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Batgirl Begins (dbspock/WendyTheRed)

Before she stopped to think Barbara typed out a quick reply. 'No, like all the men in my life he has eyes for someone else. I'm the youngest single cat lady ever. Except I don't own a cat. Yet.'

She smirked right back. "Well, it'll still be less obvious than marching past him with them all. And if he sees them before I come home he'll have time to think before he reacts." It sounds good to her and she flushed slightly when she saw that smile as she hurried along with him. Truthfully, she kept up in part because she had a bit of a competitive streak and she just couldn't help herself. She nodded when he opened the door and showed how she was still somewhat naive about stuff like this by climbing into the car without thinking through the view it would give him, though the flush that formed on her neck gave away that she realized it shortly before she settled into the seat. "Uhh...thank you."

She quickly texted Chloe. 'Going to drop my new clothes off. Yours too. If you're home you can pick yours up if you want.'
Sam's eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't picked up that vibe from Babs at all. She frowned, and all thoughts of teasing went out of her head as she formulated a reply. 'No cats allowed. And we are going to have to take a night off training soon and take you for a night out. Not optional.' Sam didn't mention there was one group of men who had focused on Babs...Sam knew Babs didn't need the reminder of her assault on the bus. She figured that was not the sort of attention Babs had in mind...nor was the Mayor's son, for that matter.

How Babs explained her sudden wardrobe explosion was her problem, so Bruce didn't comment on that before he nodded at her thanks. "Your welcome." He assured her as he made sure she was situated before closing the door, then circling to the passenger seat and climbing in as well, settling in for the ride to Barbara's house...his first visit...really.

'See you soon.' Chloe quickly texted back. 'And THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁' There weren't enough smiley faces or exclamation points to express how grateful Chloe was, not just for the clothes, especially as she thought it was just a dress, but for the opportunity to work at her dream job.
Barbara smiled slightly at Sam's response and typed back. 'If I get time. Between my new job and training, time off is in short supply it seems like. But that's alright.' She shook her head, wondering what Sam would do if she knew she was the one John had his eyes on. She also decided to be kind and warn Chloe so quickly typed a reply to her as well. 'Coming in my new vehicle from Wayne Enterprises. Do not tell my dad about it. He won't get a chance to see it because I'll be changing to another vehicle. This one is going to be used for official business. Oh, and also, Bruce Wayne will be with me.'

She drove calmly to her dad's house. She hadn't been there long enough to think of it as her house and she nibbled her lip thoughtfully. "You know, I may have to rent a storage unit or a small place or something to store things like my armor suit when I get it. Or can I use that garage we'll be dropping this off at for that kind of thing? If not, any suggestions?"

After that conversation she pulled up to the driveway in front of her dad's house, grateful that most people would be at work or whatever and not see the armored vehicle pull into his driveway. She decided on the off-chance word got back to him that she'd tell him Bruce Wayne wanted to take it out for a test drive before it was used for the delivery. Stopping the vehicle she smiled at Bruce. "Did you want to come in or wait here while I carry stuff in?"
‘Oh it’s not optional. ‘ Sam insisted in her reply text. ‘We are going out to celebrate after we win the tournament. ‘ in Sam’s mind, losing was simply not an option.

“Wasting money on rent doesn’t seem like a good idea. “ Bruce told her bluntly. “The garage makes sense to me, but you’ll have to check with Sara. “ yes, he owned the building, but Sara was in charge of it. He smirked at her offer to come in. “If I wait for you to carry everything in, I’ll be here all day. “ he teased her as he exited the vehicle, then opened the back to retrieve some of her bags.

Chloe was standing in the middle of Babs yard (she thought of it as Babs house now) behind a lawn mower she had clearly been using to mow the lawn. Right now, she was staring at her phone, having just seen Babs text, and she looked up and saw the monstrosity Babs was driving and burst out laughing. “What on earth are you doing?” She asked with a shake of her head as she walked up to the driver’s door. Her eyes widened as she saw the dress Babs was wearing, and she hadn’t noticed Babs ‘assistant’ get out of the vehicle yet. The vehicle had distracted her before she’d read that far. Otherwise she would have been mortified as she was sweaty, and dresssed in shorts and a T-shirt.
She smiled at that reply and texted back. 'Well duh, that was always going to happen.' She didn't think they'd lose either. For one thing, she'd be shocked if anyone in Cobra Kai could beat John if he came. And she had hopes that her intense training would pay off. In fact, her biggest issue might be reigning in whatever John and Sara taught her since she knew their lessons would be geared towards winning and probably not in tournament friendly ways.

She smiled at him. "It's not a good idea but..." She shrugged. "I didn't want to assume anything, you know? I'm glad you offered the garage but I didn't want to take advantage. And I'll talk to Sara. Hopefully that garage will have a mannequin I can put that armor on among other useful things. " She laughed at his comment and shrugged, stepping out of the vehicle. She smiled at Chloe and did a slow spin. "You like? I was wearing something else but, long story short, this is what I ended up wearing out of the store." She looked at the vehicle. "This isn't going to be my everyday vehicle. It's going to be used for official Wayne Enterprises business. But I don't want my dad to know, it's going to be used in a couple of days for an important delivery and I don't want him worried about me." She motioned for Chloe to follow her around back and pointed out the bags helpfully labeled with Chloe's name. "Those are yours."
"It wouldn't surprise me if there was a test dummy somewhere you could use for that. Or you could include it on your request for R&D, I know they have a few lying around." He told her as he piled up his arms with her clothes and headed for the door, the clothes piled so high Chloe couldn't see his face.

Chloe glanced over at Bab's assistant, but didn't want to try and shake his hand or anything as his hands were full. She did whistle softly as Babs did her turn. "Very nice. You pull it off well." Chloe assured her, then glanced towards Babs front door where the man was waiting to be let in. "How did you manage to get an assistant so quickly?" She whispered, then impulsively leaned in and hugged Babs tightly. "Not to mention get me a job." Chloe broke the hug and took a step back to admire the vehicle again, but of course she was more interested in the controls and peeked in the driver's seat. "Wow...this is amazing. And bulletproof too?" She had clearly recognized the extra armor on the doors and windows. "I think your dad would be jealous if he saw this." She declared, then nodded. "But don't worry, I won't say anything." She promised as she followed Babs to the rear to pick up her dress, and her eyes widened again when she saw the bags with her name on them. "I...I...I can't afford this." She said as she looked towards Babs with a look that was both fearful and sorrowful. She appreciated her friend trying to help her out, but Chloe was afraid there'd been a miscommunication along the way.
She nodded in reply to Bruce's idea, her mind racing. Surely he knew where she was going with all of this and he seemed to be letting it proceed. She was pretty quickly distracted by Chloe's arrival though and she blushed at Chloe's whistle when she turned around. "Thank you."

She looked to the door and realized that Chloe couldn't see Bruce's face. She almost told her who he was but decided to hold off for the moment, it would be more fun that way. "Well, Mister Wayne offered the help." Technically she told the truth but she was sure Chloe would interpret it as him assigning someone to her. She hugged Chloe back and smiled. "The job, well, it would appear I can be persuasive from time to time. Who knew?"

She nodded in surprise at Chloe realizing it was bulletproof. "It is. I asked for armor in case I had to drive Bruce Wayne around and this is what they gave me. But now it's going to be used on a Wayne Enterprises delivery and I don't want Dad to know I was driving it. He'd worry."

She looked at Chloe, confused for a moment, then motioned to her own bags. "And I can't afford this. Bruce Wayne put it on his card Chloe. He even helped pick some of it out." She grabbed her own bags then and hurried to the door to unlock it and open it for Bruce, not wanting to keep him waiting any longer than he already had been. "Sorry, had to greet Chloe." She whispered the next to him. "She didn't see your face and thinks you're just my assistant. I can't wait to see her face when she sees it's you."
"Is the new job that bad that you need help already? Or is it just that far behind, and will calm down once you catch up?" Chloe asked with a frown, afraid her new friend might be getting in over her head. "Oh, and I had no idea." Chloe laughed with a wink. Certainly Babs had persuaded her to do some things she'd never considered before. Chloe in martial arts? Who would have guessed it? If she noticed Babs blush in response to her whistle, she chose not to comment on it.

Chloe's eyes widened as she took in the console. it wasn't quite like something from Star Trek, but for this planet it was close enough. "Is that the Waynetech 5000 processor? I didn't think that was released yet." She said with amazement. She really wanted to climb in and take the thing for s spin around the block, but she knew better than to ask. Reluctantly she closed the door and moved to the back of the vehicle. "What? Your dad? Worry? Never." She said sarcastically before she burst out in a fit of giggles.

She was still in awe at the vast amount of clothes Babs was presenting her with. She peeked into one of the bags, and sure enough it was full. She practically passed out, though, when she saw the price tag that was attached. "So it gets deducted from my paycheck, then?" Chloe said with a bit of relief. If she had to pay Mr. Wayne back in some sort of installment plan or something, that could work. She'd still be making more than what she was making now, and hopefully she'd have enough left over to make the next mortgage payment. She then blinked as she processed the rest of what Babs had said. "Wait...Mr. Wayne picked out the clothes?" She asked in amazement. That certainly explained Babs outfit, though Chloe blushed a bit at the realization there had been a pair of panties in the bag she looked in. Had Bruce Wayne picked out her underwear?

Bruce nodded when Babs made her way to the front door and let him in. He took a quick look around the living room, and it looked neat as a pin. Clearly Chloe had done a bit of straitening up that morning. "Not as many take out containers as I expected from hearing Jim talk about his diet." Bruce laughed, and indeed there was not a container in sight. Chloe had just taken out the trash. Bruce waited politely for Babs to show him to her room so he could drop her clothes off, because of course he had no idea where it was,
She smiled at Chloe as she asked about the job, thinking back. "I actually have tried to convince Mister Wayne to make you my assistant but I think he wants to see where your skills put you." She shrugged slightly, grinning a bit at her friend, looking forward to the reveal that was coming about the identity of her "assistant".

She was a bit surprised at Chloe's technical knowledge but didn't show it. She merely nodded. "It appears to be. I need to read the manual and do things like pair my phone with it. I have a sneaking suspicion it might also have voice activation for some functions based on things Mister Wayne hinted at." She nodded and followed Chloe to the back of the vehicle, debating with herself, then spoke quietly. "He has reason to worry this time. The delivery, that he doesn't know I'm driving for, could be very dangerous. He knows I was involved in the planning of it but not that I'll be the driver. So please don't tell him."

She smiled at Chloe when she asked about it being deducted from her paycheck. She was almost certain that wasn't the case but she didn't want to speak for Bruce Wayne, just in case. He seemed not to totally understand the concept of money and it was the one area where he truly seemed out of touch. She laughed quietly at the follow up question and could guess at her thoughts. "Not all of it. Some of the dresses. He has a good eye for colors. Who knew? But most of the underwear the salesladies picked out based on color recommendations and your measurements."

She smiled slightly at Bruce's comment and looked at him. "You know my dad better than anyone would have guessed. Who knew a billionaire and a police captain talked so much?" She glanced towards the door and then back at him. "But perhaps you talk to him in your other role...hmmm?" She winked and then showed him to her door, opening it. She stepped in and placed her bags on the bed then turned to help him lay out the rest of them. "Hmmm...maybe I should change back into something more fitting for the office? What do you think Mister Wayne?"
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