Batgirl Begins (dbspock/WendyTheRed)

She didn't need him to verify verbally what Alfred knew. She took his agreement as his non-specific way of confirming what she had suspected already. She arched an eyebrow at his comment about Lucius and the spreadsheets. "You know, eventually you can stop pretending you're not as smart as we both know you are. I won't contradict you in public but..." She shrugged. "Give me some credit Mister Wayne. I'm not one of those girls who just takes you at face value."

She blushed as he confirmed his double use for the recordings, her eyes darting quickly to the elevator. She knew she had a very short window to make her decision but she needed one vital piece of information. She hissed, quietly, as she slid off the desk, clearly prepared to duck into the foot space under it if needed. Her voice was quiet when she whispered quickly. "Is Lucius in the know on things like Sara's activities?" She clearly wanted to know if Lucius would freak out and demand she be fired or not.

She glanced at the elevator as the doors slid open and quickly pressed the override button to close them again. She smirked as the doors hissed closed and then turned her gaze to Bruce Wayne. "I'll let him out in a second. But I have to know. Will he know why I am like this or will it jeopardize my future in the company?"
There was only one other exit from Babs new office, and it wasn’t on the building plans. As observant as Babs was, Bruce doubted she’d managed to spot it. He’d installed it personally, and he couldn’t even make out the seem in the paneling, so he wasn’t surprised when Babs prepared to hide under the desk again. He even slid back a bit in the chair so she wouldn’t have to brush up against him.

But once again she didn’t go according to script. He raised an eyebrow in surprise when she used her phone to trap Lucius in the elevator. “How are you going to explain that to maintenance? “ he asked curiously, then shrugged at her question. “Lucius knows Sara is on the payroll, but she’s never had reason to discuss her hobby with him. Your future at the company is up to HR, but as you are on probation, I’d recommend against rocking the boat. “
She held Bruce Wayne's eyes for a moment when he explained things and questioned about maintenance. "Mysterious malfunctions happen all the time Mister Wayne, later that elevator will be going down a couple of floors with no riders and remain there until I've had a chance to crawl into the air vent." She glanced at the door then back at him. "We both know what Sara does is not a hobby. So, you're saying he's not one of the ones in your inner circle. Please cover for me Mister Wayne." She ducked under the desk and slid underneath it once more before hitting the button on her phone which would open the elevator doors. She let out a quiet, annoyed sigh, muttering before Lucius emerged. "All I wanted was to settle in and learn my way around here."
Bruce raised an eyebrow when she questioned the upkeep of his building. "Not around here they don't." Bruce claimed. "And that would be far easier to explain then the doors slamming shut on the CEO." He smirked a bit as the nude teen asked him to cover for her, but obliged by moving his chair back under the desk after she had hidden again. Even if Lucuis walked behind the desk for some reason, he wouldn't see her. And the fact Bruce's foot pressed up against Bab's butt was just a coincidence, of course. "Well, you've got the building plans downloaded." He pointed out, just as quietly. "So your well on your way to learning your way around."

The next voice Babs heard could only belong to Lucuis. "What's wrong with your elevator, Bruce? Damn thing almost pinched me."

"I didn't have an issue with it. I'll have Miss Gordon open a request with maintenance."

"Miss Gordon...ah yes, I heard of her. In the future...let me know when you hire someone? I'm sure Alfred would appreciate it."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"So...where is the mysterious Miss Gordon?"

"I'm not sure...she mentioned something about a clothing allotment and a shopping spree. I gave her the company card and haven't seen her since."

Heavy sigh. "I'll let accounting know. Any luck with the SHIELD contract?"

"A great deal of luck with Dais...Agent Johnson. And I'm hoping for more during lunch today."

"The contract, Bruce."

"Ah...yes. Well, I signed something D..Agent Johnson said was important at the gala last night. I'll be sure to get a copy of whatever it was during lunch today. I believe that was the excuse I was forced to use."

Another sigh. "I see. Well, I'll tell Emil his project is probably a go...pending your lunch appointment, of course."

"Of course."

There is a set of retreating footsteps, then the elevator door slid open again. Bruce slid back in his chair so he could see Babs again. "All clear." He assured her. "But we don't have much time before you need to drive me to lunch. So if you want to get dressed first, I'd suggest we leave now."
She was indeed well on her way to learning her way around, though she'd meant more learning her way around her job than the building. Still, she wasn't going to argue the point. She raised her eyebrows as she eavesdropped on the conversation, rolling her eyes as he made his interest in Agent Johnson clear. She hoped that Agent Johnson wanted nothing to do with his playboy persona, she'd actually think less of the woman if she let herself fall for those shallow charms. She knew there was more to Bruce than met the eye but to her knowledge Agent Johnson didn't after all.

She bit her lip as his foot continued to press into her flesh and was a bit relieved that Lucius Fox left so quickly. She shook her head. "I would have liked to meet him though not under these circumstances." She nodded and slid out from under the desk, looking up at him when she did. "So, you know I now have to go on a clothes shopping spree with your company card. Purely so you didn't lie to Lucius of course." she smiled as she stood, briefly brushing herself off. "We? Are you going to crawl through the ducts and such with me Mister Wayne?"

She turned to her computer and saw the elevator stop on another floor, presumably to drop Lucius off. She checked the camera inside it and saw that it was empty and set the elevator to go to the floor below them and stop. She then set it to not respond to summons or even open its doors on the floor it was on. With another button press the doors opened on their level, revealing the empty shaft with the short drop to the roof of the elevator. She took a deep breath. "Well, you can meet me in the pool area if you want or wait here I suppose?" She started walking in the direction of the empty shaft after grabbing her phone, slinging her small purse and making sure her ID card was still clipped to her watch.

If he didn't stop her for some reason she'd climb down the ladder in the shaft to the roof of the elevator and use her phone to close the doors behind her and send the elevator down to the floor below maintenance. There she'd check the camera in the maintenance hallway, and if it was empty set it to loop footage, open the maintenance hallway elevator door and climb out. She'd then begin creeping towards the room with the maintenance shaft, closing the elevator door behind her and releasing control of the elevator with her phone.
"I can call him back, if you like." Bruce teased her, knowing full well there was no way she would agree to that, and as much fun as it was to tease her, he wasn't going to force that meeting on her. He slid back again so she could slide out, though not quite as far this time, so she had to brush up against him a bit. He grinned when she mentioned the shopping spree. "So you were eavesdropping?" he asked, well aware she couldn't have avoided it. As cramped as it was under the desk, she probably couldn't have even put her fingers in her ears. "But we can stop at the store after lunch, I suppose. Do you own a bikini, or do I have to buy you one?" He shrugged when she asked about air ducts. "I don't think I'd fit." He claimed, though he'd designed the building so he could fit through some key junctions.

But he did fully intend to follow her at least until that point. Watching the muscles ripple under her bare skin as she walked was an enjoyable sight. He stepped onto the roof of the elevator with her, noting that the roof seemed clear of obstacles, even for someone in their bare feet. Another Batman modification, if needed. "I think I'll go with you to the maintenance shaft, then meet you in the pool." He suggested. "No point in coming back here."

He didn't stop her as she climbed down to the roof, but instead followed her. "Any particular reason you aren't using the passenger compartment?" He asked curiously. With the control she had over the elevator, it certainly seemed a viable option to him. But her plan worked as well, and the maintenance hallway was indeed empty as they exited the elevator shaft. "Do you need a boost?" Bruce asked curiously as they approached her entry point, which was a few feet over her head, and screwed to the wall.
She wondered if he'd only slid back barely enough on purpose and decided he mostly likely had. She nodded when he asked if he was eavesdropping and shrugged, before realizing that made her breasts bob and flushing slightly. "I was. And well, I'd hate for you to be made a liar while you were helping to cover for me." She smiled. "I own a very modest bikini. So I suppose buying me one depends on if you want something that is more...fashionable." She nodded when he mentioned not fitting.

She nodded when he moved into the shaft with her and smiled slightly at him, a bit amused he'd decided to come along with her, even if it meant she still had to at least attempt to be modest. "To be honest, I'm using the roof because when I was first planning my route, I wasn't sure I'd be able to control the elevator this thoroughly and if someone happened to walk in I'd be trapped with no way to hide. Not to mention I also hadn't realized how thorough my control of the cameras would be so wasn't sure if I could control the one in the elevator. And now...well...I decided to stick to the original plan, just in case I suppose. Lucius showing up made me aware that unexpected things can still happen."

She took a small multitool out of her purse, something she'd started carrying for more mundane purposes as they approached the entry point. She'd thought she might have to put her gymnastics training to use but a boost would great simplify things and she nodded to him. "That would be wonderful Mister Wayne." She prepared herself and assuming he crouched and did the foot stirrup thing she'd place a hand on his shoulder and step into it then when he boosted her up she'd quickly remove the bolts from the grate, sliding them into her purse and carefully lower it down. "Thank you Mister Wayne."

Luckily it had a hinge on the bottom and didn't slide out totally. She leaned in to check her theory and nodded when she saw what looked like a hidden way to remove the bolts from the inside. She'd thought he might have something like this. She reached up and grabbed a lighting fixture above her, tested that it would hold her weight, and then lifted her legs up, sliding them into the shaft, pulling herself into it by wiggling and pulling with her feet. Once she was mostly in she rolled onto her belly, grabbed the panel and smiled at him. "See you at the pool." She eased the panel closed then began the most awkward part of her plan. Crawling backwards towards the first junction where she'd be able to turn around to continue moving forwards.

From there, the hardest part was getting from floor to floor. She only had to go down two floors thankfully and she was a little surprised Bruce hadn't asked her how she planned to do it. At least, until she made it to the vertical chutes and found hand holds. She smirked, he probably had put these in just in case. They were fairly well disguised but she managed to see them in the light from her phone. She was overjoyed to see them actually, since it meant she wouldn't have to do her alternate plan which was to brace her feet on the opposite wall and press her back to the wall behind her. It was doable but extremely dangerous.

She made her way down to the floor where the pool was and following the map she'd memorized she quickly made her way to the pool room. She pulled out her phone and scanned the pool area through the camera. She was about to come up on the only dangerous part of her plan, at least from the standpoint of being caught. There were no cameras in the locker rooms. She set the camera in the pool area to loop, undid the bolts using the secret technique she'd found on the maintenance floor and carefully opened the maintenance hatch. This next part would be probably the most acrobatic part of her entire trip.

She poked her head out then slid her phone and ID into her purse, which she unslung and gripped by the strap in her teeth. She gripped the edge of the entrance and carefully lowered herself so she was hanging. Then released her grip with one hand, grabbed her purse strap and let go. As she fell, she swung her purse to slam it into the grate, snapping it back up into place. She released it as it arced around and sent it flying to the side as she fell straight down into the pool. She quickly surfaced and looked around carefully.
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Bruce nodded eagerly when Babs agreed to his bikini shopping idea. "Absolutely." He stated. "We can go shopping for a more fashionable suit for you after lunch." He nodded at her explanation for sticking with her original plan, and he smiled a bit in amusement at her half hearted efforts to try and preserve her modesty...almost a lost cause at this point, especially as she was on camera from multiple angles.

He glanced down and gave a small nod of approval as she extracted her multitool, and raised an eyebrow in surprise when she agreed to his offer to lift her. There was no modesty left by this point as he took a hold of her foot, his face only an inch from her breast, then easily heaved her up to the grate, her pussy now almost touching his nose as she figured out the bolts for the grate. "You are quite welcome." He assured her as she began to wriggle into the air vent, her ass wriggling invitingly as she did so, at least until she rolled over and presented her breasts to his gaze again.

"I'll see you downstairs." He said with a nod, having little doubt she'd be able to make it without much difficulty, the hard part behind her already. He watched until she had the grill fastened behind her, then turned to head for the elevator, confident he'd be able to make it before her, and honestly looking forward to watching her get dressed...again.

As it turned out, the show she put on was even better than he anticipated. When she checked the camera feeds, they showed an empty pol area, but only because there was a small blind spot right next to the equipment locker. It could have been an accident...a piece of equipment added after the camera installation no one thought about, but Bruce's position in said blind spot was no accident. He watched with interest as Babs did her full body hang, nothing hiding her nudity, and raised his eyebrow in surprise as she managed to close the grid while on her way down to the pool. Bruce caught her purse before it managed to land on the deck, then he began to applaud as Babs surfaced.
She was a little surprised he wanted to go bikini shopping with her and wondered what else he might want her to buy. Hopefully some of it would be office clothing as she didn't have a lot of that. Her mind turned to other possibly purchases, things like exercise outfits and perhaps some outfits for other formal events. She decided to stop herself before she got herself excited about stuff that probably wouldn't happen.

What she hadn't truly thought over when accepting his offer was how close it'd place her naked body to him. She became extremely aware of it though when she felt his hot breath on her exposed sex and to her horror felt a bit of dampness beginning to form. This made it almost a relief to get up into the vent and for the next few minutes she was able to push the memories aside as she made her way down to the pool.

She was pleasantly surprised it had all worked out and was a little proud of her upper body strength for being able to dangle like that. She heard the applause and froze then smiled shyly when she saw it was Bruce and she pushed her hair back out of her face. She saw the equipment locker and quickly guessed why she hadn't seen him though she couldn't help the eyebrow raise. "So Mister Wayne, you purposefully hid from the cameras? I can't help wondering why you didn't want me to know you were here."

She swam to the edge of the pool and lifted herself out of it. In spite of it all, her cheeks still heated as she crouched there briefly with water trailing down her pale skin and her pink nipples hardened into pebbles from the cold water before she stood and looked at the locker room. She thought back to the video of Sara dropping off the bag with her clothes and pursed her lips. Her eyes darted to the separate locker rooms and she replayed the image in her mind. The cameras didn't point straight at the locker rooms so she had to picture the direction Sara was coming from and then she sighed. "Really Sara? The men's lockers?"

She bit her lip and looked at Bruce Wayne, briefly debating asking him to fetch her clothing but she figured he'd just say that Sara intended for her to get them herself. "I'll be right back Mister Wayne." She shivered slightly in the cool air and then turned, making her way into the men's locker room. Luckily her bag was sitting on a bench and she saw stacks of towels. She quickly checked the contents of the bag in case Sara had messed with her, reassured to see her clothing then grabbed a towel and began to dry off.
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"Cameras?" Bruce asked innocently, as if he was unaware of the cameras located in the area. he then shrugged. "I just wanted to see how you close the grate." He claimed in an attempt to explain his presence. He didn't bother to hide his interest as she pulled her nude body from the pool, the action making it impossible to try and hide her body from his gaze., including her nipples which looked like they could cut glass at this point. He chuckled softly at Bab's realization of where Sara had hid her bag. "You sound surprised." Bruce said mildly. He4 hadn't seen the camera footage, but he could have predicted which locker room Sara would have chosen.

He nodded as she declared she'd return shortly, but he wasn't going to miss this. He trailed after her as she walked towards the locker room, his eyes locked on her ass as she moved. He watched as Babs went through her bag, not surprised that Sara hadn't messed with that portion of it. After all, that wasn't the point of the test. But of course it wasn't that easy for her. There was more than one door to the locker room, and the door to the gym portion opened and there was a set of footfalls. This time, there wasn't time or room for Babs to hide as a young man, only a few years older than her, walked in...and froze.

A naked person in the locker room was to be expected, of course. But a naked female person, an extremely attractive one, in the men's locker room? Stan hadn't expected to see THAT after his workout.
She arched an eyebrow at his explanation. She was sure that curiosity had actually been a part of it but she was pretty sure that he also just wanted to get a look at her naked body again. In a weird way, she found it flattering even if it was extremely embarrassing. She smirked at his reply when she realized where the bag was and shrugged. "I suppose I shouldn't be. I just thought making it this far would be the end of the challenge. I should have known better I suppose."

She heard him following her and could almost feel his eyes on her ass. She didn't know why she did it and if she were asked she'd deny it but she might have added a tiny bit more sway to them than she naturally had. She was working on drying herself when she heard the footfalls. She briefly looked at a nearby locker but she simply didn't have time.

She flushed when she saw the unknown young man and did the only thing she could think of. She pressed her mostly dried body against Bruce Wayne and wrapped the towel around her hair in that way only a woman can, forming that turban that men find so mysterious. This of course left her naked body pressed against Bruce Wayne and her ass on display to the young man but she decided she had to play a part and also keep her wet hair from soaking his shirt. She looked up at him with a smile as she played idly with his tie, running it through her fingers, totally heedless of the way her hard nipples were poking against him as she put on her little show. "I thought you said it was alright if I changed in here after my swim Mister Wayne?" She looked over her shoulder at Stan and raised her eyebrows. "Can you give us a few minutes please?"
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"Indeed. You probably never reach the end of the challenge, especially where Sara is concerned." Bruce warned her as he trailed her into the locker room. If he noticed the extra sway in her ass he gave no indication of it. But of course he noticed when she suddenly pressed up against him, leaving a bit of a damp spot on his chest. Almost automatically, he reached up and wrapped an arm around her, pressing her a bit closer to him, compressing her breasts a bit in the process. "I meant the woman's locker room, Miss Gordon." Bruce claimed with a slight smirk. She hadn't asked him to back her up, so he saw no reason to.

Stan, for his part, didn't even notice a guy was in the locker room until Babs made it impossible to miss. His eyes stayed locked on her ass as she spoke, and it took his brain a few moments to catch up to reality. When it did, and he recognized who she was with, his eyes widened. "Yes, sir." He agreed. Even though Babs was the one who spoke, Stan gave her request at the same level as the CEO, and he acted as though it was Bruce who asked. His eyes still locked on Babs butt, he took a step back until he loudly walked into a row of lockers. The noise seemed to wake him from hsi trance, and he turned and darted out of the locker room, wondering if his supervisor would believe why he was late to work.

Even after Stan left, Bruce kept his arms around Babs, holding her naked body to his, heedless of the small erection the situation was causing him.
She nodded her reply to his warning. "Mhmm. Maybe you could request she limit her tests at work though. Eventually it'll cost me this job and I need it to help my dad out financially." She shrugged, figuring he'd know that quite well.

When she made her attempt to bluff her way out of the situation with Stan she couldn't help a quiet sigh as Bruce didn't fully play along. She watched Stan go and shook her head, letting iut a breath she hadnt realized she was holding. "Between wrapping my hair in the towel to hide my long red hair and his fixation on my ass I'm hoping he won't recognize me if he sees me again."

She slowly turned her gaze from the direction Stan had gone to look up at Bruce Wayne. She suddenly realized she'd pressed her nude body against him and she could feel his erection pressing against her lower belly. She swallowed, heat rising along her neck and cleavage. "So...uh....should I get dressed now Mister Wayne?"
"I'll talk to her about it." Bruce replied, indicating that even when it came to Wayne Enterprises, he wasn't about to try and order Sara around. "But I'm sure she won't have you do this again. And I have some pull with your boss if one of her tests make you late or something." Bruce had offered her this job to help her father. He sure wasn't going to take it away from her because of something Sara did. "And I guess you'll find out soon. That was Stan...he's running the motor pool today." Which meant Babs would have to deal with him to get a vehicle for their lunch trip. "And if you don't want Stan to recognize you, I suppose getting dressed would be a good idea." However, he didn't immediately loosen his grip on her so she could easily begin to finally get her clothes on.
She smiled at his reply, picking up the underlying assumption that he couldn't or wouldn't order Sara around. She filed that away for later and nodded, smirking slightly. "Well, I'll never give my boss reason to doubt me if I can help it. I suspect any issues that come up will be caused by outside forces like Sara." She left unsaid that perhaps eventually those outside forces might be the very kind he himself deals with.

She groaned when he told her who the employee was and that she would be meeting him soon. She bit her lip, heat once more rushing to her cheeks and in her cleavage as he made the comment about her needing to get dressed. She noticed he didn't let go of her and found herself torn about that. She did need to get dressed but she didn't exactly mind his grip on her. She laid her head on his shoulder and just relaxed for a moment, a realization coming over her.

"You won't believe this, but this is the first time I've truly relaxed since before your gala yesterday. I had to keep my wits about me at the gala since it sometimes felt like a pool of sharks and of course, with you I needed to be on my toes, then there was training with John and coming to work straight from training, having to learn the ropes and finally Sara's test." She laughed quietly against his shoulder and let out a soft sigh. She gradually became aware of her hard nipples pressing against his shirt on top of his hardness pressing against her belly and she flushed. "Alright...clothes. I should...ummm...put those on. Right..." She stammered as she lifted her head off his shoulder though she still didn't try to pull out of his hands.
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"If you can help it being the operative term." Bruce agreed with her assessment. The nice thing about owning the company was that Lucuis couldn't fire him no matter how many board meetings he missed. Babs didn't have that shield...but she did have the ear of the owner, the next best thing. He couldn't help but smirk a bit at her reaction to his revelation of the identity of the young man who had seen her bare ass. He couldn't see the blush, but he certainly suspected it.

She didn't even try to pull away when he didn't release his grip on her, instead he felt her relax into him. He raised his eyebrow a bit when she claimed this was the first time she relaxed. "I didn't realize the men's locker room was such a relaxing environment." He teased her. "Remind me to show you the employee lounge at some point." He too was all too aware of the nipples pressing into his chest, and what he was poking her with, but he still didn't release his grip on her. "Right." He still agreed with her when she mentioned getting dressed, though he really didn't care if they were late or not to the lunch.
She nodded her head to his reply to her. "Well, I certainly intend to be a good employee. I know I've got a great opportunity here and I have no intention of taking it for granted or disappointing you." She nibbled her lip, thinking. "Now that I think of it, why did Lucius Fox come to see me himself? I'm just your assistant. Or was he looking for you? I noticed he didn't comment about you sitting at my desk..."

She blushed slightly at his comment about the locker room. "It's not the location, it's the company I suppose." She seemed to realize what she'd just said and her teeth made an audible click as she snapped her mouth shut, the blush now hot enough she wondered if he could feel it through his shirt. "I'd love to see the lounge and I'm really hoping you have a gym here on site I can use. I want to get in better shape. I really hope you have climbing equipment. After all, I'm going to need to get good at climbing stuff."

She noticed he still wasn't releasing her in spite of agreeing with her that she needed to get dressed. She was becoming more and more aware of the situation which only seemed to make her nipples harden into pebbles even further and she realized she was starting to feel a bit tingly in areas she shouldn't be with him. She looked up at him, enjoying that her height made it so she didn't have to raise her chin too much to look up at him. She raised an eyebrow somewhat playfully as they seemed to be in a stand-off. He wasn't going to release her and she didn't want to pull away from his warm body.
"If I didn't believe that you wouldn't be here." Bruce pointed out. Babs had certainly been through one of the most unusual job interviews ever, and the fact she was still here was a testament to her dedication. Not to mention how well she'd handled the deluge of phone calls this morning. "And Lucius probably was looking for you, to confirm if you actually exist or not." Bruce gave a light chuckle as he tried to replicate Lucius's reasoning. "And I don't think Lucius gives much thought to where I'm sitting on any particular day. He has more important things to concern himself with than my seating habits."

It was questionable whether Bruce felt her blush, but he probably anticipated it, and chose not to take advantage of her embarrassment and tease her further. Not about her ill thought comment about being at ease in the men's locker room, at least. "And yes, there is a gym on site...right through those doors where Stan is waiting, in fact. And we have a stairwell as well, if you want to climb rather than use the elevator." Certainly hiking up forty flights of stairs multiple times a day would get her into shape.

There was no telling how long the two stood like that, neither willing to be the first to break it up. But it was long enough for Stan to think the couple requested minutes had gone by, and he walked back into the locker room, only to observe that the pair hadn't moved from their position right in front of his locker. "Are you kidding me?" He muttered softly as he turned to leave again. His supervisor was never going to believe this excuse for being late.
She nodded at his reasoning about Lucas. "I see. Is there anything I should know or expect? Will I be dealing much with him beyond something like making appointments for the two of you?" She chuckled at his response about his seating habits. "Sure, but I'd think he might wonder why you were sitting at your assistant's desk."

She raised her eyebrows and glanced over her shoulder at the door. "Good, well, I certainly know where to find it." She smirked at the comment about the stairs. "It'd certainly build stamina and leg muscles. I may try it to see how well it works for me. I am already in good shape I think due to my athletic past but I want to be in better shape. I'm going to need it."

She blushed when Stan came back in but couldn't help burying her face against Bruce's chest to hide her grin. "Poor guy...I suppose we should give him a break huh?" She looked up at Bruce, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Or do you enjoy having me in your arms too much?"
Bruce paused for a moment, as if he was considering how to answer her question. Or maybe he was just trying to draw the moment out. “Nothing comes to mind. “ he finally admitted. “And no, beyond coordination I can’t think you two would interact much. At least, not unless he tries to take you on as his assistant. “ He then chuckled softly. “I don’t think Lucius wonders about anything I do anymore. “

“Yes, if you intend to solely use the stairs…or ducts…in this building, you will certainly need to be in good shape. “ Bruce agreed, seemingly missing any other reason she might have. He then ran his hand over her bare back, evaluating the muscle there, though politely enough his hand didn’t roam below her lower back. “Though you certainly seem in good enough shape to me. “ he declared, then grinned after Stan left again. “Well, having your naked body pressed against mine is not something I anticipated when I came to work today, but it is quite enjoyable. “ Bruce admitted as Babs phone began to ring, with the ring tone she had assigned to Jim Gordon.
She chuckled. "I doubt he'd try to poach your assistant from you especially when he doesn't know a thing about me." She shrugged as if it seemed obvious to her and listened as he continued speaking.

She rolled her eyes in that way that said she knew he was full of it but she froze when he caressed her back and once more a flush ran over her neck and face. "Thank you Mister Wayne. I still intend to work out and train though don't worry I won't go overboard and look like a body builder or something."

She was about to reply to his comment about her being pressed against him when her phone rang. She quickly answered. "Dad? What's up?"
"Not yet, perhaps. But Lucius has a way of finding things out. But don't worry, the CEO would never approve your transfer." He promised her with a chuckle...a chuckle she could feel as well as hear due to the way their bodies were pressed together. "And that's not allowed." he teased her when she mentioned not looking like a bodybuilder.

"Babs?" Jim's nose filled the screen for the moment, until he whipped the phone around and gave her a quick view of his messy desk and somewhat tidy office...including a picture of her from the gala hanging on the wall. "Dang it...I thought I had this video thing figured out. Can you see me? Can you hear me? All I see is a black scream..." Jim whacked his phone lightly, as if he could make it cooperate that way.
She shrugged. "I'm sure Lucius could easily find out the basics about me. If he dug a bit more he could find out why I fled Chicago with my mom and step dad and came to live with my dad." She frowned slightly, looking worried. "I hope she doesn't make trouble for dad. He didn't know I was coming but I had to get out of there. My step dad was uhh...not a good person." She sighed and looked up at him. "That's part of why I wanted a job, in case I cause legal expenses for dad on top of other expenses he'll have for having a teenage girl in his life." She bit her lip as she felt him move when he chuckled, her heart pounding in her chest.

She smiled patiently as she watched her dad fiddle with the phone. She definitely had the borderline patronizing look of a young tech savvy person watching one of their elders fumble with something they could do in their sleep. "I can hear you. I saw you before but you turned the phone and now I see your office. What's up dad? Did you need me to see your face for some reason?" She briefly paused and then let out a theatrical sigh. "Sorry, the video on my phone doesn't seem to be working, but you can hear me at least." She winked at Bruce Wayne as she hadn't made a single effort to activate the video on her phone for obvious reasons.
"The basics are in your personal file, so yes." Bruce agreed, though of course the file he had on her on the Batcomputer was a lot more extensive. He knew exactly what Bab's personal situation was, and a desire to help her was part of why he'd offered the job. "And you still haven't read the employee manual, have you? Make sure you read the section on legal assistance. We have several lawyers on staff hereand they are authorized to help employees with legal battles. No point in having all that knowledge go to waste, right? And employees work better when they aren't distracted. You are old enough you could probably get emancipated at this point if need be, but in any case you can probably get lost in the system for a couple years." Bruce, who had been 'lost' in the system for almost a decade himself, stated confidently. "Bottom line...I'll make sure you don't have to see your mom again if you don't want to."

"Oh...damn it..." Jim muttered softly as he know had the camera pointed at his face. "Where'd Chloe say that button was...ah..." Jim reached out and pressed a control on the phone, and the image switched around to show a view of his office wall once again. "There we go." He said, thinking he had it straitened out now., and he then chuckled softly. "Does my face look so bad you don't want to see it?" He teased her. "And Chloe said this was what all the cool kids were doing nowdays." he sighed a bit when Babs admitted the video issue was on her end. On the one hand, he was glad he wasn't doing something wrong, but on the other, if Babs needed a new phone, it was going to be expensive. "But yeah, I can hear you." He confirmed as Bruce smirked at Bab's wink. "I just wanted to see how your first day of work was, and if you wanted to meet for lunch or something."
She smirked when he mentioned her file. Even if she didn't believe he was Batman she would have figured he either had an extensive file on her or could get it if he wanted to. "I haven't even seen the employee manual. Maybe it was in that envelope that Mister Fox had delivered. Regardless, I'll make sure to read it." She didn't mention she'd end up memorizing it, he probably already knew she would. "Thank you Mister Wayne. It's not my mom per se, but my latest step father. Though I never liked how she took me from dad just because she didn't think a police officer earned enough." Her words carried a lot of anger though she pushed it down once more.

She nearly groaned as her dad tried to be hip but she held it back and couldn't help that smile teenagers are capable of that is somewhere between fond and condescending. "Don't worry, I'll fix the video on my phone on time for our next call if you want. I probably just reversed the polarity or something." She threw in some random Star Trek technobabble in there just for the Hell of it, mildly curious if he'd notice and call her out on what she said being a bunch of hogwash. She was pretty sure Bruce Wayne, for one, would know she was just saying random stuff.

"My first day of work has been interesting. I met a very nice IT lady named Amanda. Maybe she can show me how to make the video on my phone work actually." Barbara, of course, needed no such help. "I had to deal with a lot of phone calls and got to speak with Lucius Fox briefly. I've been working with Mister Wayne since he came into the office on some training." It was true, of course, though not exactly standard job training. "As for lunch, I'm going to a business lunch with Mister Wayne and Miss Johnson. You may remember her from the gala." She described Daisy Johnson to him in case it might spark his memory. "I bet we'll have lots of time for lunches coming up though."

She thought about what Bruce had told her and decided to ease what she was sure was a worry he had. "Mister Wayne told me I can use the legal department here as part of my employment to deal with mom if she tries to take me back. So, that's a worry off of our chests dad!"
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