The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

There were some other people that were down there already - people that deserved to be punished. People who had killed innocents just for the sake of killing. Damion was going over and taking his seat with a few of the nobles that were following after him, Eristella still being dragged along by one of them for the pair of them to stop near the edge of the pit to be closer to the show. Although there was a chance that if Vin noticed this he would get a rather bad feeling about it as well.
Vin did get a bad feeling but when he was attacked her dodged his movements much like that of his sister Bailey light and fast. The two had grown up together and both had danced this would be obvious to those who had watched his sister dance closely
Damion was just watching for a brief moment in time, his eyes just watching the man for a moment in time before he was giving a faint chuckle. His movements were strangely similar to that of his pet - almost as though the two of them were related in some manner. Perhaps he would have to have her ordered to be brought back up so that he could question about it.
Everything seemed to calm down after a bit - there were a number of the people that had been killed. There were a number that were still standing and some that were injured. Damion was clapping his hands and was congratulating everybody that had successfully survived stating that they would be given a prize. Yet things did go a little chaotic when there was some commotion and a bit of fighting between some of the nobles about his decision. There were some nobles were falling into the pit on accident, and some of the fighters within the ring were instantly going in for the kill. The noble that was with Eristella was just looking towards the king for a moment and seemed to speak something to him - something that only made sense to Damion at the time. Things did seem to go slow motion and before anybody could react the man was actually pushing Eristella backwards into the pit as well.
Vin moved fast and caught Eristella before she could hit the ground. Vin didn’t save her because she helped him but because a female didn’t deserve to be shoved in to the pit
Eristella was more than startled by this and hadn't even been given the time to react at all to what was happening - downfall of being blind she hadn't even seen it coming at all. She felt herself falling but in the end she felt herself being caught by somebody, which only had her giving a small gasp. No she was definitely shaking, no doubt about that... but any sane person would be if they had that happen to them.
Vin spoke softly to her “stay down stay small I’ll keep you safe” Bin killed anyone who got too close to her while waiting for someone to come and get the woman
Eristella recognized the voice as the man from the cell, more than confused as to what was going on. Although he found find after a bit that he didn't need to do anything not with the gates raising and a few hounds stalking out of them, and making their way over. A call by Damion at that point in time until one of his generals could get down there since they were actually the closest.
Vin froze when the hounds entered as he didn’t know how they would react to him. Vin then looked at the generals and guards who were entering the pit as well all of them heading in his directions
Eristella was just sitting against the wall at that point in time although she was finding her way to her feet and just listening to the noises around her. A hound did come over and snarl a bit at Vin but didn't do anything, not with Eristella holding out a hand as though to halt them.
One of the guards was striking over and pointing a sword at him before commanding him to step away from the woman while one of the generals was going over to guide her away to a safer place. "Bring him with. Unharmed. King's orders. The king wishes to give him a prize for not only winning today but for protecting her Ladyship." one of the other generals was speaking.
It wasn't long before they were all heading to the throne room and Damion was just looking towards them for a brief moment in time, just leaving Eristella with the general that she seemed to be next. No she was safe enough, yet he was sure that if Lo-Wen showed up she would cling to him like a frightened child. The pair of them mind as well have had a brother-sister relationship. With that his eyes were flickering towards that of Vin before he spoke, "I am told that this is now the second time that you have protected my doctor. So this begs the question... what reward would you like."
Damion was just looking over for a moment before he questioned, "Oh? You want to learn medicine. And why is that? Or are you hoping to join the group of doctors that travels down into the caverns." No it would just be best for Vin to be honest at that point - there was a chance that Damion would be more forgiving about it. In the end he was waving a hand before he spoke, "You can train under Eristella then."
“I would like to help those below” VIN hoped her hadn’t noticed the similarity to his sister but he didn’t know if the king noticed these things
Damion was just chuckling a bit before he was speaking, "And there it is. I will humor you and allow you to study medicine. If you try anything... I will you have you killed. Now you are all dismissed. Eristella why don't you show him to the hospital wing."
Vin nodded his head and the. Followed after her. Vin wouldn’t try anything but he could communicate with people if need be to do what needed to be done
Eristella just walked along, her fingers running along the wall as she did so. No thankfully she knew her way around the palace so well - it made this so much easier. Yet she was pretty silent at that point in time, not really wishing to say anything. Her mind was still all over the place from hearing those words from that guard earlier and then what had just happened. Honestly she hadn't realized that people seemed to hate her that much.... well now that they knew that she was Damion's daughter anyways. How one's impression turned on people when they learned that one new fact... now all of a sudden people saw her as a terrible person. But she wasn't, at least she didn't think that she was a terrible person.
Vin walked with her keeping quiet while he followed her and looked at the guards following them.

One of the generals and seen how the male moved and then spoke to the king “shall I fetch your pet my king that male moved a lot like she does”
"Yes why don't you do that." Damion was commenting after a moment in time before he was taking the wine that was being offered to him.

Eristella was leading him into the hospital wing and some of the others that were in there seemed to be leaving quickly enough.
The guard bowed and then headed out to go and grab Bailey before she returned underground.

VIN looked around and wondered if things would change or not
Eristella was just showing him around the hospital wing, pointing out where everything was. People would seriously wonder half the time if she was just faking being blind - but even a blind person could just get so use to something that they knew everything down to the detail. As long as nothing in the room was moved she was fine, even the smallest of things out of place could lead to a disaster.
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