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Batgirl Begins (dbspock/WendyTheRed)

She blinked as he very nearly grabbed her breasts and she found herself somewhat enjoying how skittish he was. It reminded her a bit of Dave and she decided to be patient with him. She nodded her agreement to his various questions and flicked through his phone to find the directory he mentioned. To her relief, she was in it and she wondered if Alfred had made a call about that or if maybe Amanda or even Lucius Fox had been responsible. She selected her name and held his phone out again then reached into her purse with her free hand for her wallet and flipped it open to show him her driver's license.

"You're correct, I'll probably be keeping it for a while unless Mister Wayne wants me to check out something different." She smiled at him and waited patiently for him to finish his part of things. She thought about some of the controls she had seen while browsing through the menus on that console and smiled at him once more. "I'll need the keys of course unless this starts in some other way?" She wouldn't be surprised if it had some fancy way of starting.
Stan blinked and stared at her license. "That's not a Gotham license." He protested as he racked his brain, but there was nothing in the manual about needing to be from Gotham, as long as it was valid. And as far as he could tell, it was, but he was hardly an expert. Would he really get blamed if she showed him a fake license? Well, she was an employee here, and did seem to work closely...very closely...with the head guy, so Stan figured he was still within the realm of his responsibilities. "Okay." He finally declared, then nodded as she said she'd be keeping the vehicle. It wasn't like there was a huge demand for it anyway.

He nodded as the conversation turned to more practical matters. "It has keys." He assured her, and quickly dashed to the board to get them, returning only slightly out of breathe. "I think there's some fancy facial recognition and fingerprint scanner too, but you'll have to ask Rick how that works." He said apologetically. His eyes quickly skimmed the dashbaord and he saw that the electrical system was fully charged and the gas tank was 3/4 full. "So I think you're all set." He said with a nod so she could drive off if needed, but also be close enough if she needed anything else.
She nodded. "I need to get a new one. I only moved to town a few days ago to live with my dad. Long story." She smiled as he seemed to make a decision. She watched him dash off to the board and then return with the keys. She had to admit, she was surprised this place seemed so empty and unguarded down here. She listened as he spoke about the facial recognition and fingerprint scanner.

She nodded her understanding and looked back at the console. On a whim she leaned over the seat and opened the glove compartment. She rifled through it for a moment then closed it. She nibbled her lip thoughtfully then twisted around to look behind her. She moved to the rear of the vehicle, nodding as he said she was set. She opened the rear door for the cargo bed and looked it over. She saw a small door built into the wall and opened, grinning when she pulled out a thick book. "As I hoped, a user's manual. Perfect." She looked at Stan as she slid the book back into place, then closed up the rear of the Humvee.

"I think so, thank you very much Stan." She returned to the front of the humvee and pulled herself up into the driver's seat. "I'm sorry about this morning and believe me when I say I hope nothing similar happens ever again in the rest of my employment here. You have my number in case you have any trouble either with this morning or allowing me to check this out."

She closed the door with enough force to make sure it stayed close but also mindful of what he had said about the windows. She grinned and drove the car towards the exit ramp, pleased to see the doors at the end of it opening automatically. She drove out and circled to the front of Wayne Enterprises, pleased when she saw Bruce Wayne waiting as he'd said he would be. She pulled up in front of him and rolled the passenger side window down. "Ready Mister Wayne?"
Stan nodded at her explanation but didn't press for details. It wasn't any of his business. He saw her smile and automatically returned it, unable to help thinking she looked even cuter when she smiled, but he didn't give voice to that thought either. Just as when she bent over to look in the glove compartment, he didn't let on the memory that sparked of her naked ass. He stepped back, a bit confused as to what she was looking for, when she exited the vehicle, and peeked over her shoulder when she opened the rear. As he expected, the back was filled with emergency supplies, but it didn't seem that was what she was interested in. He raised his eyebrow when she triumphantly presented the user manual. "Are you actually going to read that?" He asked, surprised. As far as he knew, no one ever read the manual.

"Your welcome." He told her, unable to keep from blushing slightly when she thanked him, even if he was just doing his job. His blush deepened when she brought up the morning incident, and the realization he wasn't sorry it had happened, and would be disappointed if it didn't happen again. But he didn't tell her that either. He felt even more disappointed when she reminded him her number was just for work related issues, but he nodded in agreement.

Bruce raised an eyebrow when he saw Babs driving the military vehicle, and he leaned in the open window and laughed. "Where on earth did you find this?" He asked as he pulled at the handle and struggled to open the door.
She looked at Stan when he questioned her about reading the user manual. "I will yes." She didn't bother telling him that because of her eidetic memory she'd only have to read it once. She could see the look of surprise on his face. "I want to make sure I know what I'm doing with this vehicle so that I don't accidentally, I don't know, activate the ejection seat while Mister Wayne is sitting in it." She made a small joke, referencing a movie she vaguely remembered about a secret agent.

She paused after thanking him and reminding him about her number. She wasn't positive but she thought Stan looked a little disappointed. "I've only made one friend here at Wayne Enterprises, her name is Amanda and she works in IT. If you ever want to join me for lunch or something, feel free to drop me a line. If I'm not off doing something for Mister Wayne, maybe we could meet in the cafeteria or something." She figured she owed the poor guy an olive branch. After his answer she drove off.

She smiled at his look when he saw what she was driving. "Well, I said I needed an armored vehicle since I'd be driving the big guy around. This was in R&D. Don't worry, I plan to read the entire manual so I know what it's capable of and I don't accidentally misuse it somehow." She looked at him. "I also figured that since Sara loves to make me go to unexpected places it couldn't hurt to have a vehicle that is safe. Also, can you imagine the look on Dad's face when I park this in his driveway?" She laughed at the mental image. "And if you meant it about taking me clothes shopping, well, this has a cargo bed doesn't it?" She winked playfully and reached over to the console bringing up the GPS map she'd found during her brief exploration earlier. "Give me the address for where we're having lunch Mister Wayne and I'll get us there."
Stan laughed at her mention of the ejection seat. "It wouldn't surprise me." He admitted. "Just make sure you use it outside. I'm not sure how we'd write it up otherwise." He stepped back from the vehicle so she could drive away, then was surprised when she mentioned something not work related. His surprise increased dramatically when she invited him to lunch...more or less. "I'll do that." He said excitedly, then just stood there and stared after her as she drove off.

"And just who do you think is after little old me? Cobra?" Bruce laughed, referencing the foes of GI Joe, a TV show he'd watched years ago. "I had no idea R&D was working on this type of thing. I thought I shut down the military branch." He finally got the door opened, and slid into the passenger seat, not bothering with the seat belt...though it was more a restraint harness. He slammed the door, either unaware of or ignoring the potential damage that might cause. "I'm glad your reading the manual, but is this thing even street legal?" He asked with another chuckle, shaking his head when she mentioned her father. "I'm picturing the looks on your neighbors faces." He admitted, ignoring her comment about Sara.

"Oh, I meant it." He promised her when she asked about clothes shopping. "But they do deliver, you know." He informed her before he rattled off the address of one of Gotham's high end restaurants. "And step on it, Alfred. We're already late."

Just then, Bab's phone went off with a message from Chloe explaining Jim hadn't been able to figure out the texting, so he'd asked Chloe to send Babs a message assuring her he'd meet her at the restaurant if she'd give the destination.
She smirked when Bruce Wayne mentioned Cobra. "Does that make me Scarlett because of the red hair?" She shrugged at his comment. "Maybe it was a left over? I didn't see any others down there. Maybe I'll spray paint a flying rodent on the hood and make it my own night-time vehicle."

She paused as if seriously considering it. "No, something mobile would be best. Like motorcycle." Shr shrugged at his question about it being street legal. "How would I know? To be honest when I asked about armor I was thinking something like an SUV with hidden armor plating. I wouldn't be surprised if this has a hidden machine gun that pops out or something."

She grinned as he called her Alfred then saw the text from Chloe. She handed her phone to Bruce. "Can you please text her the address? I probably shouldn't try to text and drive in this thing."
"Only if I get to be General Hawk." Bruce teased her, then shrugged. "That makes sense. They probably mothballed it when I shut down the division. And you'd better check with Rick before you make any modifications to it. And if it does have a machine gun....I'm sure that isn't street legal. You aren't subject to road rage, are you? I'm sure your father would have a problem with that."

Bruce nodded as he took her phone. "Who's Chloe?" he asked curiously as he typed the address in and pressed send. "And good for you for being safe, but I bet thins thing has text to voice capability if your ever driving it alone." And just like that, he implicitly gave her permission to use the beast for her own personal use.
She nodded slowly. "That's a deal General. Besides, Scarlett is a total ass kicker from what I remember." She listened to his thoughts on the vehicle. "Stan mentioned Rick too. Is he head of R&D or something? Maybe I should get to know him. See if he has other items I can check out and field test." She laughed. "I somehow doubt it does and if it did I doubt it'd have been so simple to check out."

She smiled. "I'm sure it does have text to voice, I just hadn't gotten around to setting it up yet and while driving didn't seem like a good time." She glanced at him briefly when he asked about Chloe. "Chloe is my dad's neighbor. She's about my age. He was helping her out in subtle ways, letting her do chores for cash and stuff. She uhhh..." She debated what to say then shrugged. "I think she might be an orphan or something. She lives all alone and I honestly am not sure how she's making it. She gave me her resume to see if I could hand it off to someone in your company. She's a good person. She was at your gala actually." She described Chloe and what she had been wearing that night to him in case he had seen her then laughed. "Actually, she literally fell into your arms at the staircase."
"Sure thing Scarlet." And that was about the extend of his knowledge of GI Joe, so he dropped the matter. "And yes, Rick is part of the leadership of R&D, though he's more on the Development side of it. He could be the head, he has the mind for it, but not the motivation. He'd rather be in a garage than in a meeting, but go ahead and schedule a meeting with him. He'll be impressed with your computer program, and no, you can't go work for him." Bruce smirked, well aware Rick would probably try and poach someone like Barbara, and wanting to nip that in the bud. He shrugged at her next statement. "I have no idea how hard it would be to check out a weapon. I don't think I've ever signed anything out. Stuff just sort of appears when I ask for it."

"Probably wise, even though I'm pretty sure this thing wouldn't get damaged even if you hit something." He pointed out. Any trace of amusement left his face when she started talking about Chloe. Clearly he was taking it seriously. Even when she mentioned their meeting on the staircase he kept a strait face. "Well, I count as someone in the company." He declared. "Leave a copy of her resume on my desk. I'll find a position for her." He declared, then tapped on Babs phone again. "You just told her she has a job interview tomorrow morning. I'll figure out with who after I look at her resume."
She nodded when she listened to his explanation of Rick's role. She could sympathise with Rick and she had a feeling she'd get along well with him as she was quite tech minded herself. She grinned when he said she couldn't work for him. "No worries Mister Wayne, I'm quite happy where I am. But who knows, maybe if I have spare time I can go down to the garage and collaborate with him or something." She glanced at him and nodded slowly. She opened her mouth, about to ask about how he got his tools for his other career but she knew he wouldn't tell her, not yet, so she closed her mouth.

She glanced at him when he said to leave Chloe's resume on his desk. She nodded and was surprised to realize her eyes were misting. She wiped briefly at them and smiled. "Thank you Mister Wayne." She wasn't sure what else to say without embarrassing one or both of them and so she simply drove to the restaurant. She took great pleasure in the look on the valet's face when she pulled up front and handed him the keys, then waited on Bruce to walk into the restaurant together with him.
"Your first day and your already claiming your happy? Pretty bold statement." he teased her. Especially as she'd spent most of the morning naked. "And I'm not sure what your schedule is going to be like, but if you have any free time, don't tell Sara." He warned her with a wink before her phone rang. As she was still busy driving, he went ahead and answered it. "Miss Gordon's, she's occupied at the moment...yes, I'll tell her...I'll let her know...okay, you have a good day too...bye..." He disconnected the call and turned to Babs. "Chloe says thanks for the interview, and you have to pick up some business clothes for her when you go shopping." He informed her. If he noticed how emotional she seemed to get about hsi offering to help her friend, he gave no sign of it.

The valet was just about to tell her she had taken a wrong turn, when he noticed who her passenger was and his eyes widened. He gave her no more trouble as she joined Bruce for the walk to the restaurant. Agents Coulson and Johnson were already waiting, Coulson was dressed in a suit but Daisy was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Her eyes lit on the garment bag Babs was carrying and she rushed forward. "Is that for me?" She asked hopefully as she cast a sidelong glance at the doorman. "I think that guy wants to call the cops on me for being too close to the restaurant dressed like this. Can I change in the back of your car? I think it's plenty big enough." Daisy chuckled.
She glanced at him when he mentioned her schedule and grinned. "Well, as your assistant, I'd think you'd know my schedule. Then again, I wonder, how much time do you actually spend in the office and therefore, how much time will I spend in the office? I'm thinking you'll need someone at your side to make sure you don't get into trouble."

She snorted when he answered her phone as her assistant. She blinked at the request for business clothes but she figured she owed Chloe so she'd figure it how somehow. "You know she's going to ask me who answered my phone. I wonder if she recognized your voice from the Gala or seeing you on TV or something. That'll be a fun conversation."

She smiled and handed the garment bag over to Daisy with a nod. "Of course." She turned and called to the valet. "A moment please, our lunch companion needs to use the back of the vehicle." She escorted Daisy over to the experimental car and climbed into the driver's seat to unlock the back for her and also to essentially be a guard and glare at any males who got to close. "Who knew we'd see each other again so fast Agent Johnson."
Bruce shrugged. "I have no idea what your schedule will be." he claimed. "Your supposed to manage my schedule. At least I think that's how this works. And I spend as much time in the office as Lucuis needs me to, so I guess you will too. And Alfred's the one who is usually by my side to keep me out of trouble. And tell Chloe Alfred answered the phone." Bruce suggested with a laugh. "I don't think she had any idea who she was talking to. She was very polite though. You have good taste in friends." And that was the primary reason Bruce had made the offer. Any friend of Barabra had to be a good person, he figured.

The valet glanced over with annoyance at the disruption of his routine, but he knew better than to object. For all he knew, Bruce Wayne owned the place and his driver could get him fired. He was quite interested in the sight of the beautiful woman with the garment bag, it wasn't hard to figure out the chain of events here, but a glare from Barbara soon sent him back to his post. "Thanks." Daisy said, sensing the turn of events there, then she let out a low whistle as she surveyed the vehicle. "Though it wouldn't surprise me if this thing has tinted windows. And I'm changing in front of you...I think you can call me Daisy now." Daisy laughed again.

Quick change seemed to be a skill she picked up, as less than a minute later she exited the vehicle, though she didn't look happy. "Let me guess...Bruce picked this out?" She complained as she tried to make sure nothing was popping out, but she didn't have a lot of fabric to work with. "Just tell me I covered everything important. The deal isn't THAT important, no matter what Coulson says."
Barbara considered Bruce's flurry of answers then smiled as she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. "Hmmm...well, then. Perhaps I will have more time to spend in R&D than it first sounded like but we'll see how often you need to be in the office. Still, I will make sure my work for you is done." She already had ideas about how to do both at once, at least when he wasn't in the office. She'd just have to be careful with her idea so she didn't become so efficient she was no longer needed. She was also a bit saddened he was making it clear he didn't need her outside the office, in truth she had mostly wanted an excuse to earn his trust but she figured that would come with time.

Barbara grinned at Daisy's whistle. "It seems that as Mister Wayne's assistant when I go to the motor pool and suggest I might need an armored vehicle to keep him safe they take me seriously. I thought they'd give me an SUV with armor plating and bullet proof glass but no, they took me to this. As far as I know, it's one of a kind."

When they stepped out again she motioned to the valet then moved to Daisy. She nodded in affirmation to the question. "More or less he did, yes." She looked the dress over and smoothed it out a bit with her fingertips. "I think Mister Wayne would have been just fine if this lunch was only you two. Though now Agent Coulson is here and I'm here and he invited my dad too." She smiled at Daisy. "Everything's covered. You're going to draw every eye in the restaurant, you're beautiful. The rest of us will be in your shadow." She smiled once more so Daisy didn't think she was going to be jealous and catty about it or something.
Daisy burst out laughing when Babs explained how she’d gotten the monstrosity of a vehicle. “Yeah, no one wants to piss off the boss, so they need to keep his assistant happy as well. “ she observed. “And yeah…there’s nothing in any file I’ve seen that’s anything like it. The things bigger than my apartment. “ an exaggeration, perhaps, but not much of one.

“Less being the operative term I think. “ Daisy complained as she tried to adjust the dress again, but quickly gave up when Babs assured her everything was covered, pretty much. She raised her eyebrows when Babs mentioned her Dad was coming. “Captain Gordon? Maybe this will be a business meeting after all. “ she speculated.

Daisy looked a bit skeptical at Babs compliment, then relaxed when she saw Babs smile and realized she meant it. “ I hope not. I like to keep a low profile. “ she said, and indeed neither the doorman or the host batted an eye at her appearance, clearly accustomed to beautiful women, as they escorted the ladies to the private dining room.
Barbara grinned when Daisy laughed at her description of how she got the vehicle. She nodded. "Yeah, I've already had to be careful. I think people are a little scared when they find out who I work for around there. I'm hoping to keep it on the downlow but I don't think it's possible." She shrugged then snorted at her description. "Yeah, I really was hoping for something a little less like a tank but, well, it is what it is."

Barbara nodded, her cheeks briefly coloring when she considered how much less Bruce had seen her in. "Yeah, I think he enjoys..." She motioned to the dress, not really sure how to phrase it. She nodded back to Daisy when she confirmed her dad was coming and looked around curiously to see if he was there. "I'm sure you do like to keep a low profile in your profession." She smirked. "I mentioned to Mister Wayne that you had hinted I might have a job if I ever needed it with you and he seemed a bit skeptical."

She stopped briefly by the doorman as they passed by. "A man in glasses and in a suit that is, well, less expensive than what you usually see here will be coming." She described Jim Gordon more fully to him. "He is a guest of Bruce Wayne's. Feel free to check with him if you need to. His suit may be below your usual standards but please don't embarrass him. I'm not sure how Mister Wayne would react if one of his guests was made to not feel welcome." She flashed an innocent smile then fell into step with Daisy as they were led to their table.
"Yeah. Your boss is the Luthor of Gotham, City. I'm sure the horror stories about Lex have affected people's perceptions of powerful people, and your guilty by association now. I doubt your going to be able to keep a low profile at the office." Daisy giggled. "Or on the street driving that thing. But a tank would be cool. Sadly I don't think Bruce would go for that. He has a thing about supplying the military."

Daisy looked a bit confused by Babs obvious embarrassment...she was the one wearing what felt like half a dress, after all. But she didn't enquire about it as she figured Babs would talk about it if she wanted to. Daisy did, however, nod at Babs gesture. "Yeah...most guys do. They just aren't rich of influential enough to get people to play dress up for them." She didn't rise to the bait when Babs brought up her profession. She did, however, raise her eyebrow when Babs questioned the sincerity of her offer. "Oh, the offer is real." She promised. "I saw what you can do with computers...there's always room for someone that talented."

Jim Gordon had not arrived by the time the pair were being led into the private dining room, and Daisy looked at Babs approvingly. "Good call." She told her. "They won't dare keep your dad out now. Not even if he came in his pajamas." Daisy giggled again at the mental image that brought up. The doorman, for his part, thanked her for the warning and assured her checking with Mr. Wayne wasn't necessary. He'd seen her driving the man.

"Daisy. You look lovely, as I expected." Bruce flashed a wide grin at the pair of them as they entered, though it was clearly intended more for Daisy as he took her hand, kissed her cheek, and led her to the table, sitting her down in the seat opposite his. He also pulled out Barbara's seat, though, opposite Coulson's, before he took his own seat next to Babs.

"Order whatever you like...except for alcohol. I don't think your dad would approve." Bruce observed as the waitress (in a dress that covered a bit more than Daisy's. but not by much) passed out menus...menus absent prices, at least as far as the one Babs received.
She thought about what Daisy said and nodded. "You're probably right. I just..." She paused to think about what she was going to say. "I don't want people to feel like they have to be careful around me. That's a good way to end up ostracized you know?" She smiled at Daisy's reply about the job. "Oh, I know it was. Mister Wayne was, I think, being sarcastic about me working for you is all. Though perhaps he just doesn't want to lose his newest assistant." Her eyes gleamed as she thought about the R&D department and this mysterious Rick who she was already planning to get to know better.

She grinned when Daisy complimented her on using Bruce's name to get her dad entry into the restaurant. "And here I was trying to say I want to keep a low profile. I suppose I'm a bit of a hypocrite." She shrugged, though she did snort in amusement at Daisy's comment about her dad in pajamas. "I think he'll be mystified when they let him right in. And probably a bit nervous to be here." She pursed her lips thoughtfully. "Truthfully, I was surprised he invited my dad."

She watched Bruce with Daisy and barely kept herself from rolling her eyes though a slight smirk did cross her lips. She took the seat he had offered and nodded at his comment about ordering. "Don't worry, I want to keep a clear head Mister Wayne. My day is far from over after all." She looked at the menu and had a mental image of her dad having a heart attack when he contemplated how expensive this place was. She suspected Bruce Wayne was going to pay for him but she didn't want to ask, that seemed a bit presumptuous.

She looked over her menu at Agent Coulson. "Agent Coulson, I believe we spoke on the phone earlier. It's good to put a name to the face." She smiled at him and put the menu down, having already made her selection. She glanced around the restaurant, partially to look for her dad, and partially just to see who else might be here before her gaze turned back to the agent across from her. "I suppose you and I are the chaperones Agent Coulson."
"I know." Daisy said with a serious nod. "But5 I can't say I know you that well, but from what I can tell, I don't think your the type of person who will wind up ostracized. And yes, I can think of a few reasons Bruce wouldn't want to lose his assistant...even if he didn't make you wear a ridiculous dress." She giggled at Babs comment about her dad. "Just make sure you use your newfound power for good, and not evil." Daisy cautioned with a grin, then shrugged. "Your dads a smart guy, I'm sure he'll figure out pretty quick someone tipped them off. And Agent Coulson had some security concerns about..." Daisy trailed off, and shrugged again. "That's probably why your dad was invited."

Bruce nodded in approval when Barbara took his caution about drinking on the job seriously, and he barely glanced at the menu before handing it back. "The usual." He told the waitress, who nodded as she took the agents orders as well, not bothering to write anything down before turning to Barbara expectantly.

Agent Coulson, for his part, rose slightly from his seat and shook Bab's hand firmly. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Gordon. Thanks for getting Bruce here." He said with a slight grin, not commenting on the fact the pair were late. Before he could make a comment about her chaperone crack, Captain Gordon entered. Not quite as accustomed to beautiful women as the staff, his eyes did widen slightly when he saw Daisy, but he quickly schooled his expression as he took the last available seat next to Babs...and across from Daissy. Not staring at her exposed cleavage was going to be a full time job, he mused ruefully before he greeted everyone. "Agent Johnson...nice to again. Agent Coulson. Mr. Wayne." He turned to Babs with a slight grin. "Miss Gordon."
She smiled at Daisy as the woman replied. "Well, I wouldn't be surprised if he has trouble keeping assistants and finding assistants he can trust. I hope to earn that trust and make him glad he hired me." She shrugged. "As for dresses, he seems to reserve the sexy ones for you." She couldn't help a cheeky grin when she said it. The grin turned to a contemplative look when Daisy nearly revealed something. Her eyes slowly looked around the restaurant and she found herself feeling a bit on edge after that comment. She spoke quietly. "I know you probably can't share anything with a civilian but if there is anything you can share and think it'd be helpful for me to know, just in case, I will keep your confidence."

When the waitress turned to Babs she pointed at her order on the menu and smiled to her. Hopefully her order would be both good and nutritious. She shook Agent Coulson's hand back and smiled. She grinned back at him but flushed slightly, glad he hadn't asked about why they were late. He probably assumed it was just Bruce Wayne being Bruce Wayne. She glanced over when she saw her dad entered and smiled warmly at him. She was a little surprised he knew Agent Coulson and she debated picking his brain later about what agency they worked for.

"Captain Gordon. Good to see you." She grinned as she remembered the vehicle she'd be parking in front of his house later but she decided to leave it as a surprise. Once more her eyes scanned the area as she thought about what Daisy had implied before she looked back at him.
Daisy shrugged. "I wouldn't know. The dynamics of office politics weren't subject to our investigation." Daisy gave a rueful grin. "And you got me into this dress. I'm sure he's already glad he hired you." Daisy teased her, then her expression grew serious. "I know you will." She said. She didn't know the redhead hardly at all, but already had the feeling she could trust her. "When you need to know, you will." She promised.

The waitress politely smiled back at Babs when the teen gave her order, then went back into the kitchen after ensuring everyone had a drink...Bruce's being the only one containing alcohol. Agent Coulson looked at Babs a bit quizzically as he noticed her blush, but decided not to pursue the matter. it wasn't any of his business. Jim also noticed the blush but assumed his daughter was just uncomfortable in such a fancy restaurant. He could certainly relate. He grinned a bit as Babs imitated his formality, pleased they had already reached the stage in their relationship they could tease one another without worry the other would take it personally.

"Well, we might as well get a little business done while we are waiting for our food." Agent Coulson announced, since Bruce was clearly too busy staring at Daisy to get the meeting started. Agent Coulson habitually glanced around the room a bit, despite the fact it was a private dining area empty except for them, before he reached into his briefcase and removed a small folder. "Bruce...the tour of your facility was outstanding, and I have no doubt, technologically, you can handle the contract. But as I mentioned, I do have some security concerns in regards to transport. Captain Gordon...if you wouldn't mind looking at the plans, please?" He passed the folder to Jim, who didn't really think to hide it from Babs, and she got a glimpse of suggested flight schedules and routes for an unspecified shipment.
Barbara arched an eyebrow as she listened to Daisy. "Investigation?" She smirked at the comment about the dress. "I didn't have anything to do with that, other than helping to get it and bring it here. You must have secretly wanted to be a fairy tale princess for a day." She nodded slowly as Daisy confirmed she would know when she needed to and was wise enough not to push for it now.

Barbara noticed Bruce staring at Daisy and smirked, though her gaze snapped to Coulson when he talked about getting business done. She listened to what Coulson said and did her best to quickly read the flight schedules upside down and the routes. She glanced back at Coulson, pursing her lips thoughtfully. She glanced at her dad and Bruce as thoughts went through her mind, thoughts she knew her dad would for sure not approve of. She cautiously asked. "Are the security concerns related to driving it through Gotham to or from Mister Wayne's facility?" She looked thoughtful and spoke without really thinking. "If it was me, I'd have a big protected convoy depart. And put whatever it is you're shipping in another heavily armored vehicle that leaves on its own and takes a different route. Classic bait and switch. If that vehicle is lucky, it might even have overwatch while it's here in Gotham from a certain caped crusader."
"Just routine." Daisy assured Babs when she questioned her use of the word investigation, then frowned playfully at Babs. "You could have gotten something lost in translation." She pointed out, then shook her head. "I've never had any aspirations to be a princess."

Jim's gaze snapped up to Babs when she spoke, and he quickly closed the file, unsure how much she had seen. Coulson, for his part, didn't seem concerned as he glanced between Babs and Bruce, and when Bruce didn't reprimand Babs for speaking, Coulson decided Bruce had probably brought her along to be the brains of the operation and addressed her directly. "To." He clarified. "And we've considered the decoy option, but decided to keep the number of personal involved to a minimum." Jim frowned at that, but had to admit it made sense as there were only a handful of people at GCPD he felt he could trust for something like this. Coulson, for his part, frowned at the mention of a 'caped crusader'. "I don't want Batman anywhere near this thing." Coulson stated firmly, then Daisy spoke up, clearly not content to be just window dressing.

"I think Babs...Miss Gordon...might be on to something. If we assigned SHIELD personal and Wayne security to the shipment, we could provide security for an armored convoy. Then maybe the GCPD could take a low profile vehicle via an alternate route that no one would suspect."
Barbara smiled at Daisy's reply, then shrugged. "I did when I was very young but I think most of us go through a phase like that. Still, I'm surprised you agreed to the dress to be honest." She grins. "Unless, you liked the idea of the attention it'll get."

In truth, Barbara hadn't meant to speak up, it had just happened and she glanced at Bruce out of the corner of her eyes. Much like Coulson, when he didn't correct her and Coulson spoke with her, she thought about what he was saying. She looked at Daisy when she offered an alternative and nibbled her lip before glancing at her dad, thinking the reputation of the GCPD. She looked at Daisy then, her mind racing. "Agent Johnson, maybe you and a driver from Wayne Enterprises could take the shipment. I've heard rumors of a fairly heavily armored vehicle in the Wayne Enterprises R&D department that could be used. We..." she corrected herself. "You and that driver load the shipment onto the other vehicle and take the alternate route. If you can arrange it right, it's possible only those of us at the table would know about the switch." She paused and looked around the table. "You know the saying, the less people that know a secret the less chance of it getting out."
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