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The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Damion was just looking at her for a moment before he spoke, "That is true. It does. People not listening to me in general pisses me off. I still have yet to punish that useless daughter of mine for daring to strike me."
"you let her off for that what is the point of punishing her now when you didnt after it happened" Bailey looked at him and wondered why he had changed and become so crule
Damion was just looking for a moment before he spoke, "I have a more useful child now that you bore me a son versus her."
"she is still your daughter you should treat her with kindness even if she isn't your heir" Bailey hated the man and wondered why he became crule like he was
Damion was just looking over before he spoke, "That thing is not my daughter." With that he was just leaving and soon enough a few of his advisors were coming up to him. One of them Bailey would get a rather bad feeling from.
Bailey looked at the advisors and shuddered a bit and hoped she never had to deal with them after their wedding. bailey then looked over when the wedding planner came up to her so she could go to her dress fitting
It wasn't long before Vin would find himself perhaps a bit worried at the sudden cry from Eristella. A startled cry mixed with a slight cry of pain. There was a reason most of the time servants tended to fill the tub for her - so needless to say while adding a bit of cold water to try and cool the water down some - she had accidentally turned on the hot water; resulting in burning her hand a bit when she reached out to feel the temperature.
Eristella was just nodding her head before she was speaking, "I....Was just trying to... cool down the water a bit...."
Eristella was just speaking in a soft voice, "I...I'm sorry...." Even now that she did have her sight she seemed to messing stuff up.
Eristella was moving forward although she was looking away after a moment before she was stating that she didn't realize that men's bodies looked so different from a womans.
Vin held her close and just relaxed with her.

three weeks had passed since Braelyn and Lo-Wen had vanished and still no one had found them or knew where they had gone. this meant that the King was still in a bad mood and Bailey was walking on eggshells around him. at this time Bailey was sitting in their room in her wedding dress as it was the day of her wedding to the king and she was sitting starting outside while her son sat in his crib and cooed. Bailey looked at the nursemaid who was tending to Richard that day and thanked the woman. the two of them had gotten close over the last few weeks and she found it nice to have someone she could talk to about being a mother. Bailey was also sick once more and had gone to see the doctor again only to find out that she was once more expecting a child. this had her a little depressed but she also knew the king would be pleased to know he would have another child on the way.

Vin stood with Eristella as they waited with the other guests for the wedding to start. Vin had offered to walk his sister down the aisle but he had been told no by the king so he felt bad for his sister. Vin knew that she wasn't looking forward to the wedding but he also knew that she didn't have a choice in the matter either as the king had announced to everyone that they would be marrying.

Lo-Wen walked from his office to their room to check on Braelyn as he did every day. Lo-Wen had sent word to a local priest and asked to be married after their baby was born so that she wasn't stressed out. Lo-Wen knew this would make her much more comfortable in her position as his mate and wife. Lo-Wen walked into the room and smiled at her "I heard back from the priest and he said that it would be no problem to marry us after the baby is born" Lo-Wen walked over and kissed her lightly smiling at her
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It had been three weeks since Braelyn and Lo-Wen had disappeared from the palace without anybody knowing. Currently she was still strictly on bedrest, even more so than when she had first arrived to the mansion. Yet again it hadn't helped that the first week she had been there she had been sick from being stressed out, and just overall everything beginning to get to her. And it hadn't helped at all that eating hadn't been going well - not with solid foods anyways. She hadn't been able to keep it down at all, which didn't make things easy at all, and she had felt terrible about them making her all of this food for it to just got to waste. In the end the doctor was getting her started on some broth and more herbal remedies to help settle her stomach - stuff that she was able to digest, and still get in the needed nutrients. Now she was just looking at Lo-Wen as he coming in and talking to her about what the priest had said about being willing to marry them after the baby was born. Not that they really knew when the baby was going to be born - all they knew was her due date was coming up within the next three weeks but babies also liked to come on their own time.

Eristella was sitting next to Vin just holding onto his hand although in the recent weeks she hadn't really been feeling the best - although she didn't quite know why. And while she was a talented doctor, there were somethings that she wasn't sure herself. And this just happened to be because she was pregnant and suffering from morning sickness already - not that she knew that she was pregnant. Honestly the pair of them had been rather naive in all the times that they had had sex - never once using protection, never once thinking to look into anything about helping prevent pregnancy. There was a soft smile on her lips before she was giving Vin a kiss then spoke, "Stay here and watch the wedding. I'll be back shortly." With that she was getting up and leaving the room, just dismissing herself as though she wasn't feeling well. Yet it wasn't uncommon news that she had been sick lately - or whatever was going on. Others had an inkling they knew what was up.

It wasn't long before she was gliding up next to Bailey since her father was already in the room waiting for his bride to be. "Hey... I'll walk with you... My father can be upset with me all he wants. But since we are alone, I want to show you something... " Eristella was speaking to Bailey in a soft voice before she was actually pushing up her blindfold for a moment, one that Bailey would realize was a far thinner material than usual. The thin material actually allowed Eristella to still see through it but nobody else would know that she actually had her sight back - other than Vin and now Bailey, as the other woman would be able to see the vibrant color of her eyes.
Bailey looked at her and smiled "you can see" she was more than pleased to see that the young woman was able to see. Bailey then shook her head "you don't need to walk with me I don't want you to get in to trouble" Bailey had talked the king down from punishing her foe stinking him but it had cost her in the long term but she had done it to keep him from hurting her.

Vin watched her leave and then wondered what she was going to do but he suspected that she was going to see his sister.

Lo-Wen looked at her and spoke "how are you feeling" Lo-Wen worried about her health as she had gotten so sick after they had arrived so he was always checking on her
Eristella was just giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "I can but... Keep it between us." With that she was fixing the blindfold once again before she was stating that she looked beautiful, a smile on her lips. With that she was just shaking her head before she was speaking, "No I will do this... as a favor for Braelyn. She told me that you had wanted to do the same thing for me." But Braelyn had ended up doing it - only because at the time she had a little more protecting with being pregnant.

Braelyn was just looking towards him before she spoke, "I'm feeling alright. The maids were just here a bit ago and are getting me some tea; and something from the doctor to help ease the pain some."
Lo-wen nodded his head "that is good I am glad to hear that your feeling ok"

Bailey shook her head"it is ok really if he would have allowed it Vin would have walked me but given his mood recently I dont want to risk it." Bailey had been struck several times at this point and she didnt want Eristella to her hurt because she walked with her. "go back to Vin and sit with the others Ill be fine"
Eristella was shaking her head after a moment in time before she spoke, "While I want to argue with you .... I know that it isn't going to get me anywhere at all." With that she was taking a slight step away although Bailey would notice a faint look of sickness on her features for a moment in time.

Braelyn was just adjusting in bed a bit so that she was sitting up more although she was moving as though to get up from bed, stating that she was wanting to go sit in the library for a bit. No she had free roam of the house - although right now since she had been having more frequent dizzy spells - she wasn't allowed to go anywhere without somebody accompanying her. Safety purposes which made sense.
"after the wedding go see the doctor ok" Bailey smiled and her and then looked over whence was told it was time to start. Bailey stood and then walked with Eristella to the doors and then she sent her in to join Vin so she could walk down to meet the king. Bailey plasters a fake smile on her face but not until she had sighed

Lo_wen nodded his head and then helped her up so they could go to the library
Eristella was wandering over so that she could sit with Vin after reassuring Bailey that she would go to see the doctor after the wedding. Perhaps a good idea... she hadn't been feeling good for the last week give or take.

Braelyn was getting to her feet with a hand on the base of her stomach. No she wasn't enjoying this whole being pregnant thing anymore, and couldn't wait for the baby to just be born already.
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