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Batgirl Begins (dbspock/WendyTheRed)

Bruce frowned for a few moments, then shrugged. "As far as I know, there are no restrictions on what you can believe in the manual. As long as it doesn't affect your job, you can believe whatever you like."

If Bruce noticed how embarrassed she was by his suggestion she try the bra on, he made no mention of it. He did, however, react to her admitting she could try the bra on. "Okay." He agreed with a nod as she took the underwear from him, but noticed she didn't exactly answer his question about whether she had enough. "Well, I'm sure Alfred would be happy to help you launder your clothes." Bruce volunteered. "And if you need something else..." Bruce waved his hand to encompass the shop. "I'm sure they could help you out. Or we could try another store if you prefer. If not...well, we should probably get to the office and get some actual work done. Can't have my assistant thinking all I do is go to lunch and shop all day."

At that moment, Babs phone went off. It was Sam texting if Babs wanted to train that eveing.
She blinked at his casual ok about the bra and glanced around for a changing room before looking back at him. "I uhhh...I don't know if I should ask Alfred to do that. I don't want to take advantage of him or anything." She smiled slightly as he kept talking and looked around the shop. "Well, I mean, I'm a girl with maybe 6 outfits to her name. I could lose myself in this store if you let me but, again, I don't want to take advantage." It was clear she had a yearning to get a wider variety of clothes but also felt guilty at the idea of asking him for more. She nodded at his comment about the office. "And I need to write up that request for R&D."

She was a little surprised when her phone went off and more surprised when it wasn't Chloe. She quickly read the message and was about to reply when she remembered John. She quickly typed a reply. 'Yes and I might be bringing a new student with me if I get in touch with him beforehand.' She figured Sara and John wouldn't mind and that she'd probably end up training with them right after.
"Oh, I'll ask Alfred." Bruce assured her, totally missing the point of her objection. Just as he seemed to miss her looking around for a changing room, seeming to expect her to change right in the middle of the shop. The saleslady, however, noted her look and gently touched her elbow, directing her to the corner where there was a changing room. "Bruce followed along, seemingly ignorant of her destination. "Oh, I'm sure the staff wouldn't allow you to get lost. But if you'd like to add some casual clothing to the pile, I'm sure they'd be happy to accommodate." That proved to be an understatement, for as soon as Bruce said the word, the staff quickly darted off, and soon jeans and T-shirts began to appear on the pile. Bruce joined in the hunt, though his tastes deviated towards tank tops, shorts, and shirts that were barely more than sports bras. Frome somewhere, they even managed to procure a couple bikinis, one for Chloe and one for Babs.

'Great. The more the merrier." Sam claimed in her reply, which was followed by a couple smiley faces. Sam's next message read. 'Him? Is he cute?' she asked, and that was followed by a winky emoji, and one with its tongue stuck out.
She wasn't sure what to say when Bruce said he'd ask Alfred. She made a mental note to talk to Alfred at some point if it came up and reassure him she'd understand if he didn't want to do it. She didn't want Alfred to think she was some entitled spoiled brat like that Duella girl. She smiled at the saleslady as she stepped in and guided her to the changing room. For a moment, she thought Bruce intended to step in with her and she walked in, nodding to his suggestion about casual clothing. "That would be wonderful Mister Wayne." It suddenly occurred to her that her dad might freak out at seeing this and leap to conclusions but she figured she could explain it. Somehow. She called out from within the changing room as she swapped into the jaw. "Maybe uhmmmm..if it would be ok, some workout clothes? I'm going to be doing a lot of exercising and getting into better shape after all."

She looked at her phone as it chimed, distracting her from rotating in front of the mirror in the changing room to check out the bra. She had to admit, Bruce had good taste. She lifted the phone and grinned at the message, quickly replying. 'He is. And he's very skilled in martial arts as well. I think he'll up our chances in the tournament substantially. I'll introduce you, never fear.' She put the phone back on the bench, briefly frowning as she remembered John's request for an introduction. She turned and looked at herself critically in the mirror. "Barbara Gordon, you need to figure out why all the men in your life have eyes for other women besides you before you end up as an old cat lady or something." she said to herself quietly as she looked herself over critically.
"Of course that would be okay." Bruce promised, and the salesladies, who all worked on commission, certainly didn't object to selling more. They happily disappeared back into the shop, and soon leotards and yoga pants also appeared on the pile. Bruce, of course, favored bicycle shorts and grabbed a pair of spandex ones. "Why don't you try these on as well?" Bruce suggested, and the salesladies didn't dare object as Bruce headed into the dressing room to hand Babs the shorts. He ran his eyes critically over her, making note of how the bra fitted her, then nodded in approval. "Looks good on you." He said approvingly. "Anything else? Maybe some pajamas? What do you sleep in?" He asked as he waited for her to try on the shorts. Clearly whatever flaws Babs saw in herself, he was blind to.

"Really? That's great.' Sam replied, excited enough about having a male that might be qualified to enter the tournament that she didn't follow up on her previous joke about how cute Babs friend was. 'No offense to Dave, but I don't think he'll be ready in time.'
She was startled out of her reverie by Bruce barging into the dressing room with the spandex bicycle shorts. She took them from him with a slight blush then took a breath, that blush only getting worse as he looked the bra over. "Thank you Mister Wayne." She hesitated then quickly slid her dress the rest of the way off and stepped into the bicycle shorts, tugging them up over her long legs. "Well, I tend to sleep in like t-shirts and sweat pants right now. It's all I have. But I'd love some actual pajamas."

She glanced at her phone as it dinged again and quickly typed a reply to Sam. 'Who knows, Dave might surprise us but if nothing else, he'll be there to cheer us on.'
"Your welcome." Bruce replied blithely as she stripped off her dress in front of him, never taking his eyes off her as she slid on the shorts. He then nodded. "You got it." He promised, then yelled out "Pajamas" confidant the ladies would be more than happy to comply. "Anything else? I can get you some lingerie to, as long as you promise not to tell your dad."

'If Cobra Kai doesn't knock him out.' Sam agreed, clearly not expecting Dave to surprise them, and also seemingly not worried about any other dojos that might be in the tournament.
She blushed as he watched her change but she figured after earlier, changing into some athletic shorts wasn't as big of a deal as it would have been even on Saturday. She grinned as he just called out pajamas and then froze when he asked about lingerie. Her eyes widened slightly and she once again went beet red. " you think I need lingerie?" She kicked herself for the question as soon as she asked it and was suddenly aware she was there in spandex shorts and a bra with him.

She saw Sam's reply and texted her back. 'We'll protect Dave!' She meant it too. If Cobra Kai messed with him she would try out all her new training on them.
"That color matches your bra." Bruce chuckled softly as his comment caused Babs to turn red again. Then he shrugged as he bent down to 'politely' pick up her dress. "I don't know. Sara claimed she didn't need any when I offered, and as far as I know she's never worn the one I gave her for Christmas. Maybe you can find out for me?" Bruce suggested as he opened the dressing room door for her. Babs could see the clothing they'd picked out already was in bags, the saleslady had even helped Babs out by labeling the bags with which girl it was intended for, and there was another sales slip, about half as long, next to the original one.

'Not much we can do in the tournament.' Sam texted back reluctantly. Part of her hated to be so grim, but she had to admit it was nice to text back and forth with a friend again.
His comment only made her blush slightly worse but she was distracted enough she didn't react on time when he scooped up her dress. She blinked at his reply about the lingerie and wondered if it had all been just his way of working his way around to asking about Sara. She wondered how Sara would react if she did ask. She thought she felt a certain...tension with Sara but that might have been her imagination. "I...uhh...can ask..." She stammered out, her eyes widening when he opened the dressing room door.

She glanced from the bags to him and back, muttering quietly. "Mister Wayne. I'm uhhh...only in a bra and shorts here...I'm not sure I should be walking around like this?" The blush from earlier was nothing compared to the new one which stretched all the way down into her cleavage. She glanced from him to the salesladies and stepped slowly out of the dressing room, wondering if this was some kind of test of his or just him being playful.

She glanced at her phone when it pinged and saw the reply from Sam. 'John is very good, so the male side is handled. On the female side, well, I'm training a lot, not just with you. And you're really good too.'
Bruce just nodded at her promise to ask Sara about the lingerie, then turned to look at her again when she spoke his name softly. He ran his eyes over her nearly naked form when she brought it up, then nodded. "Good point." He conceded, but he didn't hand her back her dress. Instead, he went to one of the bags with her name on it, and dug around until he found the one that was very similar in style to the one he'd given Agent Johnson. In other words, it revealed so much cleavage Bab's bra would still be in plain view, and it was far more suited to a nightclub than an office. Nevertheless, Bruce brought it over to her and held it out. "Try this."

'I hope so.' Sam messaged back, still not confidant about this stranger Babs was talking about. 'Training with who?' Sam asked next with a worried emoji. She doubted Babs was foolish enough to do anything Cobra Kai related, but while they were the worst, they weren't the only bad dojo in town. Sam was worried enough that Bab's compliment went right over her head.
She flushed when he looked her over. She watched as he walked to the bag and dug through it, her eyes widening slightly when she saw him grab one that looked like Agent Johnson's. In a way, it was almost flattering even as it made her breath hitch at the idea of wearing it, potentially around the office. She took the dress from him with a nod and turned, walking back into the changing room. She gently closed the door and then unhooked her new bra, shrugging out of it and tugged the athletic shorts down, leaving her in only her panties. That done she shrugged into the dress and smoothed it down, looking at herself in the mirror. Truth was, she had a pretty good cleavage even if it was slightly red with her continued blush.

She heard her phone go off and read the message. She debated then decided on a version of the truth. 'Believe it or not, it's someone Bruce Wayne introduced me to. It's not a formal dojo or anything like that. And certainly not Cobra Kai.' She added a vomit emoji after Cobra Kai and hit send then looked at herself in the mirror, adjusting the dress slightly.

She thought back to Daisy's frustration in her similar dress and smirked, understanding quite clearly what the other woman had felt. She took a deep breath then opened the dressing room door and stepped out to join the others, wondering what Bruce would say when he saw her in the dress.
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'Bruce Wayne owns a doho?' Sam texted back, followed by a :confused: emoji. Then shortly after: 'I'm not surprised. The man owns practically everything in town.' :p

Bruce had nothing to say about her dress when she emerged, aside from a small nod of satisfaction that she'd accepted his dare. "Is that everything, then?" He asked as he began to pick up the bags of clothing.

"Oh, we can help with that, Mr. Wayne." The senior saleslady assured him, and with a small nod at her associates they began to grab the piles of clothing as well. She then decided she needed to take a bit more of a direct approach regarding the bill, since laying it on the counter hadn't gotten her anywhere, so she took the sales slip, walked over to Babs, and gently placed it in her hand.
She quickly texted back to her. 'No he doesn't. It's just one of his security people teaching me some stuff. Sorry for the confusion.' She was starting to think she should have kept quiet but it was too late now.

She handed over the green bra and the athletic shorts when they began to pack everything up. She shrugged with a small smile at him. "I think it's more than I ever expected Mister Wayne. Thank you." When the saleslady came over with the bill she looked at it, then looked at Bruce Wayne. She decided to be subtle and walked over to stand close to him, whispering. "So, I don't have my Wayne Enterprises card yet. And if I did, I don't know if this would qualify as an official purchase anyway." She shot him a questioning look as she held up the bill.
'Oh, I'm sure he does, even if he doesn't know it. :p And private lessons from Bruce Wayne's security? Is it Alfred? :p:p:p:p:p:p:p' Sam texted back.

The ladies weren't about to let Bruce Wayne carry his own bags out of the store...that kind of lapse might cost them their they made sure they picked up all the bags so there'd be none left for him to carry, no matter how big a struggle it was. One of the clerks had the bags piled so high she couldn't see where she was going, so the other lady gently guided her. "Just a minute...I have to get the door." The lady said as she tried to get a hand free to open the door without dropping anything.

So Bruce had his hands free when Babs walked over to him. He nodded and smiled at her thanks. "Glad I could help. It was fun." He claimed as he looked at her cleavage until she distracted him with the bill, and the reminder she didn't have a credit card. "Oh...use mine." he told her as he reached into his pocket and withdrew a card with a shrug. "I'm not sure either, so use my personal one. Accounting can figure it out later."
She quickly texted Sam back. 'No. She's not Alfred.' She smirked, wondering if Sam would get distracted trying to figure out who it was.

Barbara watched the salesladies move to carry the bags out, truly understanding for the first time just how much there was. She wanted to go help them but first she had to handle the bill. She looked from them to Bruce, blushing all over again when she realized where his eyes were locked. "It was fun. Though I'm a bit surprised you enjoyed it." She blinked at his solution to the bill and and accepted the card. "Yes Mister Wayne."

She glanced around for the saleslady who had handed the bill to her and held up the credit card with a smile, glancing at Bruce out of the corner of her eye, curious if he was going to go right back to her cleavage. She was both embarrassed and a bit flattered in spite of herself.
'She? âť“' Sam texted back, and Sam indeed was distracted as she racked her brain, trying to figure out who Babs might be referring to. 'Is she a cop?' Sam wondered. She recalled her Dad saying something about the GCPD helping with security at the event, and she couldn't recall seeing anyone else handling security.

"Playing dressup for my two newest employees? What's not to like?" Bruce asked with a laugh, but he didn't focus on her again after she went to handle the bill. Instead, he acted the gentleman a bit and held the door open for the two salesladies so they could carry the bags outside. He was not, however, enough of a gentleman to think about helping them with the bags.

The saleslady smile with relief when Babs held up the credit card triumphantly...she'd been a bit concerned Bruce Wayne was going to forget to pay the bill, and that was an awkward conversation she did not want to have. She took the card and ran it through the machine, and of course it went through without an issue. "So...are you an authorized signer on the account?' She asked hopefully as she held out the credit card receipt for an authorized signature.
She couldn't help the grin as she saw how curious Sam seemed to be about it. It occurred to her, that Sam didn't know about Sara Lance though Chloe obviously did after the events in the library. She decided to keep dripping out information to tease Sam and quickly typed. 'No she is not'.

She smiled at Bruce when he joked about dressup and couldn't help the words that came out of her mouth next. "Actually, I played dress up. I'm not sure you'd look as good wearing any of this." She watched as he held the door open but noticed he didn't offer to take the bags. She was still fairly certain it was all an act though it also occurred to her that in a weird way, he might be doing it for them so they could be seen earning brownie points with him by their boss.

She watched as the saleslady swiped the card and she could see the relief on her face. The next question though brought up something she hadn't even considered. She'd somewhat assumed they'd just swipe it and that would be it, she should have thought about the need for a signature. She remembered his joke about forging his signature but sadly she hadn't seen it yet so she took the receipt. "I'll get Mister Wayne to sign it." She took a pen as well and moved over to him. "Mister Wayne, if you'd sign this we can be on our way. I somehow doubt I'm an authorized signer on your card." She held them out to him and when he took them she spun with a smirk, allowing him to use her back as he did at the party.
Sam scowled at Bab's unhelpful response, then laughed. Babs was clearly toying with her, and Sam had no idea what to ask next. She was out of ideas as to who Sam's mysterious trainer might be, but she was enjoying the conversation too much to stop. 'Is she an alien? :alien:' Sam texted next.

Bruce raised an eyebrow at her, then shook his head. "I'm quite sure it wouldn't fit me." he pointed out as he took the pen from her, then scrawled his signature on the receipt when she turned her back to him. "Probably not." He agreed. "But as soon as we get you a card of your own, it won't be a problem. I can't remember the last time I used the card this much. It's exhausting." He claimed as he took the receipt, then not giving Babs a chance to turn around and take it, he stepped closer to her until his chest was pressed against her back, and held the receipt out in front of her.
Barbara frowned at Sam's text, briefly thinking she meant illegal alien which seemed kind of rude but then she realized she was being an idiot, the emoticon making it clear she meant little green alien. The frown changed to an amused smirk and she replied. 'Well, it would explain a few mysteries about her but I don't think so.'

She nodded. "Agreed. And without bragging, I don't think you'd look as good in it as I do Mister Wayne." She smirked, amused at his answer about 'probably not'. Truthfully, she'd have been utterly shocked if she was an authorized signer on his card. She nodded her understanding when he mentioned how having her own card would solve this kind of awkward situation in the future. Then, an all new awkward situation presented itself when he stepped forward and pressed against her back. She reached out and took the receipt, biting her lip and waving the receipt in the direction of the saleslady. Without really meaning to, her waving made it clear she was most definitely not wearing a bra in this cleavage baring dress, though thankfully things didn't rise to the level of a wardrobe malfunction.
Sam had no idea her comment had been misinterpreted, even momentarily, so she just giggled at Babs response. 'Robot. 🤖 She's a robot, isn't she? Your being trained by a Terminator.'

"No offense taken. Though Alfred might give you a run for your money." Bruce let out a genuine laugh at that image even as Babs began to wave the receipt like a flag of surrender. Bruce, unfortunately, was not in a position to truly enjoy the effect her waving had, and if the saleslady noticed it, she knew better than to comment. "It was a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Wayne, Miss Gordon." She said, and her two assistants nodded an enthusiastic agreement. "If I can help you in any way, please let me know." She said as she slipped a business card into Bab's hand, and Bruce nodded his thanks before he turned to the door, releasing Babs from the sort of hug as he politely opened the door of the store for her.
Barbara grinned and typed a quick reply. 'Close. She's a resistance fighter sent back in time to protect me from the Terminator. Apparently, I'm going to win the Gotham Karate Tournament and humiliate Cobra Kai so they sent a robot version of that mohawk kid back in time to take me out.' She had on idea that everyone called him Hawk, she just remembered his mohawk.

She raised her eyebrows at the comment about Alfred. She immediately pictured Alfred in one of the dresses and had to stifle an unexpected giggle. She smiled warmly at the saleslady, feeling once more like the poor girl in a movie who is taken on a shopping spree by her new rich boyfriend, not that she considered Bruce Wayne her boyfriend, obviously. "It was very nice doing business with you as well. Thank you for your assistance." She accepted the business card and tucked it into her purse with a smile. She turned and followed Bruce out, moving towards the armored vehicle. "Speaking of Alfred, I think we should drop this vehicle off at that storage space you mentioned and unless you have a vehicle stowed there, we can ask him for a ride back to Wayne Enterprises. I can ask Stan for a different vehicle and then get to work writing up that R&D request. Do you think we should drop this stuff off at my house first? Or just take it to Wayne Enterprises? I can put it in the back of whatever car I requisition."

She had plans on how to write it, plans that made certain assumptions about how Bruce had gotten his own armored suit. She was curious how he'd react to it when he saw it. She knew he'd probably pretend to be disinterested and not read it but she also suspected he'd read it quickly anyway.
'I KNEW IT!!' There was always a little something off about Hawk. Why couldn't they send a cute Terminator back, at least? And don't worry...I'll protect you from the Borg.' Yes, Sam was mixing up her franchises, but she was having too much fun to care.

Bruce laughed along with Babs at the image of the always impeccably groomed Alfred in a dress. As they both walked out the door, he nodded at her suggestion. 'I'll check with Sara. If John's available, he might be able to give us a ride. No need to bother Alfred." Bruce said as he got out his phone and began typing out a quick text. "And yeah...might as well drop off your stuff on the way." He suggested as he playfully stretched out his legs a bit, so Babs would have to hurry a bit to catch up. Perhaps not the best idea since she wasn't wearing a bra, but the alternative would be for her boss to beat her to the vehicle and open the door for her. Bruce couldn't help wondering which option she might choose.
She smirked at Sam's reply and quickly typed back. 'Alright, you get to be my protector. Maybe I'll have to introduce you to my other one. He's cute. The one I'll be bringing to join the dojo if you and your dad approve.' She sighed softly as she worked to set John up, muttering to herself about how she was going to be terminally single at this rate.

She nodded, not having thought of John for a ride. She was a little surprised at the idea of using him as a chauffeur but decided she had no idea what he really did besides training. She was happy he agreed with the idea of dropping her stuff off and quickly spoke up. "And as a bonus, dad is at work so I won't have to deal with him being all 'where did you get all of that?' and getting suspicious about it. His cop instincts can be annoying when aimed at me." She blinked as he sped up his pace and hurried to keep up with him, blushing as it definitely set her breasts to bouncing in the dress. Ironically, she wasn't sure how much effort to put in so simply pulled up next to him, which meant he'd still be able to open the door if that was his plan since she wouldn't beat him to the car.
'Cute huh? Is that why your inviting him?' Sam texted back. 'Does someone have a crush on him?đź’‘' She totally missed the fact Babs was trying to set her up instead.

Bruce couldn't help but smirk at Bab's optimism. "Oh, sure. The police Captain won't notice the bags of clothes in your room if he doesn't see you carry them in." He teased her, and his smile widened as he saw her increase her pace to keep up with him with exactly the effect he expected. It was too bad it wasn't far to the vehicle, she was putting on quite the show. But not enough to tally distract him, he still stopped before walking into the car, and 'politely' opened the door for her...which if she got in, would give him a great angle to look down her dress.
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