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The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Braelyn was chuckling before she spoke "She had spoken to me about the princess before - she has meet her in the past a few times. A sweet child as I was told."
Vin looked at her and then nodded "right now I am tempted to go and get my sister and nephew I worry for her being locked in the castle"
Eristella was just looking for a brief moment before she was stating that she would do that then. "I know the palace better than anybody else."
Eristella was just shaking her head before she was getting up, despite the weakness. "I am not some useless dame that is incapable of protecting herself." She spoke before she was leaving the room. Braelyn was just watching for a moment before she was getting to her feet. "I'll talk to her. But... I understand your concern for her. But she seems confident that she can do this. There was conviction in her voice. I wouldn't dismiss that. Lo-Wen even learned the hard way with me that... When I am set on doing something, I will do it. He may not like it at times but he has learned it is easier to trust me, trust that I will be safe... than try and stop me."
"its her father I am worried about if he catches her I have no way to get her out and back here and that puts both her and the baby at risk" Vin worried for his wife and he didnt want her at risk
Braelyn was just giving a smile before she was speaking "Well Lo-Wen cannot risk leaving here as he is quite known but... Then I'll go and get Bailey. Eristella will remain here and you can go speak with the rebels."
Lo-Wen growled hearing this but he knew it was pointless to argue with her

Vin looked at her and then sighed and nodded his head lightly
Braelyn was looking at Lo-Wen before she spoke "You already know I am no damsel. I know how to use a sword, and I've trained under you. Not to mention most of the men under you are still loyal to you."
Braelyn was just giving a soft smile before she was going over and kissing Lo-Wen a gentle kiss. "I'll be back, and I'll stay safe."
Braelyn was smiling before she was turning to leave, mostly so that she could go and speak to Eristella; let her know what was going on.
Braelyn was heading to the room where Eristella was at before sitting down to speak with her about the whole thing.
After a bit Braelyn was returning to Lo-Wen's office and just stating, "Eristella says she will help keep an eye on him as needed, if needed. She was pretty shy about asking me if she could help at first - probably still unsure from her father being an asshole."
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