The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Braelyn was juat looking before she spoke "I had a run in with a violent guard and was under the care of the general until my injuries healed. But now... I will be remaining up above as apart of a deal I made. I'm return for being a feeder, my brother was able to join me here and get actual medical care." Yet Bailey would know that she would do anything to keep her brother safe - even if it put herself in danger. That she had proved a few times before.
Braelyn was looking over for a moment before she was speaking "If I need to take Carsyn and flee then so be it. I juat did what was going to be best for him. The doctor was refusing to give me medication unless I slept with him."
Bailey paled at bit “running would not be wise Braelyn I don’t know much about this general but running could lead to more issues I would just do what ever he asks if it means your both safe” Bailey was saying one thing but she wasn’t going to give in to the king all that easily
Braelyn was just staring "I believe I can trust him. He has already gotten a Hesler to take care of Carsyn. He is actually healthy for once."
"I should get going though. Keep yourself safe. Also... I met the kings Head doctor... A sweet young woman. But it seems she also has a number of enemies. Oh and I saw Vin." Braelyn was commenting.
Bailey looked at her sharply “you saw him” Bailey hadn’t know. He was in the castle while the king had asked about him she hadn’t known he was there
Braelyn was just nodding her head before she spoke, "Yes he had come into the hospital wing with the doctor - it seems that he is studying under her or something along those lines."
Bailey nodded her head lightly “as long as he is ok” Bailey worried about both of her brothers and seeing that Vin was safe make her worry less
Bailey waved and then watched her leave. Bailey then turned and headed back to her room as one of the guards was there to escort her back as she hadn't been given permission to leave the room
Braelyn headed towards the medical wing where her brother was still resting and was going over to him when she saw that he was awake.
Damion was simply listening to everything that was being said to him about the rebels from all around. They were a problem that was for sure - although he had hoped that the announcement that he had a daughter would have resulted in something. After all he had just more or less handed them an easier target to go after. Especially since right now he was sure that she was isolated in her room, probably curled up in her nest and still asleep.
Lo-Wen looked at one of the guards when he mentioned the rebels seemed to be acting more underground for the time being as it wasn't like they could easily get above ground
Damion just musing for a moment before he spoke, "We will thin out the guards a bit where they usually sneak in from. Create an opening, but not make it too obvious."
Lo-Wen nodded his head and then looked over when one of the guards mentioned Vin and him being close to the princess would pose a problem as he had already proven that he would protect her
Damion was just looking over before he spoke, "Yes but the man also doesn't know that she is the princess at all. He just believes that she is a doctor that is employed here. Nothing more. But I do have to wonder... will he react differently if he found out? Treat her differently like so many other have. One small piece of information changes how a person views another. Before people went to her for help all the time - she was kind and compassionate to all. But now that the truth is out, despite her actions of being gentle - she is treated like a villian by some."
Lo-Wen nodded and he couldn't help but wonder what the king was thinking. Lo-Wen then looked around as people all started talking at once some recommending they send the princess below to heal and see what happens but Lo-Wen shot it down as their normal doctors had issues down there let alone the princess who would be truly blind down there and have no ways to escape
Damion however did seem to be considering it a bit before he spoke, "We can send her down there with the other doctors when they go down next, and the rebel that insisted on learning medicine."
Damion was just looking before he spoke, "If you are so concerned then you can sent a few undercover guards as well."
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