The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

"I am more worried we won't be able to keep her safe as it stands if something should happen to you, there is only one person who can take over as your pet has not given birth to the child she is carrying and that child would be too young to rule anyways" Lo-Wen knew that things would get complicated and soon especially if Bailey gave birth to a son
"I'm sure that she will be fine as long as nobody learns the truth." Damion was commenting after a moment in time.
Lo-Wen sighed and nodded his head as there was little he could do once the king made up his mind about something "speaking of your pet what do you plan on doing with her"
Damion was just looking over for a moment, "I haven't quite decided. It is like asking what you plan to do with your pet."
"for now feed from her I may decide to take her to my bed I am not certain yet as for her brother I will train him to be a guard loyal to you" Lo-Wen looked to the king as he had thought about what he would do with his pet
Damion was just giving a nod before he was commenting, "I hope to see an heir from you eventually as well." With that he was dismissing everybody and was actually ordering for Bailey to be taken to his chambers.
Lo-Wen nodded his head and then bowed when the king left before he turned to go and let Ianite know she would be going below ground along with her student

Bailey was shocked when she was ordered to go to the kings room and she did struggle a bit as she had no desire to go there but in the end she ended up in his room
Eristella was just curled up in her nest still at the time, although she was awake.

The guards were managing to get her into the room and was putting a chain on her ankle so that she couldn't flee.
Bailey glared at the chain and then she went to work on trying to remove it

Lo-Wen walked to her room and then knocked on the door and waited
Lo-Wen walked in to the room and looked at her "the king has ordered that when the doctors go below next you and your student are to join them"

Bailey ended up huffing when she couldn't get the chain off and wondered what the hell was going on
Eristella was just blinking a bit at the news before she spoke in a slow voice, "The king wants us to go underground...."

Damion was walking into the room and ordering for her to strip.
Bailey whirled around and looked at him "no"

"yes I was in there when the order was given" Lo-Wen knew this would make her nervous but it was the kings order
"Either you do it yourself and give yourself to be willing. Or I will force you. Or you know what.... If you don't do as I command - I have two of your companions here. Your brother and a fellow dancer." Damion was speaking after a moment in time.

Eristella was just bowing her head before she spoke, "If that is what the king wishes.... then is shall be done."
"you bastard" Bailey hated the male and wanted nothing to do with him but she knew if she didn't then those she cared for would be harmed

Lo-Wen nodded his head and then mentally beat himself up over the movement since she couldn't seen him
Eristella was just giving a faint smile although it didn't last for long. "I shall inform my student myself."

Damion was just watching for a moment before he was waving for a guard and was ordering for them to fetch the woman that had been with the general.
"no leave her alone" Bailey then shuddered and started to remove her clothing

Lo-Wen looked at her "I have to pass his room I can tell him there is no need for you to do that"
Eristella was giving a small nod of her head.

Damion was dismissing the guard and telling him to never mind the previous order.
Bailey stripped as ordered but she shifted in a way to cover herself as much as possible. Bailey didn't want to sleep with the male but she had suspected that this would become her life

Lo-Wen then left stopping long enough to let Vin know the kings orders
Braelyn was sitting next to the bed that her brother was sitting in and seemed to be asleep, the boy just sitting up in bed. Although he looked a little afraid when the man came in and moved as though he was going to try and protect his sister.
Carsyn was just looking at him before he spoke, "T...That is what a lot of people have said you they have still tried..."
"your sister is under my care I have no reason to harm her" Lo-Wen wouldn't tell the child his sister belonged to him since that would only upset the child
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