The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

A maid was giving a bow before heading off to do just that, being halted by the guards that were standing at the base of the stairs - both making sure the man stayed in his room, and to make sure that Eristella was safe. "I was asked by General Lo-Wen to come and get Lady Eristella."
A guard was allowing the maid to go up and it wasn't long before the maid was coming back down, and soon enough Eristella was wandering down.
Eristella was just heading off towards the hospital wing although was listening to a doctor grumble as he was walking past. "You know you wouldn't have gotten into trouble if you had heeded my warning last time you tried this." she was commenting and he was actually growling a bit and seemed to have a look like he was going to swing at her.
The doctor seems to scowl a bit before he is stating that he is an idiot for protecting the useless doctor. "Blind I may be, useless I am not." Eristella was commenting.
Vin chuckled “I’ll make sure the king knows how you feel I am sure he will be interested in hearing this” Vin had seen how pissed the male got when it came to her
This had Vin laughing “shows how little you know me” Vin then turned and urged Eristella on so that they could get to the medical wing
Eristella was just allowing herself to be guided over to where the boy was at and just tilting her head some. "What seems to be going on?"
Eristella was going over and Vin would be able to actually see her first hand working healing somebody .
Braelyn seemed to be returning from where ever she had been although seemed a little startled to see Vin there, but she didn't say anything at the time, just went over to sit next to her brother as the woman seemed to heal him.
Braelyn was just inclining a bit in return and was just watching as the other woman was drawing her hands away from her brother. "He will be fine. We will be asleep for the next eight hours but that is normal. When he wakes up he will be perfectly fine." Eristella was speaking in a soft voice.
Eristella is nodding her head and takes a step away from the boy, although seems a bit unsteady for a moment. "Of course. I'm glad that he is alright."
Eristella could feel his light touch and is just leaning into it a bit to steady herself for a moment.
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