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Batgirl Begins (dbspock/WendyTheRed)

“I’ve never had any dealings with him, but kindness is pretty constant in the stories I’ve heard about him. That, and a tendency to cover Bruce’s butt. “ Amanda laughed as she took a bite of her salad.

She nodded in agreement. “As far as I know, the job isn’t currently posted on the company website, so you got a job that isn’t even available. Impressive indeed.” She frowned as Babs mentioned the Ghost Dragons. “Animals. “ she muttered.
Barbara laughed and took a bite of her food. "Yes, he treated me quite well when we met for the first time. And I'm sure he's protective of Bruce Wayne." Trithfully she wouldn't want Alfred to ever think she was a threat to Mister Wayne, she was pretty sure that'd end badly for her.

She nodded thoughtfully when Amanda said the job wasn't posted. "I won't pretend to know what I did to impress him enough for this but now I just need to be sure he doesn't feel like he made a mistake." She looked at Amanda when she made it clear she wasn't a fan of the Ghost Dragons. "Yeah, I'm not a fan either. Hopefully they don't remember me..."
Amanda wasn’t sure Babs had really done anything to impress Mr. Wayne besides have breasts and be at the right place at the right time. But Babs had handled herself well so far from what she had seen and she saw no reason to undermine the young woman’s confidence so she kept that thought to herself. “Well, in that case, we should probably get you a badge so you don’t lock yourself out of the building. “ Amanda giggled before the conversation turned serious again.

“Honestly I doubt they remember you. “ Amanda tried to reassure her, then paled a bit as a thought occurred to her. “Unless they know who your Dad is. “
She might have agreed with Amanda's thoughts was it not for everything else she suspected and a few things she knew. She was slowing down in her eating now as she was starting to get full and she nodded. "That's a good idea. I guess we'd go to security or something? So the badges are used to swipe in?"

She shook her head. "Not that I know of. They did briefly have my wallet but it's not like anyone knows who I am. I only just cam back to Gotham a few days ago." She smiled at the woman, feeling the urge to project confidence since she seemed worried about the idea.
"Security it is." Amanda confirmed as Babs finished her meal. Amanda then reached out and took her plate to stack it on the tray to return to the kitchen. "And yes, the badges mainly let you into the building, but they are also used on some of the more secure computer networks." She wasn't sure exactly what Babs job would entail or is she'd need that sort of access, but they could figure that part out later if needed.

"Well, I doubt they can read. " Amanda snorted. Even if they got her name from the wallet, it was doubtful they'd make the connection, and it seemed that wasn't why they'd attacked in the first place. So Bab's response and demeanor did indeed assure Amanda. "Ready to go?" Amanda asked as she finished gathering up their lunch items.
She nodded thoughtfully. It was clear to her Wayne Enterprises had secrets and if she was right, he probably got some of his tech here with the help of an insider. Still, she didn't want to just poke around even if her badge might give her access somehow. She didn't want to risk angering Bruce or God help her, Sara, by getting into stuff she wasn't supposed to. Well, unless it became necessary for some reason. "Sounds good." She handed over her plate with a smile.

She stood and smoothed down her clothing, nodding to Amanda with a warm smile. "I'm ready. Once again, thank you for your help. I'm glad I took a chance and called Alfred earlier and that he called your boss in response." She followed Amanda to return the trays and then walked with her, letting the woman lead them to security, her eyes scanning the area, looking for things like directories on the walls, signs, or other ways to find her way around in the future.
Amanda had no idea the chain of thoughts her words had triggered in Babs, so she just smiled politely as she picked up the tray and dropped it off in the scullery.

“Me too. “ Amanda said with a smile, then laughed as she led the girl back to the exit. “And I don’t think we have to worry about anyone getting in trouble for not following procedure on your first day. “

She led Babs back to the elevator, and while there was a directory on the wall, she didn’t have to consult it as she pushed the button for the first floor. Security was everyone’s first stop when they first arrived, so of course their offices were by the entrance.

“Hey, Greg. “ Amanda greeted the man who was idly watching the security cameras. “It seems we have a new employee here, Barbara Gordon. “
She chuckled at Amanda's reply. "Well Mister Wayne told me to come in but didnt actually give me any instructions. So if anyone didn't follow procedures it'll be the one person that no one can get after for it."

She briefly looked at the directory, memorizing it and making a mental note to look for floor plans on her computer, the types an employee might have access to simply so she wouldn't wander around lost.

She smiled at the security guard when she was introduced and glanced around the office before turning her gaze back to him, hoping she was in the system.
Amanda laughed as Babs got her point. "Yeah. They can't fire the guy whos name is on the building." She noticed Babs studying the directory. "I don't want to overwhelm you with the full tour." Amanda said. Not only woudl such a tour take longer than she had left in her workday, but she wasn't sure what areas Babs was supposed to have access to. "But if there's anyplace specific you need to go, just let me know and I can give you directions.

The guard frowned at Amanda for a moment. "No one said anything about a new hire to me." He muttered, but he returned Babs smile. It wasn't her fault someone had circumvented procedures...again. "Nice to meet you." He told her, offering hsi hand for a handshake. He then gestured to a spot on the floor in front of a blue screen. "If you wouldn't mind standing there for your company photo." He asked/told her. "I'll get your access started. "So...Barbara, isn't it? Common spelling?" He asked as he pulled a file up on the computer and began to fill in the blanks. "And...Gorgon?" He couldn't remember what Amanda had said, not expecting to be tested on it. "So what kind of job do you have here?"
She laughed along with Amanda and looked at her with a smile. "Well, for now, I don't know where I need to go. I know where I'd like to go, but that's because I'm a curious person." She taps her finger on the area labeled R&D. "I'd love to see the toys down there but I somehow doubt that is in my job responsibilities."

She shared a quick, subtle grin with Amanda when the guard mentioned no one saying anything about a new hire. She was a little surprised how willing he was to go along with this, she'd have thought he'd be a stickler for procedure. She shook his hand then moved to the spot he indicated. "Of course. And yes, that's the normal spelling of Barbara." She shook her head at the next question. "Gordon. G o r d o n." She spelled it out for him then when he asked what kind of job she briefly glanced at Amanda then at him. "I'm Bruce Wayne's personal assistant."
“Well, anytime you don’t know where to go, I’d suggest your office. I have a feeling there will always be work for you there. “ Amanda said with a chuckle, remembering the hectic ringing of the phone from earlier. She laughed again when Babs mentioned R&D. “They are working on some impressive stuff there. “ she admitted. “I’d imagine your job will take you there sooner or later. “

The guard quickly snapped her photo, then typed her name as she spelled it out. He looked at her a bit suspiciously when she claimed to be Bruce Wayne’s assistant, but Amanda gave a confirming nod when she glanced at him. He gave a slight shrug. “Full access it is then. “ he muttered as he instructed her to type in an access code.

His eyes then widened a bit as he took a look at Babs badge before he printed it. “Wait. Gordon? Do you know Captain Gordon by any chance?”
She raised her eyebrows when Amanda said her job would take her to R&D at some point. She really hoped it would as she imagined it could be fascinating and help her to confirm her theories about Bruce Wayne. If she found the right things there though it occurred to her that if he was using technology made at Wayne Enterprises it'd be well hidden somehow. Maybe R&D marked as not suitable for sale or something.

She smirked slightly at his suspicious look and wondered how this day might have gone differently if she hadn't called Alfred and he hadn't called Amanda's boss. Once more she wondered why Bruce Wayne just threw her in the deep end like this but she continued to feel like he was testing her though she had to admit, her time with John may have simply made her mind one-track. She was a little surprised to hear 'full access' and wondered if full was truly...well, full. She quickly typed in the access code and nodded to him when she was finished.

She noticed his reaction to her last name and was a little surprised. Did her dad really have this much of a reputation? She looked from the guard to Amanda and back again. "He's my father." She said simply, curious how he'd react to this revelation.
“Father?” Greg looked at Babs suspiciously again, then cast a glance at Amanda and was rewarded with another nod. At that, he jumped to his feet with a wide smile on his face and grabbed Babs hand. He had a slight limp as he approached her.

“Your Dad is one of the bravest men in Gotham. “ He declared as he began to shake her hand vigorously, almost like he thought he could pull it off. “I was doing an armored car run for Mr. Wayne when we got ambushed by that Mr. freeze whacko. Damn crazy froze my leg and probably would have killed me. We called for backup, but GCPD said they were waiting for backup, whatever the hell that means. Your dad didn’t care, came in with guns blazing and chased them off. We lost the prototype, but Bats got it back I heard. The captain talked to Wayne and made sure he knew it wasn’t my fault. Made sure I got a desk job until I was eligible for my pension. I owe your dad a lot…anything you need, you give me a call, you hear? And tell your dad I said thanks, again. “
She noticed the suspicious look but wasn't offended, after all, she'd only recently come back to Gotham and she seemed to be pretty much unknown thanks to her mother. She was surprised when he jumped up and shook her hand, smiling a little in confusion until he started to speak.

She listened to the story and smiled, impressed by how her father had stepped up and put himself in danger. She had a sneaking suspicion Bruce Wayne had already known it wasn't this man's fault, what had happened but she wasn't going to tell him that. "A real life super villain encounter. You're a lucky man Greg. That you survived I mean, not that it happened." She smiled at him. "And thank you, I'll pass on your thanks to my dad, knowing him he'll ask me how you're doing."
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