The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Eristella was nodding her head before she spoke "I have no reason to lie. You are pregnant with the kings child. An exciting thing to be able to give him an heir." Hopefully her sibling wouldn't be flawed like she was.
"for some maybe but not for me" Bailey sat there and waited knowing full well the king would come for her but she didn't know how the male would react to learning she was going to be having his child
Eristella was just giving a soft smile before she was dipping down into a curtsy as the king was entering. "Is it true, Eris? My pet is pregnant." The king was questioning as she straightened up, and she was nodding her head which just had him giving a strange look. More of an unsure look really yet he was also studying his daughter and could see that something seemed to be bothering her but she was quickly dismissing herself and everybody else was quiet when he asked what else had happened - demanding somebody tell him. Now was the chance for even Bailey to speak up if she so decided.

Braelyn was just sitting up in the bed that she was laying in, slowly and carefully. Her head was still throbbing a bit and her whole body ached but not as badly. She didn't make any move to try and get up from the bed though other than sitting up, no something told she would end up on the ground again.
Bailey looked at the king "one of the guards you sent with me called her defective" Bailey then teld him everything detailing what was said and how it was said so that he knew the whole truth. the one guard who had informed him of her pregnancy would be fine as he wasn't there when the comments were made.

Lo-Wen looked at her "take it easy I am not like some of the healers who can close an injury I had to do stitches"
This had Damion looking over before he was commenting "Point him out when we see him. While she may be blind... She is something far from defective. Her healing is... Something almost godlike."

Braelyn was nodding her head and was just leaning back, having more sat up so that she could sip at the water some more.
Bailey nodded her head "yes sir" Bailey still watched the male closely as she didn't know how he was taking the news of her pregnancy, so far however he seemed rather calm about it so she took that as a good sign

Lo-Wen heard foot steps outside of his room and went to see who was there as so few came to this part of the castle
Damion was just stating that it was time for them to return to the ballroom, and he was having one of the other maids find the guard and inform them that he was wishing to speak to them. No he was going to show what happened when one spoke badly about his daughter.

(Who is it meant to be?)
(whoever or the princess if you want)

Bailey looked at him and then stood up form the exam table and then followed him out of the room and back to the ballroom
Damion was just heading back towards the ballroom so that he could enjoy the rest of the night.

When Lo-Wen did open the door he would only find that it was Eristella, who seemed to be walking alone at the time with a hand running along the wall lightly.
Bailey followed him and hoped that when it came time to return to the underground that she wouldn't be kept for the night even with him calling her his pet

Lo-Wen looked at Eristella for a momemnt before speaking "can you look at someone for me please I patched her up as best as i could but she was badly hurt"
Eristella seemed to jump a bit when she heard his voice, clearly having not expected it at all. "Oh... Umm.... Y...Yeah I can help." she was speaking in a soft voice, a rather meek voice at that point in time. Her thoughts were all over the place, and she had to wonder now how many people seemed to have that thought about it. Sure she was blind but she did have her own strengths that made her unique.

All of the dancers seemed to have been gathered back in the ballroom since it was soon going to be time for them to head back, or almost one of them considering Braelyn was still with Lo-Wen, as the king hadn't yet been informed of what had happened. Yet the general had taken to caring to the injured civilian first.
Lo-Wen guided her in to hir room and to the bed as this was one area that she had never been in before "thank you I will have to leave to inform the king will you be ok on your own"

Bailey moved to join the rest of the dancers only to be stopped by a couple of guards who looked to their king to see if she was to stay with him or if she was to go back with the others
Eristella was following after him into his room and definitely seemed a bit unsure as she was entering the room, but she knew she was fine as long as he was guiding her. It wasn't long before her hands were feeling that of the young woman who seemed to be laying down once again, and she was beginning to heal her. "Y...Yeah I'll be fine on my own.. No need to worry about me...." the young woman was speaking in a quick but soft voice, barely keeping her emotions to herself.

One of the other girls was whispering that she hadn't seen Braelyn at all, which had a few others also commenting this. Damion was just waving his hand and just commenting, "She can return with the others as I am in a rather foul mood tonight."
Bailey let out a sigh of relief but tensed when she heard that Braelyn wasn't back this had her speaking up "Sire one of the dancers is missing she hasn't returned yet" Bailey then looked over when Lo-Wen appeared and walked over to the king speaking softly to him and explaining the situation. Lo-Wen had run there after leaving Eristella tending to Braelyn
Damion was looking towards the woman for a moment in time at the mention of that and then his attention was turning towards that of Lo-Wen as he came over, explaining the situation. This had him giving a frown before he speaks, "Two of my soldiers have disobeyed my orders them. I have one who degrades the princess, and then I have another who harms a dancer." After that he was ordering the guards to take the other dancers back down below stating that the injured dancer would remain aboveground until she had been cleared by the doctor. "When that happens - General Lo-Wen shall personally escort her back to join you all."

When Lo-Wen did return he would find that Eristella wasn't within his room anymore, having returned to her chambers carefully, and Braelyn seemed to be fast asleep. Her injuries were all healed up and taken care of - now it was just her body recovering as well.
bailey and the others worried for her as they didn't know how long it would be before she would return to them as no one had stayed above ground very long. while they were all gone one of the guards asked the king if he was sure it was safe to send his pet below while expecting as he didn't know what would happen if the rebels found out about the baby. the male was a new guard and he was not trying to undermind his king he was just concerned for the child and the one carrying it

Lo-Wen bowed to his king's command and then he turned and headed back to his room to check on her
Damion was just looking towards the guard for a brief moment in time before he spoke, "I truly don't care too much to be honest. If the child survives, it survives. If not then so be it. It hadn't been my intention to have a child but if that is what happens, then so be it." His attention was turning towards the guard that was hauled in that had degraded his daughter and the man was being tossed to the hounds.

Braelyn was asleep and wouldn't end up waking up for the next few hours, a normal thing with having extensive healing done by Eristella.
the guard bowed and then watched as the group left and wondered if the king truly didn't care but it seemed like that was the case. he did find it funny that one of the dancers had caught the kings attention more then once

Lo-Wen looked the female over and once certain she was fully healed he settled in to wait and see how she felt when she woke up
A few hours seemed to go by and during that time Damion had retreated to his chambers to get some rest. At some point Eristella had made her way down into the dungeons, with a hound at her side the entire time, while Braelyn seemed to be waking up at last.
Braelyn was just looking at him for a brief moment in time before she was coughing a little bit. "Hmm... Better..." she was mumbling.

The hound was just stopping in front of a nearby cell, Eristella actually seeming to be sitting on its back at that point in time. The creature was just snarling at the guard that had been hauled down for abusing the dancer. "Hmm.... Nope leave that one alone. He belongs to the general. He broke a major rule."
Vin chuckled a bit as he listened to her talk to the hound knowing full well that the hound could kill him if it wished.

"the king had ordered for you to stay topside till you're cleared by a doctor to return below" Lo-Wen figured she would want to know this information
It wasn't long before the hound seemed to be stopping by his cell and was trotting away, leaving Eristella to stand in front of the cell with her hands on the bars. "If you could leave... Would you?"

Braelyn was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time but she was nodding, knowing that she wouldn't be able to argue it anyways.
Vin looked at her from where he was sitting "in a heart beat its not fun being locked up simply for wanting a different ruler"

Lo-Wen looked at her and then nodded "so long as you are under my care you will be safe
Eristella was just tilting her head before she spoke, "But I don't believe that trying to murder the current ruler is the most ideal." With that she was pushing a bit of her silver hair out of her face.

Braelyn was just giving a small nod of her head at these words before she was sitting up slowly.
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