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Batgirl Begins (dbspock/WendyTheRed)

“My only experience with him was practically knocking him down the stairs. “ Chloe pointed out. “So you’ve got me beat. “ she then blushed when Babs mentioned being nude. “I think I’ll go with the bikini. “She declared, smiling broadly as Babs grabbed her resume.

“Good luck. “ Chloe said as she exited the van and headed for her car. John exited after both of them and made sure the van was secure before silently leading Babs across the parking lot to the employee entrance. This was a lot more complicated than dropping her off, but it might get her to give a good report to Sara.

Johns badge opened the employee door for them, and he held it open politely for Babs. The guard at the door looked at the pair curiously, but gave a nod when John showed his badge, not seeming to mind Babs didn’t have one as long as she had an escort.

John led Babs across the lobby, past the public elevators and the small crowd of people there, to one almost hidden in the back. He scanned his badge again, then pushed the button for up. The doors slid open almost immediately, and he stepped inside the luxury elevator, pressing the button for the top floor.
Barbara giggled when Chloe mentioned her interaction with Bruce Wayne. "I forgot about that!" She nodded to her. "Mmhmmm. Good idea." She winked playfully at her though she blushed as well, trying very hard not to look at John.

She walked next to him and smiled when John held the door for her. She noticed the guard's look but also noticed he didn't seem to think much of it. Between the badge and her looking like she belonged her that was all it took. A valuable lesson she thought as they moved to the elevator. She blinked in surprise as they went to the nearly hidden elevator and stepped in with him, blinking as he pressed the button for the top floor. "The top floor? My office is on the top floor? And how did you know this?"
“I hope he did. “ Chloe said, but she doubted she’d be so lucky. If John had any thoughts on the bikini talk, he kept them to himself, not saying a word until Babs asked him a direct question in the elevator.

“Yes. Yes. “ John repeated as Babs asked almost the same question twice. He shrugged at her final question. “I’ve been with Sara to Bruce’s office which is on the top floor. You are taking Mary’s spot, I was told, so you’ll probably be using her old desk which is in the office right before his. “ she would be able to see for herself soon as the express elevator quickly went to the top floor.
She smiled at Chloe. "I doubt he'd hold it against you. I mean even Bruce Wayne probably rarely has blomd teenagers throw themselves into his arms. " She reassured her playfully.

She swallowed as the enormity of this hit her. She glanced at him briefly. "Did you know Mary? Why isn't she here anymore?" She asked curiously as she tried to calm her nerves. "I wonder if anyone will be up here to meet me...." she mused, not really expecting him to answer. Perhaps Bruce Wayne or Sara or Lucius Fox would be up here?
“Not according to some articles I’ve read. “ Chloe claimed, though after meeting the man she had her doubts about some of the more outrageous stories. “Besides, I heard he had a thing for redheads. “ Chloe teased.

“I met her a few times. Didn’t really know her. She left because she got pregnant and wanted some family time, as I understand it.” He said with a shrug, and her wondering was soon answered as the doors opened, and it appeared there was no one waiting. The view, however, was spectacular, as the windows took up almost an entire wall. There was a large screen Tv on another wall, off at the moment, and a couple chairs and a couch in a room that was probably as large as Babs entire house. John didn’t glance around though as he crossed the room, scanned his badge, and opened another door. “Your office. “ he told her. The room contained a desk, which was immaculate, with a phone with almost fifty buttons on it. The computer monitor was off at the moment as well.
She didn't believe those articles either though for different reasons than Chloe. She didn't get a chance to agree with Chloe though before her friend spoke up and managed to make her blush all over again. She rolled her eyes and huffed, ceding the 'who will blush the most' victory to Chloe.

She nodded and then looked from him to the doors as they slid open. She sucked in a breath at the amazing office and view. She almost stopped in her tracks as she took it all in but when she heard John scan his ID and the door open she followed him to the other office.

She blinked at that phone then circled the desk, looking it over. Sure checked the computer briefly to see if maybe it was on with the monitor off then looked at him. "I have no idea how to use this phone or who I'm supposed to report to. Maybe I'm supposed to go to HR? Or wait here?" She nibbled her lip and began to look the phone over as she either turned on the computer or it's monitor if needed.
John wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do either. He’d already gone far beyond dropping her off as instructed, but it didn’t feel right leaving her either. And not just because her ass looked good as she bent over to turn the computer on.

When she said she didn’t know how to use the phone, John picked it up and dialed a quick sequence of numbers. When he heard his phone ring, he hung up then dialed another smaller sequence of numbers, again hanging up when the phone rang behind the other still closed door. “Dial 9 for an outside line. Just dial the intercom number if you want to talk internal. “ he told her the results of his experiment. “And I always thought HR was where you went if you had a problem. If you’re Bruce’s assistant, I’d say you’re supposed to report to him and should wait here. “

The computer didn’t take long to boot up…not that it would help much. The monitor now showed the Wayne Enterprises logo, and a box requesting a user name and password.
She nodded her thanks after his experiments with the phone. "Well, that part makes sense. I was more wondering about all of the other buttons. Still, this is a start." She looked closer at the phone to see if some of the buttons might be labeled with preexisting connections.

She nodded to him as he spoke about HR. "True though he wouldn't know I could get up here. Maybe he expected me to just figure it out." Her gaze turned to the computer and she smirked. "I could get past this login without breaking a sweat but I'm pretty sure hacking a computer here on my first day wouldn't make Bruce Wayne happy."
“Speed dial buttons, I would imagine. “ John guessed as he examined the labels on the phone, Wayne Manor being one at the top. The Mayor’s office was another option, as well as Lucius.

He shrugged as she questioned whether she should even be in the office, though it wouldn’t have surprised him if this was another test of some sort. He raised an eyebrow a bit at her casual dismissal of the computer security system. “ maybe you should be working in the IT department instead. “ he told her, though he nodded as she realized it was a bad idea. He turned his attention back to the phone as it began to ring.
She nodded as John verbalized what she had suspected and confirmed for herself. "Indeed. And some of these are quite important numbers. Like the Mayor and Bruce Wayne hired me for this job." She took a deep breath.

She smirked. "I was going to but this is what I was offered. I only dared hope for an internship in IT. Maybe sometime I'll show you what I was going to use as proof of my skills." She glanced at him at the raised eyebrow. "I could do it. I'm as skilled with a computer as you are in martial arts." More so really but she decided not to say it.

She took a breath when the phone started to ring and answered it, speaking in her best professional voice. "Wayne Enterprises, can I help you?"
“I’d like that. “ John said with a nod. The more information he had about Babs the better. He matched her raised eyebrow when she kept bragging about her skill. “You don’t even know who programmed the system. “ he pointed out. “And there’s always someone better. “ no reason they couldn’t continue her lessons. Overconfidence could be a killer…literally.

“Yes, this is agent Coulson. I’m just calling to confirm my lunch appointment with Mr. Wayne. “ the male voice on the other end of the phone line said.
She nodded to John but smiled slightly. "It's a corporate system. Not Bruce Wayne's personal system." The implication being that she suspected his personal computer had stronger security than Wayne Enterprises. "And yes, there is always someone better."

She was a bit surprised to be speaking to an agent and wondered if this had anything to do with Agent Johnson. "Agent Coulson, if you would like to give me a number I can call you back at I will confirm the appointment for you and return your call." She wasn't about to confirm a lunch appointment that she had no idea about especially not with a government agent.
“Considering how many people target this computer system, I doubt he skimped on the security program. “ he warned her, feeling oddly protective of his student and not wanting her to get caught hacking her employer’s computers. Of course, she already said she wasn’t going to, and agreed there were better hackers out there, so his mission was accomplished.

Agent Coulson sighed heavily…that was clearly not the answer he wanted. “I’ll be in meetings all morning. Just call my secretary and cancel the appointment when you find out he can’t make it. “ he said as he rattled off a number before hanging up.
Barbara sighed softly and looked at him. "Someday, people will stop underestimating me." She shook her head as she glanced once more at the computer. "Regardless, I already said it was just a passing thought and I won't risk it. Especially not for some petty reason like to prove a point." She muttered. "Even if it'd only take me a couple of minutes." After a moment's thought she took out her phone and started the demo video on it showing her 'decloaking' the Batmobile on the GCPD traffic cams and slid it over to him. "That was what I showed Sara and what I was going to show Mister Wayne to convince him to give me an internship here." He'd never seen it, at least, not from her. But she was pretty sure he had seen it or at least, knew exactly what it showed.

She winced at Coulson's response then hung up the line and pressed the button for Wayne Manor on her phone. She looked at John with a shrug. "I figure I'll go straight to the source on this one." She leaned over the desk, looking to see if there was maybe a calendar or something but she knew that whatever appointments he had would be on the computer. She didn't even notice how she was once again showing her rear to John as she leaned over, searching through the desk drawers for a planner or anything else that might help while the phone rang at Wayne Manor.
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“Or maybe you will stop trying to prove yourself. Getting in over your head is a deadly habit. “ John warned her. He doubted she would listen, but he felt obligated to warn her about what could be a fatal character flaw. He honestly didn’t care if she hacked the computer or not, it wasn’t his business, so he just nodded as she reiterated her previous position, then frowned as she unexpectedly got out her phone, and what she showed him was not at all what he expected. Was this why Sara had taken an interest in her? He wouldn’t be surprised if that was a factor. He had never seen the video before, and didn’t know the technical prowess it had taken to achieve it, but he suspected few could have done it. He played the video again as Babs pressed the button labeled Wayne Manor.

The phone had barely started its second ring before it was picked up. “Wayne Manor, Alfred speaking. What can I do for you, Miss Barbara?” Alfred said.

There was indeed a calendar in the drawer, several in fact, from various companies, obviously promotional material left by salesmen hoping to get their foot in the door, but none of them had appointments on them. John began to turn to leave, but Babs ass distracted him.
She looked at John thoughtfully after his last reply and nodded. "You may have a point there. I'll keep it in mind." She shook her head. "Though, sometimes I have no choice, like when I stepped in to help Sam and we were outnumbered by those Cobra Kai guys. I couldn't just stand aside and not help." She seemed to actually be thinking about his warning to her credit and she smiled as he watched the video, a bit proud of herself for the achievement. "I have no intention of sharing the program I used or using that against Him in any way, just to be clear. I only wanted to show my skill, nothing more."

Barbara raised her eyebrows at Alfred's reply and slowly closed the drawers of the desk. Surely she wasn't on caller ID. Perhaps he simply knew the number. "Hello Alfred. A man named Agent Coulson called to confirm Mister Wayne's lunch appointment. Since I don't have access to the computer in my office" she gave John an amused look when she said it "I didn't know if the appointment was still scheduled or not so I told him I'd confirm and call back. He seemed to assume that Mister Wayne might not show." She didn't blame him based on her short interactions with Agent Johnson. "I know this isn't your responsibility Alfred but Mister Wayne told me to come up here and get a start on my new job but there isn't anyone here to meet me. Did he say anything to you?" She felt a bit silly asking Alfred but she also suspected there was almost nothing that went on that Alfred didn't know about.
John nodded, a bit relieved, when Babs took his warning seriously. That was really all he required, this wasn’t an argument he needed to win. He wasn’t even sure how it had started in the first place, so he let the matter drop. At least until she mentioned Cobra Kai. “Who’s Sam?” He asked curiously, then smirked a bit, confident he could have handled Cobra Kai, outnumbered or not. But given what he’d just told Babs, he decided not to say it aloud.

He nodded at her statement regarding the program. If she did start sharing the program, that would be a problem for Sara, not him, but he was glad there seemed no need to report it as he placed the phone back on the desk.

John smirked again when she mentioned not having access to the computer, but as she was on the phone he remained silent. Alfred didn’t seem surprised by the call as he replied. “Yes, he has a lunch date with Miss Johnson. That is probably what Agent Coulson is referring to. I shall ensure he attends. And since I assume your lack of access to the computer means you haven’t checked your email, I should inform you that he sent you instructions to procure a dress for Miss Johnson for the event. “

Even as he said that, the phone on Babs desk began to ring again.
If John had said he could handle Cobra Kai she'd have readily agreed with him. She had fought them off after all and he was clearly more skilled than her. She looked at him. "Samantha Larusso, Daniel Larusso's daughter. Until Chloe, Dave and I she was his last remaining student." She nibbled her lip as she thought about Terry Silver. "And if Terry Silver of Cobra Kai has his way, after the next tournament, we'll be his final students. Which is why I have to win that tournament. To protect Miyagi-Do from those predators."

She raised her eyebrows as Alfred told her the lunch date was with Agent Johnson. Some petty part of her was a bit annoyed by that but she decided it wasn't worth thinking more about it. "He said it was his lunch with Bruce Wayne. Hopefully he's not double booked. Or perhaps both Agents will be there." She blinked as she was told she needed to get Daisy Johnson a dress and nodded slowly. "Well, then I better figure out how to get access." She looked at the phone as another light blinked. "Alfred? I have a call coming in. I'm going to put you on hold briefly. " She looked the phone over and found the hold button then switched to the other line, a bit proud of herself for figuring it out.

"Wayne Enterprises, Barbara Gordon speaking, can I help you?" She looked at John questioningly as if to say 'how was that?'
“Ah. “ John nodded as she explained about Sam. Clearly he knew who the Larussos were, even if he wasn’t familiar with her nickname. “And who’s Dave?” He asked curiously, then shrugged. “Samantha did pretty well at the last tournament, so she’ll probably place high. Even if she doesn’t win, the publicity and cheaper admissions rates for Miyigo-do will work in their favor.

Alfred didn’t address her comments about double booking as that wasn’t his place. And before he could address her lack of access, she put him on hold. John gave her a quick thumbs up as she fielded the second call, and he hoped she hadn’t just hung up on Alfred.

“Yes, this is Andrea with Dr. Thompkins clinic. “ a young woman spoke over the phone. “Our annual fundraiser is next month, and Mr. Wayne has been so supportive in the past, we were hoping we could count on him again this year. “
"Dave is a friend of Chloe's who jumped in and helped out against Cobra Kai when things were about to go badly. And now he's a friend of mine I think. He's a nice guy though very shy and a bit of a klutz." She smiled a bit fondly as she thought about Dave. "I got the feeling from what Terry Silver said that there is some kind of agreement between Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do that the one that loses the tournament has to close their doors. That's why I have to make sure Miyagi-Do wins. I think Sam or I have the best chance, especially since Dave is the only male student."

Barbara raised her eyebrows at the call. She had truly hoped it was an internal call telling her to meet someone to get her login information or something. "I will discuss it with Mister Wayne and get back with you Andrea." She glanced at the phone and noticed the caller ID display she'd glossed over before in her nervousness. "I'll call you back shortly with an answer." Once Andrea was off the phone she quickly switched back over to Alfred.

"I'm sorry Alfred, that was a woman from Doctor Thompkins clinic talking about a fundraiser next month and wanting to know if Mister Wayne will be supporting them again. I told her I'd discuss it with Mister Wayne and get back to her." She rubbed her forehead. "I really need to get access to this computer I think and talk some of this over with Mister Wayne. I can't give answers like that without knowing his intentions."
“You think?” John raised an eyebrow a bit at that disclaimer, then shook his head. “Well, that seems like a stupid bet for Mr. Larusso to make, especially if his only male student is a klutz as you describe. No matter how well you and Samantha do, he won’t win. “

“Well, in this particular case I feel free to speak for Mr. Wayne. You may assure Miss Andrea that she may count on Mr. Wayne’s full support. “ he didn’t address her computer access concerns, at least not to her, but there was a soft knock on the door. A pretty blonde woman, probably in her mid thirties, dressed in slacks and a blouse, was standing there.

“Hi, I’m Amanda with the IT department. Mr. Pennyworth said you were having some trouble with your computer?” She said with a smile.


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She considered that. "I don't disagree. If I had to guess, he got provoked into it and wasn't thinking clearly. Silver tried to provoke him at Bruce Wayne's gala too with what seemed to be some kind of threat against a woman in his life. Sam, if I had to guess. " She pursed her lips and looked at John thoughtfully. "If Sam or I win the women's division and someone in Cobra Kai wins the men's, it's a draw. you know what a ringer is?"

She smiled at Alfred's reply. "I thought he would, but I didn't want to make assumptions for Mister Wayne. Hopefully he and I will have time to work this kind of thing out over the next few days." She looked up at the knock on the door and nodded to the woman, another smile on her face. "Thank you Alfred, someone from IT is here. You're the best. I'm sorry for taking up some of your time this morning. I'll reach out again if I need to get your input on something involving Mister Wayne if that's alright. Good bye." Once she was off the phone she smiled at Amanda.

"I'm not having problems so much as I don't have any login information. It's my first day on the job and to be honest, it's been a bit unorthodox so far."
John nodded. “I’ve heard Mr. Larusso can have a temper problem, so that wouldn’t surprise me. And I’m not sure what the rules are on a draw, but I’d guess the tiebreaker would favor the larger dojo. “ he frowned at her abrupt change of subject. “Sure, Sara had me use one once to dry out the laundry.”

“First day? Well, welcome aboard. “ Amanda said with a smile, and a bit of a sigh. If she’d had a bit of warning, she could have had this set up ahead of time. “I should be able to get this set up pretty quick, if you’ll excuse me…” she leaned past Babs, not making any real effort to conceal her movements, as she typed her password in, easily bypassing the log in screen. “If I could just get your name…” the phone rang again, and she smiled. “When you have a moment. “ she was oblivious to the way John glanced at her butt as she bent over the keyboard.
She nodded slowly as he seemed to agree with her thoughts on what may have happened. "Well, consider that this is just some kind of deal between the two men, not an official part of the tournament." She smiled a bit at his naivety. "A ringer is a term in sports. I saw it in a movie once. It's when someone who is secretly really good is brought in to insure a win. I just had a thought but it's probably not a good one." She shrugged, wondering if he'd work out what she had been thinking.

She nodded to Amanda with a smile. "Yes indeed. I thought I'd be getting some kind of orientation but it seems to be more of a trial by fire." She bit her lip as she memorized Amanda's password, not on purpose but just glancing at her fingers with her eidetic memory meant she now knew it. She had no plans on using it, of course, but you never knew when it might come in handy. She stepped aside for Amanda and quickly answered "Barbara Gordon" as she reached for the phone.

"Wayne Enterprises, Barbara Gordon speaking, how may I help you?"
“True. But I doubt Mr. Laruso would renege on the deal, even if there was no way to enforce it. “ John replied, though he doubted the same could be said of Silver. He shrugged at her explanation. “I don’t watch a lot of movies. “ he explained, still confused by the abrupt change of subject.

“Well, I could show you around, if you like. “ if the girl was working in Bruce Wayne’s office, and warranted a call to her supervisor from Alfred Pennyworth, she was important enough to rearrange her schedule. Amanda raised her eyebrows a bit at the name, wondering if Captain Gordon fit into her family tree anywhere, as she typed Babs name into the computer, then waited politely while she fielded the phone call.

“Yes, this is Major Hawks from General Hammond office. I’d like to speak to someone about the Dadeuls project. “
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