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The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Eristella was just heading with him up towards their room although it was once they were safely locked away within her room that she was debating taking off the blindfold. Take in the new sights of a place taht should be more familiar first.
Eristella had her eyes closed still even after he had removed it, still cautious about opening her eyes. Thankfully though the lights were still off so that it wasn't super bright in there, ands he could slowly adapt.
Eristella was just questioning about various things in the room. Now that she could see them, they seemed a lot different now.
Vin watched as the water in the tub filled after her got it to the right temp

Bailey sat in the room and laughed when she learned that Braelyn and Lo-Wen had vanished and that the king was furious that they couldnt be found she had warned him that this would happen but he didnt belive her
Eristella was just stepping into the water when it was ready, and just sinking to sit down slowly.

Damion was just looking towards her for a moment before he spoke, "They will be found. and I will have them both punished."
"I warned you that this would happen but you didn't believe me" Bailey found the whole thing funny as she knew Lo-Wen would make sure that he couldn't find them "if you had stayed out of his relationship and not meddled he would still be here but no you wanted him to marry someone other then his mate and you had his mate raped to try and split them up" Bailey looked at him and knew she was poking a bear but she felt like doing so.

Vin smiled and then kissed her lightly "enjoy your bath"
Damion was just looking towards her before he spoke, "The woman was a whore. There are no questions about it."

Eristella was giving a small smile before she was settling into the hot water.
Bailey moved fast and even surprised herself when she struck him "no she wasn't unlike you she doesn't sleep with everything that moves"

Vin then headed back out ot hte room and laid on the bed
Damion was just laughing before he spoke, 'I suppose you haven't heard the word going on about her around the palace then."
"I have heard but i know her better then you ever did or will she is not a whore" Bailey glared at him and was a bit surprised he hadn't lashed out at her fro hitting him
Damion was just looking towards her before he spoke, "Oh and for striking me... and for pissing me off. Your son has been sent away for a few days with the nursemaid. Keep pissing me off and I'll tell her to keep him away longer."
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