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Batgirl Begins (dbspock/WendyTheRed)

“He could have asked me. “ Sara laughed softly with a shake of her head. The laundry incident had been over a year ago…had he been harboring those questions since then? It would seem so. “And what did I just say about underestimating yourself?”

“Yes, this is Penny Hofsteader with Sionis pharmaceuticals. I’d like to make an appointment with Mr. Wayne to go over some of the products we offer. “ a woman’s voice announced hopefully over the phone, even as Sara turned to leave, carrying Babs clothes with her.
She shrugged at Sara's reply. "Maybe he was too intimidated to ask you about it." It seemed logical to her. She nodded as Sara repeated about not underestimating herself, though she wasn't sure how that applied here. She could tell John had some attraction to her speaking generically but his interests lay elsewhere. Still, she decided to give it some thought.

Sara pulled up the calendar in her email program and was pleased to see it linked to Bruce Wayne's calendar as she had thought. "I can set up a tentative meeting in two weeks. " She went over the details with the woman, setting the phone to route to the switchboard once more as the call wrapped up.

She glanced at the Wayne Enterprises envelope that was left behind and shook her head. "That'll have to wait..." she turned back to her computer. "Sorry John, I don't have a lot of choice here..."

Taking a breath she hacked into the systems and quickly entered some commands, based on programs she had previously written for other uses. The first one tracked Sara's badge as she moved through the building. After a pause she smiled and muttered. "Mission Impossible indeed." The next one would set the cameras to loop footage of empty hallways if her own badge was used nearby and also remove the record of her badge being used in case Sara put her clothes in a restricted area. She decided to set the loops for two minutes.

She set both programs to delete themselves at 5pm today then clipped her badge to her wrist watch. She nibbled her lip then sighed and pulled up a detailed building schematic including air shafts large enough for her use and after a moments thought she searched for a locker room. She found one used by some of the science staff and grinned. 'Hopefully they keep spare clothes in case of lab accidents. I bet I'd look great in a lab coat too."

Her preparations made she checked for the nearest air shaft entrance then began to track Sara both by her badge swipes and after a small shrug, by the camera feeds. "She made it clear there are no rules. I'm not searching this entire building..."
Sara frowned at Babs theory. She thought she and John had gotten over the intimidated phase, but maybe asking her about bras was an exception.

“Really?” Penny said excitedly. She’d expected to be turned down flat like the last two dozen times she’d called. “I’ll be there. “ she promised, ignoring Babs use of the word tenative.

The security at Wayne Enterprises was a lot more impressive than at GCPD, but with Amanda’s password at her disposal, she managed to complete her tasks, and get the security alerts routed to her email. Sara didn’t seem to be trying to evade detection as she used her badge on the first floor to access the pool area. Babs could see her on camera entering the locker room area, then she waved to the camera as she exited…without the bag.

Unfortunately for Babs, the large air shafts did not extend to the executive suite…the closest entrance was the maintenance floor two floors down, and the closest locker room was two floors below that.

By that time, she heard the doors of the express elevator open, and a steady set of footsteps rapidly approached her office.
Barbara had a feeling she'd need to cover this kind of thing with Bruce Wayne eventually. She knew he wouldn't have a comprehensive list of people to avoid but he'd have guidelines. Hell, maybe she could just ask Alfred. She had a suspicion Mister Wayne would have her make an excuse to cancel this particular appointment.

She frowned as Sara didn't make any attempt to evade detection. "Hmmm....the test isn't to find it. The test is to get to it undetected." She muttered to herself, hoping she was right. She quickly routed the alerts to her phone along with the camera feeds she had playing. Just in case she needed them to avoid others during this.

She frowned when she heard the elevator and footsteps. She looked around quickly then locked her computer and did the only thing she could think of. She silently slid out of her chair and crouched in the footwear area under her desk.
The footsteps stopped on the other side of her desk. “Barbara?” A voice called out, a voice she would probably recognize as Bruce Wayne’s. He paused for a moment, then not hearing a response studied her desk for a moment. He picked up the envelope and studied it for a moment before putting it back.

Then Babs saw a pair of expensive shoes and slacks appear as Bruce circled the desk, but instead of going into his office he sat down in her chair, his knees almost hitting Barbara as he scooted in a bit to grab the phone on her desk. She heard him dial a number, then say. “Greg? I was just wondering if Barbara Gordon reported for work today. “
She raised her eyebrows when she heard Bruce Wayne's voice. She was debating what to do when he moved to circle her desk. She nearly held her breath as he sat in her chair.

She froze when he scooted closer and she smirked when she heard him call Greg. But her thoughts quickly turned to her situation. She was at a crossroads. If Bruce Wayne was what he pretended to be then the smart move was to stay hidden. But John called him Bruce and she was pretty sure that she was right about how he really spent his nights.

She weighed her options then decided to take the biggest risk of her young life. She very gently rapped her knuckles on the underside of the desk, figuring Bruce Wayne would scoot the chair back and look to see what the noise was.
Bruce, of course, heard the rapping and scooted back in his chair. He raised his eyebrows when he saw Babs huddled under the desk in her birthday suit. “Never mind, Greg. I found her. “ he said before he hung up the phone. He then crossed his arms and just contemplated her for a few moments. “If you dropped your pen, there are more in the drawer. “ he finally said.
She blushed even though depending on how she counted it was either the second or third time he'd seen her like this. As she had thought he kept his cool and got off of the phone with Greg pretty quickly. She gave him a little wave and a half shrug.

"Where were you a few minutes ago Mister Wayne?" She said in an attempt at humor that made her wince. She cleared her throat. "So, you aren't asking because you already know why I'm like this or because you are waiting on me to explain it." She blushed even deeper. "Or you are just enjoying the moment..."
“Ummm…in the parking lot. “ Bruce replied as he waved back at her, though he didn’t move. “And enjoying the moment is indeed applicable, though an explanation would be appreciated. I fear you might have gotten the wrong impression over just what this job entails. “
She blushed slightly as he admitted to enjoying seeing her like this. Since he had scooted back she slid out from under the desk and perched on its edge, crossing her legs to give herself a bit of modesty.

"Hmmm...for a moment I thought she sent you as part of the test." She looked at him. "Sara is testing me, Mister Wayne. I have to retrieve my clothes while remaining uncaught." She didn't bother trying to make up a story. She was already committed at this point.
Bruce slid back a little further as she extracted herself from under the desk, and he didn’t take his eyes off her as she sat on the desk, offering him an even better view despite her crossed legs.

“Why would Sara send me to my office?” Bruce asked with a frown. “And why on earth is Sara testing you? And how did she get your clothes? I’m pretty sure Greg would have mentioned it if you were naked when he saw you. “
That blush refused to go away as he continued to stare at her. The office air was cool enough on her bare skin that she felt her pink nipples pucker causing her to drape an arm over her breasts to hide them.

She almost snorted at his comment about Greg. "No doubt Mister Wayne." She looked away from him, thinking, then spoke quietly. "I understand you know. I know why you don't trust me. You can't afford to. If you're wrong it isn't just your life that would be impacted."

She looked at him. "If it wasn't for my eidetic memory I'd doubt what I have reasoned out about you. Your persona is very good. But after seeing that jaw and lips as you stood over me..." she shrugged.

"Sara is training me. She got my clothes because she said my next test was to give them to her then retrieve them somewhere in this building without getting caught. She wants to test my resolve and determination as well as my skills. I won't lie. I thought that just being willing to go along might be the test. If I get caught, well, that's bad. Very bad. But it wasn't. She's already stashed my clothes in a locker in the pool area."

She looked at him. "Truthfully I believe you already know she is training me and know what kinds of tests she has in mind for me though I doubt you knew she'd test me here in your company. Don't worry. I have already plotted my route to where my clothes are and the best way to get to them without drawing attention. Though, if you'd like to simply give me say your pants, shirt and shoes it'd make my task much easier."
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Bruce gave no reaction to her nipples or her attempt to hide them. From his reaction, one might think he had a naked teen in his office everyday. Just as he gave no reply when she repeated her suspicions about his persona. It wasn’t until she started talking about Sara’s dojo that he perked up.

“I know Sara runs a little dojo in her spare time. I didn’t know she was poaching my employees or using my building as a training ground. “ he claimed, then raised an eyebrow. “You did get caught, it seems. “ he pointed out. “Or do I not count?” He laughed when she suggested she give him his clothes. “I don’t think they’d fit. “ he pointed out, as if that was the only thing wrong with her plan

“I hired you to assist me, not undergo whatever strange errand Sara sends you on. “ he told her. “What you do on your breaks is your business. Right now…Alfred said you already had some questions about my schedule. Let’s go over that first. “
She shrugged. "Well I didn't know she was going to do this either but I think that's the point. She wants to see what I'm willing to do." She smiled a little at his question. "You're probably the one personI could get caught by and it wouldn't cause me to lose, well, everything. " She nodded at his reply about his clothes. "True, but I could make it work. It's fine. I'll get clothes from the locker room on my path."

She blinked as he seemed to want to get right to business. It occurred to her it might be his way of testing her. "I did. One of the things I'll need to figure out is what appointments to deny and which to accept." She gave him a summary of the calls this morning and how she had dealt with them. "So, I think it'd be great if you and I could talk about your expectations and my role. For example, do I work here in the office most of the time or am I going to be at your side?"
"And just what are you willing to do?" Bruce asked curiously, as if her current nude state didn't answer that question. He raised his eyebrow a bit at her next statement. "Well, I'm glad I seem to be an exception." He told her, than raised an eyebrow. "So you intend to steal clothing, is that it? And just how do you intend to avoid the security cameras on your path? Unless you don't care about making Greg's day a bit more interesting. "

This was certainly the most interesting briefing Bruce had ever gotten as Babs was forced to give it while nude. He nodded in agreement with most of Babs decisions, but centered on the ones with Penny and Daisy. "So what kind of dress did you pick out for Daisy?" He asked, then sighed when he saw the appointment with Penny. "She doesn't give up, I'll give her that much. I'll tell you what...if she's cute, you can invite her to the pool party. How's that coming along, anyway? Otherwise, you can meet with her." He looked at her thoughtfully when she asked if she'd stay in the office. "Mary did, mostly. But you have skills that might come in handy. So I might have you come along a few times, and we'll see how that plays out."
She looked at him for a long moment before answering. "Whatever it takes. I made a promise to myself after what I experienced. I don't intend to fail Mister Wayne and I need this training from Sara as part of it." She shrugged. "I suspect you're an exception to quite a lot of things." She shook her head. "Borrow clothing. I'll return it. The clothing will just make this less problematic for me." She smiled. "Well, the whole point of the clothing is to lessen issues with the security cameras. I'll be able to take the ducts to the locker room. Luckily, there is a duct entrance two levels down in a maintenance area. That'll be the trickiest part of this whole situation. Also luckily, I have those skills I told you about. If my badge is swiped in an area, it will set the cameras to loop footage for two minutes. That should be enough time for me to cross a hallway, for instance. Don't worry, anything I have done is only for the rest of the day or until I get my clothes back."

She studied him for a moment as a thought occurred to her. "You know, I asked Sara what I can do to complete my mission and she said anything. And I find myself wondering something. If this is truly something you're concerned about, why haven't you asked me to tell you where my clothes are and offered to retrieve them for me? That would perhaps be skipping past her wanting to test my stealth abilities but it'd be an out of the box solution."

She continued to blush throughout the briefing and she wondered if Bruce was trying to teach her a lesson or simply enjoying himself or a bit of both. "I received an email from Alfred with instructions on the dress and John offered to pick it up for me. Sara's John..." She clarified, pretty sure he'd know exactly who she meant. "Though it was an Agent Coulson that called about your lunch date, not Agent Johnson." She shook her head when he brought up the pool party. "It's not coming along yet. I've been on the phone, learning my way around, getting my badge. You sort of tossed me into the deep end and I've had to figure a lot of stuff out." She shrugged. "I think I did alright so far. With an assist from Alfred that was greatly appreciated."

She nodded at his answer about her coming along. "I think I'd be much more useful at your side Mister Wayne. Get me a company cell phone and a tablet and I can keep your appointments updated on the go and be right there to assist you in whatever way you need." She smiled shyly as she suddenly realized how presumptuous she had just acted and looked away in embarrassment. She couldn't help looking at him briefly once more. "And...if you suddenly had, say, something unexpected come up, having an assistant around able to think on her feet and make excuses for you while you, say, go change into your other suit...could be helpful." She shrugged, not bothering to get more specific than that.
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