The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Carsyn was giving a nod of his head, slowly. "Don wake her up... She juat feel asleep. She doesn't sleep much."
Lo-Wen nodded his head "she will get more rest now" Lo-Wen grabbed a chair and pulled it up and sat next to him before looking at the boy "once your cleared your going to learn how to be a knight"
Carsyn was juat looking for a moment before he spoke that he didn't know how to fight... And that he didn't want to leave his sister. Honestly Lo-Wen telling him that it would be away for him to protect his sister would probably be enough of a determination factor for him.
"you won't be leaving her but it is also a way for you to learn how to protect not only yourself but your sister as well I will be the one teaching you so i expect you to focus during the lessons" Lo-Wen would teach him right and fast the boy would be known as a knight by the time he was fifteen if he had his way
"I could become strong and protect Braelyn... Yes! I want to do it! I... I want to be able to keep her safe! She has always kept me safe.... " carsyn was speaking.
"good that is how it should be you should always protect and only harm when you absolutely have too" Lo-Wen then looked at Braelyn and decided the he would do as he pleased with her and that included taking her to his bed.
Carsyn just watched for a moment and spoke in a small, almost scared voice "Please... Don't hurt her. I don't like seeing her hurt. S... she always let's people hurt her... If it means I'll be protected.... I... If she offered you something to help me... Let me repay it! I can do it. I... If it is money I... I have some... " He digs out a few coins that would even be enough to buy a meal but Lo-Wen would be able to tell he just wants to keep his sister safe.
Lo-Wen touched his hand lightly "I wont hurt your sister but right now what is between me and your sister is our business and not something i will talk with you about." Lo-Wen looked at him and could tell her really wanted to protect his sister but there was nothing he could do about their relationship at this point in time. Lo-Wen then looked at Braelyn and then at the doctor who came and looked at Carsyn declaring him well enough to leave the medical wing
Carsyn was just looking towards him before he spoke, "That doesn't mean that I can't say to not hurt her! She has had enough mean men hurt her." He was then looking at the doctor who was saying that he could leave the medical wing. This did have the boy worried a bit before he spoke, "I....I don't want to go back down there... Not without Braelyn..." No he knew that most of the time when they were brought above for healing they were always sent back down below.
“Your not going back below you have permission to remain up here” Lo-Wen carefully picked Braelyn up in his arms and then looked at the boy “come on I’ll show you to your room”
"R...really? I can stay.... " Carsyn seemed excited although is eyes were going towards his sister for a moment as though worried that she had gotten hurt again in exchange for this.
Carsyn was just looking for a moment before he was speaking, "Umm.... Big sister was always coming back with new bruises. One time a doctor came with my medicine and got upset with her because she wouldn't do something. He ended up punching her in the tummy. She had a bruise for a while." That was the last time that he could think of anyways.
Lo-Wen nodded his head before he spoke “she won’t be hurt by me but I do have things I may require of her from time to time”
Carsyn was wandering into the room and just looking around some before going over to climb up onto the bed.
"go ahead and sleep some more your healing probably took a bit out of you" Lo-Wen then turned and headed to his own room to settle Braelyn in his bed
Carsyn was nodding his head and crawling under the blankets to get comfortable. Braelyn seemed to be rousing some and just rubbing her eyes, having not even realized that she had fallen asleep.
Braelyn was just looking towards him for a moment in time before she was mumbling something under her breath but she was in the end going back to sleep. No it couldn't hurt at that point in time - and it had been a while since she had last sleep for longer than a few hours.
Braelyn was just curling up and falling back into a fitful sleep. The palace was quiet for the rest of the night, the king having his fun with his new pet. Eristella had wandered out of her room although it wasn't really all that strange. She usually seemed to wander at night, especially out in the gardens.
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