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The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Braelyn was giving a nod of her head before she was ordering a servant to summon for the doctor that had tended to her.
Eristella seemed to be asleep at the time - a slight fever but it didn't seem dangerously high. After a couple of minutes the doctor was coming into the room.
The doctor was looking over her and was just confirming that she was just exhausted and needed some rest.

"Lo-Wen." Braelyn spoke as she walked into his office.
"Vin just arrived with Eristella." Braelyn was speaking. Definitely not something they had been expecting so soon. "It would seem she has come down with something on top of it. I sent the doctor there."
Braelyn was speaking "By the sounds of it she collapsed from over exerting herself magically." That would probably tell Lo-Wen enough - knowing about her healing ability.
Braelyn was nodding before she was commenting "I did ask a maid to bring Vin here so he could explain once the doctor got there. I know the doctor prefers a quote place to think and people not hovering." Lo-Wen hadn't been allowed in the room at first when the baby was coming, not until it came time for her to actually push and his support was needed.
Lo-Wen nodded his head "I am not worried we did say they could come here if needed so I am betting that it was needed and he was doing this to protect her"
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