The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Lo-Wen nodded and then bowed before heading off but not before motioning to Bailey as a silent warning that the female had been listening in on the conversation.
Damion was just looking towards her for a moment before questioning, "Did you find the conversation interesting, pet?"
Bailey jumped and then shook her head "no sir" Baliey didn't want to let on that she was part of the rebellion let alone the leader
Damion was just leading her towards what appeared to be a fight ring where she would recognize a few rebels - fighting against some of his hounds. "This is where I will send anybody that tries to harm my daughter. These beasts are more protective of her than even those that created them." he was commenting in a matter of fact voice.

As this was happening, as Lo-Wen was walking through the hallway of the palace he would find himself all of a sudden being collided into. When he looked he would see one of the dancers on the ground in front of him, her dark hair just strewn all over the place. She was covered in various bruises and seemed to be bleeding from a couple of fresh cuts. And she looked terrified at that point in time; although it was hard to tell what she was afraid of. The fact that she had run into the most brutal of the generals upon fleeing from the man who had been abusing her... or the fact that she had been abused.
Bailey blanched and then nodded her head "I understand sir" Bailey watched as some of her people were harmed and attacked by the hounds and while she wanted to help them she knew doing so would give her away.

Lo-Wen looked at the female and then spoke "tell me who harmed you" Lo-Wen knew she was one of the dancers and he knew that that order for them not to be harmed had gone out so he was interested in who had harmed her
The dancer was just looking up a bit startled when he was speaking to her and she was just cringing a bit when she did hear the voice of the man in the distance, yelling for her and soon enough the drunk soldier seemed to be coming into view. The young woman was on her feet almost instantly and just seemed to be backing away slowly.

Damion was just watching for a moment in time, a grin on his lips.
Bailey trembled a bit knowing full well if he found out about her that she would end up in worse shape than they were "Why did you bring me here?" Bailey didn't understand why she had been brought there

Lo-Wen moved the girl behind him and then watched for the male
"Move out of the way.... I choose her.... She is mine... Finders... Keepers." the soldier spoke, clearly very drunk and had no idea who he was even talking too. The dancer was behind him shivering a bit.

"To show you what happens to those that disobey me." Damion was speaking after a moment in time.
Bailey nodded her head and then shivered before turning and looking away from the men not wanting to watch it anymore

Lo-Wen grabbed the male by his neck and then spoke harshly "look at who you are talking to boy"
The soldier did seem to sober up a bit and the dancer could see his eyes starting to go rather wide when he realized. She was just leaning against the wall at that point in time, using that for balance to keep herself on her feet.
Lo-Wen then summoned another set of guards and tossed the male to them "lock him up Ill personally deal with him later for daring to break the kings rules.

after a bit Bailey was moving away from the king to get sick once more. Bailey knew that leaving his side with out permission could get her into trouble but she doubeted he wanted to be puked on
This had the guards nodding and they were taking the man away. If Lo-Wen turned to check on the black-haired female he would find that she had sank down onto the ground leaning against the wall. There was a decent amount of blood on the ground where she was sitting from the gash on her thigh that the soldier had left on her. She had done her best to do a makeshift bandage before running away, but it wasn't working the best anymore.

Damion was just watching for a brief moment in time before he was ordering for a guard to take her to the hospital wing and to have Eristella look at her personally. "All of the other doctors are men and she is mine."
Bailey looked at them and then at the king and shook her head "I will be fine sire there is no need for me to be seen by a doctor" Bailey didn't want anyone poking at her at that point in time.

Lo-Wen then walked over to her and checked on her before picking her up and carrying her off to his rooms so that he could tend to her
"You will be going to see a doctor and that is final." Damion spoke in a stern voice after a moment in time.

Lo-Wen would find that she seemed to have passed out and there were far more bruises than what had been visible now that her hair was out of the way. The soldier had definitely had quite a bit of fun using her as a punching bag, although the bruising around her neck was pretty serious as well. The man having decided to just taking to choking her a number of times to the point she had almost passed out.
"yes sir" Bailey knew arguing with him would be bad and could get her in to some trouble so she followed the guards to the medical wing more then a little worried about what would be found.

Lo-Wen tended to the cuts and bruises and even the deep cut on her leg was tended to by him while she was out and couldn't fight him
The guards were leading her to the medical wing and it seemed like Eristella was back, now dressed in clean clothes and was tending to the guard that had been injured earlier. "Lady Eristella. The king commands that you tend to his dancer." one of the guards spoke in a rather harsh voice which had the silver haired female give a small nod of her head.

The dancer did seem to rouse at some point while he was tending to her although it didn't seem like it was for long at all. No she had lost a decent amount of blood from the various cuts, especially the deep cut on her leg. Had it gone over anymore and it would have gotten the artery. He would also notice some bruising on the inside of her thighs as though the soldier had tried to force himself on her. While the king didn't care what the men did to the dancers.... the main rule wasn't to be physically harming them under any circumstances.
Lo-Wen documented everything once she was tended to and then waited for her to wake up so that he could get her name to add to the file so that when he sent it to the medical wing they knew who it belonged to

Bailey watched the female as she came over to check her over but she remained silent as if she tried to talk the woman out of it it would be reported to the king and she would be in trouble
Eristella was wandering over and just lightly touching Bailey, using the minimal amount of magic to check her over. It didn't take her long to figure out what was going on. "Congratulations, you are pregnant."

The dancer did end up fully waking up after a while and was just looking around a bit slowly.
Bailey plaed at the news and then watched as one of the guards rushed off and informed the king that his pet was pregnant.

Lo-Wen looked at her and then spoke "what is your name"
The dancer was just looking for a moment but she didn't say anything - no trying to even speak to set off a coughing for that had tears forming. Okay not for lack of wanting to tell him - but her throat was quite sore and she didn't have a voice at the time.

Eristella was just giving a soft smile at the news, somehow keeping her smile up even at one of the guards was making a snide commenting t about how he hoped this heir didn't turn out flawed like it's older sister. A direct attack at Eristella, who seemed to just push it aside. But it we obvious his words hurt her.
Bailey looked at the male and while she wanted to say something she couldn't because even right then the male out ranked her and she could be punished for back talking to him. the one guard who had left walked up to the king and bowed "my king Layd Eristella examined her and found that your pet is pregnant"

Lo-Wen offered her some water to sip at to help with her throat
It wasn't long before the guard just seemed to be leaving the hospital wing, not even bothering to take Bailey. Nope he figured the king would be there soon.

She sipped at the water slowly, which seemed to help soothe her throat some. But not enough for her to do a lot of talking. It was at least enough for her to get her name out. Braelyn.
once he was gone Bailey spoke "please tell me you weren't serious about me being pregnant" Bailey was terrified of what was going to happen

Lo-Wen nodded his head and then wrote her name on the file before catching one of the staff and giving them orders to take the file to the medical wing
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