The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Eristella was just shaking her head before she was speaking, "There is no need to worry at all." With that she was just turning to head back inside.
Eristella was heading back to her room to rest for the rest of the night.

The next morning came around, and Damion was leaving his room to go inform the doctors that they were needing to get ready to be headed down. Bailey was still chained by the ankle to the bed, and was still naked after he had ended up having his fun during the night.

Braelyn had ended up waking up at some point when the sun had come up and was just standing near the window, just watching it for a moment - a strange thing as it had been so long sine she had seen it.
as soon as the king left Bailey pulled her clothes on and then looked at the chain and wondered if it would be removed so she could wander or not.

Lo-Wen looked at her when he woke up and then got up and walked up behind her "we'll have breakfast with your brother and then he starts his lessons"
Braelyn was just looking over at him for a brief moment in time before she was giving a nod of her head before looking out the window once again. "Please... If you are outdoors... Try to keep him out of the sun as much as you can. He has never been exposed to it - so his body will not be use to the sun's rays." Which meant exposing it to him little at a time.
"I will speak with his sword instructor on this after lunch but he will have to get use to it and fast" Lo-Wen then looked at her and moved her from the window "its time to eat lets go get your brother"
Braelyn was just looking for a moment before she was just pursing her hips and simply apologizing for asking for such a thing, and was soon enough following after him. No she knew that she didn't have the right to ask for anything up there.
Carsyn was coming over to the door and opening it, looking in a bit of disarray as he was wearing the uniform that he had been given - although it was obvious that it was a little too big for him. This had Braelyn was just looking for a moment before she was going over to help adjust it all a bit. "I'll get some thread and a needle, and I'll get this fitting him more."
Lo-Wen looked at the uniform before speaking "no need he will have the correct size by lunch and can save this one for when he is bigger"
Braelyn was just giving a small nod of here head before she was speaking, "I... Truly don't mind doing the work." No she definitely wasn't use to stuff being fitted and tailored by another - usually she did all of that. They just got what they were given and she needed to do the dewing herself to make it fit.
Lo-Wen shook his head before guiding the two of them to the dinning room "should the king join us when he enters you will both stand and bown following my lead and do not speak unless he speaks to you"
This had both of them nodding their heads and they followed him into the dining room. It didn't seem like long before the king was entering the room and he seemed to be in an annoyed mood about something. Things did go a little array though when Carsyn was innocently asking if he was alright - just that concerned child and Braelyn was moving quickly to cover him when one of the guards was lashing out at him with a whip. The young woman easily taking the lash without making too much of a noise, yet Carsyn would notice that she had bit her lip hard enough for it to bleed a bit. The boy just giving a frightened whimper.

Damion was just holding out a hand to stop the guard from lashing out again before he questioned, "Why does this boy dare speak to me?"

"I apologize for my younger brother, your majesty. He is still young and due to this young age he tends to pick up on the emotions of others a bit more easily. He picked up that your Majesty wasn't alright and was concerned for your Majesty, resulting in him forgetting the rules and inquiring on your wellbeing." Braelyn was speaking, keeping her voice neutral despite her back stinging a bit from the whip - a few spots having started to bleed minorly.

Damion was walking over and was having Braelyn raise her head to look at him before he was speaking, "I will forgive it this time as he is a child and wasn't aware of the rules. But there will not be a next time."

The young woman was inclining her head before she spoke, "Thank you your majesty. I shall be sure to teach him properly now that we are in your grace more than ever before."
Lo-Wen didn't move when she was hit with the whip as they had both been warned. Lo-Wen then bowed to the king before motioning to them to sit once Damion had sat down. Lo-Wen shifted uncomfortably at the smell of her blood and knew he would need to feed sooner than later
Carsyn was just apologizing to his sister in a soft voice but she was just reassuring him that she was fine and that he didn't need to worry at all. The king was just looking for a moment before he was speaking, "I shall forgive what occurred as neither of you have ever been on the surface and in my presence before. The guard that lashed out without my approval shall be dealt with." Nope it seemed that at the time there was no blame being cast on them at the time.
Lo-Wen looked at the guard who paled as he knew he was in some serious trouble since word had gotten out that the female belonged to Lo-Wen
It wasn't long before the guard was just exiting the room, taking it as he wasn't going to be punished right away. Perhaps he could beg for forgiveness still. Soon enough everybody was allowed to eat, with Braelyn cutting up the food for her brother so that he could eat.
Lo-Wen ate his own food in silence unless he was spoken to Lo-Wen normally didn't talk. as for the guard Lo-Wen looked forward to dealing with the male himself
It wasn't long before the king was dismissing himself although pausing to look at Carsyn for a moment before he spoke, "I will admit... I've never had a child be so brave as to speak out of turn around me other than my own. That bravery can be both a curse and a gift - dependent on how you use it. Train well and prove yourself." With that he was heading off.
Lo-Wen looked at Carsyn before he spoke "you are lucky child normally he isn't one to be forgiving" Lo-Wen then stood up having finished his own food so that they could leave
Carsyn was just apologizing profusely and hiding behind Braelyn, who was just holding an arm around his back to hold onto him gently. "It is fine Carsyn, mistakes happen. Now you know for next time." she spoke in a gentle voice.
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