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Batgirl Begins (dbspock/WendyTheRed)

Bruce nodded. He had no doubt the currently naked teen would read the manual, including the part about the legal department, he just wasn't sure she'd taker advantage of it, and wanted to assure her the option was open. Of course he detected the anger in her voice, and couldn't help but wonder what the step=dad had done to create it, but of course it wasn't his business. He did, however, smirk slightly at Babs reaction to Jim's video phone attempt. Judging by her facial expressions, there was more than one reason she didn't want her father to see her right now.

Unaware she couldn't see him, Jim nodded at her mention of reversing the polarity. Chloe did that quite a bit as well. "Well, I guess your in a good spot for technical help." Jim chuckled softly as he recalled some of the smartest people in Gotham currently worked in Bab's new building. "And I've met Lucuis a few times. He's nice, and probably really runs the company." Jim chuckled, unaware the owner of the company could hear every word he said. He outright laughed when Bab's mentioned Agent Johnson. "A business lunch, no doubt." Jim said sarcastically. Bruce then reached forward and pressed a button on her phone. Not the video button, thankfully, but the mute button.

"Jim is welcome to join us for lunch." Bruce offered.

All trace of humor left Jim's voice, though, as Bab's made the offer of legal help. An offer than sounded too good to be true. "What does he want in return?" Jim asked suspiciously, his worry compounded instead of lessened.
Barbara had no problem taking advantage of opportunities like this. She was more worried that her dad would object out of cynicism or pride. She listened as her dad kept talking, feeling a bit guilty for the polarity joke already. It wasn't his fault he wasn't tech savvy. "That's a good point dad." She didn't bother to tell him she had a lot of tech knowledge herself though not as much experience as some of the people in this building. She bit her lip, repressing a grin at his comment about Lucius as she looked up at Bruce. "I shouldn't comment on that kind of thing dad, you never know who might overhear me."

She winked at Bruce and cocked her head curiously at his sarcastic reply about the lunch. "Oh, I'm sure Mister Wayne would love to date her but I'll be there to chaperone dad." She looked at Bruce when he muted the phone and made the offer. She was a little surprised by it but then got an embarrassed look when her dad questioned the offer of legal help. Her voice had a bit of a defensive, annoyed tone when she spoke again. "Dad, it's in the employee manual. Legal services for employees. It's not like Mister Wayne offered it to me personally as part of some sinister ploy." She shook her head. "Also, I forgot to mention, he told me if I wanted you could join us for lunch. How about that?" She decided not to mention that Bruce was right there with her as he might wonder how much he had overheard.
"You think the phones are tapped?" Jim's mind immediately went to industrial espionage when Babs suggested they might be overheard. "I'd think they'd take precautions against that, but you know more about it than I do." He freely admitted, then Babs could hear the frown in his voice. "Just make sure chaperone is all your doing." He cautioned her, Bruce's reputation foremost in his mind...a reputation that would not have been helped if the current situation was known. Bab's assurance about the legal help being official didn't seem to ease his mind much. "And just how current is this manual?" Jim wondered aloud, his suspicious mind thinking Bruce had arranged it just for Bab's benefit, then he sighed. If Bruce had that kind of reputation, Jim never would have agreed to this arrangement. "Just make sure you get me a copy of it...just in case." He requested. Ordinarily Jim never would have accepted and risked even the appearance of impropriety, but Babs was well worth taking some risks for.

Surprise colored Jim's response to the lunch invitation. "He wants me to come? Why?" Jim wondered, and surprise seemed to be the name of the game as John walked into the locker room, a dress draped over his arm.

"Sara said I'd find..." John began, then froze as he realized Babs didn't have a stitch of clothing on. True, he'd seen her naked just a few hours ago, but the sight was still unexpected...and welcome.
She couldn't help laughing as her dad jumped straight to the phones being tapped. "No, but my office is right next to Bruce Wayne's and the door is open right now, so someone could walk by and overhear us." She actually looked surprised when he mentioned she needed to stick to only being a chaperone. She couldn't help briefly glancing down at her nudity as it occurred to her what her dad was implying and she blushed brightly at the thought, especially since she was currently in Bruce Wayne's arms. "Don't worry Dad."

She arched an eyebrow at his request and how much her dad distrusted Bruce Wayne. She muted the phone and smirked at Bruce. "This is your fault you know. You're too good at the playboy persona you put on." She unmuted the phone after his answer, if any and replied to her dad. "I doubt they put publication dates on those things. Tell you what, I'll casually ask coworkers about it. After all, if it's a recent addition they'll know." She shook her head with a bit of an amused look. "Dad, this is an expense we don't have to worry about anymore. Gift horses and all that."

She blinked as John walked in with the dress. She arched an eyebrow at the dress and looked from him to Bruce Wayne and back. She motioned to her phone which she had instinctively muted when she heard the door. She unmuted it and replied to her dad. "Maybe he wants my dad to see me on the job and be reassured? Anyway, I have to go dad. Text me if you can make it and I'll text where we're going. Love you, bye." She hung up and blew out a breath.

"So, I suppose we've made poor Stan wait long enough..."
Jim scoffed lightly. "I doubt Mr. Wayne is going to come in on a Sunday." He told her, and Babs could feel Bruce stifling a chuckle at that. "And I'm your's my job to worry." He laughed, though he wouldn't have if he had any idea what his daughter was up to right now.

Bruce looked at Babs seriously when she commented on how this was his fault. "I don't think its really me he's concerned about." he said once he saw she muted the phone. He suspected Jim was more concerned about an Internal Affairs investigation. Those things could take on a life of their own, even when the subject did nothing wrong.

Jim, of course, wasn't happy with her reply. "I'm not surer word of mouth will help much." He told her, but the prospect of legal help was too good to pass up. He'd been in enough child custody cases to know that on paper, he could easily be portrayed as a bad father, and that the courts generally favored the mother in these situations. He'd need all the help he could get, if this did come to court.

John did not blink when he saw her. He'd seen her nude more often than clothed at this point, but he clearly wasn't tired of the view. He did, however, have the presence of mind to nod when Babs indicated the phone, and remained silent while she wrapped up her call. "Maybe." Jim conceded, then frowned when she mentioned texting. They were talking on the phone....why did they have to text? "Love you too, sweetheart." Jim assured her before she hung up, then he started swiping at his phone, looking for that texting icon Chloe had told him about.

"I don't mind." John blurted out when she implied she was going to get dressed, then he blushed when he realized she was talking about some guy named Stan and not him.
She thought about telling her dad he had come in but decided not to bring Bruce Wayne up anymore than she needed to. She was actually surprised he came in herself but she thought it might have to do with that lunch date of his. Or he might've wanted to check up on her, though she wasn't sure why. She arched an eyebrow when Bruce denied it was him that her dad was worried about but she didn't push it at the moment.

She rubbed her forehead. "Dad, why would Bruce Wayne make a fake employee handbook to offer me free legal help with a custody battle? It doesn't make any sense. Tell you what, I bet you have your own resources as a cop. If you're really worried, ask around. I bet there are stories of Wayne Enterprises employees being represented by company lawyers. And not the executives." She was actually a little annoyed and embarrassed by his paranoia about this at this point and a bit afraid he'd make Wayne angry.

She looked at John and smiled slightly then looked at Bruce Wayne. "I think it might be kind for you to send word to Stan's boss that he was delayed by you today and we can tell Stan that he doesn't need to tell his boss what he saw here and he won't get in trouble." She reluctantly pulled out of Bruce's arms and moved to the bag of clothing. She shimmied into her panties and bra, then quickly put the rest of her clothing on. She opened her purse as she slung it and took out a brush she carried. Moving to a sink she brushed her hair then shrugged and put it into a ponytail with one of the bands she carried. "That'll have to do."

She turned to look at the two men and smiled at John. "Agent Johnson's dress I take it? Thank you John." She moved to him and gave him a quick hug then looked at the two men. "Shall we?"
"IA wouldn't care if it made sense or not." Jim snapped back, his frustration showing through a bit. Jim leaned back in the chair, changing the view from the wall to the ceiling. "If it becomes an issue, I'll do that." Jim finally agreed. Harvey would be able to track down the court cases to show precedence.

Bruce, for his part, showed no sign of being angry at Jim's reluctance to take his help. He understood the other man's predicament. He just nodded at Bab's suggestion about Stan, then grinned at her. "That sounds like a job for my assistant." He told her.

The males both watched with interest as Bab's got dressed, though John's stare was much more obvious. he couldn't form words when she addressed him...thankfully a nod would do as it was indeed Daisy's dress. He thought she was going to take the dress when she moved to him, and jumped a bit with surprise when she hugged him instead. Clearly hugs were not a part of Sara's training, and he awkwardly tried to return it after Bab's had pulled away, pulling her towards him again, and he found himself wishing she'd done that before she got dressed. After a few seconds, he awkwardly broke the hug and there was a blush on his cheeks. "I...I didn't do that right, did I?" He realized.

Bruce moved to the sink and delicately picked out one of Bab's hairs from the sink. "Might have a hard time explaining that." He said with a chuckle, and when all evidence of Bab's intrusion into the locker room was erased, he moved to the door and held it open for her. "We shall."
She looked at Bruce with a raised eyebrow. "Of course, though I'm not sure word about my position has gotten around very much. Still, when I go to check out a car, I'll talk to his boss Mister Wayne." It was funny, he'd seen her nude and held her in his arms, more than once now, but she still addressed him formally. Old habits she supposed.

She was aware of John's staring while she dressed but by the time she gave him the hug that ever present blush had finally faded. She smiled patiently as she accidentally discovered something John wasn't very good at. Apparently affection for friends wasn't in his list of skills. She gave him a second hug when he pulled her back into one then shrugged at his question. "You'll get better with practice John. I'm sorry if I took you off guard."

She watched as Bruce retrieved the hair and made a mental note to get in the habit of checking things like that. She couldn't help a grin and a light tease. "I'm sure you're quite adept at covering up evidence of intrusions hmmm Mister Wayne?" She bit her lip in amusement as she walked out in front of the two men. She paused and turned to call back. "All clear!" Then she walked out of the room. "Do we have other things to do before lunch Mister Wayne? Or shall I go to the motor pool and get a car?"
Bruce chuckled lightly when Babs claimed most people wouldn't know who she is. "It's a small office." He claimed, despite the fact he was the largest employer in Gotham. "I'm sure words got around that Mary's role has been filled finally."

John had just released her, not wanting to hold the hug for too long, when she suddenly hugged him again. He wrapped his arms around her in return once more, then broke the hug a few moments after she released him. He was getting better at the procedure with practice. He winced when she mentioned catching him off guard. "You didn't." He insisted. The last thing he needed was Sara hearing the new student had surprised him.

"Your presence is not an intrusion." Bruce told her with a smile. "There's just no need for you to get that kind of reputation." Of course, that was going to be hard to accomplish as Stan was waiting right outside the door. He glanced up from his seat on the weight bench, and his eyes widened a bit when he saw Babs, now dressed. "Thanks." He told her when she mentioned it was clear now, and he darted inside. Hopefully he still had time for a REAL quick shower and to get dressed before he was missed.

Bruce shook his head at her question. "I think we'd better get strait to lunch. We're already late." He told her.
She looked at Bruce and shrugged. "As of this morning even Lucius Fox didn't know but maybe Amanda has spread word. Office gossip and all that. Regardless, if he gives me any grief I'll tell him to talk to my boss, Mister Wayne." She grinned at the mental image she had of that.

She noticed the wince but thought he was probably just embarrassed by the awkward hugging. She decided not to say anything and risk making it worse so she simply smiled back at him. She smiled at Bruce and shrugged. "In fairness, this wasn't my idea. It was Sara's. And because I refuse to give up on my training I went along with it." She nodded at his reply and reached over to finally take the dress from John. "Do we need a car from the motor pool Mister Wayne? Or are we taking yours?" It just occurred to her he probably had his own car here already, so she wasn't sure they'd need a car. "Though, we had discussed me checking a car out for my, um, use." She felt awkward bringing it up but thought she might as well.
"I doubt Amanda told anyone except those she needed to. Her supervisor, on the other hand..." Bruce shrugged, making it clear that despite having thousands of employees, he knew some of them very well indeed. He smirked a bit at her last comment. "That will certainly let the word get around." John noticed her smile, but felt there had been enough awkwardness already so he didn't try and return it, but just nodded in acknowledgement as she took the dress. "I'm not sure how well that explanation would work if this went to HR." Bruce cautioned her, smirking once again at the thought of Babs trying to explain what had happened to Mildred.

"Alfred doesn't like anyone else driving his car." Bruce claimed, then shrugged. "Your going to need a car anyway. Your hours will be quite odd, and Chloe needs her sleep." Clearly he'd heard about how she'd arrived at her training somehow. "Now's as good a time as any for you to pick one out and get used to it."
She shrugged. "Maybe, if nothing else, Alfred calling her supervisor directly probably caused a bit of a stir. Amanda seemed to think that whatever I needed I should be getting. Alfred seems to have quite the pull with people. Smart people at least." She grinned and then glanced a John briefly, noticing the nod which she returned. "Well, hopefully HR doesn't get involved. If so, I'll have to brush up on my ability to talk quickly and think on my feet." She shrugged.

She bit her lip. "Mmmm...and here I thought it was the car you drove at night that wasn't available for others to use." She said no more on the subject, though she knew he'd know what she meant even if he wouldn't acknowledge it. "Very well Mister Wayne, I'll get a car. If you'll give me your number, I can call you when it's ready and pick you up out front? Or would you prefer to come with me?"
Bruce nodded. "I know the feeling." He said with a nod. People always jump through hoops whenever I ask for something around here as well. Just remember...with great power, comes great responsibility." He said with a wink, then chuckled. "Well, those are both qualities Sara would want to test, I'm sure, but I'll make sure her tests don't involve HR. You don't need that kind of thing on your official record.

"The Ferrari? The Lamborghini? Or the Porsche?" Bruce shrugged when she talked about the car he drove at night. "You'll have to narrow it down a bit, but its not that you aren't allowed to drive them. I may need you to pick one up sometime. Alfred...and your dad...would frown on drunk driving. And my number is in your phone already." He promised her, not even needed to check to know Sara had managed that. "And no need to accompany you...I think you can pull this off on your own. I'll meet you out front when your ready." With that, Bruce nodded and walked off, not even offering her directions to the garage. John, for his part, had learned something about making an exit as well, and had vanished after completing his mission, leaving Babs alone to accomplish her next task. This one, at least, fell within the confines of her official duties.
She smirked. "Is the corollary that with no power comes no responsibility?" She shook her head. "Too bad I find myself feeling responsible for things I have no control over already, like people out there who need help, like I did on that bus." She frowned and then shook her head with a chuckle. "I really am my dad's daughter. I bet those kinds of feelings are why he became a cop..." She looked up at him with a grateful smile. "Thank you. I know she wants to make sure I'm committed to my course of action but this was pretty risky to a job I badly need."

She didn't bother to correct him on which car she meant. She knew he'd never admit it, not yet at least and some part of her enjoyed dropping the hints and watching him find ways to pretend he didn't understand. She watched him go and wasn't too surprised to notice John had disappeared as well. She didn't need directions to the garage after she'd looked at the floor plans on her computer. And in only a few minutes she found herself walking in and moving towards the sign that indicated the office where employees would check vehicles out. She stepped in and looked around. "Hello? I'm here to check out a car."
Bruce shrugged. "I suppose it could be. But everyone has power, of some sort. Those that claim they don't just want an excuse not to use it." he then nodded. "For example, many might say a teenager has no power in this town. But I think your friend Sam would disagree. You used what power you had and made a real difference in her life. And yes, I've talked to Jim a few times during the various galas. I've never met anyone less willing to stand on the sidelines than your father." He nodded once again. "I believe that was part of the point. Did you want to train bad enough you would risk something you really wanted?"

"Damn it..." There was a muffled curse from the hall behind her, then Stan came charging into the office so fast he almost bowled her over. "Sorry I'm late..." he gasped out. "There was a...." He stopped and took a good look at the customer, then his eyes widened as he recognized the outfit, at least, of the young lady who had walked out of the men's locker room. "It's you." He blurted out.
She blinked at what Bruce said and looked genuinely surprised and embarrassed. "You heard about that? About the event at the mall?" She blushed for a totally different reason this time, the color rising on her cheeks. She nodded as he kept talking, glad to focus on something besides that burst of embarrassment. "I figured it was the point. And I'm determined to show her, and you, that I'm committed to this." She shrugged slightly. "I won't pretend I was happy about the risk or how it disrupted my first day, but I still did it."

She flushed slightly at Stan's reaction. There went her hope that he might not recognize her. "I'm Mister Wayne's assistant and I need to check out a car, both for when I drive him around and for my own personal use. Do you have any recommendations?" She paused. "And did you get in trouble with your boss? I can have a word with him if you need it."
Bruce shrugged. "It's a small town." He claimed, not sure why Babs was so embarrassed by the incident. She'd handled herself rather well for someone untrained from what Sara had said. "And no one expected you to be happy about it. Wouldn't be much of a test if you had been."

"Assistant?" Stan stared at her a moment, recalling she'd been naked in Mr. Wayne's arms only a few minutes ago. That didn't sound like any assistant he'd ever heard of, at least not in a professional environment like this, but he wasn't going to argue with her. Whoever she was, she clearly had a close relationship with the boss, so he'd probably need to try and make her happy. Thankfully what she was requesting fell well within his duties. He thought for a few moments about her question about the car, then glanced around when she mentioned his boss. "I don't think anyone noticed." He said with a light shrug as he observed the empty room. "Unless your going to tell someone." But he really didn't think that would happen. "I don't think we need to worry about it, but can I have your number?" He blushed as he realized what he'd just asked. "Your work number. Desk extension." He hastened to clarify. "Just in case I need you to vouch for me." He didn't want her to think he was trying to pick her up or something."

"So...recommendations." He swiftly tried to change the subject. "I have a few, but it depends on what your going to be using it for. If you are going to be doing a lot of airport runs, I'd recommend a van. Off roading, an SUV. We have some sportier models if your going to be going to galas and such. Or an EV if your just going to home and back." He shrugged, not quite sure what to recommend yet.
She sighed at the look on his face, knowing full well what he probably thought. "Yes. New hire though he knows my dad. I know what it looked like when you saw us, but it was really just the world's most embarrassing accident." She shook her head, her cheeks coloring when he asked if she was going to tell others. "Definitely not. I was going to try to get you out of trouble since my own mistake would have caused it but if it's not needed that's best for both of us I think."

She nodded at his question and rattled off her desk extension to him. She was actually happy to see him blushing, at least the shoe was on someone else's foot for once. She considered his questions. "I suspect I'll be driving Mister Wayne around to a variety of places. Is there anything armored to protect VIPs? Preferably maneuverable as well. If not, I'll take one of the sports cars." She paused for a moment. "In black if you have it. If not, perhaps a dark purple with gold highlights."
Stan blinked at her. "Your dad? Does he work here?" He asked curiously, wondering how her dad would react to the fact she was sleeping with the boss. Not well, he assumed, unless said Dad was aiming for a promotion and sent his daughter to ensure he got it? Stan had heard of such a thing happening at other companies....he just hadn't thought it would happen here for some reason. He clearly didn't believe her accident story...what kind of accident made you wind up naked in the men's locker room in the arms of the boss? But he liked his job too much to make an issue of it. The red head clearly had the ear of the boss. He nodded when she said she wasn't going to tell anyone...probably the best course of action for them both.

He was distracted enough with that train of thought that he almost missed her extension number. "Damn it..." He muttered when she rattled it off, but he quickly grabbed a pen and jotted the number down on an envelope he pulled out of the trash. He'd write the number in a more secure location later. "Armored?" He asked, his eyes wide. Where the hell was she planning on driving? A war zone? "Uh...yeah." He admitted. They did have an armored vehicle R & D had put together, though no one really checked it out. "I'm not sure how maneuverable it is, though. I've never driven it. I'm not sure what color it is either, though its definitely dark. Doesn't have gold highlights, that's for sure. I could show it to you, if you want?"
She laughed. "No, my dad doesn't work here. He's a cop. He sometimes works security for Mister Wayne at events though. And no, I didn't use that to get my job. I showed Mister Wayne a computer program I had written that, well, did something I think most people would have thought was impossible." She could see the skepticism in her eyes and sighed but decided to just give up on this. The irony was, of course, that she was still a virgin yet she could tell he assumed differently. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. "Look, I was in there changing. And you came in right as he came in to tell me it was the wrong room. I panicked and huddled up against him. Believe me, I'm still embarrassed but so far he's been nice enough not to make a big deal about it."

She saw the wide eyes and smiled. "Mister Wayne is valuable. And yes, please show me the vehicle. I'd really like to see it." She motioned that she'd follow him and when he stood and moved to the door she'd fall in step behind him, almost buzzing with excitement.
"A cop?" Stan's eyes narrowed suspiciously...clearly he hadn't had good experiences with the infamous GCPD, but he knew better than to make an issue of it. The girl might tell her dad, and that was a hassle he did not need. Especially not if said Dad had some kind of connection with Mr. Wayne. That might cost him his job, and he needed the income. His expression didn't change much when she mentioned the computer program. He figured it was some kind of video showing the girl...had she ever told him her name? he couldn't remember...doing who knows what. It would certainly explain how she got the job, and what he had walked in on. He knew better than to give voice to his doubts, though.

But clearly his face gave something away, and she decided to try and explain. He blinked when she did so, then nodded. That actually sounded plausible. "I guess the signs aren't that obvious." He admitted with a shrug. "I guess I don't even look at them anymore." He relaxed, at least a little, as he walked her to the elevator. "It's on the R&D level." He said as he pushed the button labeled 'G2'. "I only drove it once, and the operation is pretty intuitive, at least to get you around town. It has a few special features, from what I understand, but you'll have to ask Rick about those."

It was a short ride down a couple levels, then Stan led her out of the elevator. The floor they were on looked like almost any indoor garage, except the floor was almost pristine. It was only about half full of vehicles, only a couple of which looked like they were out of Star Trek. A half dozen seemed to be missing engines or other vital equipment, but the vehicle Stan led her to looked intact. It also looked like a military Humvee with an extended crew cab, but it was indeed black.

"Here you go." Stan said, and with a little grunt he opened the drivers side door. It was a great deal heavier than a standard door. "Oh...and make sure not to slam the doors. It can knock the windows off the tracks, or so I was told." The inside of the vehicle was a bit at odds with the outside. The seats were leather, and the console looked like a cross between a luxury car and the console of the Enterprise.
She saw the narrowing of the eyes and was about to get offended when she remembered Sam's panic about her dad and the reputation of the GCPD. She followed him when they walked, unable to repress a grin when he mentioned the R&D level. "R&D? That's what I'm talking about." She nodded as he talked, grinning when he mentioned special features. Before the elevator made it to the R&D floor she couldn't help speaking up. "I know the GCPD doesn't have a good reputation. A good friend of mine has been hassled by a corrupt cop who gave her a record." She took a breath. "My dad, he's one of the good ones. His name is Jim Gordon, you probably haven't heard of him but he is a good man."

She followed him to the Humvee looking vehicle and arched an eyebrow when he mentioned how fragile the windows were. She looked it over and when he opened the door she stepped up onto the running board to look inside. Her fingers gently trailed over the console and then, much like she had done with Bruce's phone she turned it on and began flipping through menus, making little humming sounds as her eyes skimmed over the text. "Interesting. I can see why this is in R&D. Please let Rick know I'd like to talk to him but I suspect I can figure most of these functions out myself."

She nodded to herself as she browsed through more of the menus on the console. "This may be exactly what I...what I need to protect Mister Wayne should anything happen while we're out." She caught herself right before she said 'what I need' and managed to change it at the last moment. "Thank you Stan."
He shot a glance in her direction and could almost feel the excitement radiating off her. Oddly enough, it seemed to relax him a bit. "They do have some cool stuff down there." He confirmed, but his demeanor soon grew cold again when the conversation turned to the GCPD. Clearly he didn't believe her when she claimed her father was one of the good ones...did such a thing really exist in the GCPD? "I've heard many such stories." Stan confirmed when she told him about her friend. He shrugged when she mentioned Jim Gordon...he didn't follow the news enough to recognize the name.

Stan stepped back to allow her entry into the vehicle. She probably didn't even realize that put her butt just about eye level with him, instantly bringing to mind the memory that he'd seen said butt naked. That distracted him long enough that he didn't realize she was messing with the console until it beeped in acknowledgement. "Hey, wait a minute!" He said in almost a panic. What if she activated the self destruct sequence or something? After a few moments passed and smoke didn't start coming out of anything, he relaxed a bit. Though his eyes did widen when she revealed she wanted to talk to Rick.

"Seriously? You want this one?" He was surprised enough at her choice that he didn't take note of her near slip of the tongue. He shrugged when she said it was to protect their boss. "Well, you won't have any trouble with this thing." He promised. "I heard it could even filter the air if you got caught in a gas attack." He shrugged again and stepped back from the door before his eyes widened in panic. " need to sign for it!" He remembered suddenly. Who knew how much this thing cost? Being late a few minutes would be nothing compared to letting a piece of tech like this get stolen.

"What's your name?" He asked as he removed his phone from his pocket, blushing again as he realized he'd just asked the cute girl for her number, and now her name. The idea threw off his concentration so bad he almost dropped the phone, and when he tried to catch it, he found himself lunging forward, almost into her lap, trying to catch said phone.
She heard him tell her to wait a moment and smirked. She knew it was because he was afraid she'd accidentally damage it. She was, as he guessed, utterly unaware of the level of her rear compared to his face, so focused on the console was she. She looked over her shoulder at the surprised tone when she said she wanted this vehicle.

She nodded when he said she needed to sign for it and turned in the seat, sort of half sitting in it, half leaning on it since she was still on the side running board technically. "Barbara Gordon." She answered when he questioned her about her name. When he fumbled the phone her hand darted out, snatching it out of the air before it could fall. She blushed slightly as she realized their current positions and she looked at him, her eyes twinkling. "I think you dropped this?" She held the phone up for him with a grin.
Stan watched his phone begin to fall in almost slow motion, and his hands felt like they were in molasses as he knew he had no hope of catching it. His eyes widened once again as Babs managed to snatch the phone, and eh suddenly realized his hands were almost touching her breasts, and he rapidly removed them, only belatedly realizing he left his phone in her hands. "" He stammered, then recalled she'd said something. "Oh...yeah..." He agreed, though his hands felt frozen again and he couldn't seem to reach out and take the phone. "J...just find your name in the company directory..." He began, now hoping she had actually been entered. "That should fill in most of the data. I'll just need a photo of your driver's have one, right? And...your going to be keeping it for a while, I take it? If so, I'll take it off the available vehicle pool." Stan had never signed out a R&D vehicle before, and he hoped there wasn't some special procedure he was supposed to follow. But all he could do was rely on his training and hope he didn't miss anything.
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