The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

"then get some rest we head below in the morning to get your brother" Lo-Wen walked to the other side of the bed and settled in to get some sleep
Come morning Lo-Wen was the first of the two awake and once he was up he got dressed before gathering the clothes that had been gotten for Braelyn and waking her up
Braelyn most definitely wasn't awake when the sun came up, not even close. It seemed a little difficult to actually wake her up when he did wake her up, but she was in the end. Obviously still utterly exhausted from everything lately but she was getting up. "Oh these clothes are like my normal clothes..."
"get dressed we are going to get your brother and you are getting looked at as well" Lo-Wen wanted to make suer she was doing ok and that she was going to be ok for him to feed when the time came
Braelyn was just looking for a moment in time before she was nodding her head and was getting up to get changed.
Braelyn was just changing although after a moment she looked at Lo-Wen and questioned if he had anything she could use to tie her hair up with for the time being.
Once they were down below everybody seemed to stray away when they saw Lo-Wen, but they seemed happy to see that Braelyn was alright. She lead him through the caverns to a little nook turned into a small house where a little boy was laying. And elderly woman was sitting in there and was looking up when she heard noise. "Oh welcome back. He just had his medicine and fell asleep." the elderly woman spoke and hobbled off, leaving Braelyn to go over to her brother.
Lo-wen walked over and scooped the boy up into his arms before speaking "gather what you and he will need including any medicines"
"He was given the last of his medicine today. The doctor that we usually have make the medicine above decided that he wanted to last minute double how much I had to pay him.... So I wasn't able to get more." Braelyn was speaking before she was gathering a few of their things, not that she had much to gather before she was going over to take her brother from him.
Lo-wen motioned for her to guide them out of the area as he wasn't use to any of this "lets get him to the doctors so he can be looked over"
Braelyn was nodding before she was guiding him out of the area, some of their other dancers telling her to stay safe.
Braelyn was just following after although her eyes were flickering towards the doctor that had made the medicine the first time. It almost seemed like the man hadn't realized that it was Lo-Wen that had some in with the boy and asked if she was whoring herself out now to get money for the medicine. "Just let me have a go and you'll get it made for free." The doctor was speaking, and a few others were a bit wide eyed for him.
Lo-Wen looked at him and after setting the boy down on the bed and walked over and got really close to the male “touch what is mine and you will not live to make the same mistake again”
The doctor seemed to go rather pale when the general came over and Braelyn just watched before going over to her brother who seemed to wake up a bit, and she just gently stroked his hair.
"get out of here now" Lo-Wen was not going to put up with the male and would have a different doctor look the boy over or he would request Eristella to look the young child over and heal him. Lo-Wen then turned and headed back over to Braelyn "Someone will be over soon to check on him, but not that man"
Braelyn was just nodding her head as she just gently stroked her brother's head to keep him calm, just humming to him softly.
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