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Batgirl Begins (dbspock/WendyTheRed)

Barbara smiled at Greg then looked at Amanda when she replied. She tapped her forehead. "I've got a great memory." She rattled off of the directions she'd have to take to make her way back to the elevator to her office and nodded to the two of them. "Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it. Amanda, if you ever want to have lunch again and I'm around, let me know. You've got my email address after all." She winked at her then nodded and walked out.

She made her way back to the elevator and rode it up to her office, pleased that her badge worked just fine. Full access clearly included this elevator which made sense. She stepped out when she reached her floor and made her way to her office, prepared to do the HR paperwork, assuming nothing interrupted her.
“I’ll keep that in mind. “ Amanda promised, then shook her head as Babs rattled off the directions perfectly. “Must be nice. Took me a month to learn my way around. “ she claimed, then nodded with a smile. “Lunch sounds good, if you can get away from your desk. “ she agreed.

Greg followed her for a bit, but as soon as he saw her badge worked, he returned to his desk. Her elevator ride went as expected, and when she got back to her office only two things had changed. There was an envelope in the ‘in’ box, and Sara, dressed in business attire, was sitting in the chair using the computer.


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She smiled at Amanda. "I got lucky in the genetics lottery when it comes to memory. Though...sometimes it's not as good as people think. There are things I wish I could forget." She waved to her as she left after they agreed about lunch.

She walked across her office and paused when she saw those two changes. She lifted the envelope and looked it over before looking at Sara with a bit of a smile. "I'd say something about making yourself at home but let's be honest, you outrank me in Mister Wayne's life. So, what can I do for you Miss Lance?" She defaulted to the more formal form of address even though part of her wanted to call her Sara.
Amanda’s smile dimmed a bit at her response. “Yeah, I can imagine. “ she said softly, though she didn’t press for details.

The envelope was unassuming, with just the Wayne Enterprise’s logo stamped on it, but Sara of course was another story. “You’d better remember that. “ Sara snapped out, annoyance clear in her tone. “”And just why are you calling me a dork face, Miss Gordon?”
She had mostly meant her comment playfully but the truth was there was some things she wished she could forget like the actions of those Ghost Dragons or the actions of her stepfather. Then again, remembering it all in crystal clarity also meant she'd never lose her focus and the resolve she had gained from those acts.

She looked the envelope over but didn't open it just yet, since she didn't want to rudely ignore Sara. She blinked at Sara's annoyed tone, not having expected it in the least. But what truly shocked her was what Sara said next. For a moment, she wondered if she had had some kind of mental shut down at some point. "I...didn't?" Something about Sara saying the word dork face was so unexpected it threw her completely off of her mental tracks though she recovered quickly as it occurred to her that might be the whole point. "You're in my top three people I've met that I don't want to offend. And calling you such a silly name would apparently do it."
“You…didn’t?” Sara repeated, mimicking Babs questioning tone. “You don’t sound sure of that. Or are you calling John a liar? Because I’m sure he’s not on that select list you have, so you clearly don’t mind offending him. Despite the fact he tried to bribe you to say he was a good teacher. “
She frowned at this entire situation, studying Sara carefully. She had no idea what was going on here. "Am I saying John is a liar? No. Am I saying that if he told you I called you a dork face that it wasn't true. Yes. " The bribe thing puzzled her as well. "You mean that money he offered me? That was, I think a misunderstanding. John...he's surprisingly naive. I told him I wanted a job partially to help my dad with the expenses of me showing up in his life and he just walked out of the room and came back with a wad of cash. I told him I'd only accept it if you approved of it. "

She looked thoughtfully at Sara then, her head cocked, Barbara's blue eyes studying the other woman. She thought back on some of the conversations she'd had with John and her own thoughts as well. "You're testing me. Trying to rattle me and see how I react. Training with you isn't just about learning to fight with martial arts..."
Sara’s gaze was unrelenting as Babs recited her version of events, but when Babs accused her of testing her, a small smile cracked her face. “Martial arts is only a small part of what you will learn if you continue this course. “ Sara said as she leaned back in Babs chair. “Usually if it comes to that point, you’ve already failed. “

She then shrugged. “It’s John’s money. If he wants to use it to try and impress the cute girl that just entered his life, that’s his choice. He doesn’t need my approval for that…or to beat up Cobra Kai. I’m just curious how you are going to explain how you met. Not the truth, I’m assuming. “
She held Sara's gaze. "I don't intend to quit. I have my reasons for wanting to see this through." She quirked a small smile of her own. "I suspect you know them already." She didn't outright say it was because she was pretty sure Batman had told her her about her request for training and she had no expectation of Sara confirming her suspicions regardless.

She laughed quietly at Sara's reply. "I don't think John wants to impress me. He's interested in my friend Sam, not me. In fact, that's one of his conditions for my idea of helping us against Cobra Kai. That I put in a good word with Sam for him." She shook her head. "I could get a complex at this rate. Even Dave has eyes for Chloe, not me." She blinked as she suddenly realized how odd it was to have this talk with Sara. "I'll just tell them I met him at Mister Wayne's gala. I did disappear for a while after all." Of course, that was so she could swim with Bruce Wayne but she saw no reason to explicitly mention that.
“That’s not entirely up to you. “ Sara warned her, though if she did know Babs reasons she didn’t acknowledge the fact.

She cocked her head quizzically when Babs said John liked Sam. “How does he even know Sam?” She asked curiously. “And you’ve only been in town a few days. Give yourself a break. Besides, the Mayor’s son was quite interested in you from what I hear. “ she laughed softly as she tried to picture John at the gala. “If you can get him to agree to that. “
"Whether I quit is up to me. Whether I continue, well, I'm aware a large part of that depends on if you think I am..." she nibbled her lip as she debated the right word. "worthy."

She shrugged. "I have no idea how he knows Sam. Truthfully I thought maybe he saw her at Mister Wayne's." She tapped her fingers on the desk as she shook her head. "I get the feeling the Mayor's son is what Bruce Wayne pretends to be. Worse actually. He'll lose interest when he finds out I'm not enthralled by his 'charm'."
“Are you arguing with me?” Sara demanded as Babs issued her correction, then shook her head. John and Sam had never been at Wayne Manor at the same time she was sure. And John hadn’t mentioned Sam before today. But Sara believed Babs when she claimed she didn’t know, so she’d have to ask John if she wanted to know that story. She scoffed lightly at Babs idea that the Mayors son would lose interest. “I doubt that. “

She then leaned back a bit in the chair. “So how did your first night of training go?” She asked.
She blinked. "No, I was agreeing when you said it wasn't entirely up to me." She nibbled her lip thoughtfully. "John did seem familiar with Miyagi-do so maybe he briefly trained with her father and met her that way."

She couldn't help the surprised look when Sara seemed to doubt the Mayor's son would lose interest. "Why do you think that? I'm pretty sure he messed with my dress when we danced. Actually, now I'm curious what you heard."

She blushed when Sara asked about the night, remembering being nude with John. "Well, I learned how much I still have to learn. I'm looking forward to learning more even if I'm sore. John's a good teacher even if I somewhat arrogantly hoped it'd be you I learned from."
“John never trained with Miagi-do. “ Sara said flatly, then raised an eyebrow when asked about the Mayors son. “I haven’t heard anything specifically about you and him. “ Sara admitted. “Just judging by what I’ve heard of past encounters, he probably did mess with your dress, and he doesn’t give up that easily. “

Sara noted Babs blush, of course, but she didn’t make an issue of it. Instead, she nodded when she said John was a good teacher. She hadn’t been sure about that. “You are learning from me. “ Sara pointed out. “Who do you think trained him?”
She nodded. "Well he recognized the moves at least when I used them to defend myself during our first exchange." She sighed when Sara said he didn't give up. "So I managed to get the attention of probably the one I'd least want it from." She shook her head with a smirk crossing her lips. "Figures."

She nodded her agreement with Sara. "I know." She smiled some at the other woman. "I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong. I'm happy to get training and am not going to whine because it's not straight from you. Either way, I'm grateful."
Sara frowned for a moment when Babs said John recognized Miyigo-do, then realization struck. “The tournament. “ she said. “That’s where he saw her. She must have made quite the impression. “ she chuckled softly when Babs complained about the Mayors son. “You won’t have much time to date anyway. “ she pointed out, then smirked. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. “
She smiled when Sara seemed to solve the riddle. "She must have. He wanted me to play matchmaker after all." She nodded slowly, her eyes going distant for a moment. "I know. I'm not going to have time for a lot of things. Maybe I'll live vicariously through Chloe."

She blinked out of her distraction and looked at Sara questioningly. "About being grateful?" She shook her head. "Do I expect to have times where I wonder what the hell I'm doing? Yes. But...I..." she sighed. "I made a promise to myself. And events since have only convinced me that that promise is leading me onto the path I'm destined for." She looked at the nearby window. "There will be a lot of times where I second guess myself and wonder if it's worth it."

She looked back at Sara. "But then I'll remember the girl on the bus who no one helped and how I promised myself that I'd try to help as many people as possible not have to feel alone and scared and vulnerable and like no one cares."
Sara laughed and shook her head. "I doubt he'll say more than two words to her." She predicted, not having much faith in the prospect of Sam and John as a couple. She cocked her head curiously. "So how much are you planning to tell Chloe about your little side job?"

"There are a lot of ways to help people that don't involve going through what I'm going to put you through." Sara warned her. She doubted she'd talk Babs out of it, but she wanted to get a better feeling for what was motivating the girl. "Because your training is far from over, even for today. I want to see how well you do on a treasure hunt." Sara reached under the desk and removed a bag, tossing it on the surface.

"Take off your clothes and put them in the bag. I'm going to hide it in the building somewhere and see if you can find it." She said.
Barbara nodded, thinking back to some of John's reactions to her. "Perhaps not. I suppose it's not my business. He wants me to put in a good word, so I will." She looked at Sara, debating how to answer that, her thoughts turning to Bruce Wayne. "I think...I think there is someone who can give me advice on stuff like that, if I ever earn this person's trust enough. For now, my plan is to tell her as little as possible. I think it's safer for her that way."

She nodded at Sara's reply. "Yes, for example, the path my father has taken." She trailed her fingers on the desk. "You might think I'm foolish or don't realize what I'm really in for. And perhaps you're right. All I know, is when I was on that bus and no one helped me, when I looked around and felt so alone, it made me angry. But later that anger turned into determination. I want..." She sighed and leaned her hip against the desk. "When I saw Sam being attacked by Cobra Kai in the food court, I looked around, and once more, no one was willing to help. I stood up and I helped. I wasn't going to let someone else feel like that, not if I was able to help them. And when I did, when I helped her, my path was set."

She let out a breath. "I had an encounter night. A surprising one." She glanced at Sara, wondering if Sara knew about it, if her suspicions about Sara knowing a lot more than she let on were correct then Sara did know about it. "And I came to realize something." She lightly traced her fingers over her chest, subconsciously sketching out a bat symbol there. "It won't be enough to just randomly help people, especially women. They need to have hope, to know there is someone out there to help them. They'll need a symbol. A woman who fights for them and whose presence can bring them hope."

She shook her head. "Even before that, I'd realized my little...crusade would lead to me missing out on a lot in my life. To me being...alone and isolated, not able to tell the people in my life the full truth of who I am and what I do with my nights." She finally looked at Sara again, seeming to come out of her inner world. "I'm taking a risk, telling you. But if I am right about things, I think that my secret won't be the only one you keep." She smirked slightly. "And when I come up with a color scheme and borrow his symbol, maybe you will be able to convince him I'm doing it for the right reasons." She didn't say who she meant, if she was right, Sara already knew. "I'm leaning towards dark purple and yellow." She said with a little smile and then she took another risk. "If I'm right about you, I hope that once you decide I'm sincere and dedicated that sometimes I can talk to you, come to you for advice." She sighed. "Wow, that was presumptuous. Sorry..."

She looked from the bag to Sara and back again. She pushed off of the desk, her cheeks already warming. "What about security cameras?" She was proud of herself for not freaking out even though her hands shook as she began to remove her clothes and that blush only got worse as her body was slowly revealed to Sara. She folded her clothing as she slid it into the bag, soon standing there in only her underwear. Her eyes darted briefly to the elevator door then she slid off her bra, followed shortly by her panties, her face flaming as she placed them in the bag as well. "I hope you'll give me a clue of some kind. This is quite a large building." She sighed. "If this goes wrong, I'll be humiliated and lose my job..." Even as she said it, it was clear she was determined to do it regardless, determined to prove herself.
Sara just nodded at Babs statement about Sam. That was a private matter between Babs and John, and Sara saw no reason to get involved...yet. She nodded again as Babs stated she intended to tell Chloe as little as possible...Sara liked her secrets, and approved of that plan. Babs seemed to have a good head on her shoulders as she quickly made the connection between what Sara had said and her fathers occupation, earning another nod.

Sara's eyes flickered to Babs chest, and there was a hint of recognition in her eyes as Babs made the Bat symbol but that wasn't her symbol to share, even if she did understand and follow Babs reasoning. It was actually more noble than hers when she had started this journey, all those years ago. "Keeping secrets is part of the job." Was all she said in agreement on that score, and she couldn't help but smirk a bit when Babs started talking about her costume. She wasn't sure what Bruce would say to that, but it seemed Babs would not be discouraged. She didn't even hesitate to begin to remove her clothes again, despite the public setting. Sara knew she was going to have to have a talk with Bruce about this. If Babs didn't get some support and continued on this path, Sara doubted she would last long, regardless of her intentions.

"I think you have proved your dedication." Sara declared as Babs put her shirt and skirt into the bag. "So any advice you need...feel free to come to me. My numbers in your phone as well. And for my first piece of advice...I would advise avoiding the security cameras. And the bag will not leave the building." Sara vowed, the only hint she was willing to offer the girl. "And yes...I'm sure explaining this to your dad would be difficult if you get don't get caught." Sara advised as she zipped up the bag and placed it over her shoulder as she rose to her feet.
She noticed something in that nod Sara gave her after the discussion about Sam and her and John. She felt compelled to add something. "I may be misreading things but I get the feeling you care about John like an older sister perhaps. An older sister who regularly kicks his ass for his own good but an older sister regardless. I'll introduce John to Sam because he asked me to. But...more than that. I have no intentions of taking advantage of his naivety. It's why I insisted he tell you he'd given me money. I was afraid you'd think I had somehow used my..." she almost broke into self deprecating laughter on the next word. "wiles on him." By the tone of her voice it was clear she didn't think she had any wiles to use.

Barbar smiled when Sara acknowledged her dedication and was touched by it, nodding to the other woman. She didn't seem at all surprised that Sara's number was in her phone already. When Sara gave her advice, her eyes darted to her badge and then to her computer. She raised her eyebrows at Sara's reply that the bag would be in the building. The very, very large building. And she knew she had to ask for some clarifications. "Are there any limits on what I can do to find the bag and complete this test? Besides the obvious, like I'm not going to hurt anyone or anything. And how long do I wait before I start my search?"
“We aren’t related. “ Sara told her. She had the feeling Babs was quite aware of that, but wanted to clarify it anyway. “And if I thought you’d take advantage of him, I wouldn’t let you anywhere near him. “ she smirked a bit when Babs settled on the term wiles. “I thought you were going to say tits. “ she claimed.

“There are very few limits on what we do, beyond those we impose on ourselves. “ Sara pointed out. “And the contest has already started. If you think you can get the bag away from me, go ahead. But be warned…asking nicely won’t help this time. “
She nodded to Sara. "I didn't meant a literal sister, just the relationship." She smirked. "Even if he seemed quite curious about bras because of you." She nodded, grinning slightly. "Spoken like a protective sister." She blushed at Sara's alternative to wiles."I think beyond being a male he's not too interested in my uhh...breasts. Sam's yes. Not mine."

Barbara glanced around the office. "Well...there are couches in here for you to toss me onto but I doubt I'd be able to get that bag off of you directly." A thought crossed her mind, a thought that made her blush and she muttered. "That wouldn't work either."
Sara thought for a few moments about her relationship with her own sister , then shook her head as she compared it to her relationship with John. “Not even close. “ she finally declared, then her eyes widened in shock. Babs had finally managed to surprise her. “What?” She asked, stunned. John hadn’t mentioned anything about that. She then shook her head. “You don’t get extra points for underestimating yourself. In fact, it can be a handicap. “

Sara didn’t respond as Babs tried to figure out how to get the bag off her. She did reach out and take the phone off do not disturb, though, and it immediately began to ring. “Don’t forget you have to perform the job that actually pays. “ she teased.
She realized that Sara was speaking from some family experience with that answer but she wasn't about to pry. She bit her lip in amusement as she clearly surprised Sara. "Well, apparently he does your laundry and got curious about what the sizes mean and stuff." She shrugged. "Oh, I'm sure with some men it would work and sure, as a guy it would affect John I'm sure. I just meant its not mine he's interested in."

She blinked as Sara took the phone off of do not disturb and she blinked, reaching out for the phone and snatching it up. "Wayne Enterprises. Barbara Gordon speaking, can I help you?" She tried not to think about how exposed she currently was as she sat in her chair, biting her lip at the feel of the seat under her bare ass.
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