The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

"Yeah well, that is the difference between the two of us, I would rather see him dead than live under his rule one more day. he doesn't care about his people if he did none of us would be locked below ground" Vin stood and walked over to her "its time to realize the king isn't a good man'

Lo-Wen helped her sit up and then looked her over a bit
Eristella was just leaning against the bars a bit as she listened to him, hearing his foot steps get closer. She however did shake her head before she spoke "He is cruel to those he needs to be cruel to. To those who break his rules - otherwise he isn't that terrible of a person."

Braelyn was just watching him although she seemed a bit wary.
“I accidentally ran in to a guard at the age of five I have been locked below sense and you call that fair” Vin looked at her and then shook his head

Lo-Wen watched her as well before speaking “rest up”
Eristella was giving a frown on her lips when she heard that. "I can speak with the king, see if he can free you." Her attention was however turning to some other sounds - some other guards that were talking about something. Although it didn't sound good at all.... Perhaps best not to get spotted.

Braelyn was just giving a small nod of her head but she didn't lay down right away, just looked around some before moving to get comfortable.
“And what about the others we are all trapped down there don’t believe me head down yourself” Vin didn’t realize she was blind as he only saw her move with confidence "None of the people want to be below ground doctor but yet they are forced to be there. do you think that the dancers want to be used as whores and a way for guards to get some release" Vin then turned and walked back to the cot that made up the bed in his cell

"i am not like the other guards you are at no risk for being forced to do something you do not want to, if I want a sexual partner I will ask for one" Lo-Wen got up and walked over to where he kept his clothes so that he could change for the evening.
Eristella was just leaning against the bars as she listened but just pursed her lips together before she spoke "Heading down there would do me no good. I wouldn't be able to see the conditions people live in." With that she was shaking her head a bit and whistling, which had a hound trotting over.

Braelyn was just nodding her head before she was questioning what was going to happen to the guard.
“He will be punished for his crime. The king was very strict with his rules and you should not have been harmed” LoWen looked at her lightly

Vin shrugged and then moved and sat back down
Eristella was turning with the hound and was heading off through the dungeon. He would notice however that as she walked she ran her fingers along the bars of the cells, pausing when she ran out.

"He was upset with me because I wouldn't just willingly let him have sex with me. And one thing lead to another." Braelyn was speaking after a moment in time.
Lo-Wen looked at her “well he is paying for his actions now” Lo-Wen then changed his clothes into something more comfortable
Braelyn was just nodding her head although kept her eyes on the bed at that point in time as she just drew the blanket up around her a bit more. The clothing that she was wearing wasn't all that covering- and it was a bit chilly in the room.
Lo-Wen noticed her pull the blanket up and then grabbed her one of his warmer shirts before tossing it at her “here wear this”
Braelyn was a bit startled by this but was thanking him in a soft voice before she was pulling it on.
Lo-Wen nodded his head and once he was sure she was decent he turned at looked at her his eyes flashing a bit “I need to feed so I will be leaving for a short bit stay here and don’t leave”
Braelyn was just giving a small nod of her head as he said this although after a moment she was offering for him to feed from her - it wasn't as though it was the first time. Although the last couple of times it had happened, she hadn't been all that willing to allow it but it had happened anyways.
Braelyn was just nodding her head before she spoke, "I figured that I would offer anyways. Umm... I was wondering though....if there was some way I can get something to at least snack on." It was definitely obviously that she was nervous about even asking that - most of the times the dancers wouldn't eat up there - not unless they were staying for a long duration.
Lo-Wen nodded his head “I’ll see about food for you one my way back” Lo-Wen then headed out of the room closing the door behind him as he went
Braelyn was just nodding and was soon enough just taking to laying down in the bed again, deciding to just sleep some more. No she was far to nervous to get up and move around, least he get upset about it. And it would be best for her to sleep - regain her lost strength. At least this way if she needed to run or anything, she had the strength to do so.

Who would have figured that as Eristella was heading to leave the dungeons she would run colliding with the king, who was just questioning why his doctor was down with the criminals. "I came to speak to the one who had dared to harm your dancer. I wanted to make sure that he was healthy for the time being - as I know you enjoy when they can last longer." she was speaking which had him nodding. No he knew all too well why she was there but he wasn't going to say, knowing that those around could hear him. It wasn't long before he was going back towards the cell where Vin was at, escorting Eristella back this way.

"Oh it seems that you have healed up nicely from last I saw you." Damion was commenting a bit, although he did have a slight smirk on his lips as he was inquiring which of his healers would dare to try and help a rebel without his consent - although he played it off as knowing that Eristella was innocent in the matter. "Now tell me about your little group." Damion was speaking and guiding Eristella to the bars, so that she could hold onto them for the time being, have a stable spot where she knew what was there.
Vin looked at him “go to hell I am not telling you a damn thing” Vin looked at her lightly as if a passing glance before speaking “ what decided to bring someone down to watch you torture me?” vin then stood his voice was sharp and filled with anger and hate.

Lo-Wen went and got the blood he needed before he got her some broth to sip at
Damion was just looking over before he was giving a faint laugh before he spoke, "Oh but here is the thing my precious doctor here wouldn't be able to watch me torture you as she is blind. A flaw since birth as I have been told but despite that - she is still ever so useful to me. Her healing abilities are something on par with that of the gods." With that he was actually pushing some of Eristella's hair out of her face which had been hiding her eyes to show how devoid of color they were before he was handing her a usual blindfold that she preferred, which she was taking to tying on, feeling far more comfortable.

When Lo-Wen did get back he would find that the young dancer was asleep on his bed - seeming to be breathing contently. There was no shock that she had fallen asleep though - while she had been healed, her body itself was working on catching up to that fact.
“So you brought someone to make it so you can torture me longer then” Vin chuckled lightly “I still won’t tell you anything I am loyal to my leader you would be better off just killing me”
"Oh I don't force my doctor to do anything she doesn't want. She is rather stubborn about listening to me at times, so there is that half chance she may not even decide to heal you." Damion was commenting after a moment in time although he found himself distracted as another guard came down to tell him about something, evidently some of the visiting nobles were still around and looking for him. Eristella was giving a startled squeak when he was grabbing her hand to draw her with so that they could head back up, although he was ordering for the guards to bring Vin up to put him into the pit with some of the others for an enjoyable show.
Damion was just meeting with some of the other nobles that were there, just speaking with them and directing them off towards the pit for the entertainment. Eristella found herself being drawn along, more than uncomfortable with one of the nobles holding onto her with an arm around her waist.
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