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The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Eristella was just looking for a brief moment in time, although she was more or less leaning into him at that point in time.
Eristella was just following after him although it wasn't long before a couple of guards seemed to be separating the groups.
Eristella was just following after him and soon enough they were watching as some of the other medics were being sent down. They were being taken to another lift to go down into another area - or that is what everybody thought was happening.
Sure enough after a bit the guards were helping them away, to a hidden path. "keep following the path.. Eventually you'll come across a carriage... "
The soldier was nodding and soon the pair were able to leave. Although it was still a few hours hike, and definitely a lot for Eristella - being sick and not use to a lot of moving around.
Eristella nodded her head lightly. After a bit longer of traveling they would find the carriage and a horse waiting.
The trip would still take a few hours to get to Lo'Wen's home - and even then came dealing with the guards that would try and stop them from entering not knowing who they were. Eristella was just curled up in the back of the carriage, bundled under a blanket. While she was shivering she was burning up all at once.
Vin looked at the guards and said that if they didnt belive him they could go and ask their master and he would confirm who he was and that they could be there
Who would have figured that it wasn't even Lo-Wen that would be coming outside to see what was happening, but Braelyn holding a little baby boy in her arms. "Let them pass." she was speaking after a moment in time, recognizing Vin right away.
once the guards moved Vin pulled the Carriage up and then hopped down once they were stopped. VIn walked over and greeted Braelyn and then went to get Eristella
Braelyn was smiling before she spoke "Welcome. Lo-Wen is currently speaking with some of his guards about something but I'll be sure to let him know you are here. Until then I can take you to a room."
Vin nodded his head and then carefully pulled Eristella out and carried her "if you have a doctor you trust I would appreciate them looking her over"
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