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The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Eristella was just mumbling that she was hoping that whatever was on her wasn't blood. Nope her nerves were already fried at that point in time and she was on the verge of having a full blown panic attack. Her attention was going towards Vin when he was asking how she did something and she stated, "They know me. They are use to me."
“You’re lucky normally they don’t just go off and do as ordered” Vin then started to use a cloth to clean the blood of of her
Eristella was just giving a wry laugh before she was speaking, "That one is one of the older ones.... It and I mind as well have grown up together." She was startled when he was wiping her with something then realized that it was just him helping clean some of the blood off of her.

Some people were shrieking when the saw the hound streaking through the palace and heading into the ballroom where everybody was, whining at Lo-Wen.
“You know I should be trying to escape” Vin figured he might as well tell the truth

Lo-Wen looked at the hound and then followed it knowing it wouldn’t have come to him unless something was seriously wrong
"Perhaps you could but would that truly be wise for you. The hound will be on its way back and there are others around. You are safest with me right now truth be told." Eristella was speaking in a soft voice and while she was wanting to push hair out of her face she was almost afraid to. She definitely needed a bath - to get rid of all of the blood. "Will you... Guide me over to the bars of the cell?" She questioned after a moment in time.

The hound was turning and bolting off, heading back towards the dungeon.
“Once I am done getting you cleaned up” Vin finished cleaning the blood off of her and then helped her to her feet so that she could go to the bars of the cell.

Lo-Wen followed the hound as he knew something had happened
Eristella was just watching with him and just using the bars to navigate to where the fallen guard was. Alive but barely. Life threatening. The dagger he had been stabbed with had been aimed for the heart but he had moved just right so it only nicked an artery. "Nicked artery by the heart." She was mumbling in a soft voice before tilting her head as she heard the hound returning but was focusing on healing the fallen guard. "If you don't want to be in trouble. Go and sit by the wall. Don't move. Unless you wish to try and run... I cannot stop you but I don't recommend it. Not with how close the hound and general are."
Vin nodded and moved going to sit as he was told. Had no one been coming he would have taken off but with the hound and general so close he wasn’t going to risk it
It wasn't long before the hound seemed to be running over while Eristella was continuing to work on healing the fallen guard, the creature just whining a bit before its eyes just seemed to go towards where Vin was at. It was still strange how the young woman seemed to know what was happening, as she was reaching out with her free hand to put it on the hound's nose to calm it some. "General Lo-Wen. This man will need to get moved to the hospital wing as soon as possible. I have stabilized the artery that was cut but he is going to need more healing, and under these circumstances I cannot work the best. The dead man in the cell was a rebel.... the prisoner... protected me from him." she was speaking in a low voice, not even lying at that point.
Lo-Wen looked at the male and ordered the guards to move him to a different cell while he helped get the guard to the medical wing. Lo-Wen would inform the king of the attack once the guard and Eristella were settled in the medical wing.
Eristella was just tilting her head for a moment in time before she spoke, "That man isn't to be harmed. At all. If I find out that he has been harmed... You will be answering to me." This did have a few of the guards chuckling a bit that they weren't all that afraid of her but there were some stating that the lady wasn't to be underestimated.
Lo-Wen looked at the men and then spoke "if she finds out you harmed him it wont be her you have to worry about it will be me" Lo-Wen wouldn't have him harmed as a thanks for keeping her safe from harm but only this once. Lo-Wen then carefully picked the guard up and then looked at her "I'll meet you at the medical wing" Lo-Wen wanted to get the male to the medical wing as soon as possible
Eristella was just giving a nod before she was getting to her feet, another guard that was there instantly seeming to be at her side and was escorting her. Vin was being lead away to another cell although it seemed like he was being treated kindly enough at that point in time. Yet they were afraid to upset Lo-Wen.
Vin went with the guards rather than fight them at that point in time, as it seemed the general was even demanding he not be harmed for the moment.
The ball was in full swing at that point in time and already a few of the dancers had seemed to be dragged off by some of the soldiers, and Eristella was being taken to the hospital wing as well.
Bailey watched as some of the dancers were taken once more and she hoped that she could make it till the end of the night with out getting sick once more

Lo-Wen carried the guard into the medical wing and then laid him on the bed so that he could be properly tended too
A few doctors were coming over to find out what was going on, and soon enough Eristella was being lead into the room. "He was stabbed in the heart, or would have been if he hadn't moved, which resulted in his artery being nicked. I did what I could at the time." the young woman was speaking although she definitely looked like a mess, still having blood on her clothing and in her hair.
Lo-Wen looked at the doctors and then moved out of the way before speaking "I am going to report to the king about what happened." Lo-Wen then turned and headed out to let the man know about the attack.
A maid was coming into the room and was escorting Eristella off so that she could get cleaned up since the guard was now in the hands of other doctors.
Damion was just looking over for a moment in time before he spoke, "The rebels actually tried to go after my doctor... and to use her as a hostage against me. Now that is just foolish."
"yes it seems though that the rebel we have in the cells protected her so for now he is not going to be harmed mainly at her request" Lo-Wen had helped there but he had figured the male had earned it for the time being
Damion was just nodding his head before he chuckled, "To think that we have the right hand of the leader and we still haven't learned anything yet. But he has already done something that perhaps the rebels wouldn't agree with. Protecting the daughter of the tyrant. But I'm assuming... He doesn't know." No he was aware that Bailey was nearby and listening, but he didn't think much of it.
Lo-Wen nodded "he is not aware of who she is at this point"

Bailey kept her head down but listened in on the conversation a little annoyed that the man had saved her but she he hadn't known who she was she couldn't blame him for protecting someone he considered innocent. Bailey was curious as to why he was attacked when she hadn't ordered it at all
"Good let us keep it that way for now. I would rather the rebels not know about her existence. I have kept her hidden from the world for a reason." Damion was speaking before he was dismissing Lo-Wen to go and enjoy his night.
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