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Batgirl Begins (dbspock/WendyTheRed)

"I suppose." Daisy said with a light shrug, but there was a shadow in her eyes that hinted her childhood hadn't had that carefree moment. She shrugged when Babs mentioned the dress. "I was hungry." She claimed. "And they weren't going to let me in here in jeans and a T-shirt."

If Jim had an opinion on Babs inserting herself into the conversation, he kept it to himself, clearly unwilling to insert himself into her job duties. Still, he couldn't help but give a small smile of satisfaction when Babs presented her plan after carefully considering all the possibilities. Daisy, for her part, snorted when Babs mentioned rumors about a vehicle. "Yeah...I've heard those rumors too." She claimed. Coulson, having not seen said vehicle, just looked between the two quizzically, wondering why he'd never heard those rumors.

"I believe the saying is three men can keep a secret only after one has killed the other two." Coulson claimed, then smiled with a shake of his head. "But I don't think we need to get that drastic. "Captain?"

Jim nodded when Coulson addressed him. "I think it will work." He admitted, his mind refusing to register Babs slip about being the possible driver. "I have enough men...and women...that can be trusted to get the shipment through, especially if there's a diversion. "
Barbara shared a secret smile with Daisy and glanced briefly at Bruce Wayne. She was on the one hand surprised he hadn't said anything but on the other hand, she figured he was maintaining his persona of the barely interested playboy. If she was right he was only here to learn the route the convoy was taking so the overwatch she had hinted at could happen.

She glanced at Coulson and nodded her agreement, smiling when he added that they didn't need to go that far. She looked from him to her dad when Coulson addressed him and looked thoughtful. "Are you proposing GCPD help the secret vehicle while the convoy draws any attention that comes? Won't that draw attention to it?" She looked thoughtful. "I suppose if they're in plainclothes it might work." She looked at Coulson and Daisy then. "I don't know what the shipment is obviously but if there is this much concern it might be important so I think it has to be asked. If someone comes for this shipment, will cops be able to hold them off? Are we looking at common criminals here? Or something like a mercenary force? Or, perhaps worse, some of the uhhh...colorful criminal elements in Gotham?"
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