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The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Lo-Wen walked with her his arms wrapped around her so that he was supporting her as she walked.

Bailey looked down the aisle and then walked down and joined the King at the alter. if everyone looked at her they would see a smile but the King would know she wasn't happy
Braelyn was just walking along beside him although she was pausing for a brief moment so that she could look outside, just looking at the bright sky in the distance. It looked so beautiful out - but it was one of those odd days where despite it being sunny it was raining.

Eristella was just watching for a moment although the wedding went off without a hitch, and the newly wed couple of able to go off so that they could do their own thing while the ballroom was getting set up. While this happened Eristella was deciding to go visit the doctor like Bailey had suggested.
Vin walked with her to the doctors office as she had mentioned it to him before the wedding had started. Vin was worried about her but he wasn't going to hover.

Bailey walked with Damion and wondered what the male was going to want to do while they waited for the reception to be set up
Eristella was walking into the doctor's office and was just explaining what had been happening recently - about the whole not feeling good. This had the doctor asking her a few questions about her health, and then it came to the more sexual related questions. About when the last time they had done it, the last time that she had had her period. This had her tilting her head before she was making the innocent comment that they had sex every night, which had the doctor questioning if they used protection. At the confused look the doctor seemed to get from both of them... he was certain that he knew the answer to what was going on especially when she was commenting that she had had her last period the week before they had done anything at first. They had ended up first having sex the night of the engagement which was about three and a half weeks ago. This had the doctor stating that he wanted to run a few tests but he was pretty sure that he had an idea of what was going on.
Vin nodded his head and then he looked at her and kissed the side of her head "everything is going to be ok" Vin was worried as well and wondered what was going on. Vin didnt know that she was pregnant and it wasn't even something that came to his mind at the time
Eristella was giving a nod of her head and let the doctor draw a little blood. It wasn't long before the doctor was returning and congratulating the pair, and informing them that they were expecting. This definitely had Eristella a little startled and the doctor was speaking, "And with what you've told me - you are probably about a month along, a little less."
Vin looked at the doctor and then at Eristella more than a little shocked that she was pregnant but it also had him worried as well as his sister had warned them of the Kings recent moods.

Bailey wandered away from the King to get sick and wash her mouth out. Bailey hated morning sickness and was looking forward to being in her second trimester when it would stop. Bailey didn't know if someone had told the King or not but she was hoping not
Eristella was just blinking a bit, seeming unsure how to process this information. "Did you two not know that babies are conceived when a man and a woman have sex; and the man ejaculates into the woman?" the doctor spoke after a moment in time which just had Eristella shaking her head some. Well that definitely explained it, how it had happened. The doctor was stating that if they were wanting to continue their nightly ritual they could but they were going to continue to run that chance of more children in the future. Unless birth control was put into place, although since that was more or less outlawed, or protection was used.
Eristella just seemed a little more disheartened at his sorry, him having said that before she was voicing her excitement and her fear. Oh maybe he wasn't wanting a child at all; and that is why he was apologizing to her. No she was excited... she had been told by many people that it was an exciting thing for a couple in love to be growing their family. And they were in love; even if they had been forced to get married. Yet this had her wondering if perhaps he wasn't as in love with her anymore... maybe it had just been being faked out of pity.
Vin hugged her and kissed her head but he didnt speak he didnt know if she wanted children and now they were having one and he felt bad for taking that choice from her.
Eristella was just speaking in a soft voice, "I....I'm happy.... But I'm scared...." This had the doctor chuckling before he spoke, "That is a normal reaction for new parents. It is a real thing and nothing to be ashamed off. Also... I have something here for you both. A letter from Lady Braelyn." Soon enough they were being handed a letter that had been written by Braelyn and sent to the doctor under the ruse of being from his daughter. But the man wasn't going to say anything at all.
Vin took the letter and then nodded his head "thank you for getting this to us" Vin tucked the letter away so that no one knew about it but the two of them
The doctor was giving a nod before shooing them off so that they could be on their way.

Braelyn wandered into the library with Lo-Wen and was just settling down in one of the chairs that was in the room; just letting out a slow breath as she did so.
Lo-Wen then asked her which book she would like to read while she relaxed.

VIn walked with her and held her hand as they walked "do you want to go to our room now and ready the letter or wait till after the reception
Braelyn was just looking before she spoke, "I am not really sure to be honest. I hope Eristella got my message." Over the past few weeks... the couple had actually been planning an uprising on the king. Lo-Wen having been training the men and Braelyn was just dealing with more of the planning portion than anything else.

Eristella looked and spoke, "Lets do it now."
Vin nodded his head and then walked with her to the room so that they could read the letter

Lo-Wen nodded his head he still didnt get why the king had changed so much but he was worried
Eristella was following after him towards their room.

Braelyn was just commenting that she was wanting to go out to town later.
Lo-Wen looked at her "we will have to clear it with the doctor but if he gives the all clear we can go" no Lo-Wen wasn't going to risk her going in to preterm labor but if the doctor cleared it he would take her to town

Once they were in their room Vin locked the door and then opened the letter to read to her
Braelyn was just looking at him for a moment before she spoke, "No no it is fine. It can wait." She just didn't want to be cooped up in the house anymore.

Being blind her whole life... Eristella didn't know how to read at all. She had no idea whatsoever - but to be fair that wasn't anybody's fault at all. Hard to learn something when you couldn't see what you were learning.
"no we can ask I just dont want to put you under more stress" Lo-Wen would take her if she was cleared to go.

Vin opened the letter and started to read to her
Braelyn was just looking before she spoke, "I just feel.... trapped here is all. I want to go outside or something other than just... be cooped up inside." Hell if there was a garden there she would be content with being in the garden; she just needed to get out.

Eristella listened as he read about how the pair of them were doing well, and the training was going quite well as well.
Lo-Wen nodded his head "I do have a garden here if you would like to go there once it stops raining?" Lo-Wen didnt have a green house so they couldn't go there
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