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ʀᴇɴᴇɢᴀᴅᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

“I’m here to see Ezra- Hisehide sent me.” He said casually, like he had done this plenty of times before.
"H...Hisehide? Matsunaga Hisehide??" The young man looked petrified before nodding, stepping aside as he did, "Please, come in! I'll show you to him!"
Yukimura gave a soft smile as he entered, waving his hand. “Thank you kindly.” So far so good, the recorder was rolling and he was headed straight for him already.
The young man walked ahead to show Yukimura to Ezra's study, stopping before knocking firmly.
"Uh, sir...? There's someone here for you... Matsunaga sent him..."
"Send them in, you idiot!!" The young man flinched before pushing the door open. Inside was a man, maybe a bit older than Yukimura, laying on a chaise lounge while he was pampered by what Yukimura could only assume were sex slaves. Ezra looked over and sat up sharply, swallowing roughly.
"Well, hello." He greeted, a faint tone of desire in his voice.
Yukimura entered the room, flashing a soft smile to Ezra as he stopped before him. “Matsunaga wants to make a business deal, I’m here to see that things go smoothly.”
"Oh, I'm more than happy." Ezra pushed himself and moved over, circling Yukimura slowly, "You got a name, or can I call you whatever I want?"
“Well, agree to let Matsunaga in on what you’ve gotten your hands on and you can call me whatever you like.” He offered, letting him circle him, meeting his gaze when he moved around the front of him.
He bit his lip and rubbed his hands together.
"Well, what I got doesn't really benefit a man like him. Is that why he sent you? That man has eyes everywhere, huh?"
“He sees a business opportunity, and he’d be pleased if it happened with your help. He can of course go other routes to obtain this deal, but then that would mean I would have to bid you farewell before I even get to know you.” Yukimura said sadly, shaking his head.
"A-Ah, no, that's ok! I would hate to send you away, especially with all the effort he's put into this!" He said, "Could I get you anything? A drink? Food?"
“I’d love it if we could share a drink together- do you have any gin or whiskey?” He asked, looking at him through his lashes.
“Gin is just fine.” He moved to sit on the couch, unbuttoning his suit jacket as to not wrinkle it. “Do you have a preference?”
"I think gin is my new favorite." He replied, a bit of flirting in his tone as he poured two chilled glasses of gin. He waved the slaves away, who left quickly.
“Well maybe we can get drinks again after this, I can even get you a bottle of my favorite when you come visit me at Pussy.” He offered.
"I think I would love that." He moved to sit beside Yukimura, passing him his glass, "So, did you want to discuss business first~? Or could we have a bit of fun~?"
Yukimura took his drink and took a sip before leaning in and putting his hand on the man’s knee, slowly sliding it up his thigh. “The shipments at the docks right? Matsunaga would be more than pleased to meet you there.”
“They are at the docks right?” He stopped his hand, looking at his eyes. “We wouldn’t want him going to the wrong location, would we?” He asked, shifting a bit closer.
"Oh of course not, no. Yeah, they're there. Otani is too dumb to look there, and Date doesn't havr the reach to ask around there." He replied.
“Oh yeah?” Yukimura asked in a low and sultry tone, moving on top of Ezra’s lap, a wire being pulled tight around his neck. “Tell me more.” He said, pressing his full body weight into the wire, hoping to strangle him quickly.
Yukimura was much stronger than his slender frame gave away, it was like beating on a brick wall. He was completely silent as he strangled him, watching his eyes to make sure he truly was killed.
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