The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Vin looked at listened to her while she described every thing.

Bailey was soon walked up to where the king was and she looked at the male waiting to see what he wanted
Damion just looked towards her before he told her about the interesting man that he had seen in his pits fighting earlier, telling her down to the detail what Vin looked like. "Strange how he seemed to move so similar to you." the king was commenting after a moment.

Eristella was just finishing up showing him where everything was before she spoke, "Most of the medicines I will make myself. So if those are getting low one just needs to let me know so that I can get some more made."
Bailey paled a little at him describing her brother to her. “He could have learned to dance the same time I did” Bailey didn’t want the king to know he was her brother.

Vin nodded his head and then asked where he would sleep
"Since you are my student you shall be sleeping near my chambers." Eristella was speaking and gestured for him to follow after her before she was heading out of the room, hand running along the wall once they got into the hallway.

Damion was just looking before he spoke, "The movements are too similar. As though... you two are related."
Eventually they were stopping outside of a room that seemed to be right next to a set up spiral stairs. "This will be your room." Eristella was speaking as she was pushing open the door. It was a comfortable little room with a bed, a dresser, and even had a bathroom attached. It was rather spacious.
Vin walked in to the room and then nodded his head lightly

One of the guards acted out and smacked Bailey for refusing to answer the king which just had her holding her face
Damion was just looking at the guard for a moment before he questioned, "Did I give you permission to strike her?" With that he was gesturing for another guard to come forward and was stating for him to lash him ten minutes and was shooing them both out.

"Feel free to get some rest. If you need anything I am up the stairs next to your room. I don't advise trying to leave without me with you." Eristella was commenting in a soft voice.
“I understand” Vin then walked in to the room and walked over to the bed and laid down

Bailey looked at the king before she spoke “I don’t know what you want from me”
After that Eristella was dismissing herself and heading up to her room so that she could rest as well.

Damion just looked over then spoke, "You to be honest."
Vin leaned back and closed his eyes allowing sleep to claim him

Bailey looked at him "I honestly don't know why you think I would know this man" Bailey would do anything even lie to the king ot keep her brothers safe from the man
"what makes you think I am lying" Bailey took a deep breath and stared him down wondering what had given the two of them away while they had learned to dance together her brother had never taken the lessons as seriously as she had which was why she had been picked for the dance company
Damion was just looking before he spoke, "I do pay close attention to how one moves. It that hard to tell. Even all of the other dancers... none of them move how you do."

As this was happening, Braelyn was waking up once again and just looking around a bit. Oh yeah she was in the generals room still.
this had Bailey going visibly pale to the point he would notice the loss of color in her face

Lo-Wen looked at her and then offered her the broth her had brought which was still warm
Damion was just looking towards her for a moment before he spoke, "So either tell me or... I can torture him for the truth. Oh a fun fact for you.... He decided to study medicine as a reward for rescuing my daughter twice now. I'm sure he is planning to use it as means to try and escape...."

Braelyn was just looking for a moment before she was slowly sitting up and just taking it from him carefully, just sipping at it.
"he's my older brother" Bailey didn't want him to be tortured because she refused to tell him who Vin was or their connection Bailey had hoped that he would leave it be but it seemed like that wouldn't be the case she just hoped he wouldn't use it against her later.

Lo-Wen watched her lightly and let out a small sigh at the smell of her blood. Lo-Wen had always liked the taste of it along with is scent so he was considering offering her the position of his full time feeder it would make it so that she couldn't be touched by anyone but him
Damion was just looking over before he spoke, "See being honest isn't that difficult. But I suppose since he is remaining here... I can be nice and allow you to remain above."

Braelyn was just sipping at the soup a bit before she was questioning when she would be able to return home.
Baile looked at his sharply and stared at him "at what cost" Bailey knew something like this didn't come with out a price and she was worried that he would want something from her.

Lo-Wen looked at her "once you have been cleared by a doctor to return home but I have an offer for you if your interested"
"I haven't quite decided yet." Damion was commenting with a small hum.

Braelyn just paused while sipping at the soup and was just looking at him for a moment with a look that said she was listening.
Bailey stood and waited she would rather go below again than risk being stuck with him but it was considered rude to refuse before the price had been told

Lo-Wen looked at her "I would like for you to become my feeder"
Braelyn was just looking at him for a moment before she questioned, "And what would that entail exactly? I do love dancing.... It is my passion. It isn't something that I would want to give up so easily"
"you would still dance if you wished I won't stop you but it does mean that you come at my beck and call if I need to feed or for other pursuits should i chose" Lo-Wen could use her in other ways if he wished since she would belong to him
Braelyn was just looking towards him before she spoke, "I'm not really a come at beck and call type of person. I enjoy my freedom, or what little freedom I have."
"you would have more freedom with me than you do now but it is a request not an order" Lo-Wen wouldn't force her to be his feeder if she didn't want too

Bailey stood waiting for the kings price fro staying above ground
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