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Batgirl Begins (dbspock/WendyTheRed)

Bruce shrugged when she pointed out the differences between their interactions with Alfred. “I’ll ask him then. “ he stated, clearly missing her point. “Though when you get the job, keep in mind you will be dealing with him regularly, and your requests will carry the same weight as mine. Use your power wisely. “ he cautioned her with a grin, clearly enjoying their interaction, quite probably mainly due to her state of undress.

He nodded as she mentioned her lack of prior job experience. He’d suspected as much and was pleased she hadn’t tried to snow job him. “Send it to HR anyway for their records. “ he requested. “And I think Mary’s list of contacts is on the computer somewhere, I’m sure you could find it. And your dad probably has a list he could share with you. “

If Bruce noticed her embarrassed reaction to Alfred’s sudden presence he gave no sign of it. “Babs would like a bikini, Alfred. “ Bruce said, calling even more attention to her nudity as he rattled off her measurements. “And she’d like her dress cleaned. “

“Very good, sir. “ Alfred said as he picked up her carefully folded dress…and her panties. “And I believe the party is officially over. Your father has completed his duties and is looking for you, Miss Gordon. “
She smiled as he said he'd ask Alfred. She also couldn't help noticing he'd said when she got the job, not if, but she wasn't about to point it out to him. "Of course Mister Wayne. My intention is not to make Alfred's life miserable or abuse any perceived power over him. I'm not that type of person. And I think if you thought I was you wouldn't be considering me for the position to be honest." She grinned back at him even as her cheeks continued with their red shade.

She nodded in reply to his requests. She, of course, would remember, one of the blessings of her eidetic memory, she wasn't prone to forgetting things like this. It occurred to her her memory would make her ideal as a personal assistant. "If I may Mister Wayne, who is Mary?" He'd said the name quite casually so she suspected she was somebody he worked with consistently at Waynetech perhaps. Maybe a receptionist or the head of HR or something.

She slowly looked over her shoulder at Alfred. "Thank you Alfred. I uhhh...really appreciate your assistance." She wanted to say he didn't have to do any of it if he didn't want to but she knew that coming from Bruce it was essentially an order. She also felt uncomfortable that he'd said 'Babs would like' as it made it sound like she was making demands of Alfred but she couldn't think of a way to express that without seeming like she was contradicting Bruce Wayne in his own home.

She bit her lip when Alfred mentioned her father and looked from Alfred to Bruce Wayne and back. "I rode with him. I'm a thoughtless daughter it seems, I should have told him I was going to have a meeting and could get a cab ride later." She sighed softly and looked at Bruce Wayne then back at the dress in Alfred's arms, clearly at a loss as she couldn't exactly go to her dad in a bikini and explain what had happened to her dress. "I have no idea what to tell him." She confessed. She debated for a moment then looked at Alfred once more. "Would it be too much trouble for me to ask you to tell my Dad I'm talking to Mister Wayne about an employment opportunity and will find my own way home afterwards? I'm sorry, I feel like I'm being demanding Alfred but well...right now it'd be a bit awkward for me to talk to my dad."
“And you would be correct. “ Bruce replied when she said she wouldn’t get the job if he thought she’d mistreat Alfred, and his tone was the most serious she had heard from him.

“Mary was your predecessor. “ Bruce informed her, his tone a bit lighter now even as he frowned. “I’m not sure what happened to her, and I keep forgetting to ask Lucius.”

Alfred turned his gaze back to Babs. If he noticed her bare butt he gave no sign of it. “It is my pleasure, Miss Barbara. “ he assured her with a slight smile. When she admitted she was at a loss as to how to deal with the predicament Bruce put her in, Alfred shifted his gaze back to Bruce. No words were exchanged, but it was clear some sort of communication was going on.

“If I might suggest. “ Alfred began as he turned his gaze back to Babs. “I believe your interview is complete, and there is no reason your dress needs to be cleaned tonight. Perhaps you could get dressed, then report to your father.”
She nodded, noting the serious tone of his voice. She arched an eyebrow when he made the comment about not knowing what happened to Mary. She found that hard to believe and she wondered why he was even bothering trying to convince her he was that careless. She looked back over her shoulder at Alfred as he spoke, smiling at him. She didn't miss the exchange of looks between Bruce and Alfred and she glanced briefly between the two of them.

She nodded when Alfred said the interview was over. She didn't bother to ask how the butler would know, she got the feeling that he ran things around here to the point she wasn't sure Bruce Wayne needed a personal assistant, though, outside the house that was perhaps a different story. Regardless, she couldn't help feeling like there was a lot more to this job offer than it seemed on the surface. Her eyes darted around until she spotted a towel. She didn't remember seeing it before and she seemed to debate with herself then swam to the edge of the pool and pulled herself out, moving quickly to the towel she began to dry herself.

"I think your idea is better than mine Alfred. Thank you for your assistance and your patience with me." She looked over at Bruce Wayne. "I never did show you what was on my phone though Sara has seen it and likely can describe it to you." She didn't bother saying he already knew what was one it, she knew he wasn't ready yet to confirm her suspicions so she didn't push him. She walked to her phone and lifted it with a thoughtful look. She typed for a few seconds, swiping through some screens and then looked at him. "I've sent my resume to HR as you asked. I also took the liberty of CCing Lucius Fox and you on it." She didn't bother pointing out that he hadn't given her any of those email addresses, she suspected he was smart enough to know she'd found them in her own way.
"Of course, Miss Barbara." Alfred said dryly, leaving it deliberately vague whether his comment was directed to her first comment, that his idea was better than hers, or as acknowledgement of her thanks. Nor did he react to her revealing her nude body to him in its entirety as he simply took a step towards her and laid her dress and panties on a chair in easy reach of her. "Do you require assistance with your dress?" He asked politely. Despite having raised a male, he clearly had enough familiarity with a female wardrobe to know assistance was sometimes required.

Bruce, of course, didn't try and hide the fact he was leering at her. "You've shown me plenty." He assured her as he swam over to the edge of the pool. He nodded when she said she sent her resume in, and didn't comment on the fact she knew his business email. If he hadn't thought her resourceful enough to overcome such a simple obstacle, he wouldn't have offered her the job.

Before she could take Alfred up on her offer to get dressed, he heaved himself out of the pool and stood to face her. "Welcome aboard, Miss Gordon." He said as he couldn't resist reaching out to shake her hand while she was still naked. "So when can you start?"
The irony was she was extremely embarrassed for Alfred to see her nude though not for the usual reasons. Mostly, it was important to her to have his respect. She could tell he was important in Bruce Wayne's life and she didn't want him to think she was using her body to get a job with Bruce Wayne. Her cheeks colored slightly but she managed to hide it by looking away. She blushed at the double entendre from Bruce Wayne as he swam away. She knew he was just trying to get a rise out of her but she couldn't help the response. That blush only deepened when he came over to her while she was still drying off and dripping wet naked to shake her hand. She awkwardly held the towel in front of herself and reached out to shake his hand. "Let me check my schedule..." She held up an imaginary phone and looked at it then smiled at him. "I can start whenever you need me to Mister Wayne. I could start Monday or even tomorrow if you want to have a sort of on-boarding and briefing session."

After that discussion she resumed drying herself with the towel and once she dried she somewhat awkwardly got her panties on without lowering her towel though she could hear her grandfather's voice in her head saying something about closing the barn doors after the horses had already run away.

She nodded to Alfred at his offer as she pulled her dress on. "That would be great Alfred. I'm just not quite nimble enough to do up this zipper in the back by myself. Thank you for your thoughtfulness." It occurred to her Alfred might have had to do this for quite a few 'guests' of Bruce Wayne's and her mind briefly turned to Agent Johnson and their surprising date.
Unfortunately for Babs, the minimal effectiveness of trying to hide her frontside from Bruce was canceled out by the view of her naked backside Alfred was getting. But of course he made no comment on that, or her blush, as he simply stood there holding her clothes until she was ready for them.

Bruce grinned a bit when she checked her imaginary phone. A sense of humor was a good thing in his mind. "Tomorrow morning sounds great." He said with a nod, not diverting his gaze as she did an odd dance with the towel and her panties, trying to hide her nude body from them. Alfred simply nodded as she accepted his assistance, and once she got her dress back in place he stepped forward and wordlessly zipped her up.
It was definitely a balancing act and she was aware that due to the positioning of all of them she wouldn't be able to do much to protect her modest. Still, she did make the attempt. She smiled shyly at him when she saw him holding her clothes and acting like a perfect gentleman. She noticed Bruce's grin and was glad that her little joke with the phone had gone over well. She'd gotten nervous about it almost immediately after doing it but he seemed to take it well so that was a relief.

She couldn't help noticing he didn't avert his gaze during her little panty dance and she found herself wondering. How much of that was real and how much was him playing up the playboy image. It was actually an interesting debate for her and it successfully distracted her somewhat from her embarrassment. She nodded gratefully to Alfred after he zipped her dress up. "Thank you Alfred. Your assistance is appreciated."

She looked at Bruce then and smoothed down her dress. "Tomorrow morning. Do you have a specific time in mind? I'll arrange an uber and be here whenever you'd like me to."
"You are welcome, Miss Barbara." Alfred said with a slight smile as he stepped back again, though he didn't leave the room, sensing his presence might still be required.

Bruce picked up Babs discarded towel and swiftly dried himself off as well. "A what?" Bruce looked at her blankly when she mentioned the uber, then shrugged. "Oh, Alfred can pick you up." Bruce said with a wave of his hand as he slipped his robe back on. "And no need to come here. Most of your duties will be centered around Wayne Enterprises, so you should probably get settled in there." He either forgot or deliberately ignored her request to pin down a time before he offered her his arm. "So...shall we try and track down your father? And do you think your cute friend is still around? And would be interested in a swim?" He asked with a grin.
She smiled warmly at Alfred then smirked as Bruce said he didn't know what an Uber was. Once more she was pretty sure it was part of the act though she wasn't totally sure this time. Still she doubted he was that out of touch.

She nodded and glanced at Alfred when Bruce said he'd pick her up. She smiled and bit her lip. "I have to admit, I pictured a personal assistant as following you around and being on the phone making appointments for you and stuff."

She took his arm and nodded. "Good idea, finding my dad I mean." She shot him a look. "And no, she wouldn't be interested in a swim." She realized she might sound jealous or something so she added.

"Chloe is...innocent. Even asking her would probably make her faint." She frowned softly at the implication of her statement and walked with him, lost in her thoughts.
“Oh, Alfred does that here. “ Bruce said with an almost dismissive wave of his hand, but he wasn’t quite a good enough actor to pull it off convincingly. “But he can’t be in two places at once, and Lucius has better things to do than make sure I’m at meetings he doesn’t really want me at anyway. “

Bruce smiled as she took his arm, but his smile dimmed a bit as she claimed her friend didn’t swim. “Well, your first task was going to be organizing a swim party, but if Cleo is afraid of the water not much point in that. “ he said as he began to walk with her back towards the ballroom.

Bruce, of course, knew the way quite well and they soon arrived at the former party site. Alfred had vanished at some point along the way, and as he had claimed there were only a handful of guests left. Chloe saw her friend and waved as she started over, only to freeze as she realized who Babs was with.
She looked at him thoughtfully. "Hmmm I see." She didn't believe his dismissive act mostly because she didn't think he'd ever take the things Alfred did for granted. She frowned thoughtfully and looked at Alfred. Their closeness made her realize Alfred probably knew all of Bruce's secrets, including what she believed was his biggest secret.

"I didn't say she was afraid of the water. I said she was too innocent to accept an offer to swim alone with you."

She waved back to Chloe with a smile and grinned at how she reacted when she saw who she was with. She smiled at Bruce Wayne. "I guess I'll get a call when Alfred is on the way. Thank you for giving me a chance Mister Wayne."

She waved to Chloe then and looked around. "I heard Dad was looking for me? Are we ready to go?" She smiled once more at Bruce Wayne but didn't yet let go of his arm as she waited for Chloe to reply.
“Alone?” Bruce looked at her with a look of surprise, then shook his head. “If you are going to be my assistant, you need to learn what the word ‘party’ means. Alfred can help you if you have any questions. “

Bruce nodded when she thanked him. “You earned it. “ he told her. “Just don’t make me regret it. I like hiring people, I hate firing them. “

Chloe looked ready to bolt, but after Babs waved an acknowledged her she didn’t feel comfortable running off. It wasn’t like there was a crowd she could hide in, and in any case Babs was her ride home. “Uh…yeah. “ Chloe agreed, her gaze fixed on Bruce as she tried to figure out what was up with the robe. “Captain Gordon was just in here looking for you. He said if you came back while he was gone we should wait here for him, or you’d risk running around in circles looking for each other. “
She glanced at him. "You said 'And do you think your cute friend is still around? And would be interested in a swim?' " She quoted his exact words back to him. "It was after I said she was too innocent that you said 'Well, your first task was going to be organizing a swim party, but if Cleo is afraid of the water not much point in that.' " She smirked slightly at him, the advantages of an eidetic memory in these kinds of situations. "So, from your first statement, you can see where I thought you wanted to invite her to swim alone, as you did me, especially since we were still in the pool area at the time."

She wasn't sure she had earned it based on their actual interactions but once more she was pretty sure he'd already seen the footage or at the very least, Sara had told him about it if she was wrong about his true identity. "You won't have any reasons to fire me Mister Wayne."

She grinned as she saw how uncomfortable Chloe was just seeing Bruce like this. It also just occurred to her how it might appear with him in only his robe but she was fully dressed thankfully. She nodded to Chloe as she relayed her dad's message. "Well, that's fine then." She glanced around. "Did the Larussos already leave? I wanted to tell Sam and her dad about my encounter with Mister Silver. It seems he wanted to make a bet with me about the outcome of a karate tournament. Cobra Kai is up to no good, big surprise."

She seemed to suddenly remember she was still on Bruce Wayne's arm and she turned her smile to him. "Thank you again Mister Wayne. Your hospitality has been impeccable and I'm grateful for your time and won't let you down."
Bruce stared at her impassively as she quoted his words back to him, down to his mispronouncing her friends name. He then shook his head. “No. “ he claimed when asked if he followed her reasoning, he then smirked at her. “And if you want to succeed in your new job, don’t argue with the boss. “ he cautioned her.

Chloe nodded though she didn’t take her eyes off Bruce. “Mr. Larusso was pretty upset, so they just decided to go home. And yeah, Sam mentioned something about a bet, but she seemed a bit on edge herself so I didn’t want to push her on it. “

“Well, you’ll have to thank Alfred for the hospitality. “ Bruce said with a chuckle before he released her arm, took hold of her hand, and gently kissed the back of it. “Miss Sullivan. “ He said politely as he also took Chloe’s hand and kissed it, seemingly oblivious to how red it turned her face, before he turned to depart.
She knew he followed her reasoning and when he cautioned her she couldn't help the playful smile that crossed her lips. "So you wanted a yes man? Well, a yes girl in my case?" She raised her eyebrows in question when she asked. "And shall I consult with Alfred on scheduling a pool party?"

She nodded to Chloe. "Yeah, I get the feeling Silver said something about Sam to try to provoke Daniel. Truthfully I'm surprised he nearly took the bait. Thankfully Miss Lance intervened."

She nodded to Bruce. "I will. He deserves it." She was a bit surprised when he kissed her hand nut when he kissed Chloe's she grinned. As he walked away she gently reached over and closed Chloe's jaw. "Well here's hoping you're not still blushing when my dad gets here."
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