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ʀᴇɴᴇɢᴀᴅᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

He nodded, pouring more gin for Yukimura before pouring his vodka, "Aki used to come over all the time and share a drink with me. Not in any, like... romantic way. She's my sponsor, so she would do check ins and things. I've been doing so good that she hasn't really popped in. Kinda miss those days."
“I’ll have to convince her to stop by for drinks sometime, I’m sure she would enjoy that.” He said, taking a drink from his cup, savoring the burn.
“I take it you didn’t agree with your fathers values- if I may ask, what led you to believe differently from your father?”
"The Twilights we had when I was growing up were always so kind to me." He replied, "My nanny was a Twilight. And no matter how cruel my father was, they never once showed me any malice. I did what I could for them." He laughed and leaned back in his chair, "When I was five, I gave one of the butlers my allowance because I heard him say he didn't have enough money for food."
Yukimura frowned softly as he listened to his story, hearing such things many times before. He finished off his glass and gave a nod. “Such things aren’t uncommon.” He said softly.
"Well, a Twilight being mistreated is pretty uncommon here. I wouldn't do that, and I would never allow it while I'm in the same room. You guys are human, same as me. Just cuz you can do some extra stuff doesn't mean shit." He said before grabbing the gin, "More?"
He offered his glass once again. “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to insinuate otherwise- Akihime follows the same morals.”
Yukimura’s face was a bit flushed now, taking another drink. “I’m sure all of that change didn’t please old business partners?”
He chuckled as he sipped his vodka, "Fuck no. That's how I lost so much money and had to leech off of Aki." His speech was starting to slur a bit, "She's a real keeper, y'know? Nice gal, big heart under all that tit."
Yukimura had been taking a drink when Masamune said that, his face blushing bright red. “Please watch how you speak about my boss, Lord Date.” He said firmly, brows furrowed. “That isn’t how one compliments a lady.”
Yukimura’s face and ears burned hot, scowling softly. He finished off his drink and wiped his mouth, setting his glass down on the desk. “I won’t ask you again.”
"Ok, ok, simmer down~" He said, "I didn' mean no harm~ good to see yer pretty protective of her~" He finished his vodka and gave a rough sigh. "Can I apologize with another pour?" He asked with a grin.
He looked about as happy as a wet cat, but reluctantly offered his glass once more, drunk enough to be easily disarmed.
They continued drinking well until sunset, both bottles nearly empty, "Fuck, I need some food." Masamune muttered, almost falling out of his chair.
Yukimura couldn’t finish the rest of his drink, having long since retreated to the couch, the room spinning around him. “I don’t think… I can cook right now..”
Masamune sniggered and pulled himself upright with a groan, trying to grab his phone on the desk.
"I'll just call Kojurou er somethin', it's fine~"
"Masamune!!" That was Akihime's voice. What was Akihime doing here??? Why was she here???
"Oh shit, that's right, you've been here all day." Masamune muttered, glancing over at Yukimura, before he grinned, "I'm gonna be in trouble~~" He sang.
“Been here all day? What do you mean..?” Yukimura did his best to sit up, looking at his watch, but he wasn’t able to read it at all. “What time is it..?” The memories of the previous few hours were hazy, Yukimura feeling for his phone but not finding it.
The door threw open, smacking against the wall as it did, and Akihime stormed in with an angry scowl.
"Aki!" Masamune threw up his arms in glee, "Hi!"
"Shut up." She hissed before she moved to Yukimura, her anger replaced with worry, "Are you ok? It's nearly eight in the evening, no one told me you came back." She held his face tenderly and looked him over.
"He's fine~ we had a few too many celebrating his success~ got carried away~" Masamune said.
Megohime was close behind Akihime, having just arrived back herself to find Akihime nearly kick the front door down. “What’s going on here? Are you drunk?” Megohime asked as she moved around Akihime to Masamune.
Yukimura shook his head drunkenly, struggling to keep his gaze focused on Akihime. “I’m sorry, I think I left my phone in the car..” He slurred, tags still missing as well.
"Oh my gosh, Mego, hi~~ when did you get back~?" Masamune grinned.
Akihime frowned more and helped Yukimura stand.
"Let's get you to the car, I'll ask Kojurou to get your things." She said.
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