begins (dbspock/WendyTheRed)

She nodded, glancing at the boy. She had a suspicion he might be one of those with nowhere to go though she couldn't say why she thought it. In any case, she wasn't going to ask him directly about it, she didn't want to be rude or embarass him. "Well, if she knew I needed to go to Wayne Enterprises, it means she knows Bruce Wayne hired me so they must have talked. And while Bruce Wayne likes to put on his absent minded playboy persona I don't think he'd forget to tell her Alfred was giving me a ride if she knows I'm going in tomorrow. So she must have arranged to change plans." She was curious if he'd have any reaction when he mentioned Bruce having a persona. Regardless, she wasn't going to say anymore about her suspicions about Bruce Wayne.

She nodded absently when he said Sara wasn't coming. She was disappointed to hear it. She'd been looking forward to learning directly from her though the idea of being nude in front of her actually made her blush deeper. She stumbled forward when he kicked her ass and was forced to drop her arms to get her balance back. She spun to face him, her eyes narrowing. For a moment she assumed it was a childish prank but she quickly realized it was more likely that her training had already started so she moved into a defensive stance.
“She was quite clear about taking you to Wayne Enterprises, though she didn’t say why. I’m supposed to drop you at the Employee entrance, so I guess she knows you work there. She didn’t say anything to me about Alfred or Bruce. “ though the very fact he used the name Bruce meant he had some familiarity with the man.

She had her back to him, and he felt a bit bad about taking advantage of her trust, but he had a lesson to teach her. He was surprised she recovered so quickly, and went into a defensive stance as well. He kept his eyes fixed on her chest, but only so he could predict her movements and not to ogle her breasts. He lashed out with a series of punches to gauge her reactions.
She smirked. "And if she knows I work there it means she talked to one or both of them. Which makes sense. And her arranging for me to get a ride from you means she must have told Alfred I don't need a ride anymore." She had noticed he called him Bruce. Not Bruce Wayne. Or Mister Wayne. She filed that information away for later, adding it to her mental list of why Bruce Wayne wasn't who he appeared. She also noticed he hadn't corrected her on her comment about Bruce's 'persona' either.

She saw the look of surprise on his face. "I'm not Sara or you but I'm not a total stranger to self defense either." She blushed deeply as he stared at her chest and when he lashed out she used the defenses she'd learned from Sam Larusso. 'Wax on, wax off' she heard in her mind as she did her best to deflect his punches. She threw a couple of her own, though she had little doubt he'd simply bat them away with little effort. She still wanted to show she was at least going to try.
He knew she had mentioned training before, but usually when people said that said training just applied to the mat and a refereed fight. He’d ignored the ‘rules’ and attacked her from behind and she’d recovered quickly. And she was doing a decent job of blocking his punches as well, not letting her nudity bother her it seemed.

“Well, she works for Bruce so of course they talk. “ He pointed out as he deflected her punches, trying to distract her by keeping the conversation going. “Mirage-do?” He questioned as he recognized her technique. A technique with a flaw. He’d learned the move itself and pulled off an advanced counter, sending two blows to her right side before he followed it up with a kick. His opponent was tall, taller than Sara even, but he still had the advantage of height.
In truth, before recent events she probably would have been more shocked and slower to recover. But in a very short period of time she was changing in ways even she didn't yet notice. As for her nudity, she was simply so focused on his punches and blocking them that for the moment she'd pushed it aside. Still, her movements did cause her breasts to swing sometimes, forcefully reminding her, and her cheeks never lost their color.

"Uh huh." She grunted a reply to him trying to concentrate. She only briefly lost her concentration when he misnamed Daniel's style. "Miyagi-Do." She corrected and winced as she paid for her lapse with him getting past her guard and landing a couple of punches to her right side. She stumbled back when he connected with the follow up kick and did her best to recover, sending a kick out at him, mostly in an attempt to force him to slow any follow up so she could get her balance back and resume her defenses. She huffed out a question as they continued to spar. "What's...the...point? have...more training."
She wasn’t allowing herself to get distracted with irrelevant conversation. Good for her, he noted internally, though it didn’t show on his face. But he did sting her pride a bit when he mangled her dojos name, and he used that lapse to get through her defenses. And did one of his punches land on her boob?

He saw her kick coming and instead of avoiding it, moved in, snaring her foot beneath his arm. “Do you think you’ll only fight people with less training than you?” He demanded as he continued to close on her. Since she had only one foot at the moment, he suspected he could push her over and pin her to the mat.
If she'd known his thoughts she would've told him it wasn't her pride so much as her wanting the Larussos to be respected. She felt a bit like they were underdogs, especially after having met Terry Silver. She absently rubbed her breast when she got a moment, wondering how she'd explain any bruises that showed up.

She hadn't anticipating him grabbing her foot. She'd figured he'd either side step it or dodge back and she'd get a few moments to recover. This, though, was the worst possible outcome. She kept hopping on her remaining foot, her mind racing as she tried to figure out what to do. "No...but I'm here to learn. What am I learning right now besides you're better than me?" She wasn't saying it an angry or resentful way, she seemed truly curious about what was going on.

She tried to figure out a way out of her current situation. She could think of a few but she didn't think she had the training for any of them and was worried she risked hurting one of them if something went wrong. So for now she decided to wait and see how it all played out.
“That a real fight is seldom fair. “ he told her, though truthfully he was the one learning. She was fast, faster than he’d expected, and more skilled as well. True, her technique needed a little honing, but he could work with that. He could see what Sara saw in her, though he was still puzzled why Sara had chosen him to start her training. Her balance was impressive as well…he thought she’d be on the floor by now. “And how not to back down from a fight. “

He didn’t relent though, not even as she rubbed her breast confirming his suspicion that he had hit her there. He had one more lesson to teach her…that sometimes it was better not to fight and conserve your strength. But to teach her that, she had to submit, and he had a feeling she’d resist that lesson as long as she could.

So he continued to try and get her to fall, trying his best to ignore the way her breasts bounced as she hopped around the room, and REALLY trying to ignore what was going on between her legs.
She snorted at his answer. "Grade schoolers know a fight is rarely fair." She thought about his words about not backing down from a fight as she kept hopping. She was glad she'd had some gymnastics as a kid, it was definitely coming in useful right now though she doubt her teachers had ever pictured this kind of situation coming up.

She had a plan, a desperate plan, but it was all she had. She'd fully expected him to do something with her foot but for now he seemed to want to push her around and she realized he was waiting for her to either tire out or fall down. She also noticed that his eyes occasionally darted to her nude form and once more she felt that blush rising.

Still, she pushed it to the back of her mind and did the only thing she could think of. She fell. On purpose. As she fell she yanked hard on the leg he had trapped while kicking up with her other leg, trying to plant it in his torso. If she succeeded, she had hopes she'd either push him away or ideally flip him over her. If she didn't, well, at least she had tried something other than just giving in.
“Yet here you are complaining about it. “ he taunted her, trying not to think about the show they were putting on as they did an odd dance around the room until she finally went down.

He felt her yank on her leg in what he assumed was an attempt to pull it free, but when she went down, he did as well. He twisted his body to avoid her other foot, and used her trapped leg like a pole, sliding down it until his torso met hers.

He had an elbow free, and he tried to bring it down on her stomach, but he miscalculated and slammed it into her breast instead. “Sorry. “ he muttered, though he didn’t relent as he tried to force her arms over her head so she couldn’t use them for an attack. He also tucked his chin into his chest to protect his face in case she got desperate and tried to head but him.
"I'm not complaining, just...not sure how it's teaching me something useful in a fight." She scowled a bit at the accusation like he was saying she was pouting or something. She'd even done her best to keep her tone from sounding that way.

She sighed in frustration when her plan failed and he slid down her leg. She winced as she smacked her breast for the second time. This time actually hurt worse and she was sure she was going to have a bruise.

She growled when he used his superior position and strength to force her hands over her head. Because of her position she couldn't really kick him either. She saw him tuck his chin down and was a bit puzzled about it but it didn't matter. She had briefly considered a head butt but she worried that'd be too much of an escalation in a training match. She lay there panting as she glared at him. "So what am I learning now? "
“Determination is sometimes the best thing you can learn. “ he replied even as she ignored his apology for the inadvertent elbow strike to her boob. Perhaps she didn’t notice, or just wanted to ignore it. In either case, he didn’t want to dwell on it either.

As he’d expected, he soon had her pinned into place, and she didn’t even try the head but. John tried to ignore just how close his face was to her boobs, or the feel of her bare skin against his hands and body as he held her in place. “How to pin someone. “ he answered her question, though he wondered if she’d ever get the real lesson about being in a fight you couldn’t win, and how retreat was sometimes not only a viable but the best option. Sara had dislocated his shoulder before he learned that lesson. He hoped the red head would pick it up sooner.
Determination? It wasn't like she was giving up but her options were seriously limited. In a real fight she might bite or headbutt but not in this situation. She growled a little and struggled some but not for long. Not because she was giving up but because she realized she'd do little but tire herself out in this situation.

She too was starting to realize their position and how her naked body was pressed against his. It occurred to her she could use that to her advantage but did she dare? She stared at him as she thought it over but finally she sighed. "Are you going to teach me how to get out of a pin too?"
Oh boy. John wasn’t sure she considered the ramifications of trying to wriggle under him, but he felt her breast strike his chin and despite his best efforts he felt an erection begin to grow in his pants. He was just grateful their current position meant he wasn’t poking her with it.

He felt as much as heard her growl in frustration, but she still didn’t give up. Damn it. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he didn’t want to let Sara down either. “Yes. “ he answered. That was part of the lesson, but it was supposed to come after she’d admitted defeat.
She sensed a change in his breathing and thought he might be a bit red too. It occurred to her that their position was somewhat...intimate. She blushed when she realized she had been basically wiggling under him.

She raised her eyebrows when he said getting out of the pin was part of the lesson but he didn't follow it up with anything. "So...uhhh...are you going to hold me down all night or tell me how to break the pin?"
John had a feeling he could hold her down all night and she still wouldn’t say the word surrender. But she had asked him how to get out, and had stopped struggling. Was that close enough? Under the circumstances, he concluded it was, and hoped Sara wouldn’t press for details. The night was not going as planned.

He released his grip on her and rose to his feet, quickly stepping back in case she took the opening to attack. “It would be easier to demonstrate. “ he told her as he laid down on his back. “Pin me. “ he instructed her.
She was grateful when he released her and stood up. She took a breath then carefully climbed to her feet as she too was wary of an attack. She blinked as he laid down on his back and then nodded..

She moved to straddle him and then froze when she felt a hard lump under her. She blushed and had to take a moment to collect herself then she leaned over and grabbed his wrists, doing her best to pin him down as he had pinned her. "Alright..."
He saw how leery she was of another attack and nodded approvingly. She had taken that lesson to heart it seemed, but that wasn’t the current lesson. He waited patiently as she walked over to him, and shifted uncomfortably when she sat on his erection. Hopefully she wouldn’t tell Sara about that either.

He didn’t resist as she pinned his arms, and he tried to ignore the way her breasts dangled in his face as she bent over him. He nodded when she said she was in position, then began to struggle, inadvertently poking her bare butt with his cock. He felt her shift on top of him to keep her position, then suddenly shifted his weight to go with hers. With the extra momentum, he rolled her over to her back and shot his hand for her throat, pausing an inch away. “Time out. “ he announced as he rose to his feet and offered her his hand. “That’s a safe word. “ he promised. “I won’t attack. “
She saw the approving nod and assumed it was because she wasn't letting her guard down. She hadn't taken much notice of his uncomfortable shift when she straddled him since she was too lost in her own embarrassment. He could rest easy about her telling about his election because she had no intentions of anyone ever learning about this.

She was slightly distracted by the poke to her butt but did her best to focus even as she blushed. Luckily for her she was focused enough she didn't notice her nipples harden into pink pebbles.

She realized what was happening when he shifted and reversed the pin but it was too late by then. She'd remember the move though and when he shifted to his feet and announced it was a safe word she nodded and accepted his outstretched hand, climbing to her feet. She still watched him a bit warily as she took a few steps back. "So can I call time out if I need it too?"
John tried to concentrate on the lesson, but the rock hard nipples in his face were hard to ignore. Nonetheless, he pulled off the move just like he’d done it a hundred times before, which he had.

He had meant what he said about the safe word, and felt a bit guilty when she stepped back anyway. He wanted her to trust him, but it appeared that was never going to happen. “You can. “ he assured her, wondering if they should have established that first. It might have saved a bit of embarrassment. “And you can make up your own. Oh. “ he suddenly remembered. “If you can’t talk, tap three times. That’s safe as well. “ he assured her before he gestured at the mat. “Do you understand what happened there?” He asked.
She saw the look on his face when she stepped back and shrugged. "You started all this with a surprise attack. So I'm wary." She nodded as he explained the rules of the safe word. "I'll use time out too. It seems simpler. Important question. How do we know when the period has ended?"

She glanced briefly at the mat and nodded. "Yes, it was kind of like a judo move. You used my own movements against me. What if it doesn't work? Like the opponent is just top strong or too big?"

She paused. "Also, I don't know your name..."
“I will not lie to you.” He promised when she explained her caution. He then cocked his head. “Knowingly. “ he modified, as mistakes could happen. He nodded when she asked for clarification of the procedure. “Mutual agreement. “ he told her. “Or until we separate. “ the safe word couldn’t persist forever of course.

He nodded at her explanation of the move. She was smart, as promised. “That’s part of the advantage of the move. You use the opponents weight and strength against them. It actually works better with bigger enemies. Unless they know what they are doing and keep their center of gravity…well, centered. “

“Oh!” He said with a start when she asked his name. He should have told her sooner. “John. “ he told her.
She looked at him for a long moment and then nodded her understanding. "Alright, that makes sense." She took a few deep breaths, doing her best to ignore the situation with her nudity.

She nodded slowly. "Well, in that situation what do you do? If they stay centered. Like, I imagine that move wouldn't work on Sara, for example."

She nodded when he gave her his name. "Well, it's nice to meet you John even if I'll be sore later."
Oh boy. John couldn’t help but glance down as Babs breathed deeply, causing her breasts to heave. He considered looking away, but convinced himself that would just call more attention to it.

“I’ve used that move on Sara. “ John claimed, though he suspected she’d left herself open to test him. “But yes, most of the time an experienced opponent won’t let themselves be thrown off balance. There’s another technique for that. “

John laid back down on the mat. “Pin me again. “ he instructed her. “But don’t lean forward and try and hold my arms this time. “
She caught him looking down and felt that flush return but she still did her best to listen to him. She smirked when he said he'd used the mood on Sara. She had no doubt Sara would have countered it but didn't say so.

She raised her eyebrows but nodded and stepped over to him. She quickly straddled him once more, biting her lip when she felt that hardness under her. "Ok...what now? I mean if I'm not holding your arms it's a different situation anyway isn't it?"
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